
The new moon was sighted from Israel – one witness reported from Jerusalem.  The ancient rule was that two witnesses had to sight the new moon from Jerusalem for the new month to be officially announced from Jerusalem, announced by lighting of fires on certain hill tops sending the message north and south. So far, only Devorah Gordon has reported sighting it from Jerusalem. That doesn’t mean others didn’t see it. Still searching for the truth on this. However, I send this notice anyway. Go with what Yahuwah puts into your spirit as you seek His truth.

The name of this new month is pagan to the core. It is the origin of the “trinity” doctrine, goddess worship, sun god worship, and pagan filth since Semaramis’ little son Tammuz was born. She said she was impregnated with the rays of the sun by her dead sun god “son,” and later husband, Nimrod. So, Tammuz became the first son of the sun god Nimrod. This trinity continued on in legends and religions through the millennium. Semaramis became the first “mother of god,” and “queen of heaven.”

If you haven’t read the recent “The Return of Nimrod” please read it under the Mikvah of Present Reality. It’s for real right now.

How interesting that this month named after this obviously illegitimate child of Semaramis, takes us back to Ezekiel 8:14 – one of the abominations that caused the Spirit of Yahuwah to leave His place over the Ark and move up to the top of the Mount of Olives and ascend back to heaven. Tammuz was the original “dying and rising” gods, of December 21st and Ishtar Sun-day. Of course, this goes back to the fallen ones who perverted the plan of Yahuwah and Yahushua to bring the Son through a woman into this world to die for us and be raised again three days later for our eternal life.

The sun-god worshipping priests of Ezekiel 8 didn’t even know Yahuwah had left. Yahuwah did not return to earth Shavu’ot/Pentecost after Messiah’s death, resurrection, and ascension back to heaven. Now, the Spirit of Yahuwah lives in temples not made with hands – in the re-born spirits of those who are born again by faith in His Son. (I Corinthians 6:19-20)

In the meantime, Yahuwah began marking those that sighed and cried over the abominations done in Jerusalem for their preservation. Then He released the destroyers from Babylon.

Anyway, that’s a brief sermon on the paganism of the month’s name. Use the month to esteem Yahuwah Shaddai Elyon and His Son Yahushua, our Savior and Soon-Coming King. (Revelation 11:15-18)

This last weekend, though there was much protest, Netanyahu allowed another Gay Pride Parade to take place in Jerusalem. Back to Revelation 11. Yahuwah called Jerusalem “Sodom and Egypt” in our day.

Yesterday a fire broke out near Jerusalem in the Judean Hills near Abu Gosh. The people were evacuated. It makes me very sad. Abu Gosh is an Israeli Arab town. These Arabs stand with Israel. I enjoyed the people there. The Judean Hills are so lovely. I have not heard the full report if the fire is out or not, but it was no small area burned.

Enjoy the new month, as we speed forward in time into summer (in the northern hemisphere). I intend to enjoy barbequing on my back patio. I don’t remember ever barbequing on my own before, but I want to eat very simply and healthy this summer. I also have my herbs and vegetable plants in containers on the patio. I love to cook.

Shabbat Shalom!


June 11, 2021

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