The Heart of Elohim

  • (November 16, 2007)
    A foundational study-guide to teach His people who they really are and how Messiah was sent to redeem “the lost sheep of the House of Israel”
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  • (May 5, 2011)
    A Study of the Book of Hosea
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  • (February 9, 2007)
    Many Scriptures that reveal the heart of Elohim to restore a remnant of the whole House of Ya’cob – all the tribes, back to the land in these latter days
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  • (May 1, 2013)
    How this ceremony pictures Yahushua and His Bride, and about His soon coming for His Bride for their wedding
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  • (November 18, 2007)
    No born again believer in Messiah is a “gentile”
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  • (November 8, 2011)
    A Scripture study about the restoration of the House of Israel
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  • (March 28, 2014)
    Pictures of “holding Abba’s hand
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  • (March 28, 2014)
    GLAUBE bedeutet “ABBA’S HAND HALTEN”--wie ein kleines Kind—uns anvertrauen und Abbas Weisheit und liebender Fürsorge vertrauen. Totale Sicherheit!
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  • (March 28, 2014)
    FE significa "ABBA SOSTIENE LA MANO" - como un niño pequeño - someterse a, y confiando en la sabiduría de Abba y el cuidado amoroso. Total seguridad!
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  • (March 28, 2014)
    Prentjies wat illustreer om "Abba se hand vas te hou."
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  • (March 10, 2013)
    Romans 8:18-23: Creation awaits the revealing of the Bride of Messiah for creation groans under the weight of man’s sin and demonic oppression
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  • (August 5, 2014)
    A study on the destruction of not just two temples in Jerusalem’s history, but of another temple at this present time
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  • (November 28, 2014)
    An amazing picture of a child in Jerusalem that symbolizes the character of the Bride of Messiah
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  • (December 4, 2014)
    A personal testimony of the faithfulness of Yahuweh
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  • (December 3, 2014)
    The Master Engineer of our life sets the pace of our journey-a personal story
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  • (January 1, 2015)
    The withdrawal of the Presence of Yahuweh to allow mankind and satan to do as they will, for a short time
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  • (January 6, 2015)
    He is pulling back His restraining forces, both of His servants and His restraining angels, to allow man to know what it is like to live without His Fatherly care
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  • (January 18, 2015)
    As Yahuweh withdraws, the inter-dimensional portals of the kingdom of Satan are opening, and his forces are entering the earth at an unprecedented level
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  • (December 28, 2007)
    Yahuweh is consistent!! Through the ages He has followed a ten-point pattern in judging His people and humanity as a whole
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  • (November 1, 2007)
    As the loving Father that He is, He doesn’t want to judge and punish anyone, but mankind is forcing Him to have to act, as “in the days of Noah”
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  • (March 5, 2015)
    The twelve divisions of people-groups that He must judge
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  • (April 24, 2015)
    A beautiful exhortation and encouragement from the heart of Elohim, to reveal the joy of what lies ahead, and how you can be a part
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  • (June 4, 2015)
    It is His heart that all be exuberant about the coming of His Son!
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  • (September 8, 2015)
    Abba's requirements for His children before they can enter His Kingdom
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  • (October 29, 2015)
    Let us learn from Noah how to enter the ark
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  • (November 14, 2015)
    What happened then is happening now before judgment
    We have returned to the pre-judgment days of Noah
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  • (January 1, 2016)
    Answers for life's questions of why
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  • (January 28, 2016)
    Hell is enlarging; Elohim grieves
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  • (January 28, 2016)
    Die Hölle erweitert sich, Elohim trauert
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  • (February 23, 2016)
    As Noah was a sign in his day, so are we a sign to our generation
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  • (March 4, 2016)
    Abba's exhortation for us to walk in the blazing light of His esteem
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  • (March 4, 2016)
    Abbas Warnung an uns, im strahlenden Licht Seiner Herrlichkeit zu wandeln
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  • (March 18, 2016)
    The powerful knowing of who you really are in Elohim will transform your life
    (His Love For Us - Part 1 of 3)
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  • (March 18, 2016)
    Identiteitsdiefstal - Restorasie Van Die Waarheid Oor Wie Ons Werklik Is Die kragtige kennis van wie jy regtig in Elohim is sal jou lewe heeltemal transformeer
    (Sy liefde vir ons - Deel 1 van 3)
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  • (March 22, 2016)
    Know that you are loved by Elohim. Learn how to personally receive that transforming love
    (His Love For Us - Part 2 of 3)
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  • (March 22, 2016)
    Weet dat jy deur Elohiem bemin word.  Leer hoe om die tranformerende liefde persoonlik the ontvang
    (Sy liefde Vir Ons - Deel 2 van 3)
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  • (March 27, 2016)
    Our highest privilege is to walk in the Presence of our Elohim
    (His Love For Us - Part 3 of 3)
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  • (March 27, 2016)
    Ons hoogste eer is om in die Teenwoordigheid van ons Meester the wander
    (Sy Liefde vir ons - Deel 3 van 3)
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  • (March 29, 2016)
    The illusions of the enemy keep us from going forward to victory
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  • (March 29, 2016)
    Die Illusionen des Feindes halten uns davon ab, zum Sieg voranzuschreiten
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  • (April 19, 2016)
    The secret of being victoriously free forever
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  • (April 22, 2016)
    Learn how to live free now and forever
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  • (April 22, 2016)
    Leer om in vryheid te leef, nou en veraltyd
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  • (June 1, 2016)
    Real lessons for real life now and in the near future
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  • (July 29, 2016)
    A message from the heart of Abba to you through Derek
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  • (October 21, 2016)
    We're near the time of His born-again, Spirit-filled, Spirit-led, sons manifesting before the world--will you be a part of it?
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  • (November 8, 2016)
    On America's 2016 Election day as chaos begins, Abba's Promises bring us His peace and His order
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  • (December 25, 2016)
    Messiah wants you to walk with Him. If Enoch, Noah, and Abraham and others walked with Elohim, why not you?
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  • (December 25, 2016)
    Die Messias wil hê dat ons saam met Hom moet wandel. As Noag, Henog en Abraham saam met Hom kon wandel, hoekom dan nie jy nie?
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  • (January 1, 2017)
    Yahuwah and Yahushua desire to have a personal relationship with us like They did with Moses
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  • (January 4, 2017)
    Time is reversing and time will end--sending us back towards the original creation into eternity
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  • (February 10, 2017)
    My own testimony, plus a letter written by Corrie Ten Boom in 1974 that confirms what I share from my heart
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  • (February 20, 2017)
    Adjusting spiritual focus to anchor our soul for our rough ride ahead
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  • (February 22, 2017)
    When loving Abba personally confronts us to set us free, He wants to change our lives forever
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  • (March 14, 2017)
    Our emotional Creators put Their emotions into us so we might freely worship Them, impart life to others, and be transformed into eternal freedom
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  • (March 14, 2017)
    Summary: Ons Skeppers wat emosioneel is, het Hulle emosies binne ons gesit sodat ons Hulle vrylik kan aanbid, vir ander lewe kan oordra en getransformeer kan word in ewige vryheid.
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  • (March 17, 2017)
    Laying down the foundation of unity and exposing the ancient methods the enemy uses to bring disunity
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  • (March 30, 2017)
    Complacency, laziness, sin, and failure to invest our gift of salvation, can turn eternally deadly
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  • (May 2, 2017)
    My testimony of my powerful deliverance by Elohim from mental and emotional bondages of a lifetime into new life of total freedom
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  • (May 5, 2017)
    More powerful instructions to help free you from Satan's destruction in your life
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  • (May 15, 2017)
    There are two demonic spirits that all others are attached to who bring the temptation in the Garden of Eden to every human being since Adam and Eve
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  • (June 6, 2017)
    Know the authority that you have through your faith in Yahuwah and Yahushua
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  • (July 21, 2017)
    How do we make the most out of this time of delay before Messiah comes?
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  • (August 4, 2017)
    Yahuwah has spoken from His heart to us
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  • (November 25, 2017)
    The attempt for another Genesis 1:2 has been set in motion. The earth is being terraformed to prepare it for the fallen ones. For us, this is more proof that our Creator-Savior-King is coming soon to stop it! We have a new heaven and a new earth coming!
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  • (December 31, 2017)
    Yahuwah is warning us as He did in the days of old. Will His people receive His wisdom, or reject it?
