TO THE ONE WHO CONQUERS – Revelation 2 and 3

Shabbat Shalom!

“To the One Who Conquers – Revelation Chapters 2 and 3” is under the Mikvah of Set-Apartness #89.0.

This comes from a study Abba gave me last night, from both the English Standard Version and The Passion Version with clarifying notes. It’s powerful!

It is the message for NOW! Unless this processing is in process in a person, there can be no transformation in time for facing martyrdom or translation. We’re at the either/or time, and at this time when we either go forward or fall away. Most who have embraced man’s fallen western-style Christianity, the western-style messianic movement, Hebrew roots movement, or Ephraimite movement, are moving far away from what He is doing, drifting out to sea. They are moving away from the solid foundation of the whole Word. They are following man and their own mental reasoning that feels good. Yahuwah only builds on foundations that He establishes by His Spirit, through His Son!

Most have fallen so far that they’re in danger of being like Esau whose attempts at repentance were denied. We are in the midst of “great falling away,” names erased from the Book of Life, as Yahuwah told Moses in Exodus 32 and the message to Sardis in Revelation 3:5.

Most people are either so apathetic and lazy, so self-centered, so fearful, or so flippant, that they are already moving towards damnation. We see the warning in II Thessalonians 2:8-12, as well as throughout the Word. Abba is rising to His wilderness journey demands for set-apartness. The guy who picked up sticks on Shabbat sure didn’t expect that reaction of His!

The Elohim of the Tenach is alive and well. The Elohim of Genesis 6 comes along with the “days of Noah.”

This is a short study, but a study it is … so look up the Scriptures and apply them to your own life – not someone else’s life – your life.

As I saw in the vision 3 Shabbats ago at the Prayer Center, the fire of the Spirit is rising in me as I move towards the reason for my set-apartness at age 4 ½, and my calling at age 17. Of course, He added to that in 1985, then expanded it more after that. He always increases us, never takes away from what He’s said unless we cause Him to.

This posting follows #88.0 under the Mikvah of Set-Apartness: “And If It Dies,” which I wrote for the week of Unleavened Bread. How appropriate that these two articles are back-to-back! Unless we did to carnal “self,” we cannot have eternal life. Take this to Him in prayer, and apply what is for now to now.

In His love, Yedidah

June 12, 2021

TO THE ONE WHO CONQUERS - Revelation Chapters 2 And 3
TO THE ONE WHO CONQUERS - Revelation Chapters 2 And 3
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