
“What Message Does the Burning of Green Things Give to Yahuwah’s People” is #82.0 of the Mikvah of Set-Apartness, or under “Recent Articles on the Main Page.”

This is borne out of a revelation Yahuwah gave me this last week – the connection of the burning of green things and Yahuwah’s reason for judgment.

Happy Happy!

It’s Derek’s 50th Birthday today! That’s very happy! It’s a beautiful sunny day in Texas. That’s happy! The Beast hasn’t set on his throne yet – that’s really happy.

Did you have a Happy Hanukkah? The evil Antiochus was defeated! The light returned; and worship continued on in the Temple.

Well, folks it’s also the Winter Solstice tonight, which means the days start getting more light of the sun. The 25th 02 BCE, the magi brought gifts to 15-month-old Yahushua – gold, silver, and precious jewels – which added up to many millions in our currency – the treasure of Daniel brought by Israelite Parthians. So, let’s celebrate our coming King by bringing the best we have and are to Him this day and forever. That’s Happy!!!

Also, a cosmic rarity shows up tonight that has not happened for 800 years. A .01-degree alignment, “conjunction,” of Jupiter and Satan, making it appear as the historic “star” – not of Messiah’s birth, but of the appearing of Yahuwah’s wise men and women – the rising of the remnant, the beginning that leads to His return. As the dark kingdom invades more and more, and earth gets darker and darker with evil, remember: The LIGHT is coming. NOW THAT’S VERY, VERY HAPPY!

We are getting signs stacked one on top of the other right now. The U.S. Embassy in Baghdad has been bombed – attacked again as January 1, 2020. It’s like events are recycling. The bomb was Iranian; the rocket launcher was Chinese.

The sting-pullers are trying so hard to get WWIII off the block and into motion.

If you read the last two articles, you know Trump stayed off an invasion of Chinese from the Canadian border, and of course – no public news gave him credit for saving us a little more time. Let us “redeem the time, for the days are evil.”

OK GUYS – Be joyful and blessed, and saturate your mind with the Word, for the attacks on the mind by fallen angel technology right now is horrendous.

For you that celebrate the birth of Yahushua/Jesus this season – learn all you can about the real time of His birth in the article: “Yahushua’s Birthday…”/Mikvah of Eternal Salvation. All of the children of Yahuwah and Yahushua should daily celebrate His first coming – His dying for us, rising for us, sending us the Set-Apart Spirit of His Father, and His return, all year long.  “Come Yahushua Come!”

Blessings to all, Yedidah

December 21, 2020

What Message Does The Burning Of Green Grass Give To Yahuwahs Peopl1
What Message Does The Burning Of Green Grass Give To Yahuwahs Peopl1
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