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  • (January 8, 2018)
    A powerful dose of reality that separates out the true believers from the pretenders
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  • (January 8, 2018)
    A powerful dose of reality from our loving brothers and sisters in China that demands of us an immediate decision, a decision like the one demanded by Eliyahu on Mount Carmel
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  • (January 12, 2018)
    Learning the simple life of child-like trust and faith - holding Daddy's hand! Absolute dependency on His love for us is what makes us strong and fearless. Learn from Corrie and Betsy Ten Boom what it means to go through persecution and come out victorious, whether through death or by escaping death.
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  • (March 10, 2018)
    Yahuwah will soon release His hidden ones who will proclaim His will into the earth
    before Messiah comes
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  • (March 22, 2018)
    A personal way of uniting with Abba Yahuwah that brings forth the manifestation of His perfect will on earth as it is in heaven
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  • (March 22, 2018)
    ‘n Persoonlike manier om met Abba Yahuwah te verenig, wat die manifestasie van Sy Perfekte Wil op aarde bring soos dit in die hemel is.
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  • (July 14, 2018)
    Join in spirit with millions of our brothers and sisters who are in prison, or facing martyrdom in 51 countries for their faith in our Beloved Savior. Persecution is coming soon to all of us. Learn how to help them with prayer and physical outreach.
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  • (July 20, 2018)
    Uncovering Deception! Exposing Lies of fallen angel enemies and their human agents, who use doubt against "Paul" and Messiah to lead the innocent astray into damnation. This article exposes the deception for what it is, to free the set-apart ones from the hooks of the enemy designed to drag them into Hell.
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  • (August 10, 2018)
    The main all-inclusive indicator of the return of Messiah is the destruction of Earth and all that is in it, which we are hearing about, seeing, and experiencing for ourselves right now to historic levels.
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  • (August 14, 2018)
    Most people who become false prophets don't plan to harm anyone, they just sort of slide into it because they did not catch an initial thought presented by the enemy and subject it to Yahuwah's Spirit for scrutiny.
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  • (September 14, 2018)
    How personal is our Abba Yahuwah? This story that really happened last night where I live, will encourage you to know that Yahuwah is more of a loving Father/Abba than He is a ruling "God." He wants to have a Father-child relationship with us. He is very personal! He sees our end from our beginning, and He broods over us with His love to bring us to a victorious eternity.
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  • (October 6, 2018)
    Preparing to meet the Master Yahushua takes our getting before Yahuwah in humility, allowing His Spirit to show us what He sees hiding within us that may keep us out of His Kingdom. We must let Him turn up the heat as needed, so that when the dross rises, the gold within us will become totally pure.
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  • (November 8, 2018)
    I share with you my journey in understanding Elohim's heart regarding the giving of tithes and offerings. I share miracle stores of Abba's faithfulness to those who are obedient to Him. Be encouraged! He is urgently moving His children into place, so that we unite and are strengthened in faith, prepared for Messiah's return.
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  • (November 17, 2018)
    Our Abba gives His prophetic warnings and His glorious promises sometimes thousands of years early. He tells the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:9-10). He has given us His Word, but He also shows all of His servants what He is doing before He does anything (Amos 3:7), so that His children can know His timing. He is our Abba/Daddy. He wants us to see what He is doing so that we can unite with Him in our spirit, soul, and body. What a privilege!
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  • (December 30, 2018)
    Powerful revelations from the Song of Songs for us today as we prepare for the coming of Yahushua Messiah! Our response to His knocking on the door of our heart will determine our eternal destiny.
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  • (January 10, 2019)
    So dear to the heart of Abba Yahuwah and Messiah Yahushua is the gathering of Their family together that we might be one, as They are One (John 17). The reason why the heavens and earth were created was to have a place for Their family to enjoy. In the early morning of December 26, 2018, I had a reoccurring dream that powerfully showed what Messiah is doing right now to unite and to set apart His special family remnant, to unite the whole House of Ya'cob. Be encouraged! Be strengthened in faith!
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  • (March 2, 2019)
    The excitement builds as Abba Yahuwah is definitely gathering and uniting a remnant of His children to birth His Spirit's "rain" into the earth, and be His witnesses in these last days. I take you through many Scriptures, but particularly I Kings 18:41-46, the birthing of rain by Eliyahu. There is much fresh revelation that Abba is giving us in these days. We must not miss any of it!
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  • (March 6, 2019)
    I share excerpts from personal e-mails, from subscribers to who have become friends to me. They live in dangerous places in our world. They are seeing persecution and death all around them, feeling fear, standing in faith, teaching their children to be strong in the Master, needing prayer, needing to know others are standing with them. I also share a prayer request from someone in Israel who is standing with Syrian believers. Our brothers and sisters in over 40 countries are crying out, often feeling very lonely and afraid. I share ways we can reach out to them. So, this is personal sharing from those I have come to love.
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  • (May 8, 2019)
    We're in a preparatory time before the unleashing of great tribulation. Yahuwah is pruning, separating, uniting, and sealing. This is the first of five-part series on waiting on Yahuwah and Yahushua to get Their thinking, counsel, and direction. Without having an eternal link between our re-born spirit and the Spirit of Yahuwah and Messiah Yahushua, we are no more than disassociated drifters in this tumultuous world, without an anchor.
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  • (May 15, 2019)
    This is Part II of a five-part series on Waiting for Yahuwah and Yahushua. Nearly the entire mind-set and attitudes of all believers in affluent western culture has to change dramatically in order to receive what Yahuwah wants to say to us, wants to give to us, and wants to do through us. We are in very serious and critical times, moving speedily forward into great tribulation before Messiah comes. Persecution of believers is increasing greatly worldwide.
    This article explains the changes necessary in order to be prepared for martyrdom, or translation, so that we're prepared to stand before Messiah with His smile and blessings. This is a prophetic word from Yahuwah to His children!
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  • (May 18, 2019)
    This is Part III of a five-part series on waiting on Yahuwah and Yahushua to hear from Them, receive Their instructions, to enjoy Their Presence, and to fellowship with Them Person to person. Oh how They want to share the secrets of Their heart with you! Learn the "art" of waiting, so that you might receive the highest of privileges - to abide in Their Presence and become a face to face friend of Elohim as was Enoch, Abraham, Moshe/Moses and Yochanan/John the Apostle, and as others have experienced.
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  • (May 20, 2019)
    This is Part IV of the five-part series about waiting on our Abba Yahuwah, waiting on our Messiah Yahushua, to be in Their Presence and to form an intimate relationship with Them as in John 17. This article will help you to know more fully that because of our true new birth and our infilling of the Spirit of Yahuwah, we have the ability to soar into the eternal realm through our re-born spirit like an eagle, but also to go through the molting process so that we renew our strength and our youthfulness like eagles do.
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  • (May 21, 2019)
    This is Part V of the five-part series on waiting on Yahuwah to hear from Him, to bask in His Presence, to get direction for our lives, and to learn what is on His mind so that we might unite with Him as we prepare for the return of Yahushua Messiah, His Son. These are truly exciting times! We wait also to hear from Yahushua who is becoming more and more personal with those He loves, as we approach His coming. This series is rich with Scripture and the anointing of the Spirit. Study it slowly and carefully so that you don't just get information in your head, but so that it impacts your spirit and becomes part of you as you put it into practice.
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  • (August 10, 2019)
    Urgent! Hong Kong citizens are in their 10th week of protesting, rioting, fighting with all their heart against an invasion of mainland China with their "Extradition Law" that would end the freedoms of Hong Kong citizens, and target believers in Messiah more than anyone else. Right now a major typhoon/hurricane is hitting Taiwan, Japan, and Shanghai, China. So many born again believers are in these areas. Believers in China are suffering great persecution for their faith. Now China wants to inflict that persecution on those in Hong Kong. Be passionate in your prayers for them, spread the news so others pray, and prepare yourself or the same persecution wherever you are in this world!
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  • (August 30, 2019)
    Truly this study-article is from the heart of Elohim. It takes you through the Word on the most important subject next to the true new birth and the baptism into the Spirit. This study is a result of nearly 40 years of research into what He has planned for us--before, and after, Messiah returns. Our eternal position in His Kingdom depends on us. Each of the three positions comes with eternal life, but each one has its own requirements for receiving it. This study will make you long for what He has planned for those who love Him.
