“The United Nations Taking Its Power to Reign as Leader and Promoter of World Government and Religion Under the 8th Beast,” is #244.0 under the Mikvah of Present Reality.
This is the 3rd and probably the final article, for now, on the United Nations and its assumption of the role of world ruler and spokesman for its plans worldwide – making sure that all nations bow to its edicts or “else.” How powerful is it? What secrets has it hidden from us? LOTS OF HIDDEN SECRETS! I am sharing as many as I can with you.
This article includes a list of the 17 “Kigali Principles,” of the U.N., adopted and signed into law by John Kerry, for Obama, in 2016. These are something you must know! What is being set up for you? It’s right in our face! These apply directly to you and your family.
I would safely say that 99% of Americans are totally ignorant of what I have presented to you in these three articles on the United Nations. I would say that 99% of the world’s people in general are ignorant of what has been decided for them under their submission to the United Nations. It’s not just a big organization in New York that has suggestions for world peace and safety.
It is more and more becoming a voice of edicts of its own that are in the works to take over all of our lives.
Please look up the Scriptures and read them carefully. Please look up the articles recommended that support what these 3 articles are relating. I thought I was through with 2 of them until the evening of December 6th when Abba literally directed me to information that I needed to share in a 3rd article. He is the one who leads me to information I need to share in all articles, and in podcasts.
The world’s people are becoming more and more drawn under the power of the “god of this world” and his fallen angel servants. People’s minds are being taken over so their emotions are controllable by the forces of darkness.
For those who are “sitting with Yahuwah in His secret place,” are outside of the influence. These are those submitted to Yahuwah and obedient to Him every day, sensitive to what He is saying to them. This is a spiritual war. Massive casualties are happening with those who do not hear and obey the Master Yahuwah, Yahushua. The “few” keep their eyes on the narrow path that leads to the narrow gate. (Matthew 7:13-14)
In knowing what we “missed” while having all that fun in our lives, or little to no fun, we now can look objectively at it, and do something about it.
This knowledge needs to be passed on to others, especially to men who will investigate further, not for opinions, but for solid substantiated truth.
The words of Hebrews 12:1-3 are very important. The “cloud” is cheering us on. We must let go of any sin, mental or emotional “hang ups,” or what causes us to be apathetic, or look to the past, in order to reach out to what lies ahead. We must be forward-looking minded, for the past was only to prepare us for our future. I feel the urgency to get positioned in His perfect will and go forward under His command.
Please share these and the articles that build faith. Share the podcasts too.
In His love, Yedidah
December 9, 2021
OFFERINGS for 2021-2022
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***Note*** Make sure that you send via Pay Pal only through the “friends and family” option, so that we are not taxed for what you send. Your gifts are simply that – gifts. I no longer have my 501C corporation.
*** If sending for the building of my little cottage, please mark your gifts for that, and I will set it aside for only building expenses. [The building has not started yet as of Dec. 8th – just the plans are being drawn up.]
My son Derek manages this option, but all gifts come to me.
I appreciate your prayers and offerings very much. May you be blessed!