The Spirit

  • (December 1, 2011)
    Learn what does it mean to have Messiah immerse you into the Spirit of His Father, Yahuweh?
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  • (December 1, 2011)
    Daar is veertig dinge wat die Gees onmiddelik doen wanneer ons, ons geloof in die Messias Yahushua sit, vir ons Saligheid.
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  • (December 17, 2011)
    Understanding the Spirit
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  • (December 17, 2011)
    Om die Gees te verstaan
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  • (April 12, 2008)
    Teaching on the new birth, the baptism into the Spirit of Yahuweh, and the nine gifts/manifestations of the Spirit of Yahuweh
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  • (April 12, 2008)
    Lering op die Nuwe Geboorte, die Doop in die Gees van Yahuwah en die Nege Gawes / Manifestasies van die Gees van Yahuwah
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  • (January 1, 2008)
    He wants His sheep to hear His voice and to recognize His voice, so that they do not follow a stranger
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  • (January 1, 2008)
    Hy wil he Sy skape moet Sy stem hoor en herken sodat hulle nie 'n vreemdeling volg nie
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  • (January 25, 2007)
    A manual/study on how real faith works and acts—genuine faith vs. phony religious faith
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  • (January 25, 2007)
    n studie oor hoe opregte geloof regtig werk en handel - werklike geloof teenoor valse, godsdienstige geloof
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  • (February 8, 2007)
    Learn about the exciting life of flowing daily with the Spirit of Yahuweh in your eternal spirit
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  • (February 8, 2007)
    Leer oor die opwindende lewe waar jy daagliks in jou ewige gees vloei in die Gees van Yahuwah
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  • (October 14, 2007)
    What it means to follow Messiah as a lifestyle, led by the Spirit of Yahuweh
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  • (October 14, 2007)
    Wat dit beteken om die Messias as 'n leefstyl te volg, gelei deur die Gees van Yahuwah
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  • (November 3, 2009)
    The life of the servant of the Elohim of Israel
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  • (November 26, 2010)
    A fresh revelation from Abba to answer a long-time question
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  • (November 26, 2010)
    'n Lang uitstaande vraag word deur Abba geantwoord deur 'n nuwe openbaring
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  • (July 21, 2012)
    He is after your eternal life and your worship
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  • (August 2, 2010)
    Praise is the most powerful of all weapons of spiritual warfare--find out why
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  • (August 2, 2010)
    Vind uit hoekom lof en aanbidding die kragtigste van alle Geestelike Oorlogvoering wapens is
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  • (March 26, 2010)
    The power is His Presence with you as you worship Him
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  • (March 26, 2010)
    Wat dit beteken om die Messias as 'n leefstyl te volg, gelei deur die Gees van Yahuwah
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  • (September 24, 2012)
    A walk through the Scriptural history of the Ark of the Covenant and what it means for us today
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  • (September 26, 2012)
    Our greatest fear, a righteous fear, should be of losing His Presence
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  • (September 26, 2012)
    Ons grootste vrees, 'n regverdige vrees, is om Sy Teenwoordigheid te verloor
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  • (March 26, 2015)
    This article goes behind the scenes of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Worshipping Yah must be done in a fashion that is void of anything within us that causes ‘self’ to ‘rise’ and be puffed up. He is after unleavened lifestyles.
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  • (March 26, 2015)
    Hierdie artikel gebruik as agtergrond die Fees van Ongesuurde Brood. Die Aanbidding van Yah moet op so manier plaasvind dat dit leeg is van enigiets wat veroorsaak dat die "self" opstaan en verhewig word.  Hy soek na 'n onbesmette leefstyl in ons.
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  • (September 19, 2013)
    How Aquinas Molded the Reasoning Process of Nearly Every Person Raised in Western Culture
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  • (November 17, 2007)
    Life-changing lessons learned from watching the sunrise each morning in Israel
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  • (November 17, 2007)
    Lewensvatbare lesse wat geleer is deur die sonsopkoms elke oggend in Israel
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  • (September 28, 2013)
    Learning to trust Him well enough to have personal testimony of His faithfulness in your own life
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  • (September 28, 2013)
    Leer om Hom goed genoeg te vertrou om 'n persoonlike getuienis van Sy getrouheid in jou eie lewe te he.
