Greetings and shalom!
“What About a Great Revival in the Last Days? Is it Scriptural?” is under the Mikvah of Set-Apartness #76.0 or under “Recent Articles” on the main page.
He is calling His people to come out of end-time Babel and touch not what is unclean. (II Corinthians 6:18-7:1 and Revelation 18:4). What appears righteous and good to the masses is known by the “few” to be highly deceptive.
I wrote this article to send you to Yahuwah for His Spirit to give you His opinion. Here, I give you what He gave me, but put no pressure on you to believe it. Go to Him for your instruction.
I include two articles that I agree with wholly. I’ve known for many years of the deception of the hype of Christian revival and millions filling the churches in the last days, great awakening, and the turning of nations to the God of the Bible. Yet, we’re deeply into a great falling away, apostasy. Most churches have become haunts of demons for the most part. 2,700 pastors say they promote the Covid vaccine? I won’t go there!
The taking of Scriptures out of context to prove the beliefs of man is as common as water, among Christians and Messianic believers. The last few verses of Joel 2 speak of an outpouring of the Spirit upon all flesh. Then he goes on to talk about the sun turning dark and the moon turning a blood red color. I explain in this article the fine points of prophecy – how the prophecy can jump 2,000 years with one comma. You must know the whole Word, taught by the Spirit, to understand Hebraic prophecy. Kepha, in Acts 2, tells the Pharisees, “this is that spoken by the Prophet Joel,” after he was baptized into the Spirit. That prophecy was fulfilled 2,000 years ago. The prophecy of the sun and moon is yet to be fulfilled in our day.
“Rightly dividing the Word of Truth,” as Sha’ul talked about, is only by the Spirit. Man, in his intellect and carnality, cannot understand the things of the Spirit of Yahuwah.
Over the weekend leading to Yom Kippur a nation-wide prayer rally is being called for all over America, known as “the Return.” The foundation is laid with one verse – II Chronicles 7:14. It is so out of context that it is pitiful. Read the context. It has nothing to do with Christians of all denominations and theology joining together to pray for America to be healed.
“Scripture is not of any private interpretation,” Sha’ul wrote. It can only be interpreted by the One who spoke through His Prophets. It cannot be dissected and used to prove the opinions of modern theologians, pastors, or Messianic rabbis.
To manipulate the Word like that shows a total not-knowing of its Author.
To tie everything to Festivals out of context as to what they mean, is manipulation of the Word to suit oneself.
Read through the article carefully. Look up the Scriptures. Understand what Tricia says in her two articles from a totally Scriptural standpoint. We just can’t go using the Bible to prove what we think, and then get thousands of others involved in what we think.
Yes! It is a long article. But I had to cover the subject as best I could in a short time. I am not against anyone who prays in these nation-wide gatherings. I am not labeling any of its promoters either! I love all believers. I love all humanity. I just have years of education behind me in the nature, ways, and thinking of Yahuwah. I live a repentant lifestyle. I just can’t get caught up with mass-hype. Yahuwah and Yahushua deal with the “few” who know Them, and whom They know. I will be in prayer however during this time, and encourage you to be so too, that Yahuwah’s will, as stated in the Word throughout, be done!
In His love, Yedidah
September 11, 2020