Shalom! Shalom! Shalom!
Post-Election Special
“The Timing of Yahuwah and His Plans For His Goal – Did You Really Think This Was Going to Be a Righteous Election?” This is under the Mikvah of Preparation #73.0. Read it and ask yourself the questions I ask.
For now, we really need to brace ourselves for what is coming and prepare.
In this short article, I ask a couple of very critical question for you to ask yourself. What is Yahuwah showing you? Does America have a chance for our Wedge to continue to hold off the final onslaught – can Trump, or can he not?
Are we at the point that Yahuwah reached when He told Jeremiah “do not pray for this people,” because the judgment was passed? At that point, the people were offering their babies and children in sacrifice to foreign gods in the Valley of Hinnom – known as “Tophet.”
In the article posted yesterday, a very important article that will explain a lot to you, an article you must read, America is the world’s Tophet.
Trump put in three conservative judges on the Supreme Court who have the ability to overturn the Roe vs. Wade decision of 1973. Would that stop the judgment on America if that decision is overturned? If you read that article from yesterday on New York and New York City (see “Recent articles” on the main page, or the Mikvah of Present Reality), you’ll see that New York led that decision of the Supreme Court, and New York City is the world’s capital for abortions even up to and after birth, letting new born babies die in a dark room and their body parts harvested and sold. America is responsible for most of the over 1 billion abortions worldwide, 130 million within the U.S., the drug trafficking that is so extensive, most of the wars that now rage, most of the slaughtering of Christians, the pornography, the pedophilia, the trafficking of children worldwide, and on and on.
Is Yahuwah ready to give us another wedge of time to repent? What did the repenting ones do on September 26th, in Washington D.C., tens of thousands of them, and across the nation? What was prayed, and was it in line with the Word – of course alignment with the Word was not in every situation, for there was a lot of fear-praying involved and wrong praying. Many laid hands on very demonic-charged monuments that represent the real reason why America was established, thus opening themselves up to attacks of the enemy. Ignorance reigns to a great extent among Christians and Messianic folk in America, as you know. Religion of man keeps His people ignorant. Be Spirit-taught!!!
Please read this post-election special and answer the questions for yourself, honestly. Do you have hope? And if so, what is the hope based on?
Maintain shalom – our Master is soon-coming.
Yedidah, November 4, 2020
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