- (December 21, 2011)An introduction to the life we were born to live# 1.0Downloaded: 2598 times
- (August 15, 2011)The collapse of the American economy--the Federal Reserve System—the central bank system, Wall Street, and the credit system# 2.0Downloaded: 1572 times
- (July 15, 2006)Comparing the ancient world trading empire of Solomon and the Phoenicians headquartered in what is now Tyre and Sidon, Lebanon, with the modern day world trading organizations and their ten region division# 3.0Downloaded: 1652 times
- (March 10, 2011)This article exposes what has been planned for you to separate you from your salvation# 4.0Downloaded: 1638 times
- (December 15, 2011)Answers to What, Where, Why, How, When?
# 5.0Downloaded: 1627 times
- (September 7, 2006)Exposing what has been done to you to make you a mental slave of the evil ones – so that you’ll have the great adventure of escaping# 6.0Downloaded: 1613 times
- (October 29, 2007)This article exposes what has been done to mind-program you, from the Illuminati handbook itself. First written in 2007, from Bill Cooper's book Behold a Pale Horse, I give you information that we see in real time now, with statistics of things planned years ago which are present-day reality# 7.0Downloaded: 1504 times
- (December 24, 2008)Warning about the hypnotic mind control being planned through the new requirements for televisions# 8.0Downloaded: 1257 times
- (January 10, 2008)The plans of Lucifer to get rid of 100% of human beings, and replace them with his own image, and the Plan of Yahuweh to preserve His image and likeness in the earth# 9.0Downloaded: 1465 times
- (January 2, 2008)The companion article of The Preservation of the Royal Seed – exposing plans of Eugenics from 1902 that are designed to destroy the human race# 10.0Downloaded: 1335 times
- (January 15, 2007)The spiritual and natural giants—Nephilim—are back on earth and we must know how to face them spiritually and naturally# 11.0Downloaded: 1481 times
- (May 21, 2011)What has been planned for us and what to do about it# 12.0Downloaded: 1491 times
- (October 8, 2010)The Apple man has returned – learn who he is—for your life depends on how fiercely you reject him
# 13.0Downloaded: 1338 times
- (December 20, 2010)Man’s dependency on man has kept him from knowing and obeying Yahuweh# 14.0Downloaded: 1212 times
- (May 11, 2008)How good parents sacrifice their children on Satan’s altar daily without realizing it# 15.0Downloaded: 1417 times
- (November 10, 2011)A hard look at how the Word views family
# 16.0Downloaded: 1557 times
- (November 3, 2011)The fire of Elohim is ready to be poured out# 17.0Downloaded: 1349 times
- (July 3, 2011)The only way to understand the Word is to understand the seasons within His land# 18.0Downloaded: 1467 times
- (August 27, 2008)The final plea of our Father# 19.0Downloaded: 1259 times
- (May 18, 2012)A vision that I had which describes the mental attitude of so many of Yahuweh’s people# 20.0Downloaded: 1344 times
- (November 4, 2012)The Cup of Yahuweh’s Wrath, the Cup of Mystery Babylon, the Cup Messiah’s Blood# 21.0Downloaded: 1609 times
- (May 27, 2013)The new birth begins the process of our nature aligning to the nature of Yahuweh and Yahushua. Our nature exposes who child we really are…# 22.0Downloaded: 1407 times
- (May 30, 2015)This contains the most important message for your life from our loving heavenly Father; it also exposes our present opposition# 23.0Downloaded: 1449 times
- (July 18, 2015)An exciting study on the joy set before us# 24.0Downloaded: 1211 times
- (October 9, 2015)The great adventure of overcoming to see His return with joy# 25.0Downloaded: 1080 times
- (December 11, 2015)A mystery revealed, connecting the past and the present# 26.0Downloaded: 1586 times
- (January 15, 2016)The exciting reality of Elohim's last days timing# 27.0Downloaded: 1300 times
- (February 12, 2016)What is the greatest adventure of all?# 28.0Downloaded: 874 times
- (March 11, 2016)Most recent news pointing to the closeness of destruction# 29.0Downloaded: 1170 times
- (April 28, 2016)The Living Word created the universe and our words create the destiny of our lives# 30.0Downloaded: 861 times
- (May 3, 2016)Only those who know His timing have a deadline# 31.0Downloaded: 966 times
- (May 3, 2016)Nur die, die Seinen Zeitplan kennen, haben einen Termin/eine Deadline# 32.0Downloaded: 518 times
- (May 3, 2016)My Waarskuwing in 'n droom van Abba, nie net vir my nie maar aan almal van dié wat slim is om by die “tekens van die tye” by te hou en wat Abba hul gee om te sien en te hoor deel, sowel as ‘n uitroep na díe wat geestelik slaap.# 33.0Downloaded: 699 times
- (July 28, 2016)The gates of the pit are being opened wide, but so are the Gates of Heaven!# 34.0Downloaded: 1174 times
- (November 22, 2016)Why are so many mysterious things happening at the same time involving the same people, and in Antarctica, too?# 37.0Downloaded: 1722 times
- (January 24, 2017)Make sure your faith is in the right King# 38.0Downloaded: 713 times
- (February 5, 2017)As the inside dolls are hidden, so are the plans of the enemy, appearing good on the outside, he controls a hidden rudder lying at the bottom of the stack, by which he directs his course# 39.0Downloaded: 2096 times
