The Season of the Pruning of the Branches – The Uniting of the Remnant and the Martyrs


“The Season of the Pruning of the Branches – The Uniting of the Remnant and the Martyrs” is under the Mikvah of The Heart of Elohim #79.0 or Recent Articles.

This is article #1 of a five-part series on waiting on Yahuwah and Yahushua. Moses waited on Yahuwah for six days before being invited into the cloud of His Presence.  There is an “art” to waiting on Him.

Yahuwah is NOT a “drive up” God, as in: Pull up at a window at McDonald’s, give your order, go to the next window pay your bill, and get your food.

Waiting on Yahuwah and Yahushua is not a Western world concept. Their Word is not a Britain-American document! He does not appease the flesh. Waiting on Him, obeying His Word, kills the flesh–the carnal sin/self-prone nature–so that our soul aligns to His nature, ways, and thinking, so that our soul dies to its carnality and aligns to the born-again spirit within the center of us. It prepares us to enter the Kingdom of Messiah in victory. It is how all Their close friends unite with Them to know Them. It is how They come to know us!

This series is not for the lost, or for the lukewarm who will be lost if they don’t repent. This is not for the curious, the apathetic, the lazy, worldly, or the self-centered. This is not for anyone who is “religious.” This teaching series is for serious truly born-again, Spirit-filled believers who are preparing to meet Messiah and enter His Kingdom soon. This is for those who want to know Yahuwah and Yahushua as Persons in a personal intimate relationship, so that They know you. If They do not know you, all your religiosity is worthless.

In my recent articles “The Final Uniting of the Spirit and Soul Before the Translation, or Resurrection, of the Body”/April 7, 2019 [Podcast CIX Part I and Podcast CX Part II, April 8, 2019] and “The Greatest Fear of Satan Has Begun to Grip Him”/April 9, 2019 [Podcast CXI, April 11, 2019] I talk about the work of the Spirit with His true servants now. Yahuwah’s Spirit is setting apart those who will be part of His end-time “alive and remain” remnant, as well as those who will be a part of His Company of Martyrs (Revelation 6:9-11, 7:9-17; 14:12-13)

Please, please do not skim these articles. Please do not glibly listen to podcasts. These things that I write and podcast come from the heart of Elohim! Be respectful of Him! Do not read for curiosity or debate. I always send you to learn from Abba. You are known by the Master.

If you read, please take the time to look up all the Scriptures, and ask Abba to teach you what He wants you to know for yourself. I hope I am not wasting time listing Scriptures only for people to skim over them as if they were nothing. I do know of those who use the articles in study groups. Praise Abba for you!

I do not seek compliments! Though I accept them (smile). I know most of them that I get are from those who are sincere and hungry to know Elohim! I appreciate your kindness. I really do appreciate all of you very much! I appreciate those of you who pray for me! I appreciate those of you who send me love offerings. I really do thank Abba for you! I pray for you too!

Dear ones, what I want to hear is your joy that you’ve led someone else to salvation, or been a part of someone’s miracle, that you are doing prayer walks, bringing people into your home to pray, reaching out to the lost, to the hurting in general, to those who need counsel, to those who need His love. I get complaints about Christians who don’t want to hear about Torah. Oh come on! It’s the living Elohim people need to see in action through us – not our trying to shove down our head-knowledge into them. We either repel or attract depending on what spirit we are manifesting.

A week ago on Shabbat morning, from 8:00-12:00, the Prayer Center had an outreach to the neighborhood. Five ministries worked with our pastor. There was much prayer going on, and there were teams who walked and prayed. There were also teams that talked to people, witnessed, and prayed with people. At noon we met for reporting. There was much joy. At least five were born again, many prayed for as individuals, and lots of powerful prayers went up for the people in general.

I know that churches are mostly all spiritually dead in “free” nations. I know that the Ephraimite Messianic movement is all but dead too. It’s time His people got out from under man’s domination over their spiritual life, over their thinking and acting, and hearing from Abba.

What is He saying? What is His opinion? I ask that in a lot of my articles. I tell people “ask Abba,” “let Abba’s Spirit teach you.”  I usually get a “deer in the headlights look,” a stunned blank-mind expressions.  I also get sarcastic remarks like: “…well, you hear from God but I don’t ‘cause you must be special and I’m not.”  I’m not special! He is just drawn to me by my strong desire to know Him. I take the time to listen to Him. He wants our fellowship!  He cannot talk to the “too busy to hear.” That was one of the first articles I ever wrote “Too Busy to Hear.”

I made a decision a long time ago not to do anything except what He says to do. This is my lifestyle. I make people mad at me for that too, but Messiah said over and over that He only did what His Father said to do, or to say. Are we better than Him? Let’s be who we are – children of the Most High, Shaddai, children of light! “Let your light shine among men …”

Check out your priorities, see if your beliefs are just head beliefs or really real. Will you stand the test of daily death to self will, a type of martyrdom, and perhaps physical martyrdom as well?

I ask these things for one reason: Because I care! Because I love His people! That’s why I still write and podcast.  THANK YOU for listening to my heart. I love you all!

Soon, Messiah will say to those who do what has told them to do: “You have been faithful in little; I will make you faithful in much; enter into the joy of your Master.”  That’s our goal–to hear Him say that to us. We all have things to do for Him as servants. (Luke 12:31-48) Do you know how special you are?

Happy Rosh Chodesh! At sunset on May 7th in Israel, we entered Sivan. Happy Festival of Shavu’ot/Pentecost on Sunday, six weeks from First Fruits which is always the first Sunday after Passover, this year March 22nd.

And, on Sunday, Happy 68th spiritual birthday to me (smile). I was born again on Mother’s Day, May 13, 1951.

Shalom, blessings, love,


May 8, 2019



The Season of Pruning and Burning - The Uniting of the Remnant and the Martyrs
The Season of Pruning and Burning - The Uniting of the Remnant and the Martyrs
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