The Seed of the Viper in the Pharisees and the Seed on the Woman in the Natsarim


This is the third in the series on the return of the Natsarim for the final days’ confrontation with the powers of darkness.

This article is entitled: “The Seed of the Viper in the Pharisees and the Seed of the Woman in the Natzarim.” It is under the Mikvah of Set-Apartness #55.0 or under the Recent Articles tab on the main page.

This article tells of Abba’s drawing a line in the sand that will divide between the true remnant of the Natsarim and all religious game-players. He has thrown down the gauntlet. He is preparing a company of people to go forth under His direction, joining with the two witnesses in an Eliyahu/Elijah Company and a Moshe/Moses Company, moving in the anointing and character of these ancient prophets. He wants to anoint you also for your part in this end-time movement of Elohim.

But, to be in one of these two anointing, each one must be of Yahuwah’s likeness and character, with His nature, thinking His thoughts, walking and acting in His ways. His Spirit must be in total control through our re-born spirit. There must be none of “self” left in us, or else He cannot use us to His esteem. 100% submission to Him in all things is mandatory to be a part of this Daniel 11:32 company who do exploits in the time of anti-messiah/antichrist.

This article contains information that may be shocking to some of you. I give you quotes from Orthodox rabbis that guard Kabbalah who openly say that the messiah is “the holy snake.” Their messiah will be antichrist.

Kabbalah says that the snake is the symbol of enlightenment. Oh course, Kabbalah is witchcraft, new age mysticism, and purely satanic at its core. But, all 70 of the Sanhedrin are Kabbalists, for example, which says a lot. All key rabbis, Ashkenazi or Sephardic are Kabbalists. The chief of them are under Rome for the judgment of all people under the Noahide Laws.

Make sure you’ve read my three major articles on the Noahide Laws, for America passed a bill in the 1990s making these laws binding on all American citizens. To break them will be to break American law. They were put under the Lubavich and Chabad, honoring Rabbi Schneerson. These are organizations that back the Noahide Laws. These laws will used to behead all believers, Christian or Messianic! I clearly explain in those three articles, which are listed in this article.

It is time for His people to stop bowing to deceivers, who are spiritually those of old who are back in disguise as the book of Jude tells us. This article shows the extreme difference between what religion bows to, and who the Natsarim bow to.

Go before Father and ask Him your place in these last days. He will tell you and confirm it. But, make sure your spirit and soul are in alignment with Him as Master.

In His love,


March 27, 2019

The Seed of the Viper in the Pharisees and the Seed of the Woman In the Natsarim
The Seed of the Viper in the Pharisees and the Seed of the Woman In the Natsarim
47.7 KiB

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