
“Transcript of Podcast CCLXXXVII: The Book of Genesis Chapter 1 is under the Great Adventure #68.0.

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About six weeks to two months ago, I asked in a letter to subscribers if there was a book of the Bible you’d like to have me teach via podcasts. No one said anything. However, my youngest daughter read the request and e-mailed me: “Mom, I want you to podcast the book of Genesis.”

My first thought was “OH NO.” She studies the Bible and so it was not an off-the-wall request. I told her I’d ask Abba about it, thinking why would He want me to podcast the book of Genesis. Oh yes: It lays the foundation for the whole rest of the Bible.

Steve Quayle has had an archeological dig project going on in Mexico for about 2 years, maybe longer, that has uncovered artifacts from ancient Aztec and Maya culture dating back before the Flood. The greatest finds were in drawings and in written language glyphs (picture language), which was Nephilim language. They’ve uncovered so far about ½ a million different symbols, plus drawings that even give solar phenomenon. The archeologists have translated 35,000 of these glyphs so far. They are keeping them in what Steve calls a “Glyphionary.”

In being interviewed recently on Coast to Coast with George Noory, Steve told of this dig, which has been kept relatively quiet because of the threats against the lives of those archeologists and helpers on the dig. They’ve even uncovered hybrid skeletons and stones of buildings of a ton or more weight, as well as priceless artifacts of the Nephilim, going back to the pre-Adamic Golden Age. The whole purpose of the new world order is to return to the Golden Age when fallen angels ruled earth.

I forget how many computers all over the world were tuned into Coast to Coast that night, but somewhere around 25,000 – computers of intelligence agents worldwide. Steve is working some with Fox News. But, when this information came out, about man interacting with fallen angels and their offspring (Genesis 6) with proof of it, CBN, MSNBC, and all the major news networks along with those, tore up their alien disclosure scriptures to re-write them. The uncovering of truth that proves the Bible account is scaring the liars and deceivers of the masses.

The made-up alien disclosure we’ve known is coming for decades because of mind-conditioning, so that the world’s people who accept it “hook, line, and sinker,” had a script. I wrote about it in a recent article on Monoliths showing up all over the world, and included in that article details of the Project Blue Beam. What began after Genesis 1:1 that caused Genesis 1:2 from then till now, the “angel wars,” the destruction of earth, is what is being repeated now, [Refer to: “Terraforming the Earth”/Mikvah of Present Reality].

Yes, we’ve been in space from the early 1950s; we know how to “jump space” to other parts of the galaxy. Yes, we can do “beam me up Scottie,” yes, we can beam weapons down onto the earth from space, yes we’ve been in battle with other nations in space, yes, we colonized the moon and Mars by the 1950s. Yes, chips in the brain to control people were shown in sci-fi movies of the 1950s.

Mars has several thousand human beings working underground on Mars right now. Yes, the fallen ones are moving in to take earth back to Genesis 1:2, and if Messiah does not come soon, nothing will be left for Him to come back to. So, here we are. Ya’ll ready for it?

My daughter wants me to do what? Podcast Genesis. Well, it wasn’t long before Yahuwah said “Podcast Genesis.” So, here I go. Chapters 1-12 will most likely be taken individually, but I am hoping to podcast two chapters at a time after that.

We’ve been kept ignorant across board. However, there are a few who love truth so much that Abba has brought them truth. Yet, when truth is spoken to general audience, general audience goes “tilt,” and says “I don’t believe that.” It’s kind of like a 5-year-old when introduced to a rocket scientist, proudly announces “I don’t believe in rockets.” Ok – the kid is 5. What happens when the kid is 75, 65, 55, 45, 35, 25? No-brainers! Upon hearing something they’ve never heard most reject it as nonsense. This is how the evil ones get away with what they do. I’ve been on the truth trail for nearly 60 years, and yes, as the old expression goes “truth is stranger than fiction.” However, I have the Spirit of Yahuwah to discern truth from error. I hope you do too.

I was a devoted “trekkie” in the 1960s. Gene Roddenberry was in Naval Intelligence. He knew all about the bases on the moon and Mars, about space flight, and wars in space. He knew about the advanced technology that fallen angels and Nephilim was bringing to the Pentagon, to Russia, to China.

One day I was at a friend’s house in East Texas. I was out there to speak at messianic congregations but also to do intercession. While there, the man of the family took me out to his tool shed. He pushed back tools, paint cans, etc. and from behind it all he drew out a notebook-type bound book. He said a man in Naval intelligence gave it to him. It contained classified information. He hid it right away. He said that he felt to give it to me. In there, I read about the “star wars” for real, about how Russia blew up one of our moon bases. I read how one of the missions failed and the astronauts died, and how they brought back clones.

What we’re actually beginning to see are “angel wars.” The fallen ones are invading earth and warring for positions that please the Dragon, Lucifer/Satan.

So, when I hear what key watchmen are being told by 4-star Generals at the Pentagon, and other sources, I know it’s the truth. Loving Truth opens many doors. And Truth is always confirmed! I did not write about what was in that book. I just waited until it was confirmed. I don’t like exposing classified information, which may be declassified by now, but still – I know how to keep things to myself. What is important is that we are prepared to meet Yahushua face to face!

The ignorant love ignorance, blow off reality, believe lies and deceptions. They abound into the majority now. The few do their homework, first of all asking Yahuwah to teach them, and so we come into unity around what Yahuwah is doing, and what the fallen ones are doing. So, yes, fallen angels, their offspring, a new generation of Nephilim, the return of the giants, as Isaiah 13 says in the Septuagint, and archeologists have discovered, some of which have been cloned. I hope you’ve read “The Return of Nimrod”/recent article. We are so much further along in the fulfillment of end-time Biblical prophecy that about 97% of earth’s people have no clue about what’s going on.

Ok, I’ll stop here. I will be presenting a lot of things in the podcasts on Genesis, especially chapters 1-12, things very scriptural that churches, messianic congregations, and public news, sure won’t tell you. We are in the midst of an invasion of the fallen ones – the portals are open. The information in “The Return of Nimrod” holds secrets few know. The reason why people are in such confusion and disbelief is because they believe so many lies, and won’t learn truth for themselves. I sure hope that’s not you. My life is dedicated to setting people free by Truth.

Shalom, Yedidah

June 11, 2021

Transcript of Podcast CCLXXXVII: The Book of Genesis Chapters 1
Transcript of Podcast CCLXXXVII: The Book of Genesis Chapters 1
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