The Season of the Coming of Messiah and Yahuwah’s Judgment on the World


This study article is only 4 pages, but it contains enough to keep you studying for hours. It is entitled: “The Season of the Coming of Messiah and Yahuwah’s Judgment on the World.” It is #1.0 under the Mikvah of Preparation. It is a total revision and update of the January 8, 2012 article!

Since I referred you to it in the last two articles, I figured I’d better update it! This is a very important study (smile).

It is also a very important revision! Back in 2012, I saw the 3 final 7-year cycles that the Jewish sages wrote about 400 years ago in such detail as the final 3 cycles before Messiah came. The Jews also thought the same as we entered 2007/2008. That cycle ended in 2015, right on schedule with the findings of the sages from 400 years ago. Their details were prophetically accurate to the max!

I wrote about these 3 cycles in “The Shmittah Year Prophecy,” and “The Forty-Eight Hour Transition,” in 2007. I was in Jerusalem and saw the fervor of the Orthodox Jews, as September 13, 2007/2008 Yom Teruah did mark the end of Ephraim’s punishment after 2,730 years! That timing is easily determined from Ezekiel 4 and Leviticus 26. Last year, I wrote “The Smittah Year Prophecy Revised,” and brought things up to date. 400 years ago, the Jewish sages, tracing 7-year cycles from the time that Joshua entered the Land, found the forerunning final 3 cycles, and they prophesied accurately. These three cycles were detailed in their accuracy to world events, aligning to Genesis 41 amazingly. But, the sages did not realize that the 2007/2008 – 2015/2016 was not the final 7-year cycle, not Daniel’s 70th week!

When the Shmittah year of 2015 ended, and the Jubilee year of 2016 began, many were really baffled. What happened? Where’s Messiah? Many got discouraged, even angry, and dumped the whole study of end-time prophecy into the preverbal garbage, as in “let’s get on with life – He ain’t comin’ ”

Pastor/Teacher/SkywatchTV CEO Tom Horn, wrote Apollyon Rising 2012. He wrote about the Great Seal of the United States that is on the back of the $1.00 bill, showing how from the most ancient times, not just Mayans, but ancient calendars doing back 12,000 years or more, showing that the final Era and the final age would begin on December 21, 2012 by astronomy. Because the New Agers got involved in this, the world was predicting all sorts of weirdness. But, literally, at the base of the pyramid on the back of the $1.00 bill, it says 1776. Counting years by the Mayan katums (year cycles of 19.6 years), the top of the pyramid came to 2012. By the Gregorian calendar, the top of the pyramid came to 2016.

As David Flynn pointed out in his research, which you can read on page 10 of “The Great and Final Transition,” about the great sign of the end of a 25, 600-year Era, and an approximate 5,120 year age, the final age of the previous era, Messiah actually told His disciples who knew this astronomy sign of the Ouroboros/Leviathan in the heavens, the timing of His return. When we see the Ouroboros/Leviathan (the snake biting its tail) again in the heavens, we know that a new age has begun. It’s just astronomy – no weirdness! This happened in the days of Noah at the time of the Flood, and it happened around the end of 2012 as the constellation Sagittarius aimed its arrow at the mouth of the Ouroboros. I suggest you read David Flynn’s Cydonia – one of the best books on the subject I’ve read.

Here we are entering the 3rd year of this present cycle, the mid-point being Passover 2019. NO! I’m not saying this is the final cycle. But, I want you to observe something else: The end of the Spirit’s striving with the Nephilim, as per Genesis 6:2-4, and the 70 generation prophecy of Enoch, for 120 years ended in April of 2016. At this point, all end-time prophetic events began to escalate, and now all of them are set for final fulfillment – all 223 of them! Folks, this is no coincidence! This is not manipulating Scripture. The whole of the Scripture is focused right now on this cycle – last or not last. All of the true watchmen of Yahuwah are sounding their preverbal shofars, to warn His people that we are entering a most dangerous time. Will it be what is called “the great tribulation?” WE DON’T KNOW YET!

Another point: The CIA and U.N. goals are set for 2025 – goals to depopulate the earth, and confine the remaining ones in a feudalistic culture.

Trump is like a dike trying to hold back a hurricane. He is holding some things back, but at the same time loosing other things. So, like the dikes in the Netherlands, the sea wall can only be held back so far.

All I ask you to do is go to Abba after doing your Scripture homework, and spending time with Him in prayer. As you go out to do prayer walking, and declarations and proclamations of His Word, He will guide you into all Truth. I am just sharing what I am learning. Let me know what He is showing you. We need to report on what Abba is telling us, for He teaches all of His set-apart ones the same things. He is bringing us into unity.

Blessings and love,


September 15, 2018

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