Shalom! Shalom!
“The Power of His Love” is #19.0 under the Mikvah of Eternal Salvation.
I wrote this to strengthen your faith and give you peace and joy. I wrote this article around a powerful old hymn that speaks of His deep, deep love for us.
In this video I share with you, you will know the Presence of His love, powerfully portrayed by the waves of the ocean crashing on the rocks of the shore. The music is dynamic. Be sure you are alone with Him undistracted when listening to this too-short 4-minute video. At our Prayer Center, when my son put it up on the overhead screen, within about 30 seconds the people were on their knees, even with their faces to the floor, in worship. It is anointed by His Presence. I include the words of the hymn so that you can sing with it.
Powerful anointed music that makes our re-born spirit leap, and our mind at rest in His peace, will help build faith and sustain us in the days ahead. It brings us into His Presence, where there is no danger. A lot of James Block music does that, Kent Henry’s music, and Jonathan David and Melissa Helser’s music. We must come into worship, which connects us with the throne room.
The artist in this video is a young Russian man. Many of his videos are in English and Russian. We need to bring our spirit alive in His Presence, so that we experience John 7 – the flowing forth of the power of the Spirit from within, for ourselves and all around us. In this our boldness grows and our faith firm, so that we are not in fear, not swayed by what we see, but stand knowing whose we are, and who holds our hand.
Of course, you can change the name in the hymn to Yahushua/Y’shua if you choose to (smile).
In His love, Yedidah
March 18, 2020
For sending offerings/love gifts or tithe:
1) Address for 2019: Make out checks or money orders and the envelope to Charlotte Townsend and mail to: P.O. Box 34502, Fort Worth, Texas 76162
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Note: My son, Derek Townsend, manages my website and my Pay Pal account, so you’ll see his name when you go to send via Pay Pal, but all offerings come to me!