“The Pale Horse! Separating Yahuwah’s Judgments From His Final Wrath” is #168.0 under the Mikvah of Present Reality.
This is a Coronavirus update with information as to its origin of it, and why it is being kept such a secret from the public.
Please check with daily for updates. He’s posting no hype! He’s posting truthful information so you won’t be deceived like the world’s people are being deceived.
Prepare for quarantine, or anything that would demand you’re being in your home without the ability to go to a market for food or water. It’s not just preparation for a pandemic, but for famine, or devastating weather, war, civil war, or roaming criminals. Isaiah 13 is near.
Yes, we’re facing all of the seal judgments, which begin the trumpet judgments at some point soon. Just prepare to remain in peace because of your faith that is rooted in your strong relationship with Yahuwah and Yahushua. You sure do not want to depend on people – do all you can for yourself, then trust Abba for the rest.
In His love, Yedidah
January 28, 2020