Shalom, blessings:
“The Radical Set-Apartness of John the Baptizer From His Mother’s Womb” is #84.0 under the Mikvah of Set-Apartness or under Recent Articles on the main page of
This is a study straight from the heart of Yahuwah and Yahushua to you. I wrote the article/study “A Radical View of Set-Apartness” several years ago after visiting Qumran the first time. I believe it is posted under the Mikvah of Set-Apartness.
After being in Qumran and reading some of the priests’ lifestyle there, I thought the set-apartness of the Zadok priests at Qumran, called by Josephus “the Essenes,” was very radical. I was surprised at it. I had bought some books at the bookstore there about the site, and their lifestyle of mikvas and prayer and copying the scriptures. Copies are found at the Shrine of the Book by the Israeli Museum in Jerusalem. I went there many times. I would sit by the displays of some of the scrolls, and felt like I was guarding them, the preverbal “babysitting them.”
The finding of the Dead Sea scrolls were so precious to me. I have a copy of The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible, and also the writings of those in Qumran. Now, I understand them much better, thanks to some teachings by Steven ben Nun. He is deep into studying them.
“The War Scroll” especially is important to me because these Zadok priests, who fled from Jerusalem when the Hasmonians took over and established their own illegitimate priesthood, actually rescued the scrolls from the temple in Jerusalem to preserve them. “The War Scroll” speaks of the Hasmonians who became the Pharisees, but also prophesies of the same spirit of Belial in our day.
This study may open up some very new things to you. About ½ of this article is Scripture written out. Please read the Scriptures carefully so that you don’t miss anything!
Revelation came strongly as Pastor McQueen spoke on this two weeks ago on Shabbat. I insert my personal relationship to do with Yochanan the immerser … for he and I have parallels in our lives that I cannot deny or avoid.
Abba is training us all. All of us were born “for such a time as this.” Learn from this man who had much more to do with our salvation than Scripture translated from Greek, Latin, and German into English versions let us know. In general, English translations have him closing out an “OLD TESTAMENT” era. Not so!!! He closed nothing OLD out but ushered in in what was NEW that completed the old.
I hope you have a copy of Hebrew Matthew. It presents Yochanan is a different light and expands his value as essential in Yahuwah’s plan of salvation.
I appreciate Nehemia Gordon for his study of Hebrew Matthew, and writing for us important points of difference than English translations: The Hebrew Yeshua vs. the Greek Jesus,” 2005, is the name of that book.
Let us learn to know those of the Word who have, and will have, such an impact on our times now, working with the remnant that is rising. Just because they’re already physically in the Kingdom does not separate us from them, for the “cloud of witnesses” is always cheering us on (Hebrews 11-12:1-3).
Please read prayerfully. In doing so, Abba will teach you more.
In His love, Yedidah
January 31, 2021