Shabbat Shalom!
“The Wearing Down of the Set Apart Ones” is #79.0 under the Mikvah of Set-Apartness and Separation or “Recent Articles” on the main page.
Attacks are increasing to wear down the set apart ones so that we lose spiritual energy, lose faith, grow angry, fearful, and lose interest in anything but daily life.
Many are throwing away their faith, discouraged, depressed, oppressed, or just sick of all the worldly hype and religious confusion. Two near-opposite types of “prophecies” are coming forth. Steven ben Nun recently warned of listening to the “prophecies,” words from “the Lord” by big-name famous preachers, like the recent one telling us that Trump will win the election and nothing’s going to happen – we’ll have peace for another 5 years, then a big asteroid will hit earth. Uhhhh … yea – that was a real recent “word” from a famous on-line Christian leader.
Of course, they believe they get raptured before anything bad happens – a eternally dangerous Jesuit-spawned teaching, which has no basis using Scripture in context. I won’t go there, but I can tear that teaching apart into shreds by exposing the hidden deceptions that sound so good, but leave out almost all of the Bible. It is a mind-manipulation that preys on fear and ignorance.
The true watchmen are ignored because they proclaim the true heart of Yahuwah and Yahushua and warn of judgment and then the final outpouring of wrath as Messiah descends. The true ones are already in danger for telling the truth. The watchmen are discouraged that hardly anyone is acting on the warnings, as I wrote recently.
But, the actual “wearing down” of the set apart ones is happening as an all-out attack is happening to eliminate the truth-tellers across board. This wearing down by the antichrist Beast spirit now on the earth, preparing the way for his rule, is a reality. I’m feeling it strongly, as are others – yesterday was a hard day.
Steve Quayle recently warned of the intensifying of the evil ones after October 21st – and so it is.
I know that some of you are feeling it strongly. Many are hearing from Abba but nearly paralyzed to put it into action what He is saying. I understand that. Yet, as we spiritually put our foot into the waters of the raging Jordan, as Joshua told the priests to do so long ago, Yahuwah will part the waters and give us strength to do what we need to do. But we must first act to show Him we will obey Him!!!
In my move, I began packing at His orders, and His intense warning within my spirit – His urgency that began in August with Elul. He gave me a target date – to be moved no later than October 15th. I thought I had an apartment, but it turned out that I had to turn it down. They were asking me to do something I could not do. My realtor, my daughter-in-law, found me a duplex for rent. I’m now almost moved into it. I moved October 12th. Yahuwah expects us to act on what He says before He says anymore! He is speaking to all who will listen to Him. Refer to: “Forty Ways Yahuwah Speaks to His Children”/Mikvah of the Spirit.
He has been telling us to get out of debt and prepare since the mid-1980s – as in prepare for what we’re entering now. People believing the deceptive words of famous preachers and or TV/computer website teachers speaking soothing words like “fear not, we’re getting out of here before any tribulation starts” are doing nothing to prepare for anything. Yet, America is a heart-beat away from the fulfillment of Isaiah 10, 13, 47, Jeremiah 50-51, and Revelation 18, as the Chinese military sits on both the north and south US borders, and its army is mobilizing inside the US also.
As Pastor Dana Coverstone repeats from his dreams: “Brace Yourself! Brace yourself!” Are you well stocked with food, water, medicines, and anything else you need if the grid goes down in an EMP, or the bombing begins, or the famine hits hard, or you can’t go out unless you get injected with nanobots?
The time of warning is soon to end. There will be panic and terror for the unprepared. Most of all strengthen your faith. Don’t let the enemy invade your mind and emotions and weaken your faith!
In His love, Yedidah
October 24, 20202