
“The Planned Moves of a Chess Master for Check Mate” is #353.0 under the Mikvah of Present Reality.

The world grand chess master of the game of chess, militarily, and governmentally, has now made his moves to arrive soon at “check mate.” In this article, I give you up-to-date news of how Russia has moved into place, and truly America is in a “check mate” position. First strike – take out the “queen.” Second strike: Take out the “king.”

This term of “check-mate” was used by a major watchman as the news pours in to do with Russia’s positioning off of the West Coast, off the East Coast, off of Florida, off of Cuba. There are only about 90 miles from Key West to Cuba.

A task force is also off Russia. For 10 days recently Russia did “exercises” about 300 miles off the West Coast. And who invited them to join us? Our government, our military, our President – they all with the U.K. and other NATO nations all jumped in there to bring the chess master to ruin. However, the chess master has been very diligent to wait his time to make his move for “check mate.” It’s now. It has begun.

I give you a concentrated dose of where we are. Are you prepared?. You’ve been warned since 1985 at least. I know this is new to some of you. That’s OK – catch up!

The Spirit of Yahuwah began warning His people since the 1960s. Most people just go on in a dull-minded state and do nothing. I sure hope that is not you. I think I have quite an astute and diligent group in several countries of this world who are ready to go through all to victory – the Gideon 300 groups, the II Chronicles 20 groups. The Daniel 11:32 groups.

No fear allowed if you’re going all the way to the Kingdom with the Master Yahuwah, Yahushua – God, Jesus. Only maintain peace and joy, knowing that Your Captain/General is greater than all the forces of Lucifer’s team. Interesting that the one whom He chose to execute His judgment has declared his nation a Christian nation, and his governing body is making law to align to the Bible. Those laws are being carefully followed.

Abba has spoken much to me about this, as I have reported to you over and over. Now we watch the master chess player, Vladimir Putin, setting up “check mate.” No, we don’t rejoice!!! No, we are not happy about it!!! But as Yahuwah told me: “Vladimir Putin is My Nebuchadnezzar.” He is the servant of Yahuwah to judge His people, as in 586 BCE. Jeremiah understood. I hope you do too. Jeremiah speaks much about America – end-time Babylon, the final Babylon of Nimrod. The Bible is full of descriptions of now. I podcasted the book of Jeremiah kind of recently. Listen to the podcasts, especially the last 10.

So, we pray more, obey more, stay in the Presence of Yahuwah, and weather the storm. I understand exactly how Vladimir Putin has operated as President of Russia but also as military genius, a true chess player. He has had amazing patience with the U.S. and NATO as these nations have provoked him to do what he does not want to do. All the watchmen now are seeing eye to eye.

I share with you up-to-date information that you must know. WE ARE IN A “CHECK MATE” POSITION! Let’s go forward in the “power of His might!”

In the love, peace, and joy, of Yahuwah, Yedidah

June 14, 2024


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