Shabbat Shalom!

“Podcast CCLXXX: The Book of Hebrews Chapter 13” is ready for listening under “Audio Teachings” on the main page of

“Transcript of Podcast CCLXXX: The Book of Hebrews Chapter 13” is #95.0 under the Mikvah of Israel, Our Eternal Inheritance” or “Recent Articles” on the main page.

In this podcast I begin by explaining my method of teaching Scripture along with giving urgent news of pending WWIII and Biden’s executive order proclamation to Russia as of yesterday provoking President Putin to the extreme.

The Pike/Mazzini Plan Part III is in the works, with the final result planned for a new world order, one world government, anti-messiah/Beast global regime. I will be writing an article on this later today or tomorrow morning, but we’re facing nuclear attack. Putin is a warrior. He is no game-player. What he says, he means. So, whoever is putting Biden up to this, or whatever is substituting for Biden, knows what they’re doing. America is surrounded on all four sides with nuclear weapons, and with deeply entrenched enemies within. You cannot pray against what Yahuwah has written in His Word, but Scripture tells us to pray for ourselves and our family, and for all who are already suffering greatly for His Name’s sake.

This is a dramatic conclusion to the study of this extremely important book of the Bible. Pray for Yahuwah’s absolute will to be done. Yet, in doing so, you must remember that His will is for Babylon to fall! He has passed His judgment and He won’t recant His Word. He’s given America 70 years to be super power, and we used it to become the most-evil nation in history, spreading evil worldwide, preparing the way for the Beast kingdom with Nimrod/Osiris/Apollo/Apollyon (Revelation 9:11) leading the way.

I write that with a broken heart, for I love my country, once “America the Beautiful.” I kept singing that song for days this week. But it is no more. As I have spoken and written for decades, America was chosen to be the nation to bring forth the antichrist/anti-messiah in the last days, and we have done it. [Refer to: “America’s Secret Destiny”/Mikvah of Preparation]

Abba began showing me America in Scripture in 1992, and now many watchmen are referring to the same Scriptures. Books have been written, and the truth is coming down to the final details of Isaiah 13, Jeremiah 50-51, and Isaiah 18 particularly. Refer to: “Thirty Clues and More Identifying America in Scripture”/Mikvah of Preparation.

In this podcast I mention the article “Through.” It is also under the Mikvah of Preparation.

Shalom and blessings, love and joy, Yedidah

April 16, 2021





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