This article is entitled “What America Legalized January 22, 1973 is Now the Leading Cause of Death in America.” It is #118.0 under Present Reality.
While telling the facts and statistics of this abomination against our Creators, and against us as human beings, I also give hope to those who have had abortions that, in our Savior-Redeemer, there is forgiveness for the repentant; there is salvation and freedom from remorse and guilt.
Please share this article to those you know who have had abortions–those that regret having had abortions. There is forgiveness and hope. Each conceived child, whether aborted by “miscarriage,” or murdered by doctors or mothers, was given eternal life by the Creators, an eternal spirit that cannot die. Those eternal spirits are with our heavenly Father. The death and resurrection of Yahushua our Savior has covered these little ones who have never sinned. The reuniting of mothers with their aborted children, or miscarried children, is part of the love of our Father for us human beings. Share His love, not condemnation.
Many women do not know of His forgiveness and mercy. They carry the pain and regret, the guilt and the suffering, in their heart, the rest of their lives. This need not be! They can rejoice that they will see the child again.
I remember a Steve Quayle interview on Hagmann and Hagmann in which he told how Abba had showed him that there will be a reuniting of mothers with aborted children, or mis-carried children, if the mother, by faith, gives her life to Jesus and receives the forgiveness of Abba-Father-God. There can be a reuniting of mother and child in the love of the Creators – Yahuwah and Yahushua.
Give hope to women who want reconciliation in heaven with their children. Many grieve today because they made a terrible decision. They need not continue to grieve.
Write articles, e-mails, make phone calls – share the Good News with all who grieve, who are in fear, or who don’t know where to turn in their predicament. You are the hope of millions of people who are desperate now to find redemption.
Give them love, not criticism and judgment!
Today, school nurses can suggest abortions to teenage girls, and help them get abortions without their parent’s consent. Our world is evil. But, you, set-apart righteous believers, give hope, give counsel, and give stern advice to young people to keep themselves sexually pure until marriage.
You have much to do as a servant of the Most High. Don’t be lazy, don’t be apathetic; don’t be cold and calloused. Have the heart of Abba!
As I wrote in the recent article “Super Blood Wolf Moon Over North America…” #117.0 under Present Reality, this particular prophetic blood moon makes a statement to America, and to the Jews in America, but also to those promoting abortion because of the Roe vs. Wade decision in 1973. Put the two together, the blood moon coming over Washington DC over midnight, and the blood shed because of what was decided in the Supreme Court building, and promoted as Eugenics and Planned Parenthood since the early 1900s. Oh how the enemy hates each baby, because they remind him of the Creators.
In His love,
Yedidah, January 20, 2019
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