“The Pergamum Altar and the Throne of Satan” is now posted as #322.0 under the Mikvah of Present Reality — an article-study I wrote several years ago.
However, on our Prayer Center Sunday Phone Call within the U.S., my son taught on the ancient Pergamum, the throne of Satan, and how it applies to today in our lives. Excellent teaching!
As a comment at the close of his teaching, I related some of its history and how Pergamum, once known in the ancient world as “Babylon,” center of the worship of the Caesars, had moved into Rome. By the 1st century Rome became known as the 2nd “Babylon.” Then under the anointing of Yahuwah, I went on to tell how all that Pergamum represented has moved into the western world – western Europe, UK, and primarily the USA. Today, Pergamum, aka “end-time Babylon U.S.A., as Jeremiah 50-51 Isaiah 13, Revelation 17-18,” has brought upon itself the judgment of Yahuwah, upon end-time Babylon from Nimrod himself -Genesis 10-11, down to 2023 CE.
Take a look at several pictures, some I took while at Pergamum. I stood in front of the tree now planted where the altar was – where the area where German archeologists took the great altar of Satan into Berlin. Berlin, the new capital of Germany wanted to be the cultural center of the world, and the altar was certainly “cultural.” I saw this alter in 2010, along with Babylon’s Ishtar Gate in the Museum in Berlin. The museum used to be in closed-off East Germany, but when the wall came down, it became part of a united Germany.
I had taken the article off my website maybe because it was “history” and not applicable to the modern age. However, upon hearing my son speak on Pergamum from Revelation 2 this morning, I realized that Pergamum was extremely up-to-date for 2023 and 2024 – if there is a 2024 and etc.
Listening to my son teach this morning on our nation-wide “prayer call,” from 6:00-8:00 AM, I remember one year ago today, when at 6:00 AM I went into surgery for my left knee fallen to the side, lodged under bone spurs, and my 3 breaks of knee, tibia, phibia. My first actual “surgery” ever.
This morning, it was so nice to lie in bed, propped up with pillows, listening to such excellent teaching on the spirit of Pergamum that has now taken over America, the UK, and NATO nations – the alignment with Satan to the degree that the extermination of all believers in Yeshua/Yahushua/Jesus is right in our face. Our loyalty to our Savior is the main reason for the targeting of believers for death, and for Yahuwah’s people to appear before the altar of Satan once again for beheading. But, also, America is the world’s main “holding tank” for the House of Israel/Ephraim/Ya’cob, the 10 northern tribes, as well as the 3 southern tribes of the House of Judah. English is the second and western Europe the third major “holding tank.” Lucifer wants the children of Abraham Isaac, and Ya’cob/Jacob annihilated. The spirit of Pergamum is the spirit of Nimrod, the Nimrod of Revelation 9:11 – the Apollyon.
Let this article be a springboard for your own study.
In His love and peace, joy, and expectation of deliverance,
Yedidah, July 30, 2023