The Prophesied Deadly Cup


“The Prophesied Deadly Cup” is #57.0 under the Mikvah of Preparation.

This article has important quotes that reveal the hidden dangers of the “third temple,” showing us why we must not support it, but let Abba lead as He wills. It is a trap for the House of Judah and the House of Ephraim. It is NOT the huge temple of Ezekiel 40-46 that the Sanhedrin are preparing for. Messiah will build that Temple – Zechariah 6:12-15. The “third temple” of Rabbinic Judaism will be an interim temple which will draw out the anti-messiah into full view. They are not looking for the Messiah of Psalm 2, but a man who will allow them to rule the world.

It is not the righteous who will drink of this prophesied deadly cup, but the wicked, the evil ones, and those greatly deceived of II Thessalonians 2:8-12.

Stay set-apart, stay pure, stay in the Word, stay in prayer and praise, stay in active ministry, for we all ministry to do, but make sure that in all things you are Spirit-taught, Spirit-led, Spirit empowered, Spirit convicted, and Spirit comforted.

Oh how exciting! Our Spirit-taught Prayer and Training Center leader here in Fort Worth has been introduced to the ancient paths of the Creator’s calendar. Because she is Spirit-taught, when she heard something new this last Friday night about the Creator’s calendar as opposed to the Rabbinic calendar, she wanted to know more. As she learned about it, she recognized the truth, and embraced it with joy. She taught on Sunday afternoon how we must return to the whole Word, as Josiah did (II Kings 22-23), and not leave any of it out! Read those Scriptures – it has to do with Passover. Because of Spirit-taught unity that we have, our little congregation of “the gathering” will join for a joyful Passover as a Spirit-led family this March 22nd.  If you love truth, when you hear it you leap towards it. You want to hear more. You want to embrace what aligns to the whole Word and to the nature, ways, and thinking of Yahuwah. Jeremiah 6:16 – let us return to the “ancient paths where the good way is…”

Psalm 133:1: “See, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity.” This is the John 17 unity that Messiah prayed for—unity with our Elohim and with each other. Only those that hear and obey Yahuwah’s Spirit on a regular basis know truth and embrace it quickly. Only the Spirit-taught can remain in peace with themselves, with each other, and with Elohim.

Chag Sameach! Blessings! Let us go forth in the power of the Spirit as the wise of Daniel 12:3!!!

In His love,


March 11, 2019

The Prophesied Deadly Cup
The Prophesied Deadly Cup
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