Waiting on Yahuwah – Waiting on Yahushua – ONE THING!


“Waiting on Yahuwah – Waiting on Yahushua – ONE THING!” is posted under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim and Recent Articles #81.0.

This is Part III of a five-part series on the “art” of waiting on Elohim as Moses did on Mount Sinai to receive His instructions, His thinking, His directives, and to learn His nature and ways, His opinions and plans. He wants to reveal Himself to His children and share His secrets with those He can trust with them.

As II Chronicles 16:9 tells us that Yahuwah’s eyes search diligently over the earth to find someone who will enter into His Presence to know Him. This and the next two articles will give you specifics on how to learn to sit in His Presence and hear from Him, learn from Him, and even see His manifestations with your eyes.

Steven (Acts 7) proclaimed the Word to the “seed of vipers” who began stoning him because he told the truth. As they threw the stones, he looked up and saw Messiah standing at the right hand of Yahuwah to welcome the first martyr into heaven. It says in the Word that when He ascended He sat down on His throne by His Father, Yahuwah. But, when Steven was about to enter eternity, Messiah stood up in honor of him. This young man is our example.

Today we face execution by the very same group of “seed.”  We will be hated by all men, Yahushua said, because we believe in Him as Deity, and use His Name. There are so many martyrs today by extremists from various religions. Christianity has probably killed more than all the other religions put together, through the Roman Catholic Church worldwide. In the near future, the execution of Messiah will be repeated against His children by the same seed of vipers that were there in the 1st century, only this time, they are even more vicious, more deceptive, more foreign to the Elohim of Israel.

Now we learn who the real false prophet is who will institute the “mark.” The Vatican bowed to this system in the 1960s, so it is not the pope. I will be writing on these things soon.  But, this series is more important than any reporting I can do on the works of the enemy. I write to warn, but mostly to prepare His set-apart remnant. My writing is becoming more and more prophetic. Take these things to Yahuwah for they are from His heart!

In His love, Shabbat Shalom!


May 18, 2019

Waiting on Yahuwah - Waiting on Yahushua - ONE THING!
Waiting on Yahuwah - Waiting on Yahushua - ONE THING!
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