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  • (September 3, 2019)
    Christians in Hong Kong have taken an outward stand for freedom along with over one million protesters of many beliefs. Yet they have one in common--the right of a human being to live in peace and freedom from oppression. The Christians are doing it Abba's way. They are carrying Bibles and standing in public places in prayer and praise. They have also introduced a song that has become an "anthem" among the protesters: "Singing Hallelujah to the Lord." Look at the 13 pictures in this short update. Look at the faces of the born-again. Join with them in prayer, praises, and proclamation of the Word of Elohim. These are our brothers and sisters.
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  • (October 12, 2019)
    In the midst of all the tragic breaking news I've been reporting that calls us to pray with intense fervor, I insert this joyful article that will lift your spirit and challenge you to continue your race to obtain your eternal prize. The news of this historic marathon victory has surely blessed me. In a world that is crumbling all around us, we thank Abba for sending us challenges to inspire us to keep running to the finish line that is not far away.
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  • (October 14, 2019)
    This prophetic word which the Spirit of Yahuwah gave me October 11th is from the very inner being of Abba Yahuwah. He is crying out: "Who is standing with Me and with My Son? Let them come to Me and unite." The time of great separation is now beginning in its final intensity.
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  • (October 21, 2019)
    This article relates some of the exciting story of the great revival of Yahuwah's salvation in Iran as believers witness of the Savior in the face of torture, imprisonment, and death. It is called the fastest growing church in the world, and it is completely Spirit-led. I also include breaking current news, and up-to-date situations inside Syria - about the Kurds, and the release of, and reassignment of, ISIS prisoners. I include 12 pictures and a world map showing countries of persecution. We must be involved in intercession for Joel 2:27-32 is happening in areas of great persecution.
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  • (October 26, 2019)
    Today I share with you what has greatly blessed me today. This 2-page article contains six links to very short video clips that have the potential of being life changing. Because I've known the young man in the videos since 1987, I know that what he so passionately shares of his time in Tanzania can transfer into you. Watch the worship and the joy of those who today are targeted for death because of their passion for their Savior.
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  • (November 5, 2019)
    There is coming a Day soon, the "Day of Yahuwah," when Abba will reach the peak of His grief and wrath. Perhaps for the first time ever, He will isolate Himself until His Judgment is over - during the return of Yahushua Messiah. Not since the Flood has His wrath and grief risen to such intensity. However, in Noah's day He did not destroy the Earth. His pain is now the greatest ever. Soon both Earth and the heavens will be destroyed. Yet, because of His love, all will be recreated anew for His children. We join with Abba and our Savior in Their emotional suffering, and in our love we call out "Come Yahushua Come."
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  • (November 8, 2019)
    This article is the Sequel to "The Day Yahuwah Will Stop the Praise." These two articles unite to bring you a strong prophetic message from the heart of Elohim. This article is a powerful call for us to be prepared for days we are in - preceding the outpouring of His wrath at the coming of Messiah. He clearly lets us know about His two prepared hiding places for His end-time remnant, and also what to expect as a blessed martyr. Take this to prayer; seek Abba's will for you! Pass on these two articles of His warning and comfort. Stay in His Presence! Stay in shalom!
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  • (November 14, 2019)
    "Psalm 2 -2020" is a powerful study of what is going on in heaven as Yahuwah's anger builds against the plans of His enemies. There is a lot more to this Psalm by King David that most have ever seen before because it describes our time right now. Who put the chains on the Rephaim/giants, and who is attempting to tear them off so that they can return? Yes, they are returning - to fulfill Yahuwah's will. Why are the fallen ones coming against His Messiah? Yahuwah proclaims the outcome of this final battle of the ages. Our eternal inheritance depends on His Messiah receiving His eternal inheritance!
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  • (November 22, 2019)
    This article is borne out of an e-mail I received about a meeting of Messianic and Christians in Israel November 22, 2019, to discuss the "role" of the Holy Spirit in our world today and the relevancy of His "gifts" for today, in order to bring unity among the believers. The article Yahuwah led me to write and post yesterday, "The Absolute Necessity of Speaking in the Tongues of Angles," address this divisive controversy completely. It is also Podcast CL. In this article, I address the Satanic divisions that have destroyed believers' dependency on the Spirit to teach them pure Truth.
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  • (December 22, 2019)
    This 2-page article is loaded with spiritual authority and power from the heart of Elohim! It includes a very profound dream-message my son received December 21st. Abba has impressed me to give you His message during these four darkest days of the year, because, as a good Father, He loves His children and therefore brings us warnings, exhortations, and also comfort, peace, and joy.
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  • (December 28, 2019)
    Taking the foundation of this article from a question asked by L.A. Marzulli during his time in Portugal, I share answers to this question being asked by many people. The complete answer to this question is not singular, but the foundation of the answer is singular. Is there a blood curse over planet earth? Yes! How does that affect the children of Yahuwah?
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  • (January 13, 2020)
    Abba is sending a prophetic Word to all of His children. When the Spirit of Yahuwah wants to give a message to His children about what He is doing, He speaks it through His trusted servants whom He sends forth to proclaim it under His authority. Such a message is going forth to all who will listen now. Yahuwah tells His children what He is doing so that we might prepare for it. He is ending one phase of human history in order to begin another. May you move with Him!
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  • (January 29, 2020)
    Have the plagues of Egypt returned? Some of them have ... This historic locust plague is monstrous. Locust swarms have been moving across Saudi Arabia and other Arab nations on the east of the Red Sea. Now they're moving into nations on the west of the Red Sea. The devastation of crops threatens great famine. The people are very dear to my heart because of my years of ministry in East Africa, especially Kenya and Uganda. So many precious believers live there!
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  • (February 9, 2020)
    This article is taken from "Podcast CLXIII..." on February 7, 2020 under "Audio Teachings." I couple the letter written from the Chinese pastor under quarantine, sent at the end of January from Wuhan, with a letter written in the early 1980s by a Christian brother in China, to believers in the West. You can see the nature of our Father in these two letters from two separate believers pouring out their hearts to us. You can see the passion of their heart. Neither asks you to pray that they'll be free of suffering. They ask you to pray that they will remain strong in faith so that in this suffering the Good News of salvation will go forth to their people.
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  • (February 10, 2020)
    This is an exciting study! Not only are historic events in the Word, but we're watching them take place right now! The Word gives us clues to watch for as we watch for Messiah's return. It uses the same terminology in the Prophets and in the book of Revelation to show us where we are on His timeline. Yes, very exciting.
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  • (February 18, 2020)
    This prophecy by Messiah is genuine. The timing is now. The message is to all of us. My all take it to heart, study the Scriptures, go to Abba about its meaning, and prepare!
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  • (February 27, 2020)
    So many of Yahuwah's children are becoming fearful, like the world's people, in seeing what is coming on the earth. Yet, His children have been given all the necessary protection they need and the authority to stand in the face of evil and boldly proclaim victory. Why aren't His children tapping into what they possess and living free of fear? It's ignorance of who they are in Him for one thing. However, it is their not intimately knowing our loving Abby Yahuwah and our loving Messiah Yahushua more than anything else. I give you a doorway to total freedom forever.
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  • (March 23, 2020)
    At the time when His children need to be the most unified, walking in love, eager to reach out to others with His love Satan's forces are causing strife, so that His people are divided and many left alone without fellowship. Yahuwah's Spirit is bringing together those that have His nature--His disciples who are learning from Him. We need to edify each other, love each other. The High Priestly prayer of Yahushua will be fulfilled (John 17).
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  • (April 4, 2020)
    This article contains an anointed revelation from Yahuwah to us today as we prepare for our rewards from our soon-coming Master. This revelation, given to me in the early morning of April 2nd, can be life-changing for those who live what Messiah spoke in Luke 17:7-10. Remember, the Word of Yahuwah is not a western-culture document, but Truth which reaches back into eternity, into the nature of Yahuwah who imparted His nature into His servants who lived long ago. This is the message of Yahuwah for us now!
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  • (April 12, 2020)
    I have never poured out the heart of Elohim like I do in this article-study. He has given me peace to speak to you from Him. This is His message, given in love for His children. There is no condemnation or judgment in it. However, I warn that if this lesson is not learned, no one will survive great tribulation to stand before Yahushua in the Kingdom. Yahuwah has drawn a line, and only a remnant who lives by His rules of love for one another will continue on.
