This is the fourth in the series of prophetic prophecy from Elohim which speaks directly to His servants in these last days. They will all be under the Mikvah of Set-Apartness and Separation. This article #45.0 and entitled: “When Almost Everyone Has Let Their Guard Down It Will Strike.”
This is a prophetic word from Yahushua, via Larry Taylor, August 4-8, 2018. It speaks, as the other three do, directly to the spirit of those who are true believers. His prophetic word is not something to be analyzed in the carnal mind and decided upon by analyzing theories and opinions.
I have moved in the “gift of prophecy” since November of 1966, with the accompanying word of knowledge, word of wisdom, discernment of spirits, visions, dreams, and public and personal prophetic utterance. So, I know how to judge prophecy, whether it is spurious, or from Elohim.
I know the Word and the nature of Elohim well enough to know how They speak. So, I surely would not print anything for you that is spurious, false, misleading, hard to understand, and/or against the nature of Yahuwah!
All of His words to us are very clear – too clear for the religious game players who run from truth and refuse to face their responsibility to the Master. These will fall by the wayside in the days to come.
On the eve of September 11, 2018, the new moon was sighted by many witnesses from Jerusalem, making today the High Shabbat of Yom Teruah, beginning “the 10 days of awe.” These 10 days are symbolic of the 10 days in Revelation 2:8-11–the assembly at Smyrna. The condition of the spirit and soul at the end of these 10 days makes a person eligible or ineligible to go on to His Sukkot!
His remnant is on the move. They are tuned in to His heart. They are like Yochanan/John in John 13 – with ear to His voice. Those that hear must obey quickly, for the times demand it. Most western believers are letting their guard down at a time when they must be fully alert.
This is a powerful prophecy, as are the first three. Read them, go to the Word, got before Abba, and ask Him about your place in these prophecies.
Keep aliged with the nature, ways, and thinking of the Creators. You who follow man, just know that the Sanhedrin has acknowledged the wrongness of the Helel calendar, and desire to correct it. They want to return to the sighting of the new moon from Jerusalem.
It is laughably insane to follow man’s opinions–especially those who hate Yahushua, denying Him totally. We must know Yahuwah and Yahushua for ourselves. For all who are man’s disciples will not hear from the Spirit of Truth in the days ahead. They will walk like blind men, and fall away.
Evaluate your beliefs: Are they real, or are they just something that allows you to socially enjoy the fun of a group? If they are real, what are you doing to build the Kingdom of Yahuwah before the return of Messiah? Our actions scream our true beliefs!
Blessings! May you have a wonderful Festival season! Chag Sameach!
In His love,
Yedidah – September 12, 2018
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