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  • (October 2, 2013)
    You may be surprised at what real Scriptural prayer is all about
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  • (September 23, 2016)
    We face great warfare against many enemies, but our Elohim is offering us His overcoming help
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  • (September 23, 2016)
    Ons staar groot oorlogvoering teen die vyande in die gesig, maar ons Elohiem offer Sy oowinnende bystand.
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  • (November 1, 2016)
    Yahuwah Tzva'ot, Commander of the Armies of Heaven,
    is dispatching His heavenly warriors to fight for us
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  • (November 1, 2016)
    Yahuwah Tzva'ot, Bevelvoerder van die Leerskare in die Hemel, is besig om Sy hemelse krygsmanne uit te stuur om vir ons te veg.
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  • (February 2, 2018)
    The top two questions I hear are: "Why don't I hear from God?" and "Why don't we see miracles today like they saw in the book of Acts?" My questions to His people are: "Do you want to hear from God? Do you want to see miracles? You can! It's up to you to get into position to receive!
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  • (February 22, 2018)
    Die twee vrae wat ek die meeste hoor is: “Hoekom hoor ek nie van God nie?” en “Hoekom sien ons nie die wonderwerke vandag wat in Handelinge voorgekom het nie?” My vrae aan Sy mense is: “Wil jy van God hoor en Wil jy wonderwerke sien?” Jy kan! Dit hang van jouself af om in posisie te kom om dit te ontvang!
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  • (January 12, 2019)
    This article goes hand in hand with "My Dream: Messiah is Uniting to Set Apart" Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim. This is written around a revelation that Abba gave me last night at a small, but powerful, prayer meeting. We touched the heart of Yahuwah, and He came down and touched us!
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  • (January 23, 2019)
    This is Part I of a four-part series on Healing--healing of the spirit from sin-sickness in a true new birth, healing of the soul/the mind and emotions from harmful thinking, from past memories that have brought us suffering, so that we might be pure and set-apart to our Elohim, and healing of our bodies for physical well being. Our loving heavenly Father wants us whole, content, and full of peace, love, joy, and faith.
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  • (January 24, 2019)
    Continuing on with teaching on healing of spirit, soul, and body - complete healing purchased for us by Yahushua Messiah by His death and resurrection for us. He wants us whole, so that we are free from all the works of the dark kingdom which we were saved out of! Miracle stories, miracle promises by our Master! Once we are whole and free, what He did while on this earth, we can do, and must do, by the power of the Spirit of Yahuwah, to set others free.
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  • (January 26, 2019)
    Continuing on in part III with more miracle stories, Scriptures, and encouragement, to help you rise up to take hold of your authority and power by the Spirit, to prepare you for your future assignments from the Master. We are His joyful servants, who delight to do His will. Oh what a life He offers us--far beyond anything the world can offer us! Learn more about healing and how it is yours in spirit, soul, and body. Learn how you can minister as Messiah did and His apostles did in the book of Acts.
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  • (January 28, 2019)
    Continuing with Scripture, with stories of healings and miracles in our day, personal stories, stories of others, all pointing to the joy and privilege we have of being vessels for the Spirit of Yahuwah to pour through His power, into our lives, and into the lives of others. The book of Acts is alive today, and what they did then in the power of the Spirit is more-so for us today! Do you see how Kepha/Peter went from great fear to great boldness after His baptism into the Spirit?
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  • (January 30, 2019)
    This powerful report contains many quotes of Maria Woodworth-Etter from 1885-1889, telling of the great revival sweeping America, stories of other evangelists, the outpouring of the Spirit, and the great healing movement . As you read, you will see that we have been robbed of our privileges, and our power in the Spirit that was so normal in the days following the ascension of Messiah, as recorded in the book of Acts. The words in this article will be life-changing to those who are preparing for the Joel 2:28-29 outpouring of the Spirit of Yahuwah before Messiah's return.
