“Transcript of Podcast CCLXIX: The Book of Hebrews Chapter 5” is posted as #87.0 under Israel, Our Eternal Inheritance, or “Recent Articles” on the main page.
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This chapter presents a big question mark for you seek out from Abba, as I have. Yet, to come to a solid bottom line might not be easy. Who is the mystery-man in Genesis 14 – Melchizedek? Was it Yahushua who met Abram and offered him bread and wine, and blessed him, or was it simply the human king of the village Salem, which would become Jerusalem – who is merely symbolic of Messiah?
In this podcast, I tell my adventure with being “pinned to the bed” twice by demonic forces. And, yes, it’s related to Genesis 14. I don’t think I’ve told these stories before, but they were very real happenings in real time, confirmed by others as being “par for the course” in demonic areas. What an education I have received about the world of the fallen ones since 1966! This is how I understand the power we have through the victory of Messiah in His resurrection, with such clarity. When you see the worst of the fallen ones acting out in this world, Yahuwah and Yahushua become so mighty and powerful to us of faith, coming to our rescue, enforcing our spiritual warfare. What teamwork there is with Them in true spiritual warfare! No fear, an anointed boldness comes when we are trained in spiritual warfare the Scripture way.
On another topic, soon to be an article, I have learned a large amount of information to answer the question, finally, for myself and for you: “Is the covid vaccine, actually gene editing and not a vaccine at all, the mark of the Beast?” We know it contains DNA changing things, and evil inhuman things, in it. But, is it the Revelation 13 “mark?”
I can present a simple explanation and/or a very detailed explanation to answer that question – finally. I have been asking Yahuwah about it, and He has directed me to sound information that answers the questions in a general and specific way. I hope soon to write a simple article with a simple explanation, that includes information to continue your study. In talking to those at the Prayer Center yesterday, I find they are learning the same things and confirming the data I have. When Spirit led and Spirit taught, we unite in Truth and receive more Truth.
Shalom, Yedidah
March 7, 2021