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  • (April 23, 2020)
    Sharing with you the beauty of springtime in Texas, out in the country with farms and ranches, horses, cattle, and long horns. Fifteen pictures included … Texas highways are lined with fields of wildflowers, a project carried out by "Ladybird Johnson," wife of President Johnson, years ago. The beauty of this world reflects the faithfulness of Abba. While man blasphemes Him, and His Son, He continues to maintain His nature, His order, His beautiful Person, before our eyes.
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  • (May 11, 2020)
    In this article I share my notes and responses to an interview on May 9th which capsulizes much of what is going on, and the future of it all. This information is a concise overview that pulls reality into its place of importance. The Spirit used this interview to speak to me His instructions on how I am to prepare for what I know Yahuwah has for me. I hope it does the same for you.
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  • (June 11, 2020)
    In this article I share the foundations of my life, and give you practical teaching on the privilege we have before our heavenly Father and Yahushua Messiah. I share an example of hearing from Abba three days ago which has brought me peace. I share quotes from Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj's book The Art of Worship - powerful examples that He gives of how worship works. Be blessed! Be encouraged!
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  • (June 18, 2020)
    This short article contains a lot of information, plus a prophetic word from Messiah to all of His children. He is warning. He is preparing a remnant who will act on His Word. Many things have been set in motion just in the last few days that will accelerate the fulfillment of prophecy regarding the return of Yahushua Messiah. Take what is said seriously and apply it to your own life.
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  • (June 24, 2020)
    This is a brief transcript-article of Podcast CCXIII, under "Audio Teachings." The podcast conveys the anointing I received from a revelation I had never seen before in Revelation chapter 5, but received June 21st. While Luciferians, Satanists, witches, warlocks, and Druids, were doing rituals, sex magic, and blood sacrifices, calling for the Beast to arise for his world takeover, Yahuwah showed me who was the only One worthy to set His plans in motion. Look up and see what Yahuwah has planned for you!
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  • (August 2, 2020)
    A very powerful, passionate, pleading article to save the eternal lives of many. This is heavy on the heart of Yahuwah and heavy on my heart too. I give you much Scripture and research material to check out. I do not give you opinions, only "thus saith Yahuwah," from His Word, and from His nature as a Father who loves His children. His children are in dangerous shark-infested waters, and He is pleading with them to get out before they are devoured. It is the cry of a loving Parent!
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  • (August 5, 2020)
    This is not just another article about Yahuwah's end-time remnant, but is a thorough investigation of the words of Daniel 11:32, plus an understanding of the other two groups of people in Daniel 11:33-35. Most of Yahuwah's people fit into these verses, as we progress quickly into this rising Beast system. It encourages us to cling tighter to our heavenly Abba and to His Son - "the Son of His love."
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  • (August 27, 2020)
    This article comes with the pleading love of Abba Yahuwah for His children. His sheep are dying by the millions world over, some from martyrdom, but most because their faith is being destroyed, leaving them weak, emaciated, and spiritually dying. This is a short but powerful exposing that what is happening in the natural realm is but a reflection of what is happening in the spirit realm.
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  • (August 31, 2020)
    This article begins a series of articles and podcasts for edification, exhortation, and comfort during this season of Elul, in preparation for the Fall Festivals in Tishre. They are based on a series of prophecies that are amazingly thorough, though simply given by Messiah. They build on two articles posted under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim: "Prophecy of Messiah..." and "Yahushua's Prophetic Word." They address things that very, very few prophcies address or even touch on - communicating truth to us that must be acted on quickly.
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  • (September 1, 2020)
    This article contains five prophecies given by Messiah to brother Byron Searles regarding a time-period of preparation that began in July 2020, leading us to the nearing ten "days of awe." My conclusion speaks to all of us. The pleading of Messiah throughout must be heard in our spirit and obeyed as a lifestyle, especially during this month of Elul as things are changing rapidly by the day, and we enter new beginnings.
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  • (September 6, 2020)
    Lessons on how not to be caught up in the psychologically destructive whirlpool of the enemy that is taking down so many of Yahuwah's children. Apply wisdom! Only those totally controlled by the Spirit of Yahuwah will survive the attacks and go forward in victory.
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  • (September 9, 2020)
    This is a teaching-sequel to "Travailing Prayer That Interlocks With the Heart of Abba Yahuwah," #66.0 under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim. This article is based on Michael Howard's book True Travail, and my own experience. This reality - this high and set-apart privilege that we have - is hardly known to His children in Western culture, yet it births the impossible, the miraculous, the perfect will of Yahuwah, into this earthly realm by Yahuwah's Spirit within us.
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  • (September 26, 2020)
    Today was a historic day of the rallying of American Christians by the thousands in Washington D.C. and all over the nation to repent, to pray for the healing of the nation, and for the restoration of America to "God." Today, also, Yahuwah loosed some finalities, written 2,500 years ago by the prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Zachariah, and in 94-95 CE by the apostle-prophet Yochanan/John in the Revelation. I expose hidden things, and reasons behind what we're seeing today. I include 9 pictures, three which tell a story going back to Egypt 5,000 years ago portrayed in America and Rome.
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  • (October 6, 2020)
    This article contains a prophetic word from Messiah that reveals how Yahuwah and Yahushua viewed the National Prayer Rally in Washington D.C. and what was released September 26th. I know it goes against Western culture Greco-Roman mentality, but it does not go against the nature of His eternal Word. Four of the six pictures show the idolatry not perceived by those in "modern Western society." Yes, Elohim is merciful on the ignorant, however, the time has come for Him to begin the judgment necessary to divide His set-apart people from all that defiles.
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  • (October 17, 2020)
    The context of this article was given to me last night from Yahuwah as a warning to His people whom He loves. He used my hand-held flashlight as a basis for His teaching and prophetic declaration. This is a very serious warning built on other serious warning I've shared, which are now abounding from His faithful watchmen across board. There are three conditions related to the light of a flashlight, each corresponding to three different types of His children right now in this ever-increasing dark world.
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  • (November 7, 2020)
    This is a very sobering article that presents finalities as Yahuwah has shown me and so many of His watchmen. There is no fantasy in what He is saying to us. I include today's prophecy by Byron Searle. The line has been drawn in the sand, and Yahuwah is no longer extending time to a rebellious people.
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  • (November 9, 2020)
    We have an open door to pray with the heart of Yahuwah the words of the imprecatory Psalms of King David! We have an open door to pray them over our nation, and concerning evil ones of the dark kingdom who want our destruction.. As we submit to the Spirit to lead us, we join with our Father's will. We have the right to pray them with righteous emotions. As always, we pray under the direction of Yahuwah, so that He prays from within us, and thus, we comfort Him. Our battle is not against flesh and blood, but is a spiritual battle against the forces of evil led by Satan.
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  • (November 12, 2020)
    This article, begun in September 2020 during Elul, was put on hold by Abba. Today, in answering an e-mail, I wrote about the stark division of "prophetic" words coming from Evangelical Christians involved with the current elections, and the warnings of the prophetic watchmen who have been following prophecies of the Word for decades, and are reporting on their fulfillment. Who is hearing from Yahuwah? The ones wrapped up in the present world or the ones seeking the Kingdom to come? Who is telling you to prepare? Who is telling the truth consistently, backed by Yahuwah? Today Yahuwah led me to post this article in its completeness.
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  • (December 23, 2020)
    A very hard article to write - much pondering and prayer for days has gone into it, and more to ponder. I comment on key quotes by Mike Adams' at Steve Quayle's "Final Warning! Brace for Impact" Conference in October. Yes, he telling the truth, but the finalities are numbing. How do we adjust our lives to such finalities so that we don't become a casualty? The whirlpool is open to all. How do we keep from getting trapped it in and sucked down with it? Evaluate yourself. No condemnation or judgment included, just love and compassion.
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  • (January 3, 2021)
    It is amazing how I Samuel 8, and events leading up to it, picture what is happening right now in America and throughout the world. The same scenario is working out, just with different names for the players. The parallel holds many revelations for us. Yahuwah speaks to us as He spoke to the people at that time through Samuel.
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  • (January 15, 2021)
    While "joy has withered away from the sons of men," Joel 1, at the same time we can continually be in another realm within the Presence of Yahuwah. As He is allowed freedom to reign in our re-born spirit, as THE Spirit, His nature begins to reign and we receive His attributes as His children. Joy that is strictly from Yahuwah as our source is never dependent on circumstances and remains consistent no matter what the external situation. Therefore we remain free and at peace in mind and emotions.
