Shalom! Chag Sameach!

“The Most Serious Warning of All” is #148.0 under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim, or under “Recent Articles” on the main page.

Indeed, the battle of the enemy is going on secretly in the subconscious of human beings, changing their perception of things, thinking their thoughts are their own when they are implanted by very sophisticated technology. Thus, people are doing things they would not naturally do because with the thought comes joy, peace, and all that counterfeits what happens when Yahuwah speaks to the spirit. This is why it is imperative to allow the Spirit to first divide between the soul and spirit at a true new birth, and then unite your soul and spirit as you become totally set-apart to Him – as He sees you conforming to His nature, ways, and thinking.

I give you a link to a David Icke video in which he explains what the technology that the evil ones are using to implant thoughts into the minds of those who are dead-set against the vaccine, yet they end up taking it and wondering what happened when they so against it. They are targeting everyone, but particularly whom they call “resisters” to their plans.

Implanting thoughts, reading our thoughts, implanting emotions – all in the carnal realm of the soul – yet few, very few, know how to live out of a “re-born spirit,” thus they go on with their religious trip and never know that their minds have to unite with their spirit in order for them to be ready for the Kingdom.

The mind can be shielded.  I give you very practical advice on how to make sure that the subliminal thoughts they want to plant into your mind won’t be able to penetrate because the subliminal mind is hooked up to a reborn spirit.

You can have a natural blocking of incoming technology to manipulate your mind – but you can’t do it if you live in the realm of the soul (mind/emotions/will). They can control your will if your will is not totally 100% turned over the will of Yahuwah’s Spirit within you. Their input is working, even on the strongest minds set against what they are inserting. It is a fascinating thing the enemy is attempting to do, but you don’t even have to be bothered with it – but that is up to you! If you carry on with life as usual, you are on the “broad road” that leads to destruction – because your “as usual” has been taken over by the fallen angels.

I hope you are enjoying Sukkot. It may be our last “rehearsal.”

Blessings, shalom, Yedidah

September 27, 2021

48.2 KiB

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