The Sifter


Chag Sameach! Today is 1 of Sukkot 2018 by the Creator’s way of reckoning time, by the “ancient paths where the good way is.”

It is entitled: “The Sifter.” It is #47.0 under the Mikvah of Set-Apartness.

Abba has really encouraged me and anointed me to podcast some prophecies about our day and the return of Messiah.

Now available for listening under “Audio Messages” are Podcast LXX: “The Month of Ethanim and the Speaking Place,” Podcast LXXI: “The Restrainers,” Podcast LXXII: “Live Unsettled,” Podcast LXXIII: “When Almost Everyone Has Let Their Guard Down It Will Strike,” Podcast LXXIV: “The Bridge Into the Third Day,” and Podcast LXXV: “The Security of Egypt vs. the Freedom of the Wilderness Journey.”  Podcast LXXVI will be “The Sifter.”

This article will be podcasted tomorrow, September 27th. Every one of these prophecies contains the word of Yahuwah to us. They are all aligned totally with Scripture and with the nature and heart of Elohim. All personal and group prophecy of Elohim aligns totally with the Scriptures!

The ability to prophesy by the Spirit of Yahuwah is included in the list of the gifts of the Spirit in I Corinthians 12:1-11: 1) prophecy, 2) “the word of knowledge,” and 3) “the word of wisdom.” Prophecy comes from the direct speaking of the Spirit into our spirit, and through visions or dreams.

In I Corinthians 14, Sha’ul encourages those filled with the Spirit to prophesy. But, there is also a “gift” of prophecy, one of the five ministry gifts of Ephesians 4. This ministry appointment of the “Office of the Prophet” to the assemblies of Elohim, are to share His thinking, His timing, His admonitions, His encouragements, and His warnings to His people.

For at least 150 years, prophecy about the end days and especially about America has been restored to His people. The infilling of the Spirit was restored in the early 1900s, so that we might hear from Him in our “speaking place,” as I wrote in the recent article about Sukkot – “The Month of Ethanim and the Speaking Place”/Mikvah of the Covenant.

I’ve had the three prophetic gifts listed above in operation since 1966 when I was baptized into the Spirit, but also the gifts of interpretation of dreams, and discernment of spirits, so that I know what is of Elohim, aligning to the Word, and what is out of the head of religious man. We all must have the gift of the discerning of Spirits as listed in I Corinthians 12:1-11. We all have one or more of the gifts of the Spirit in operation if we are filling with the Spirit. Let Him minister through you!

Messiah warned above all else about these days, that we be not deceived. That means knowing His Word well, and knowing Him well – knowing His nature, ways, and thinking. It also means having the gift of discernment of spirits completely activated.

This article comes from a brief prophetic word that Abba gave me in 2008. It is happening now. In fact, all of the prophecies of the end days, whether the 223 in Scripture, or the many coming from His servants—all are speaking the same things. This series will continue until Abba tells me to stop. “Hear what the Spirit is saying to the assemblies.”

Shalom! Blessings!


September 26, 2018

The Sifter
The Sifter
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