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  • (January 18, 2021)
    A new approach to understanding set-apartness! Set-apartness not just from the world but from the twisted deceptions, lies, and manipulations of Scripture by man, creating "doctrines of devils," that keep Yahuwah's people from knowing Him, that keep His people from knowing Yahushua as He is. Moses tried to placate the fears of the people by keeping his face veiled. He hid the light that shone forth from his face because he lived in the Presence of Yahuwah. This put a spiritual veil over the eyes of those who read the Teachings of Yahuwah through him over the centuries. This is the year to take off the veil and let the world see the light that shines from your spirit, and sets men free to know Yahuwah and Yahushua personally.
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  • (January 21, 2021)
    I give you two music links to pray and praise and proclaim the heart of Yahuwah into the earth.
    As we allow the Spirit of Yahuwah to transform us so that we act in His nature, with His thinking, doing what He would do in the earth, we project His Kingdom and His will on earth, as it is in heaven. Note the tone of this article - I wrote it with much peace. I give some really great information, but also exhortation, edification, and comfort. Remain in peace as hard truth unfolds!
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  • (January 29, 2021)
    This article just may answer questions you've had for a long time, and give understanding that brings comfort, peace, and joy. In this world, we as humans have basic things in common that are not related only to sin nature, like mental, emotional, and physical pain, suffering in many ways, causing tears, despair, anger, confusion, and lack of understanding. For those born-again, we have answers. Let us put them into practice and use our pain and suffering as a step-ladder to freedom.
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  • (February 7, 2021)
    This article is based on a dramatic revelation that I received on Shabbat morning while in the Presence of Yahuwah, which brings a dramatic message to you to boost your sense of security, peace, and position in our Abba's love. There is much to absorb into your spirit that will strengthen faith and resolve to seek Abba with all your heart.
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  • (February 21, 2021)
    The revelation contained in this article came to me so strongly through one verse, beginning at 9:00 AM this morning. I began writing what He was sharing with me from Psalm 132:8. I concluded writing what He was giving to me at 4:00 PM. This is the truly "meat" of the Word for those who seek to know Abba Yahuwah and Messiah Yahushua intimately. Yahuwah is sharing with His set-apart ones so that we are strengthened in knowing who we are in Him, and who He is in us.
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  • (March 24, 2021)
    Many of you have been waiting for this testimony. I thank you for your prayers. This is not just a testimony of His faithfulness to me, but a testimony of truth that you can hold onto for your own life as the days get darker. Truly, He is ever-Present to personally care for His beloved children. He is a real and personal wonderful, loving, kind, gracious, and faithful, Father! We are never alone when He is "Daddy"/Abba in our life.
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  • (March 31, 2021)
    Enemy attacks come in 2s and 3s. Our enemies in the fallen realm of the kingdom of darkness fear those who trust Yahuwah and Yahushua. Their attacks are designed to weaken faith. Yahuwah is ever-ready to strengthen our faith. In this personal testimony of the last 3 days, I may answer some questions for you as to how we are attacked, and, on the other hand, how Yahuwah brings victory for us out of them to let us know He is fighting for us.
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  • (April 13, 2021)
    This article contains important understanding of where mankind gets such perversions of what Yahuwah and Yahushua do, think, say, have planned, and feel. Abba showed me this counterfeit that we're seeing happening to the human race as it goes back to a perversion of what Yahuwah and Yahushua did for our eternal good. It is amazing how much counterfeiting is happening of what was originally Yahuwah's plans, which have been twisted and served up to mankind by the fallen angels.
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  • (April 26, 2021)
    This 2-page article has the power to change your life if you agree with your Creators about you.
    In this article, I give you a link to a song that will define you above all other things. You have been "forgiven." What comes out of being forgiven? Your reaction to this song can also reveal to you what may stand in the way of receiving all that Abba has for you. I give you identity Scriptures to look up and proclaim. They will reinforce what Yahuwah and Yahushua say about you.
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  • (April 29, 2021)
    Today, Abba Yahuwah gave this message to give to you. He is preparing a people who are like Him in nature, ways, and thinking - a trusted people that He can send forth as His ambassadors into the earth to represent Him. He is fine-tuning all of His children - maturing, and preparing, so that we submit to His ways, and understand how He reasons and feels. Thus, our thoughts, our speech, and our judgment are pure and blameless before Him - our lives submitted to His will at all times. We must remove all that is holding us back from being His smiling joy!
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  • (May 2, 2021)
    This article is posted under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim. It is also podcasted as Podcast CLXXXIII, under "Audio Teachings." It is Part II, or a continuation on the theme of your identity with Yahuwah because of Messiah Yahushua, allowing Yahuwah to be able to forgive and forget our sin, and to restore us to fellowship with Him and with His Son, our Beloved One, and soon-coming King of kings. Ground yourself in who you are in Their eyes, so that you know how to rightfully view yourself in your own eyes.
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  • (May 4, 2021)
    Sensing and knowing the emotions of Yahuwah and Yahushua right now is very important so that we might align with Them, and thus be "found in Them," in the days to come as we prepare for the return of our Master Yahushua Messiah as King of kings and Master of masters (Revelation 11:15). Understanding how deeply Yahuwah feels is paramount to our knowing Him and responding to Him as a real Father. This article is taken from a vision He gave me this morning.
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  • (May 11, 2021)
    Why old hymns are coming to me to sing after so many decades, I do not know. However, I do know that Yahushua is conveying prophetic messages to those whom He is dealing with at this time, in training and personal coaching. He is uniting those who are "clay in the Potter's hands." Look beyond the language of the old church system, for He is bringing His army out of all nations, all cultures, and all religious labeling based on self-righteous prejudice. He is bringing John 17 to fruition. Ask Yahuwah how you fit into all of this! You were "born for such a time as this!"
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  • (May 27, 2021)
    The number of e-mails and in-person questions asking for wisdom as to how to handle severe situations within families, churches, assemblies, with friends and close associates, has let me know I needed to write a complete study on this subject to instruct all as to how to handle these emotion-filled times in the peace and wisdom of Yahuwah. Please read slowly, go over all scriptures in context, and let the Spirit of Yahuwah show you how to handle your own hurtful problems, as families are now being torn apart, and life is very unstable. I give you wisdom on how to remain stable.
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  • (June 4, 2021)
    We are a family of believers - the "body of Messiah." If one member is hurting, it affects all of us. Right now, massive numbers of true believers in all countries are hurting - facing denial of rights, persecution, imprisonment, and death for their faith. But, Canada? Yes, Canada, and soon America, the U.K. Europe, Australia, New Zealand. It is because the hated One, Yahushua, and all of His followers are under a death sentence by the forces of Satan. "You shall be hated by all men for My Name's sake." Let us band together in His love, and pray with His love for each other!
    Messiah prayed in John 17 for our unity with He and His Father and with each other. I John is a book to read and re-read. It taps into the heart of Elohim, and what He wants for us.
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  • (June 28, 2021)
    Long title, powerful message. How does the Elohim of heaven and earth, the Almighty, the Most High feel as He observes the majority of those today whom He calls His children? Do the words of this title apply to His children? He is "angry at the wicked every day" the Word says, but is He angry at His children everyday, too? The words of Psalm 78 applied to His children on the wilderness journey! However, yes, they apply today to His children, as we journey to the Promised Land of His Kingdom.
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  • (July 20, 2021)
    Late but on the ancient paths' date, this brief article, remembering the two destructions of the Temples in 586 BCE and 70 CE, contain the heart of our Father and His Son to us His children, whose Temple is within us by His Spirit dwelling in our spirit, our "Most Set-Apart Place." How do we celebrate this day? How can we unite with the emotions of Yahuwah and Yahushua on this day? What does this day mean to us? Duel emotions pour forth from the heart of Elohim, and duel emotions from within His children tapped into His feelings.
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  • (July 23, 2021)
    Brief update from Abba's heart. Please take this to Him in prayer and let Him show you how deeply He feels about what is happening to His people, to innocent humans, in order to complete the plans of Lucifer and the fallen angels to destroy all of mankind.
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  • (August 2, 2021)
    With all the turmoil going on to cause the needed chaos by the evil ones to prepare the world for the arrival of the Beast world ruler, Satan, all the fallen angels, and their Nephilim offspring, the death of humanity, and the destruction of earth, in the midst of it all, I give you a message to lift you above it, and give you instructions how to stay above it. I show you how to walk in victory and in the "power of His might!"
