“Your Identity in Yahuwah’s Three Books” is #137.0 under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim. ALSO: IT IS PODCAST CCLXXXIII by the same name, now available to listening under “Audio Teachings”/
This builds on the previous article: “Your Identity – Let Your Creator Define You.” This article and podcast are based on the article from 2012 under the Mikvah of Preparation: “The Three Books.” It focuses on the Book of Life, the Book of Remembrance, and the Book of Works. You’re either in the first two of them, or only in the last one. I believe that almost all on my subscription list are moving strongly in Book One and Book Two, so Book three will be rewards not punishment.
Look up the Scriptures if you really want to hear from Yahuwah in your spirit, and take it from Him who you are. Look them up, memorize the key ones. Let the Word re-program your mind, emotions, and strengthen your re-born spirit! He can’t do what He wants to do unless you do what He wants you to do.
This is the second of a series that will be on-going, written and podcasted.
Be strong “in the power of His might” as we approach the inevitable finalities before Yahushua returns.
Shalom! Blessings,
Yedidah, May 2, 2021