Happy Rosh Chodesh!

The New Moon for Av was sighed: There were lots of sightings from Jerusalem, as well as all over Israel. We welcome the month of Av!

I was born on the 5th of Av – a long, long time ago (smile).

A friend looked that up for me on a Jewish calendar years ago. I was so happy I was not born on the 9th of Av. I am enjoying summer very much. I am grilling out on my back porch, where I also have lots of containers of herbs. I have lots of subscriber-friends south of the Equator too. I hope you are enjoying winter! Each season has its joys. Each season has its challenges. However, our Creator consistently blesses us no matter how our surroundings may be pressing in.

A good neighbor in the duplex to my left while sitting here, is mowing my front and back lawn for me. It is so nice to have lovely green grass, and a big tree with lovely green leaves. I love flowers, herbs, vegetables – sunshine and blue skies.

We treasure what little normalcy is left!

I know that in Montana and southern British Columbia, Canada, in places, the heat is as high as 121 F – not far behind “Death Valley.” There is great drought in several western states. There are fires also in Idaho and Montana. My daughter in Montana said it is hard to breathe because of the smoke and ash.

Hurricane Elsa just turned towards the northeast from the Gulf. The tectonic plates of the earth are shifting. Magma is flowing underneath the earth and rising, causing higher temperatures. The earth is shaking, double-wobbling, and showing signs of much disturbance from the outer atmosphere, from space, from within the canopy of our atmosphere, and down into the deepest trenches of the sea.

We know Isaiah 24 is near as a massive binary system is wreaking havoc with our solar system as it moves it with its two suns. Our sun is not acting “normal,” as it is in a “grand solar minimum.” World War III is pending, foreign troops are moving all around the U.S., and being activated from the inside – as well as famine, and all sorts of other attacks now that the portals are opening wide for the return of the fallen ones in mass. And, on top of it all, the body of Nimrod, found in 2003 by the U.S. military in Iraq, is in a vault right now under the earth, having been cloned. Revelation 9 is in the works, too, and oh yes, the “alien disclosure” hype is abounding as it has gone public. Great deceptions are in the works!

I hope you’ve listened to Podcast CCXCVII: The Book of Genesis Chapter 8. I give a lot of information in that which you should know – a fire starter for sure. Also, the transcript is available under “Recent Articles” on the main page, or the Mikvah of “The Great Adventure.”

HOWEVER, with all that’s going on, we rejoice that we have entered the Hebrew month of Av, and are not far from Elul and the Fall Festivals. Oh how we love the Festivals!!!  Enjoy Av 1 beginning at sunset tonight.

Blessings to you, in His love, Yedidah

July 11, 2021

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