
“Podcast CCC: The Book of Genesis Chapter 10” is ready for listening, under “Audio Messages” on the main page.

“Transcript of Podcast CCC: The Book of Genesis Chapter 10” is posted under the Mikvah of the Great Adventure.

Be sure to download and print out the Transcript so that you can follow along with what I am teaching in this podcast – so that you link each verse together into one complete whole and not miss anything.

I also give admonition and exhortation at the end of this study. Yes, this is a study on the “Table of Nations” that is all about your lineage, the source of your heritage. All of mankind is related to Noah, the patriarch of the linage of Seth, son of Adam. All humanity came from him, through the children of his three sons. The three children spread out all over the earth, as the last podcast told – Japheth’s name actually means “one who spreads out,” for his people covered great areas from what is now Russia, to Greece, to Europe etc. Japheth intermarried a lot with Shem. The children of Ham are also found in many places of earth, joining with the House of Judah in many of their tribes.

I take the scriptures one verse at a time, and share with you the notes from the translator of The Passion Translation, who is a thorough Hebrew scholar. He presents the meaning of names, and where the people settled.

All of our lineages come from the Middle East, from Turkey where the ark landed, and down into Arabia and Yemen, as well as throughout all the nations of the Middle East today, spreading into all other nations worldwide.

All nations came from either Shem, Ham, or Japheth. The three races of humans, separated by land division, are 1) Caucasian 2) Negroid and 3) Mongoloid.

Caucasians have either white or varieties of brown skin, Negroid races have black skin, Mongoloid races, the nations of Asia, have yellowish to light brown skin. But, guess what! All human beings, from birth have the same basic nature, desires, and needs. Though sin infests the mind, affecting soul and body, some people-groups are more sensitive to the things of the Spirit of Yahuwah than others. But all need love. All need peace. All need to be wanted and needed. All need a purpose for their life. All want to advance to improve themselves and their offspring. All humans have a body, a soul (mind, emotions, will) and an eternal spirit that seeks their creator. Different cultures, different locations, but all come from one man – Noah, whose lineage came from one man – Adam.

This is an important chapter. I read a verse, then tell you where the people came from and settled, with names and places.

The introduction of the Notes begins with Genesis 10:1: “This begins the second ten-generation account in Genesis, and is incredibly important for understanding human history. This chapter contains what many have described as the `Table of Nation,’ the oldest ethnological table found in the literature of the ancient world. Virtually all the names included here have been verified and found in archeological sites over the past one hundred years. There are precisely seventy names mentioned here…”

The Apostle Sha’ul said in Acts 17:25-27, Berean Bible: “Nor is He served by human hands, as if He needs anything, because He Himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else. From one man He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined their appointed times and boundaries of their lands. God intended that they would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each of us.”

The oldest empire on earth is the Akkadian empire, which became the Assyrian empire, or “Asshur” in Hebrew.

Learn your roots. Learn how carefully Moses recorded this lineage for Yahuwah’s people to know. Adam began in East Jerusalem in a Garden with three portals opened between heaven and earth. Sin caused he and Eve to have to leave the Garden. All these years in between, every man born has the curse of sin in their nature. Yahushua came to “destroy the works of the Devil,” in each one of us, so that we could return to the Garden, to the portals into heaven, and again, without sin, have eternal life. One huge circle … for those who will yield to Yahuwah by the blood of His Son, and let His risen Son be their Master.

How can I, a Bible scholar, researcher, and passionate lover of the Word of my Father and His Son, just read over Genesis 10 without any explanation of who all those people were? I write for students! I podcast for students! I don’t want to waste time on the “skimmers,” the lazy, apathetic, dabblers in the Word, the not-serious, the not-disciplined. I want to teach the truly born again who are growing in His favor.

There are scriptures in many places in the Word that follow up on these people in Genesis 10. The Word interlocks your heritage. The Spirit teaches as we study with resolve to put it all together into great message from our Creators.

You will see many names that you recognize. Every human on earth is related to these people in Genesis 10, and all are included in the salvation of Yahushua Messiah, our Savior and Redeemer. No one is left out of Their love.

In His love, peace, and contentment,


July 21, 2021

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