“This is the Year to Take Off the Veil” is #127.0 under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim.
Here I present to you a totally different understanding of set-apartness. When you take off the veil and allow your face to radiate the esteem/glory/radiance of Yahuwah and Yahushua, coming “out of the closet”/American slang, we may shock others into fear of us, or despising of us, or being jealous of us as Korah did with Moses, but the veil of the Temple has been torn in two for a long time – since 586 BCE – and the Ark of the Covenant is able to reside in each truly born again person. The Ark was just an acacia wood box covered in gold in which were the Ten Commandment tablets. But, because of Messiah the Ark can now reside in us, so that we, like Solomon in I Kings 8, can ask for the Spirit of Yahuwah to come within us and rule from within our re-born spirit. What a high and set-apart privilege!!! Within us resides the Ten Commandments – in fact, the whole Word from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21. His Word is light. We must let it shine forth. It is time!!!
Yet, today, this privilege is being rejected by the majority of Greco-Roman pagan-world “believers” who are on the broad road to destruction (Matthew 7:13-14). They live under the veil of man’s teachings.
This article will take you into a study you may not know exists, to understand why we cannot be like Moses who veiled his face to placate the fearful people who did not want to see the light that flowed out from him. He had to keep his relationship with Yahuwah private, back behind the veil of his tabernacle. People are still hiding behind a religious mask, put there by man, because they are afraid of people’s reaction if they really let their light shine. This is the year to take off the veil. The Tenach (“Old Testament”) is only veiled because man has veiled it. The fulness of the “New Testament” is only veiled because of man’s lack of faith. The Word is One, it is whole, it is not fragmented. There is an original Covenant between Yahuwah and His people. Yahushua expanded it so that we can have His personal Presence within us. How great is that!!!
The whole of the Word is Light. There is no darkness in Yahuwah. Therefore, nothing He said should be veiled! Yahuwah did not put a veil over the teaching of Moses – only man did that. Our personal light comes from our receiving the salvation of Messiah to remove sin – the Lamb of Yahuwah, our Lamb.
This is another side to “set-apartness” that needs to be understood. As children of light, we are set-apart from darkness, from the kingdom of darkness, unto the Kingdom of Light. We must no longer hide behind the mask of “man” or of placating the feelings of the lost, for any reason. Isaiah 60:1-2 is now the great division.
May the light of understanding truth, shine in the heart of all of His children!
In His love, Yedidah
January 18, 2020