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  • (February 4, 2019)
    This article, and its corresponding podcast, is built around our gathering-meeting on February 3, 2019 in Fort Worth, Texas. I share with you what is now being understood by a remnant of Abba's people, all of Satan's people, and a small few of humanity in general: Something big is happening! Satan's people know what it is. However, most of mankind, including most "believers," have little to no understanding, even though it is revealed in nearly 75% of the Bible. Let us be wise, and prepared!
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  • (February 7, 2019)
    There is a sharp increase in the manifestations of Satan and his fallen angels to excite their faithful worshippers. Because most churches and Messianic congregations have rejected the manifestations of Yahuwah's power for our day, Abba is trusting in a tiny remnant who know Him and walk in His power and authority to represent Him in the earth, manifesting His power to a lost and dying world.
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  • (February 9, 2019)
    The gatherings are small, but the unifying of fellowship in the Spirit is amazing. Man can do nothing to organize it. If man tries to control what He is doing, it will dissolve into nothingness. As the days grow darker with evil, we are watching Yahuwah's Spirit at work. Yahuwah is coming into our midst to dwell with His people. "`Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit,' says Yahuwah of Hosts." Join me at Leroy's house.
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  • (November 21, 2019)
    Here I share with you a basic necessity for you to overcome all the attempts of Satan's kingdom, so that you can stand before the throne of Yahuwah and Yahushua in eternity in victory. There's no religion in this article! I present only solid information and instruction that I've learned from the Word, the Spirit, and life's harsh realities. There is no religion in any of my articles and podcasts! I live what I write and speak. I tell about solid reality that I know for sure opens Yahuwah's door into Heaven.
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  • (February 14, 2020)
    In this brief article I share with you the secret Abba taught me of mind-transformation that will free you from the influences of the world, your own flesh, and the devil's input. I give you a simple way to join with the Spirit of Yahuwah in His transforming of your mind/emotions, your soul, so that your whole being comes into submission to, and alignment to, the nature, ways, and thinking of Yahuwah. It frees Him to be able to help you, as you rise above all fear and all control by the fallen ones. Oh the freedom, peace, joy, and release from the torments of self affliction, and input from the dark kingdom!
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  • (March 22, 2020)
    This is a succinct bottom-line article that lays out what is necessary to go forward from this point on into eternal life. There's no way to get around the boundaries that Yahuwah has set for entrance into His Kingdom, or regarding His ability to do anything for us now. It's an either-or proclamation.
    Want real freedom? It's only found one place.
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  • (July 12, 2020)
    We can walk in peace among many varieties of enemies. We cannot have peace with fallen angels, demonic spirits, or Satan, who rules the dark kingdom. However, we can be so full of the Presence of Yahuwah that all evil forces back off without us wearing our self out with continual spiritual warfare. I share secrets in this article that I've learned from Yahuwah, which set His children apart from a lot of things that we don't need to be concerned about. This is another freeing message.
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  • (July 19, 2020)
    What did He say? What is He saying? What is He saying to you? This is a very encouraging article that is intended to build your faith? I show how Yahuwah built Abraham's faith to such a high degree. It was not by giving him everything he wanted without a price tag! Our Abba Yahuwah is after our maturity so that we receive all that He has promised to us by inheritance!
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  • (August 10, 2020)
    We all need special strength from Yahuwah to do as He is leading us to do in the days ahead. Our faith must be put into action. He wants to see our faith. He wants to see our trustworthy obedience as we go forward under His command. He is moving His children into position for the final days. We must not miss anything He has for us.

