Yes! The Shocking News Is Really True and There’s More


“Yes! The Shocking News Really Is True and There’s More” is #214.0 under the Mikvah of Present Reality of Recent Articles.

This is a sequel to the previous article of December 14th: “Trump Makes Emergency Move …”/#213.0 Mikvah of Present Reality or Recent Articles.

Yes, it’s true – Trump saved us from an attempted invasion by China. He did some serious damage to the Chinese military in underground bases in America, including sinking a Chinese nuclear submarine off of Vancouver, British Columbia.

Yes, there is more, and I only scratch the surface of “more.” There is a public news blackout about this, but also about the situation with the New Madrid Fault line and the Cascadia region of the West Coast. Public news sure is not telling the truth about what is in the vaccines, but doctors and nurses are coming forth with it.

We’re sitting on the edge of a high precipice, and as Mike Adams said: “We’re past the tipping point.”

The quotes from inside sources in high places are telling the truth. How will you handle this upgrade of real-time happenings? Be sure to have read the first article “Trump Makes Emergency Move…” It is foundational for this article.

There have been 30,000 earthquake tremors in Antarctica in the last three months. Earth’s power base emanates from under the ice of Antarctica. Seismologists are very concerned. Our planet is shaking. Its rotation is off kilter.

Our sun is doing some dangerous things; radiation is pouring into the earth more and more from the sun, from 5-G, from other cosmic materials. The magnetosphere that protects us is weakening. The core of the earth is heating up, melting the magma/lava underneath, which is now moving. Great cracks are opening up in the earth, and America is in danger of splitting in three arenas, including splitting in half. So, yes, lots is happening. No such thing as consecutive order with the fulfillment of the 223 prophecies – for our Abba is compacting things on top of each other, so that much happens at the same time. We’re moving faster towards the coming of Messiah than most imagine.

Also, the great “alien” deception of NASA’s Project Blue Beam is stepping up its arrival. “Soft disclosure” is happening more frequently now. This will draw in perhaps 90% of earth’s people to worship the fallen ones. Be sure you read Present Reality article 212.0 “Mysterious Monoliths…” to understand the agenda of Project Blue Beam. It is very real, too.

On the night of December 21st, there will be a very rare conjunction of Jupiter and Satan that will be within .01 degrees of each other, making it look like a very bright star is in the sky. It is similar to what happened on December 25, 02 BCE when the magi from Parthia saw the conjunction hovering over the area of Bethlehem. Mayan elders say it is the end of the world – not 2012 but 2020 December 21st. Oh well, it’s my son’s birthday. We’ll celebrate that!

In His love, Yedidah

December 20, 2020




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