Shabbat Shalom,

Transcript for Podcast CCXCVII: The Book of Genesis Chapter 8” is #74.0 under the Mikvah of the Great Adventure or “Recent Articles” on the main page, and “Podcast CCXCVII: The Book of Genesis Chapter 8” is ready for listening under “Audio Teachings” on the main page of

This podcast exposes things you’ll not hear on any public news, anywhere, which aligns to all I’ve written and podcasted so far on the Book of Genesis, and in articles going back to 2007 at least. If you’ve not read “The Return of Nimrod”/recent article, and the not-on-the-website “Olympics 2016…” and some others I’ve recommended on the subject, you’ll be without knowledge you must have to understand what is coming quickly for all, so that you don’t join the “all” and lose what you should be “possessing.” I’ll state it once more, then no more: Please ask for the “Olympics 2016…” article. If a new subscriber, use the contact tab on the main page.

Are you studying the Word, reading slowly to let the Spirit give you revelation knowledge to your spirit, studying “to show yourself approved unto Elohim, a workman who needs not to be ashamed,” so that He is able to lead you into all truth, and thus prepare you with wisdom and knowledge quickly?

The Spirit is the only valid Teacher of absolute pure Truth to the re-born spirit. If you are surfing the web, reading magazines and books, to learn man’s opinions, you’re already crawling around in a pit of the enemy’s making. Never forget Jeremiah 17:5-10! Only One has the answers, and as you slowly read His Word, the Spirit is Yahuwah can interact with you to teach you. If you choose to find an opinion of man that “tickles your ear,” Yahuwah will leave you alone. He uses human beings to confirm what He has already said to you – but that’s of His doing, not ours. I am getting deluges of confirmation, as always, when He shows me things, so that I walk His plumb line of absolute Truth before I share it with you. It has to pass through Him, or I won’t share it. I give you NO OPINONS! People used to ask me “what do you think about this?” I would write back “I don’t think – I only can give you what Yahuwah has given to me.” People stopped asking that (smile).

So much confirmation has come forth in the last week that Genesis 3:15 is the foundation of all Scripture to do with our redemption – that Messiah came for a duel purpose 1) to redeem Yahuwah’s lost human beings, and 2) to end forever “the works of the devil,” as I John 3:8 tells us. He was manifested to “destroy the works of the devil,” and set us eternally free.

In this podcast I share a few things still classified – sharing reported reactions of those who hold the secrets to do with Nimrod: They’re terrified. Hearing growling,

groaning, from within the … Listen and hear …

The more of the Word you know, going from Genesis to Revelation to find the whole picture, as the Spirit directs, the more everything you see, feel, think, and is happening to you, will be absolutely clear… no guessing anymore.

One word of testimony that carries a message for you: My great grandson reached age 10 on June 30th. I sent him a card and $10.00. Because of the July holidays, it was delayed. I was concerned because of problems I’d had getting cards and gifts to family in that region of the Appalachian Mountains. I asked Abba yesterday, as part of my usual dialogue with Him, if the card would arrive, or if it was lost. He did not answer. I know how to wait. Yesterday, as I was preparing this podcast, all of sudden, something He started with me at about age 8 or 9, happened. I got a joy-jump in my spirit, like a fountain bursting forth upward, and a word from Him: “The card has arrived.” Ok – you probably think that’s a rare one. NO! It’s common-place nearly all my life, for He doesn’t want me to fret about anything. I DO NOT take it for granted, nor do I tell Him how to communicate with me. He established a pattern with me as a child that has remained. He wants to establish patterns with you. About 30 minutes later, my daughter texted me and wrote: “the card has arrived.” She said my grandson was delighted. I miss him. I haven’t seen him since 2018 when I moved to Texas. Small thing – yes. But I was concerned. As I worked on this podcast, He relieved my concern to let me know it arrived.

How much does He care about our peace of mind? As much as we care to talk to Him about it. He doesn’t bother you if you don’t talk to Him and ask Him questions you expect Him to answer. He won’t intervene in any negative emotions if one wants to keep them. Is He that personal? Yes … as you flow in His will, He flows with you.

Shalom, love, Yedidah

July 10, 2021





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