
Guess you heard: The Electoral College has confirmed Biden as President-Elect.

Perhaps you did not hear how President Trump saved America from a Chinese invasion a couple of days ago. The information I give you in this 4-page article is something you will never hear about in the public news. Public news will not tell anything that exalts Trump as a hero. But, in this case he is a hero.

Please read “Trump Makes Emergency Move to Save America From Invasion,” #213.0 under the Mikvah of Present Reality.

Talk about evil triumphing in the face of our nation being spared – for now.

Since Biden is in the pocket of China, and so are many Senators and Congress members, and prominent wealthy Elite, and Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada, things are moving quickly in the communist take-over we’re in the midst of.

Please be sure you’ve heard Pastor Dana Coverstone’s dream about December 17th and the man in the coffin with Biden’s wife and family weeping over it.

Abba is preparing for the judgment on end-time Babylon that was written about by Isaiah, Jeremiah, Zechariah, and Yochanan/John in the Revelation.

It is very sobering that America is not the democratic constitutional republic we once knew. I feel numb over it.

Yahuwah gave America 70 years before total destruction. Those 70 years began in August of 1945. They ended in Yahuwah’s year from Yom Teruah 2016 – September. Interesting that in April of 2016, the end of the 120 years allotted to returned fallen ones ended also. Yahuwah’s Spirit is no longer restraining. Things will move very fast now. Prepare in all ways.

In His love, Yedidah

December 14, 2020

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