Happy Purim!
1) “Transcript of Podcast CCLXVI: The Book of Hebrews Chapter 3” is posted under the Mikvah of Israel, Our Eternal Inheritance, or under “Recent Articles” on the main page, and 2) “Podcast CCLXVI: The Book of Hebrews Chapter 3,” is ready for listening under Audio Teachings.
Have the transcript in hand and follow along with the podcast. As with all my podcasts, I include information and understanding not in the written article.
I hope you’re read the article I posted last night, “Breaking News Update,” from Israel, and watched the short videos whose links I include. Friends who are used to going to Israel, yet understand reality that is not often openly discussed, are very sickened at what has happened in the last 3 days, and growing increasingly worse. Be under no illusions, no religious fantasies! Face the reality and pray for the people in Israel, especially the Christian and Messianic Jews, Christian Palestinians and Arabs, and others who might be resisting the vaccine. What has begun in Israel will spread to the entire world. Israel is having worldwide prayer in preparation for the coming of their Kabbalist messiah, and Jerusalem is being prepared to receive him. I share some of that in last night’s article.
Truly the message of Purim’s victory is what we need to hear, since the same scenario is being presented from Israel on a world-wide level right now.
Shalom, blessings, Yedidah
February 26, 2021
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I appreciate your prayers and offerings very much. May you be blessed!