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  • (August 10, 2021)
    This is another faith-building article, emphasizing the foundation of our faith - the nature of Yahuwah who IS Love, IS Peace, IS Joy, IS Merciful and kind, forgiving, patient, and long-suffering.
    What He IS is unchangeable. We can trust that He will not fail us. We can trust that what He has promised us will come to pass. The more we get to know Yahuwah and Yahushua as They are - the less fear we will have, the more peace, more joy, more confidence, and more boldness. This is good news!
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  • (August 31, 2021)
    A warning to act! This has some up-to-date reality that has been forming for a long time, but is now on the move. I had this confirmed last evening. Note what is happening in Australia - it's a place of testing the tolerance of humans, in order to record reactions by enforcing encroaching draconian rules. These "tests" are happening in several countries, as in Canada, the UK, France, and Israel. Tests as to how to beat the people into submission before annihilating all but the 500 million allotted chosen hybrids is the plan being worked out a day at a time. Where is the U.S. in all of this madness? Testing the most potentially rebellious first - of course.
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  • (September 27, 2021)
    Indeed if His people do not take this warning and act immediately to align to the Word, and submit to the Spirit of Yahuwah in mind and emotions, they will be literally swept away from faith and do things they'd not normally do to their own damnation. This article tells of some very scientific technology that is aimed at separating us from our own thoughts, ability to hear correctly, and even remove speech ability. But it all can be blocked if His people take hold of a different reality from a different Kingdom.
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  • (October 7, 2021)
    This short article contains an amazing amount of revelation, comparing Noah with those of our day, as well as information you must know about this month and on. It goes back to Genesis 6 - 8 and brings us up to 2021. Amazing information to know and act on!
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  • (October 18, 2021)
    If ever we needed the favor of Yahuwah on us, bringing us help in so many ways, it is now! We see the children of the evil ones favored in ways that exalt them, filled with lies and deceptions that will lead them to the lake of fire with the fallen ones. Yahuwah is dividing. He wants to highly favor His children who are submitted and obedient to Him so that His Truth is magnified before the fallen ones and their human servants, and His children enter the Kingdom of heaven with rewards.
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  • (November 11, 2021)
    This is an encouraging article you'll want to read over and over and share. It brought me joy today. It seems that every person has their own reasoning about Messiah's return, but almost none are Spirit-taught, or even have a desire to read the one book that promises a blessing for reading it. Messiah is soon to be "revealed," or "unveiled." What does it mean when He says He comes "speedily," or "quickly" when it appears that the opposite is true?
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  • (November 15, 2021)
    This article takes you into many areas of information as to why the increase of a lot of things - especially child sacrifice in old ways and new ways. There is an acceleration of sacrifices, at the same time an acceleration in ridding humans of the ability to reproduce children. I give you articles to refer to for your own research that may answer more questions. The takeover of earth by the fallen ones is reaching a climax that will lead to their leader coming and to take over. We're near that time, therefore Satan requires more sacrifices.
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  • (November 30, 2021)
    This is an article to strengthen faith within His children. As we note his small miracles, sometimes daily, and see His hand in all that we need, feel His Presence, and receive His personal love for us, then we can have faith for the big needed miracles for things that seem overwhelming. Knowing Abba's faithfulness and the promises of Romans 8:32-39, we cannot fail. We just have to do our part in cooperation with Him as His servants.
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  • (January 23, 2022)
    This article is from a revelation Yahuwah gave me as I was reading Haggai 2 recently. His book is short, however it gives knowledge of the timing of Messiah's conception and birth, as well as takes us clear to the soon second coming of Messiah in our day. He also covers how Yahuwah sees us as His children because of Messiah's first coming, and what He has made us to be - His dwelling place! All of that in 2 chapters!
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  • (February 14, 2022)
    This article is most important. It contains 2 brief videos that exemplify in real times of persecution how we must allow the Spirit of Yahuwah to bring our carnal nature into subjection, so that we take on the nature of Yahuwah. While writing this article, I got an article link from a dear friend in Canada about what is happening right now as Satan attempts to stop any righteous moves to bring justice. So, this is a heart-stirring presentation as well as a call to urgent and continued prayer.
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  • (March 27, 2022)
    This article is borne out of a revelation Abba gave me from an event that happened over a couple of decades ago. From it, recently Abba has spoken it to me again and asked me to write about it in an article. Father is clarifying, defining, fine-tuning, so that we align to what He wants us to know, so that we unify around His nature, ways, and thinking. He wants us all "on the same page" with Him. So, with no intension of upsetting anyone's favorited spiritual comfort zones, once again I present what is "thus says Yahuwah" about the relationship between He and His Son. I live by the witness of His peace within my re-born spirit, and so I present this to you with His peace and in His love.
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  • (May 15, 2022)
    A most important article indeed! It will be podcasted also. This message was given to me by Abba yesterday. Most people have no concept of what Messiah is saying in giving us the Ten Commandments. They are what He must have in a Bride - absolute exclusivity, absolute alignment with His nature, ways, and thinking, which are also the nature, ways, and thinking of Yahuwah, His Father - the two of Them being "echad," two as one in total unity (John17). This is a message of the absolute for those wanting to enter the Kingdom of heaven.
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  • (May 29, 2022)
    Happy Memorial Day, May 30, 2022! This is a tribute to the American Veterans who died protecting us in wars overseas, but also honoring those living Veterans who also remind us of their service to their country and to Elohim. I apply this tribute also to "soldiers" of the army of Messiah Yahushua in a day when His soldiers are being dishonored and killed. We are at war with an unseen enemy.
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  • (June 2, 2022)
    Fun title but backed by amazing revelation knowledge of Genesis 11, which is being attempted again now. This is from the heart of Elohim. It is the John 17 unity of the Father and Son that has conquered all the plans of the fallen angels and their leader for us. It will be the unity of Their children with Them that will cause Their children to conqueror all the forces of the enemy and come together in the throne room of the Kingdom.
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  • (June 21, 2022)
    The amazing examples in our own body and in the Tabernacle and Temples make it easy to understand how we became Yahuwah's Temple - same design! There are three groups in eternity, all corresponding to the layout of the temples and the three parts of our body. Ten pictures included! As it was when Messiah died and the inner courts became one, so in our unifying with Elohim, we become as They - two in unity as one.
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  • (July 5, 2022)
    A powerful message from the heart of Elohim - Father and Son! In this article, I share some personal testimony, which applies to His message. I also include a picture of a miracle story.
    He is setting us in place according to His foreknowledge. We must miss His best for us!
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  • (October 26, 2022)
    This contains a powerful real news story that carries a heavy impact on reality for us all. How many lives were saved because of the one young busboy in a huge entertainment complex, who dared to warn the people of the fire? It is a powerful message, with pictures too. Take it to heart - this message is for you!
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  • (October 30, 2022)
    I write this for His children to understand how much He loves them, yet His nature in expressing it is not what we might reason. Why is He silent when we need to hear from Him so badly? Is He being cold towards us? Is He unfeeling towards us? Oh no! Get to know the real Yahuwah and you'll walk in peace, joy, and confidence in knowing who you are and how much you are dear to He and His Son.
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  • (November 11, 2022)
    The picture alone in this article speaks volumes. We do not really know ourselves until we open ourselves up to the Spirit of Yahuwah to show us the truth. How does He see us? Abba is showing us a way of escape from our control over our mind and emotions that continues to see things wrongly, assess things wrongly, reacts wrongly - because we don't ask how He sees us or others. This opens up some new understanding to see things as He sees them.
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  • (December 26, 2022)
    This article contains news updates, but also much insight into why we're moving so quickly towards the finalities of Bible prophecy. Seek the heart of Elohim, for our Abba grieves, as He did before the Flood. The name "Noah" means "comfort." He comforted Yahuwah. Let us comfort Him again!
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  • (February 28, 2023)
    This is a word Abba shared with me this morning which reveals His view of how His people are acting that is causing His judgment. "Judgment must begin at the household of God...." and so it is. Abba doesn't niceify words or make things palatable for us when He's angry. He tells us how He feels as He told the prophets of the Tenach, like Jeremiah for example. This is for those who want to know Him in His hurt so they can side with His emotions, His thinking, and His actions.
