“Travailing Prayer That Births Yahuwah’s Will” is #117.0 under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim.” This posted article will be podcasted today, along with “Travailing Prayer That Interlocks With the Heart of Abba Yahuwah,” which is #66.0 under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim, from March 22, 2018.
If we ever needed the power and authority of the Spirit now to control our lives, it is now. The Spirit, who is Yahuwah Himself, comes inside of us and dwells over a spiritual ark in our re-born spirit, which becomes a “Holy of Holies,” a “Most Set-Apart Place.” However, we must ask Messiah to baptize us into the Spirit of Yahuwah. Solomon built his fabulous Temple, yet He had to ask the Spirit of Yahuwah to come dwell over the Ark. When he prayed for Him to come, He came! His power was so great as He entered the “Most Set-Apart Place” that the priests could not stand up, but fell to the ground under His power.
Many make fun of “Pentecostals” for “falling under the power.” Yet it is very real. His power comes very strong at times, and a person cannot stand up – their natural body is drained of energy by the entrance of the Spirit. It’s not religion – it is just reality for those who know His Presence.
Religion is controlled by man, but ultimately by the forces of darkness – to hide the reality of Yahuwah and Yahushua from human beings, so that they take in knowledge from their mind, but do not live by their eternal spirit. Yahuwah is the Spirit. There is no greater reality of His Presence than in travailing prayer.
To be a part of birthing the will of Yahuwah into this earth is one of the highest privileges we have, if not the highest, as His servants. This is not “charismatic Christianity!” This is all through the Word and something known by His children thousands of years ago. Satan and Religion have hidden it from us because of its power against the enemy, and its ability to bring breakthroughs.
Though not personal spiritual warfare, it does push back the enemy from what Yahuwah wants done. It brings to pass the will of Yahuwah so that tens of thousands can be born into the Kingdom.
Ever wonder why breakthroughs seem to never come? It is because the person needing the breakthrough does not allow the Spirit to birth it through them – first in the spirit, then in the natural realm. Learn and apply these things to your life!
Blessings as you apply the teachings of Yahuwah to your own life.
September 9, 2020