
“The Return of Nimrod – The Beast is With us” is #78.0 under the Mikvah of Preparation.

Yes, this is subject is also Present Reality and The Great Adventure. But, after reading this mind-blowingly exciting information, if it does not put you into high gear to prepare, move, buy, do what you have to do to survive, for your family to survive, nothing will. Get ready for chilling information.

I give you super inside information that is public, but few know about it. It is absolutely riveting – fascinating – but very true. I include many recent quotes and recent information from men like Steven ben Nun, Steve Quayle, Tom Horn, and “Mike from around the world.” But also loads of facts that are just that – facts.

Nimrod has been cloned! Yes, he is the returning Beast. The first world ruler will be the last world ruler. This is NO conspiracy theory. His clone from his own original DNA is on earth. His mummified carcass may still be on Mars. The spirit that will inhabit the clone (Revelation 9:11) is waiting – waiting until America is out of the way and he doesn’t have to deal with it. He’s waiting for a world war to prepare his way as a “man of peace.” Has his eternal spirit inhabited the body prepared for him? That’s the question that I want answered. It may be so. Earth is filled with those fallen ones coming from the cosmos as well as underneath the earth already.

As per Revelation 13, this “Beast” will receive the power, authority, and throne of Satan. So, just know that an actual cloned body from the DNA of Nimrod himself will soon be activated as the Revelation 9:11 spirit of Nimrod inhabits that body.

His body was found in 2003; the story is told here. I was the reason for Gulf War II. I was living in Jordan when this happened.

In 2010, in an airport hotel room in Panama City, Panama, I had an extensive vision which I watched like watching a movie. It was the night of Yom Teruah, October 2003, revealing all that is soon to unfold for His remnant. It is coming to pass now. The two witnesses are also readying themselves and their company (Daniel 11:32) who go forth at the same time as the Beast arises. The word for “beast” is “thereon: in Greek, meaning a wild beast. He’ll be wild like Nimrod.

In this very exciting article you’ll read some details of the archeological dig in Iraq. I give you lots of information, then dropping to near the end of the article, I bring in more information from “Mike from around the world.” So many voices are joining together, knowing now that whatever name he takes, Nimrod/Gilgamesh/

Osiris/Horus/Apollo-Apollyon is ready to rule the world. What happened in 2003 is well-documented. So, this is based on fact, not speculation. Ever heard of gold-etched tablets in Nephilim language inside of crystal tablets? Those were found too.

I’ve written several times on this subject, but a recent broadcast report by Steven ben Nun, during which he made some shocking statements that I knew to be true, I knew I had to compile what I knew and get it out as a whole presentation, not here and there scattered in various articles.

This 18-page article has 5 pictures. This article links 5,000 BCE with 2021 CE.

So, I couldn’t do it in four pages (smile).

In talking to my son about these things in the last few days, I knew I had to write this out, for him, and for you.

What happened to Nimrod’s well-preserved carcass after being flown back to the U.S. is amazing. It did not stay “on earth.” What about the plans of the “tower” that were found? Yes, the “tower” of Genesis 11 designed to open other dimensions, which is what Nimrod’s tower was all about? Yes, those instructions have been found. But where are they now? They have been and are being used to open portals by very powerful means. I give you the answer in this article.

The thing is, now, people who have been on the cutting edge of research for many years, learning and having it confirmed by others, as well as by the Spirit of Yahuwah, have received so much inside knowledge of truth that the T.V. watchers, those addicted to their smart phone or video-games, the dulled of mind, the ones who refuse to listen to truth, refuse to do their own homework led by the Spirit “into all truth” (John 16), are become more and more fearful, dulled, mentally blinded and deaf to truth – lovers of this world, scared to death of anything “bad” happening, are so far down in the ability to discern truth from error, that when hearing things like I wrote here, they can’t take it, they won’t listen, they run away, or mock, scoff, consider it a joke, etc. It’s like those who love truth are walking on water, horrifying those clinging to the boat. BUT YOU? NO! That’s not you!

Blessings, shalom, Yedidah

May 17, 2021

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