Shalom, blessings:

“WARNING FROM YAHUWAH THIS MORNING – CONFIRMED THIS EVENING” is under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim #147.0 or “Recent Articles.”

This “word” and added information was written last night. Yahuwah began speaking to me as I began grocery shopping yesterday morning. Then in reading Steve Quayle’s “Alert” last evening, he said just what Yahuwah had related to me while shopping – impressing my spirit strongly. I knew I had to write this out for you – it is an “Alert” for you to act on.

I also give you current news woven within it for you to pray harder, and know the reality that all is not lollypops, cotton candy, and cherry soda. The ugly truth is surfacing more and more to do with Afghanistan, and other things planned out to happen for the new world order to take place. It’s all prophesied in the Word.

However, what is planned by the evil ones does not have to bring you down or your family as long as you are standing strong in your faith, fearless, bold, and wise, and obeying the Master without flinching. Matthew 10 is an important chapter to share with your family. Your children need to be prepared for martyrdom – and above all things prepared NOT to deny Yahushua/Yeshua/Jesus. Mark 13:9-13 is all too real. Matthew 10 speaks of what is all too real!

I don’t spare words here. I usually don’t spare words unless Abba says to. But, He’s crying out through His watchmen to warn His people. So … I give you what He shared with me and confirmed last night. It’s a warning.

The truth about all we’ve been lied to about is rising to the surface. We can’t turn our head away and not look at it. As lovers of Truth, we also love freedom.

To run from truth is no more than embracing deadly bondage and slavery to the dark kingdom.

Humanity, especially humanity in America, has been kept in a fantasyland mentality – a web of lies and deceit. No! Cinderella never got married to Prince Charming. She died in poverty. The Fairy Godmother turned out to be a horrible evil witch. The prince married one of the step sisters. Imagine Walt Disney writing that! No one would watch his movie.

Most people don’t want truth; they want to be lied to. Thus, the Cinderella mentality has destroyed a love for reality in hundreds of millions of people. Yes, I go around popping bubbles of illusion with facts and truthful reports. It’s not because I like doing it! But I feel it is a rescue operation! We can’t live on lies! I also write so much to reach the spirit of people with hope and joy, peace, faith.

Public news is saying “No, the Taliban did not seize 85 billion dollars in U.S. military equipment.” Hahaha! … NO they didn’t. It was given to them by Biden.

I have to laugh at the lies of public media by their twisting truth to make it seem to say something “else.” They are masters of deceit. Don’t waste your time listening to them. Let the Spirit of Yahuwah discern truth from error within you on a moment-by-moment basis. He is the “Spirit of Truth!!!!!”

I’ve never been wrong about what Yahuwah has shown me, and neither have those Yahuwah has led me to as confirmers. I know the voice of the Spirit because I know the nature, ways, and thinking of Yahuwah. That’s not pride or bragging – it’s just what He’s taught me since I was a little child. My rebellious nature had to learn the hard way. We don’t forget lessons learned the hard way. All praise to Yahuwah and Yahushua!!! He is so kind and merciful.

This is only 4 pages with an apropos picture for you to see at the end. Might as well learn what “they’ve” planned for us, so we can avoid it by taking action.

In His love, Yedidah

August 31, 2021 [We look for the new moon of Tishre from Jerusalem the eve of September 8th]

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