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  • (March 21, 2023)
    Powerful presentation in video and article form! The message for anyone preparing to enter the Kingdom of heaven. This is perhaps the most important message to His children that Yahuwah wants said to all of us. It's either hear the Voice, obey what the Voice says, or crash and burn. That's how important this message is. Share the video and message with others - it is the only way to reach "home" safely.
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  • (April 16, 2023)
    Abba gave me a prophetic word yesterday as my son was finishing the project of laying the grass-sod out in front of my little cottage. Abba reminded me of the beginning of "grass" and the end of "grass." It is a fascinating study. Most in western culture think of "grass" as the green stuff we mow in our lawn. But there is so much more to it from Abba's view.
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  • (April 23, 2023)
    This article contains information that is shocking to those who do not understand the reality of takeover by Lucifer and the fallen angels of earth and its inhabitants. Great falling away of once-believers is giving more power to Lucifer and the fallen angels to destroy all that Yahuwah and Yahushua wanted to give us - from Their love and beautiful nature, ways, and thinking. Now, power has been given by mankind to Lucifer and the fallen ones to take destruction a step further. It seems almost unbelievable that humans have become so depraved.
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  • (May 8, 2023)
    This article was birthed in my spirit by Yahuwah - for He is the One who brings order where there is no order and ends chaos by His very presence. This article was inspired by a small field flower brought to me by my son a few days ago. Abba directed me totally in presenting this wisdom to you!
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  • (May 9, 2023)
    I address the seductive mentality that has weakened the body of Messiah in Greco-Roman Western culture. It will be too late for most to turn their mentality around in their lives, but we still have time for those who know how to repent and embrace what Abba has for them with all their spirit, soul, and body.
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  • (October 30, 2023)
    So, far, that is ... this Halloween sacrifice will be the largest in human history worldwide, especially in America. It is leading to a bigger human sacrifice in the nuclear WWIII. You have a part to play in saving the lives of children and babies through spiritual warfare and prayer, or perhaps other ways He leads you to get involved. We must be deeply involved in these last days as Yahuwah leads us, to rescue the perishing, wherever, whoever, they might be.
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  • (November 3, 2023)
    Yes, another "cheering you on" article of edification and exhortation, including suggesting two movies that carry the message of the heart of Elohim. We must go through to win. The message carried in these two stories - real life stories - will emphasize Acts 14:19-22, " is through much tribulation that we must enter the Kingdom." We are in the process of overcoming, enduring, and reaching out for the high prize of eternal life.
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  • (November 9, 2023)
    This contains enough revelation to you for you to soar with the eagles in the Spirit and rise higher, as Abba has taught me. Please share with others. We're in a "now or never" situation in many ways. Our whole being has to be aligned to the Master to go forward. This is an exhortation, yes, but also a personal encouragement to all of you as to how deeply our Father wants us to win this "race" and enter the Kingdom.
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  • (December 10, 2023)
    Much Scripture - this study shows the deception inside the popular teachings of "Dominion Theology." Yes, we have dominion, under Yahuwah's authority. No condemnation of individuals. Yahushua said to us, "be not deceived." Deception comes with some truth but leads to the deception as a conclusion. This presents teaching I am very familiar with, but like all deceptions it is popular with those who do not know Yahuwah personally. Again, religion verses knowing.
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  • (December 23, 2023)
    This is a message that Yahuwah wanted me to share with you - it is very important. We must know His nature, ways, and thinking. More than that - we must take on His nature, ways, and thinking. We must allow His Spirit to transform us so that we are an example to all of who He is - love! He grieves that He has to judge His children, but His children so often take on the nature of Lucifer. To enter the Kingdom He has rules that have to be followed. Read and Pray. Let others see the Savior in you!
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  • (January 10, 2024)
    This is a study that can be life-changing for you! It mainly contains Scripture that all ties together by the "heart of Elohim." Study carefully and let the Spirit of Yahuwah teach you how to apply these realities personally.
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  • (January 21, 2024)
    This is a most magnificent article! Not because I wrote it, but because it is from a message to us from Yahuwah, taught by my son last week at the Prayer Center. It is a magnificent message because it clears up so much negative thinking about the nature of our heavenly Father, and His whole Word to us. This is encouraging. We are loved.
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  • (January 28, 2024)
    This is a powerful sequel to "Grace" Part I. Derek's teaching on Grace at the Prayer Center yesterday was so powerful it left us listeners numb. I took many pages of notes. We sat in silence for a while at its conclusion. The truth in these two articles on Grace, if applied to your life, will change your life forever, and you'll begin an upward march to victory.
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  • (January 30, 2024)
    This is a simple one-page letter giving you links for the actual visual two broadcasts of Derek's teaching on "Grace" Parts I and II. You can watch it on his website and on YouTube. In all my life, I never heard such a presentation on what "grace" really is. It can be lifechanging for you. I have posted two articles under the Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim from my notes that I took of his teaching at our Prayer Center, January 13, 2024 and January 27, 2024. When you see the "heart of Elohim" (Father and Son) in this light, it really can be lifechanging. They are Persons to have personal relationship with!
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  • (February 4, 2024)
    Grace III helps us understand more about what it really is and how we must treat His graciousness with great respect, honor, and fear of offending Him. He extends Himself towards us in his love, compassion, patience, and kindness, and we must embrace it and return our love and thankfulness for it to Him. I took careful notes on Pastor's teaching yesterday at the Prayer Center and added comments and Scriptures to back its truth. These three presentations on Yahuwah's "grace" - favor that extended from eternity to us, to now and onto into eternity, will help you prepare for His Kingdom.
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  • (February 11, 2024)
    The content of this article was given to me yesterday at the Prayer Center. We were having a banquet for couples especially, with special speakers too, and yet right in the midst of it, Abba gave me about 9 pages of notes from His heart to share with you. I have written about some of this, but not in the Scriptural depth that this article contains.
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  • (February 12, 2024)
    This is not just a sequel to Michael Snyder's Lost Prophecies Chapter 9; I give some very personal experiences of being with the persecuted and how it changed my life. I give a testimony of Yah's leading that is nothing short of miraculous. This will give you reality for prayer, and help you see things differently - from the eyes of Yahuwah and Yahushua. I also share with you my February 12, 1992 experience, which shows how Abba sees things differently than humans do.
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  • (February 29, 2024)
    This is a rousing article filled with information but also exhortation and encouragement. Yahuwah's watchmen are sensing the urgency of our days. The true prophets are warning and exhorting, staying true to the whole Word. The Word as a whole is focused on our days right now until the coming of our Savior-Messiah. As the days get darker, we must be solidly aware of what is true and what is deceit. Love Truth! Our actions must be based on what we know as Truth.
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  • (March 1, 2024)
    In our walk with the Master, many times we have doubts and questions, and we need answers.
    Yahuwah gave me answers this morning about this question - Is it sin to have doubts about ourselves or His dealings with us, or questions that we need answered so that we think right? As I talked with Him this morning, He reminded me of His Son in the Garden of Gethsemane and His Son on the tree/cross also. The answers fell in place. I want to share them with you.
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  • (March 17, 2024)
    This is a transcript of Podcast CDLXXXXVI. It will give you the account of my hearing the shofar blown in a church in Texas in 2005 that no one else heard but me - yet the result of it was astonishing! Yahuwah brought this incident back to me today with a message that is of highest priority for you to know.
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  • (March 21, 2024)
    This article was podcasted today under "Audio Messages" by the same name. The message of the Great American Eclipse of 2024, April 8, 2024, is a second eclipse forming a message of the judgment of Yahuwah to His people and to all the people of earth. The first was 7 years ago, the Great American Eclipse of August 2017. The many signs of Yahuwah's judgment in these two eclipses is tremendous! Adding the eclipse over America in October of 2023 the three eclipses form ancient paleo Hebrew letters of the title of Yahushua Messiah - Aleph and Tav.
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  • (April 12, 2024)
    This article is challenging in several ways. I introduce new information as well as amplify some things I said before. But the Word of Yahushua, THE WORD, is forever, and what He says in Matthew 10 must be observed for His people to go all the way through to the Kingdom.
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  • (April 20, 2024)
    This little letter is an invitation for you to hear Derek's Teaching "Desire Truth To Know Him," when he spoke at the Prayer and Training Center April 6, 2024. In this letter, I give you the way to access the meeting via YouTube and share a picture of him teaching. This is a very anointed message!
