The Return of the Natsarim For the Last-Days’ Exploits


This article is very exciting! It is the first of two parts. It is entitled “The Return of the Natsarim For the Last-Days’ Exploits.” It is #53.0 under the Mikvah of Set-Apartness, or Recent Articles.

Yes, it is very exciting. Part II will be more exciting! Part I contains quotes from early “church fathers” showing clearly that the Natzarim, also called “the followers of the Way,” and Christianity, are two entirely different groups! It is very clear from their writings that Christianity is the approved religion, whereas the Natzarim who believe in Messiah and guarded the Torah of Yahuwah were considered undesirable renegades. Therefore, from the first century to this present time, the Natsarim have been persecuted by Rome. The difference is, that today the true born-again Christians are also being greatly persecuted, and literally slaughtered in several countries of our world. Persecution of Christians is happening in the western world.

I read an article this afternoon, where an Iranian Christian applied for asylum in England. He had to explain his reason for needing asylum on the application form. He wrote that he had become a Christian, saying that Christianity was a peaceful faith. England turned him down, rejecting his plea for asylum. Their reasoning was written out. They used verses from Revelation to prove the Christianity was a violent religion, because of all the wrath mentioned in Revelation. Pray for this Iranian man, for back home in Iran, many want to kill him.

The remnant of the 1st century Natsarim has returned! This is the end-time remnant that is gathering together in small groups preparing for their assignments to go forth with His duel message of judgment and salvation before Messiah returns. This is the remnant that guards the Covenant and has faith in Messiah.

If you have any passion for Messiah’s return, noting the return of the Natzarim should thrill you totally. It is one of the signs that the restoration of all things is now finished (Acts 3:19-21), and now the days before His coming can begin.

There are many signs now that we are in the days before His coming.

To return to the purity of faith in the book of Acts by the Apostles and the true followers of the Way, the Natsarim, is indeed joyful. You must decide whether you want to join this group that will be strong and do exploits, or retreat into religion and man-taught doctrines. I believe those on my subscription list are ready to go forward all the way with Yahuwah and Yahushua!

Tonight, if you’re going by the Creator’s calendar, you will be celebrating Passover.  I am so thankful that the Prayer and Training Center will be having Passover together with pastor McQueen and her family. It is a dream come true for me! To have a spiritual family that walks in the Spirit, in love, in unity, in truth, is indeed amazing to me. I pray that it remains totally free to be taught by the Spirit, and walk together as one in the Spirit. The Spirit-taught are in unity. Those who go by man’s opinions for their beliefs are divided into tens of thousands of groups. Sha’ul fought against divisions caused by submission to man. The true Natsarim were one united group in the early assemblies. Today, the returned Natsarim might be in different places on earth, but are united with all who believe in the Jewish Redeemer-Messiah for salvation.

Blessings to you, shalom, Chag Sameach!

In His love

Yedidah – March 22, 2019 Shabbat Shalom!

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