Waiting on Yahuwah – Waiting on Yahushua – Rising Up With Wings As Eagles


Part IV: “Waiting on Yahuwah – Waiting on Yahushua – Rising Up With Wings As Eagles” is #82.0 under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim or Recent Articles.

This article contains wisdom, more instruction, more quotes by Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj, about how to wait on Them. This Part IV focuses on how our spirit is like an eagle, and the privileges we have to not only soar in the heavens, but to “molt” – thus renewing our strength so that we “mount up with wings as eagles.”

I understand soaring and I understand molting. Right now, by the Spirit, Yahuwah is taking His willing servants through both processes at the same time – because time is short. We have to molt fast so we can be renewed and soar higher!

More details will be given in Part V. Brother Selvaraj has experienced and lives what he teaches. I, too, experience and live what I teach. I teach nothing that I do not live. He has confirmed my entire life with Abba from age 4 to present, and what Abba has shown me. His book Elijah is Here is very precious to me. Through it I saw things that Yahuwah had been showing me for a long time but I didn’t understand. I was set-apart early in life by Elohim because of tribulation I would live through most of my life. Therefore because of the struggle, the “pressure,” which is what “tribulation” means, has separated me from the world so that my whole life is submitted only to the purposes of Yahuwah.

I know what it is like to work 8-hour-a-day secular jobs while raising children, cooking, cleaning, etc., taking care of business, and ministering too. I know what it is like to be in the world – but not of it. However, we all must be very OBJECTIVE when it comes to the world!

So, to me, what I share with you here is normal. I am glad that it is normal to all those who love His Word and love His Presence, clear back to Enoch who walked with Elohim and just disappeared into eternity because Yahuwah took him.

The Bible is not an American document! It is written about real life with real people of the East. They understood the eternal realm, as well as the demonic “supernatural” realm. Elijah and Elisha raised the dead. It wasn’t anything they didn’t know about. Both in the Tenach and in the Brit Chadasha, believers were transported from one place to another. Healings and miracles were normal, deliverance from demons was normal. Of course, the greatest miracle was normal too – the true new birth – and the corresponding baptism into the Spirit. Speaking in tongues was normal. Being empowered to do miracles was normal. Hearing from Abba was normal. Noah built the ark on His instructions. Moses went into His Presence and got the instructions for the tabernacle. I tell about my revelation of yesterday in this article (near the end), about where Moses was at the time.

Today, is has been statistically reported that over 50% of Christians and Ephraim Messianics don’t even believe in miracles, or in the Devil, or in the “Holy Spirit.” Intellectualism, analyzing, human reasoning, and dependency on what man teaches, blocks the work of Elohim in the spirit. It separates us from Elohim. Our Teacher is the Spirit of Yahuwah – Yahuwah Himself!

Today in many third world nations, believers do not have to be taught about the eternal realm of the book of Acts. They learn it as they go because it is natural to them to be Spirit-taught, and walk with Elohim in His power and authority. Who taught Enoch? He was taken into the cosmos. But, then, so was Henry Gruver.

Those with child-like faith, receive easily from Him. The western world of the intellectuals analyzes what is only spiritually understood by the Spirit, and usually rejects it, or relegates it to “not for me.” Religious people may even relegate it the New Age Movement or the occult of some type. But, those that truly know Yahuwah are not deceived by occultism. They know the working of the Spirit, and they know the working of the deceiving world, for they are Spirit-taught and Spirit-led.

I trust that you will take the information and apply it seriously, so that your eternal position is one of honor. Look up all the Scriptures so that the Spirit can speak to your spirit.

We all face the potential, now more than any other time in human history, of martyrdom. What I present in these articles and later podcasts is to prepare you for whatever He wants for you. There are already so many martyrs.

Thus, what I write in this series is for those who are not intellectually taken over and controlled by the world’s mind manipulation, but for those whose spirit longs for the eternal realm.

There is a short interview that Paul Begley did a couple of days ago with a pastor from Texas who died and went before Messiah in heaven. As I listened to him, I knew for sure by several things he said, that he truly was in heaven before the Master Yahushua.

Here is the link to that video: Breaking “Man Died Went Heaven in Texas”


Abba wants to meet with you. Yahushua wants to meet with you. They want to manifest their Presence to you. If you abide in Them and They in you, you have access to help immediately, as well as instruction directly from the Spirit of Yahuwah. I have experienced immediate help more and more recently – as well as transforming work of the Spirit that is very amazing to me. Abba Yahuwah is becoming more and more close to those who desire to be with Him, as is Yahushua. It is because we are so close to the end of the end times.

I write to challenge you, yes, but also to encourage you that, as Steven, while being stoned, saw Messiah stand up to honor and receive him, we, too, can have that kind of honor from our Master if we take the time to know Him by waiting on Him.

In His love, Yedidah

May 20, 2019

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Waiting on Yahuwah - Waiting on Yahushua - Rising Up With Wings As Eagles
Waiting on Yahuwah - Waiting on Yahushua - Rising Up With Wings As Eagles
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