
Podcast CCXCIV: The Book of Genesis Chapter 6:1-4 Part I A” and “Podcast CCXCV: The Book of Genesis Chapter 6:1-4 Part I B” are ready for listening under Audio Teaching on the main page of

ALSO: THE TRANSCRIPT is Posted under the Mikvah of the Great Adventure, or “Recent Articles” on the main page, #72.0

Because of the enormity of the material just on verses 1-4 of Genesis 6, I had to make two podcasts. I still did not cover it all. However, as I podcast Genesis 6:5-22, I will tie more together. That podcast will come perhaps by Monday with its transcript also.

For 22 years at least I have studied Genesis 6 and taught on it, however I actually began in 1970 to teach Revelation and other aspects of end-times in a Bible College I helped start in Long Beach California. I began teaching end-times as a series in 1986 in Fort Worth, Texas. However, my understand of what is contained in Genesis 6 began in 1966 – my “education” as I saw it and lived with it, and Yahuwah brought understanding far beyond what my church taught me.

My experiences and knowledge has given me the fire of the Spirit to podcast this also, because you must know the background of what is happening, and why it is happening, and what it is leading to. I confirm to you that life as we’ve known it is over for all those not prepared to go “through” to overcome and endure and stand before the Master in submissive victory. Our world is not the world before January 1, 2020. Our world changed drastically from 2016 especially, as I tell about in these podcasts. It was in the spring of 2016, that the Spirit of Yahuwah gave the green light to the fallen ones to “go for it,” for a short time under His control of course over His people, until Messiah returns.

I follow the Transcript – for the most part – but I add quotes from “The 70 Generation Prophecy of Enoch,” and The Shinar Directive and more. If the transcript seems not totally orderly, well – it’s because it is not totally orderly. I kept adding things. But, 98% of what I said is in there in some fashion.

I only gave you a brief summary of most things – so to go deeper, I suggested three articles: “Olympics 2016…”, “Noah Days are Nowadays” and “Noah: Human DNA and the Human Spirit”/Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim.

“Olympics 2016…” ties together so very much from 1896 to 2016 – please ask for it, using the “Contact” tab on the main page, and I’ll e-mail it to you. It has loads of pictures that will make more sense after you listen to the podcasts. It has pictures of the lighting of the Olympic flame by the High Priestess of Apollo on Mount Olympus in Greece, and also of the place of prophecy of the Pythoness (Acts 16) at Delphi, origin of the Olympic Games. Modern Day games beginning in 1896.

Abba has had me studying His timing for several decades. He is now confirming what He has showed me, using His “rigid, unchangeable, immoveable” 7-year cycles. Confirmation has been pouring in unusual ways, with His peace. Yahuwah wants us to know what He is doing. He wants us to be a part of it.

Today, there are the Noah types in the earth – righteous, obedient, preparing by His leading, acting on His will – who will see it “through” as Noah did, and there are the go-with-the-world people who will plummet into hell. The masses vs the few. Multi-millions of the few will die for their faith in the coming days – that’s already begun. However, being among the few assures us of entrance into the Kingdom of heaven.

Shalom, Yedidah

July 1, 2021

Transcript of Podcast CCXCIV: The Book of Genesis Chapter 6:1-4 Part I A and Podcast CCXCV: The Book of Genesis 6:1-4 Part I B
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