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  • (November 15, 2020)
    Last night Abba Yahuwah pulled off one of His sweet "I'm here; I love you" sly miracles that we learn to recognize as we grow to know Him better. The fact that we even breathe is a miracle. As we get to know Abba personally, we learn His nature, His ways, and His thinking. We learn how kind and gentle He is with us, even in small things that are big to us. This article is a testimony from last night to encourage your faith to pursue knowing Him as Abba/Daddy in personal relationship - as a faithful and trustworthy Friend who loves you dearly.
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  • (December 27, 2020)
    When unified with true brothers and sisters in Messiah in worship of Yahuwah and Yahushua, the Spirit of Yahuwah is free to unite us with Himself. We have the privilege of tasting heavenly worship here on earth if our heart is pure towards Yahuwah and His family. Then our corporate worship opens the door for His Spirit to unite us in His throne room now.
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  • (January 12, 2021)
    In this article I share with you the heart of our Abba-Father, and "thus says Yahuwah." It is built on a long-established foundation, but is current reality that demands we put what He says into practice or else... He's drawn the line in the sand. He is calling us to His side. It's now or never. His timing must be our timing. His alerts our mandates.
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  • (March 21, 2021)
    In this article, I address some basics. We all love Messiah's words to ask, seek, knock, and receive what we need. However, His last statement on that often is looked upon as a downer, a depressant to His free offer of asking and receiving. Why go beyond "asking?" Why does He say to "seek," then to "knock?" How many times do we have to "knock?" Can't we just ask and get? What does "seek" mean? Why does He require persistence? This article is written to answer those questions, and more.
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  • (April 23, 2021)
    This study will take you on a journey that you will want to continue on your own. It summarizes previous teachings, yet it gives you a whole lot more, including Yahuwah's words of warnings which must be heeded. This study encapsulates our lifestyle as we prepare to enter the Kingdom. Only His culture must dictate our focus. "Redeem the time, for the days are evil."
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  • (August 11, 2021)
    This is another faith-building article in which I share a method of spiritual warfare, used by Moses, that can work for us today in similar manner. I take it right out of Exodus and bringing it into 2021. The forces of the dark kingdom know who to not mess with and who they can "chew up and spit out." Today, there are a few simple requirements for being victorious over their forces. The spiritual Amalekite hybrids are still with us. Moses cleared the way for Joshua's/Yahushua's victory, and we can do that too.
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  • (August 13, 2021)
    This article is a concentrated news update! I put a lot of information in a few pages to let you know some of the compacting of events of these last days before earth is turned back over to Elohim. So much at once, but that's how the days are being "shortened" for our sake. The Beast is first of all a system, and that system is taking over so that the Beast "entity" can rule it. The false prophet has already been giving decrees to mankind to "do or die." I also, as always, give encouragement!
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  • (September 10, 2021)
    This article is straight from my heart to all of Abba's children. This is the most important message we are given from our heavenly Father for this time - given to us by His Son, Yahushua Messiah, for us at this time. If applied, we will see His hand working miracles in our behalf. There are enormous things coming now upon humanity and our planet at a very increased speed. But, those in His Ark, His Presence, continue in faith, in peace, in calm nature - knowing He is in control of our lives!
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  • (January 21, 2022)
    This article presents a spiritual principle that all of Abba's children must use as we enter into battle against the powers of darkness for our victorious conclusion to the on-going war of life-itself. We're entering the time when we either overcome by the power of Yahuwah's Spirit, or we die a defeated failure. We're in critical times - as you well know. Such times demand strong action on our part to maintain and insure our final joy.
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  • (April 12, 2022)
    This is a transcript of quotes of Podcast CCCLXIII from Corrie Ten Boom's 1969 book. The powerful instructions given by this faithful woman of faith are for to us right now! She endured imprisonment in Ravensbruck concentration camp during WWII for the crime of hiding Jews in her house in Holland. Her autobiography of those years became the book The Hiding Place, which became a movie. What Yahuwah taught her in that death camp, she took into over 65 nations, and wrote about in many little books to edify and build up believers facing death for their faith - and warning us in our day of what was to come.
