Two Invasions Are in Process Right Now – One is Righteous and the Other is Evil


This article is entitled “Two Invasions Are in Process Right Now – One is Righteous and the Other is Evil.” It is #111.0 under the Mikvah of Present Reality.

This includes up to date news articles from real authentic news and pictures.

The world is going into chaos for the purpose of bringing in “the order” – the new world order. The Illuminati slogan is: “Out of chaos, order.” That’s on the back of the U.S. $1.00 bill also! In fact, the Great Seal of the U.S. on the back of the dollar bill – left side especially – is a blueprint of plans from 1776 for America and for the world. The Great Seal gives specific dates for the completion of the “Globalist Plan.” Anti-messiah waits in the wings, but so do the witnesses and their Daniel 11:32 Company!

I will be writing specifically on the midterm elections by the end of October, because the controlling “deep state” is doing all they can to pad the elections with all sorts of wicked ones–those totally sold out to Satan and his will. I may also write on the incredibly accurate targeting of Hurricane Michael, and how this ties into the targeting of wildfires and other weather that is bringing our planet to ruin.

To very briefly update you who are on my prayer partner list and also those of you who are not signed up in that group yet pray for me:

On Friday morning, October 19th, I arrived in Fort Worth, Texas! I have moved here because Abba said it was urgent, beginning after Passover 2018. I’ve been packing for about two months. Abba has directed me every day in what I am to do to get ready for moving. He sent me two fantastic helpers all the way from North Carolina, driving a large Penske truck to load up my things and then travel the 900+ miles with my things to my new apartment. The man drove the truck, the lady drove my car – how nice that was! I had five here to help unload. How wonderful are His helpers! They also took the financial burden off of me for the trip so that I could use my finances for rent and utility “fees.” Oh how Abba orchestrated miracles!

Abba is gathering His people with like mind, led by His Spirit, into small groups so that we might edify each other and strengthen each other to endure what is coming and stand before the Master Messiah with love, joy, and peace. I saw this in a vision in the early 1990s. I saw the world in darkness, and yet as I flew over the globe, I saw little fires here and there with a few huddling around the fires. I knew they were His remnant people. Without the Spirit of Yahuwah inside our spirit, guiding, teaching, empowering, transforming, convicting, leading and strengthening, where would we be? It is His presence in our re-born spirit that gives us the power to overcome the enemy.

I have new instructions for sending offerings to help me continue in my work for Abba, not just with the website, but as doors open for increasing ministry in various ways. My expenses have gone from about $300.00 a month to about $1000.00 a month. I’m on my own again, with my own apartment. I thank those of you very much who send offerings to help with the move. Blessings to you in abundance!

1) The Pay Pal option is the same: You can find that under “Contact” on the main page. Click on “friends and family” to block Pay Pal fees

2) Make out check or money order and envelope to Charlotte Townsend

Send to: 7316 Savoy Drive, Apartment 709, Fort Worth, Texas, 76133

Shalom, Yedidah – October 23, 2018

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