
“Urgent Report Update! The Secret to Understanding the Timing of Messiah’s Return” is #80.0 under the Mikvah of Preparation or under “Recent Articles” on the main page.

This is a sequel to “Urgent Report…” posted a few days ago. This contains a lot more of what is happening to change our world before our eyes, and put us in danger. I also include things like the reality of the prophecy of the Cumaean Sibyl – and the truth about “Apollo’s” coming reign. Surely, Apollyon is soon to take his throne. He is also known as Nimrod, Osiris, Horus and Apollo, aka the Beast.

As reported by a friend of Michael Lake’s, an employee at the Pentagon, “There are 5-star generals walking the halls of the Pentagon seething with enthusiasm for the return of the old gods.” Well, the chief, the son of Zeus, the ancient one of Genesis 10 and 11 is returning to make the world believe he is a god – Nimrod, aka Apollo/Apollyon (Revelation 9:11).

In this article you’ll get inside news you’d never get from public news. There is an urgency in the air, a strong warning that Abba is given to many. I begin this article sharing with you one of these warnings posted a few days ago. The strong word is “prepare.” We’re in the time of the “suddenlies.” (I Thessalonians 5:10).

Most of all, you must get hold of strong bold faith and hang on tight. Peace will come, and you’ll feel the security of our heavenly Abba.

It is an amazing thing how He is positioning His servants. We discussed that yesterday, Shabbat, at our Prayer Center meeting. It is amazing how He is bringing His children into unity and understanding!!!

In this article, I include many things … for He is compacting events so that much happens all at once. We have entered a Shmittah Year. If you understand His 7-year cycles, that speaks volumes to us! I knew it was a Shmittah Year from my years of tracing Yahuwah’s 7-year cycles. But it was nice to hear from a friend that Sid Roth, a Jew, also said it was a Shmittah Year, as the rabbinic scholars also say.

I had a very shocking fall yesterday morning – out of the shower. For many years I’ve occasionally had 1-second mental lapses where my mind blanks as my body starts falling to the left or the right. This time I was thrown, literally, from facing away from the shower head, to falling into the curtain to the right, hitting my head on the tub very hard, flipping over the side of the tub and landing on my right hip, and left knee, facing the outside door. Now figure that!

I can’t imagine it – I had no way of helping myself once I began falling.

I didn’t know if I could get up off the floor, but I pulled up on the sink counter. This morning I definitely have pains in 3 places.

I also had a very sore out-of-place back – vertebrae pinching nerves, from the base of my spine to the neck. Yet, yesterday afternoon I went on to the Prayer Center for worship, teaching, and fellowship.

I had told my son about it. He called Pastor. I took a pillow to the Center. But, strange, once into worship, I had no pain. Pain showed up this morning. I felt strongly that there were miracles attached to what happened yesterday like the fact that in being literally thrown down in the opposite direction, my unstable flexible knees did not go out of place. Also, I was not “knocked out.” I was able to go on to the Prayer Center. It will take time to heal my head, hip, and left leg. I praise Abba. My right eye was affected some after my head hit the tub and flipped me onto the floor. But all is well today.

Yesterday, Pastor came in and got down on her knees and prayed for me, and said to me: “The Devil hates you.” I said, “yea, he hates you too.” He hates us all! He wants us all dead and in hell with him. But Yahuwah is making a remnant tougher – and victorious. Sore losers always hate the winners.

“In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer – I have overcome the world,” John 16:33, Messiah speaking. We’re already victorious because He is victorious.

Thank you who pray for me! You never know what your prayers will do to keep this servant of Yahuwah going on. “Onward and Upward – Forward March!!!”

In His love, Yedidah, September 12, 2021

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I appreciate your prayers and offerings very much. May you be blessed!

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