YAHUWAH’S PROPHETIC WARNING – Exemplified Through My Flashlight

Shabbat Shalom!

“Yahuwah’s Prophetic Warning – Exemplified Through My Flashlight” is #120.0 under the Mikvah of the Heart of Yahuwah.

It has been many months since Yahuwah has kept me awake teaching me what was on His heart. Last night, He kept teaching. I would write it down. When I thought He was finished, I turned over to go back to sleep. But, no – He was not finished. He kept that up at least five times. But this is a typical pattern He has used with me for years – always in the middle of the night.

He often wakes us up to pray in the middle of the night, too. In obeying His directives to pray for what He has shown me in vision-form, several times I may have saved one or more of my children from being kidnapped or killed. When He lives within us by His Spirit, He can reach us immediately in case of not just emergencies but for our own direction and focus. Living in His Presence is mandatory for our survival, both in faith and in physical danger. Could any of us face martyrdom without His Presence supporting us? No, we would lose all faith.

Our sensitivity to His voice must get clearer and clearer, as we progress into the darkness of this world. Depending on our volatile, unstable reasoning is like walking on thin boards over a raging river. At any time, the boards could fail and we would plunge to our death – spiritually and/or physically.

This short article gives you what He spoke to me last night as a serious warning. We know that we are entering the dark days, and we must walk in His light to be protected. However, also, we must shine brighter and brighter with His hand surrounding us, so that the darkness flees from before us.

In His love, Yedidah

October 17, 2020

YAHUWAH'S PROPHETIC WARNING - Exemplified Through My Flashlight
YAHUWAH'S PROPHETIC WARNING - Exemplified Through My Flashlight
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