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  • (April 28, 2024)
    If there was ever a topic needing to be addressed to the born-again children of Yahuwah and Yahushua as we enter fulness of tribulation, it is the topic. Fear is the entrance portal of the fallen ones into human minds and emotions to enslave, entice, draw-away, overcome, and conquer human beings, especially the ones who trust Yahushua/Yeshua/Jesus for their eternal life in the heavenly Kingdom. Fear is a chief means of destruction in our day. We must fear only Elohim, in whose hands we have placed our eternal lives.
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  • (May 10, 2024)
    Storms of all types are increasing, physical, mental, supernatural. We learn to go through all that we must go through that is hard in this life by strengthening our relationship with Yahuwah and Yahushua. We strengthen our relationship as we go through what is frightening, hard, against our will, leaning in faith on a Father and a Savior that we personally know and trust with our life here and for eternity. "Going through" is necessary as our training for our eternal life.
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  • (May 13, 2024)
    This is a call to listen to a very important message from the Word that Derek gave this last Shabbat at the Prayer Center. Please listen to it and continue your study on the ancient paths of our Elohim, learning His nature, ways, and thinking.
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  • (May 23, 2024)
    This was a hard one to write, but its thorough - 8 pictures - lots of quotes - and lots of Scripture to read slowly and carefully. Why is America under the judgment of Almighty Yahuwah? It's obvious that in America and most all of the western once-Christian world, the Word has been thrown out, the Persons of Yahuwah and Yahushua have been thrown out. Their authority has been usurped - no matter what titles and Names they are called in various countries. Why is Yahuwah in wrath and judgment against the former Christian nations? This article makes it plain.
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  • (May 24, 2024)
    This brief article has pictures of shocking things that occurred at a large "carnival-like" gathering in Brazil last year. Four pictures show what took place, and 3 pictures show Yahuwah's answer to it.
    The hate for our Savior and for all who love and serve Him, the truly born-again, is growing worldwide to a frenzy-point. Once this point of insanity is reached, all those who love Him and serve Him will be the targets for death, as the Bestial world ruler rises to power.
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  • (June 27, 2024)
    This is a study on what is causing a total turn-against the truth of the Word and the truth of the nature, ways, and thinking of Yahuwah to embrace deceptions and lies of the false prophets and prophetesses of today. Oh yes, they use the Bible - as all false prophets do - using a verse here, a verse there to "prove" their deceitful teaching. People are falling for it massive numbers, letting go of eternal life for carnal false hope.
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  • (July 3, 2024)
    This might seem like "comic relief" in the midst of so much evil all around us, but it carries a powerful message that will bring peace and joy to rest in those who live the message. I include three pages are fun pictures of Snoopy, Woodstock, Charlie Brown, Linus... However, actually, the message is profound. Enjoy!
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  • (July 9, 2024)
    This is another in a serious of messages Derek Townsend is teaching that comes from the heart of Yahuwah and Yahushua. Go deep into the Word to find what He requires of His children! You can listen to his message, link included, and also use my notes as you study with him and later by yourself.
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  • (July 11, 2024)
    This is a short letter to share with a link to a special short picture video that Derek made while on the Florida Gulf Coast recently. His video is so peaceful! He had watched the inspirational teaching video by David Pawson entitled "Salt and Light" - and thus shares his video of a lovely salt sea. I also include the link to David Pawson's teaching.
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  • (July 17, 2024)
    This teaching goes far beyond any teaching I've done so far on the subject of Yahuwah's "grace," His unmerited favor. It is a call for understanding repentance and Yahuwah's limited tolerance of sin. We're up against an eternal deadline that comes with finalities. A good understanding of the goals of Father and Son is imperative - to please Them and receive eternal life with rewards.
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  • (July 18, 2024)
    What is tragic in the western once-Christian world is that the high honor and respect for Yahuwah the Father and Yahushua/Jesus the Son has fallen onto the ground and is now trampled. The once-Christian nations of Western Culture have become cesspools of evil, rejecting the Word of God, and His Son, and replacing Them and Their Word with Lucifer-inspired twisting of Truth into lies.
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  • (August 16, 2024)
    This is a transcript of the video taken of me giving my testimony August 10, 2023 at the Prayer Center entitled "More Than Anything Else He Is A Father." The link to the video is included.
    Also you can listen to me give the message under "Audio Messages." It is a life-testimony of how I went from only religiously knowing Yahuwah to really knowing Him as my Abba/Daddy - a life-long journey. It is meant to encourage you!
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  • (September 22, 2024)
    This is a personal journey story that Yahuwah reminded me of yesterday morning in detail. It is important for you to know because it answers questions about what we are seeing and will see, right now. In the midst of war all over the world, concentration yet spreading, we must know what the enemy has planned, as was demonstrated in Israel in 2005.
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  • (October 8, 2024)
    Very serious message from Yahuwah! This is a warning to the wise. It is also reality of what is. This is a precursor also to what is soon to be for the U.S. as a nation and the world as a whole. Pray for those fleeing, again, from Florida. Pray for those dear ones trying to help the destitute and desperate in Appalachia N.C. The horrors are beyond belief, and the abandonment of the people by the government more horrible.
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  • (October 22, 2024)
    This is a very fact-filled article, i.e. prophecy from Abba, specific Scriptures, and facts that are shocking and horrifying at the same time - real things now happening that are leading to finalities. Learn and be inspired!
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  • (October 26, 2024)
    This is a probably the most important foundational truth that we can get hold of as born-again heaven-bound believers who are serious about our relationship with Yahuwah. I share several things that give you understanding of how He works with us on an individual level. It is our response to what He says that we will be judged on.
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  • (October 27, 2024)
    This is a sequel to the previously posted article by the same name. This article goes into stories of battles and victorious to encourage you and lift your faith higher and higher into what our Abba wants to do for us. We need increased fire in our spirit , giving us encouragement and spiritual strengthening, especially now as we need much strengthening.
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  • (December 1, 2024)
    This is a very encouraging article that is meant to bring you joy. Knowing the real Elohim (Father and Son) is sure different than being caught up in a man-made religion!!! The nature of Father and Son is so wonderful!
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  • (December 11, 2024)
    This is an extremely important article, sharing a series of articles that are absolutely truthful and loaded with information. This is information you won't find in most all reporting, explaining what is behind it all and where it is heading, and how it is going to affect everyone on earth.
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  • (December 24, 2024)
    This article is centered on exposing the five portal openings by the Vatican from December 24, 2024 to January 6, 2025, and why the "sigil of Lucifer" and ceremony is so critical for you to know and understand. Spiritual warfare is not an option, especially now, it is warfare to preserve our life now and forever.
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  • (January 8, 2025)
    This will probably contain lots of truth that you already know. However, this is a pointed statement article that lets you know how urgent it is that you become single-minded about your eternal body, soul, and spirit. While enemies want to destroy our body, soul, and spirit, Yahuwah wants us to enter His Kingdom with rewards, knowing Them, and They knowing us.
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  • (January 17, 2025)
    This profound message will touch your heart and lead you to know Abba and our Savior better and learn more of how to view others like They view you. The link to the actual meeting, so you can watch it, is included along with Derek's personal notes and outline so you can study it more later.
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  • (February 22, 2025)
    This article is also Podcast DLXXI under "Audio Messages." It is a personal testimony of how Yahuwah gave me, this morning, explicit answers to questions I've had a long time, to set me free to be what He wants me to be and do what He wants me to do. His words to me are also words to you!
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  • (March 1, 2025)
    I am sharing my notes with you that I have taken while listening to very important teachings. There are 4 articles represented in this set of teachings by Jamie Walden. Intense reality with Scripture to back it leaves us with hunger to study more.
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  • (March 3, 2025)
    This is Part II of my notes and comments on four more recent Jamie Walden teachings and interviews, sharing strong current information that goes deep into hidden things not exposed to the public, especially not to Christian truth-lovers. After studying with Part I, proceed to Part II. Part III is going to go even deeper with very shocking and numbing things.
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  • (March 5, 2025)
    This set of 4 articles is Part III in my series of notes I've taken from truth loving Jamie Walden and those interviewing him. I begin with a heart-to-heart message to you. What I share with you is to prepare you for the reality of what is now attempting to hide for a while.
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  • (March 22, 2025)
    This contains a highly important information update on the progression of what we know is deadly to all humans, but now especially deadly to those who are born again by faith in our precious Savior!
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