Yahuwah Remembers and So Must His Children – Edification for Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh


This article-study is for your edification and encouragement for Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh. As my letter last evening announced, tonight November 9, 2018, at sunset, we begin the month of Kislev.

This article study is entitled: “Yahuwah Remembers and So Must His Children – Edification for Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh.” It is #32.0 under the Mikvah of the Covenant, or recent articles.

Few know that the guarding of Shabbat is clearly stated in the Messianic Scriptures. Because the Greek word for “a keeping of Sabbath,” or “Shabbat” is veiled in English translations. Unless one is a student of the Word, and looks up word meanings, they won’t see this clear statement in Hebrews 4.

Our guarding of Shabbat has a firm foundation from the time of the Genesis 1:3 re-creation of the heavens and the Earth. The Ten Commandments tell us “do this,” and “do this,” but one commandment begins with “Remember…” – the fourth commandment. Read how this ties into coming judgment before, and at, the return of Messiah.

Blessings to you, in His love,


November 9, 2018

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Yahuwah Remembers and So Must His Children - Edification for Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh
Yahuwah Remembers and So Must His Children - Edification for Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh
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