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  • (April 12, 2022)
    Following the podcast with quotes from Corrie Ten Boom's book Marching Orders for the End-Time Battle, is this article by Corrie in 1974: "Shall We Escape the Tribulation?" Putting these two podcasts together with these two transcripts, you will have a clear path to follow to victory, now, and forever. The two podcasts are CCCLXIII and CCCLXIV.
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  • (April 26, 2022)
    Putting the instructions in this article into daily practice guarantees our release from mental and emotional bondage to our freedom in His wonderful liberty. This is in response to a question Abba asked me this morning. As I wrote it, He gave me the answer to His question.
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  • (April 28, 2022)
    Beginning with an unusual illustration Abba gave me a few days ago in the middle of the night, I share His explanation and His heart with you. He is working to build us up in faith so that we are not ashamed at Messiah's return. "The night is far-spent, the day is at hand." We are much further along towards the coming of Messiah than most people imagine because Yahuwah operates outside the intellectual reasoning of man, and man's conclusions based on his reasoning.
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  • (May 1, 2022)
    This special edition article contains a personal testimony from yesterday, and teaching that supports it, which define the victory that is obtained by faith and worship combined. This is practical advice of what works, and what must be a lifestyle for victory in your life. Applying this teaching is like taking a fast elevator in a high-rise building from the basement to the 30th floor in a few seconds. It tangibly works. Faith is simply holding on to what Yahuwah has said to you personally in your re-born spirit, and your resting in it as being already done.
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  • (May 10, 2022)
    This article accompanies Podcast CCCLXXII under "Audio Teachings." I go into more detail of how A.I. technology not only knows all about your body, down to your DNA, and blood-pressure, but also has the ability to read your mind and type your thoughts on a program-screen before you even speak. With such high technology, no one can hide their emotions or thoughts from evil ones who would use the information to "justify" harm to you. Learn how to totally by-pass the ability of such machines. Being fallen angel controlled, they have their limitations. The same principle works in everyday life.
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  • (September 1, 2023)
    This is a transcript of a powerful podcast that explains clearly why He who sits in eternity can only speak to that which is eternally reborn and filled with His Presence. There is much revelation knowledge in this podcast, some that is not in the transcript. So, I ask that you listen to the podcast also. This simplicity of reality is lost on intellectual religion. It is only fully understood by experience.
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  • (September 2, 2023)
    This is the transcript of Part II of Podcast CDXXXXVIII telling Yahuwah's reasoning for not speaking directly to the carnal mind, but to exclusively speak to the re-born spirit of one who is filled with His Presence, His Person, as we become His Temple to dwell in within our eternal spirit. He speaks from ETERNITY into those who sit with Him in His eternal place. Yes, the mind picks up what He says into the spirit. If our will is aligned to His will, then all He speaks will come to pass as we obey His instructions.
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  • (September 7, 2023)
    Here is the Transcript of Podcast CDXXXXIX about the five Scriptural symbols of the Spirit of Yahuwah. The podcast is now ready for listening. This is the third in a series of the privileges we have to be in the Presence of Yahuwah and Yahushua. I do not teach religion - I only teach Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21 and my nearly 60 years of experience in walking out these truths with the Master - as He proves His Word to be real. These truths are more needed now than ever before.
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  • (January 14, 2024)
    I did not mean this to be an article. But, as I put my notes onto the computer from last night's session with Yahuwah's teaching me, it turned into an article. This is for you, too. It contains His heart as to what He wants for us, and how we can obtain it. It is very rich in personal input. It comes out of my amazement and gratitude for my last year and a half of "training."
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  • (May 19, 2024)
    This is a short letter on the day of Pentecost 2024, "Shavu'ot." In this letter/article I explain the 7 Festivals and their importance to us, and their relationship to understanding personally our salvation.
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  • (June 25, 2024)
    Be encouraged! Yahuwah, our heavenly Father, is personal and loving, and cares about us. This is a testimony from this morning of His miracle for me as I chose to study Hosea 4 and 5 rather than give in to vertigo. He is with us to help us, if we align with Him so that He can.
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