- (December 14, 2017)The more you learn Truth, the bolder you will be, with less chance of being deceived by the big show that Satan and his fallen angel army have planned for this world# 41.0Downloaded: 860 times
- (December 21, 2017)Celebrate with Derek and I in praise to Abba for what He has done these last six years through His website# 42.0Downloaded: 520 times
- (January 5, 2018)Teaching the foundation of our faith: The faithfulness of the Word of our Living Elohim!# 43.0Downloaded: 581 times
- (January 5, 2018)‘n Vermaning van Yahuwah om jou geloof te versterk# 43.0Downloaded: 846 times
- (January 23, 2018)The race, like the war, begins with our true new birth. The race and the war end at the finish line when we cross into eternity. Let us run that we might cross in victory and receive our eternal rewards.# 44.0Downloaded: 694 times
- (March 3, 2018)How does Billy Graham's death show us the timing we're in? What's ahead for the remnant
of Yahuwah and for the world?# 45.0Downloaded: 648 times
- (March 16, 2018)This is a sequel to "Trump Declares: `First the Moon, Then It's Mars.' " This article contains valuable information that you must have in order to shield you against the very subtle deceptions that are leading mankind right now towards "the great deception."# 46.0Downloaded: 782 times
- (May 6, 2018)A clear message was given to the remnant of Yahuwah's people in the symbolism in this year's 144th Kentucky Derby, beginning with the name of the winning horse - "Justify," -- horse #7 in the lineup. It is so amazing that it could not be coincidence!# 47.0Downloaded: 521 times
- (June 12, 2018)This Belmont Stakes race has much to say to us that will energize us in spirit and soul, and give us much to think about regarding our own lives as we race to the finish line.# 48.0Downloaded: 585 times
- (June 30, 2018)"Get ready for the ride of your life," is a line from Steven Curtis Chapman's song "The Great Adventure." Abba is calling to us: "...saddle up your horses," as the song goes. This article is about normal life, led by the Spirit of Yahuwah--a life of adventure with a glorious eternal future. Here is wisdom and encouragement to saddle up and ride to the finish line with joy and peace.# 49.0Downloaded: 676 times
- (August 5, 2018)We're all on our own wilderness journey! The lessons our forefathers learned those 40 years of wandering with Moshe/Moses in order to learn the lessons necessary to enter the Land with Yehoshua/Joshua, we must learn in a very short time IF we want to enter the Land with Yahushua, our soon-returning Messiah.# 50.0Downloaded: 596 times
- (August 30, 2018)This is a very important message for any time of year, but especially as we approach Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot. I hope it is a life-changing message for you! What I write here is foundational for our walk with Elohim!# 51.0Downloaded: 495 times
- (November 25, 2019)Our Abba Yahuwah makes every day a "thanksgiving day" because of His personal interaction in our lives--His hand-holding, speaking to us in our spirit, and His love that springs up like a fountain as our spirit opens up to receive His Presence. This is a testimony of joy for me today. It is just an example of how wonderful He is-- so faithful, and always ready to surprise us with His blessings. He is always ready to share Himself with us, and do things to let us know how precious we are to Him.# 52.0Downloaded: 454 times
- (December 25, 2019)We surely are embarking on the greatest adventure of all, as we prepare for the coming of Messiah, and the time preceding it, when we have the opportunity to become blameless in His sight through tribulation. 2020 is a critical historic turning point in the progression of end-time prophecy. Nothing is "normal" anymore.
# 53.0Downloaded: 438 times
- (January 1, 2020)I did not expect to receive such a powerful Word from Abba this morning when I got up. I began writing what He told me, and His Presence got stronger and stronger. This message must be taken very seriously and acted on. No He does not honor the Gregorian Calendar, He honors two calendars of His own, but He uses Gregorian New Year's Day to reach out to His children, and to the unsaved alike to share His passionate Words with us all.# 54.0Downloaded: 550 times
- (January 4, 2020)We are entering the greatest adventure of human history--the time we are blessed to have to prove our faithfulness, loyalty, and obedience to our Elohim in the face of His enemies. This article is a Word from Yahuwah to His children today, based on the conquest of Ai in Joshua 7 and 8. It is so relevant to our situation today that Abba led me to write about it in today's context.# 55.0Downloaded: 464 times
- (January 27, 2020)I love sharing testimonies to the incredible greatness of our Father and His Son. This story happened this morning. In this brief testimony, I give you some very powerful revelation and encouragement as you walk the walk of faith in Their faithfulness!# 56.0Downloaded: 467 times
- (March 17, 2020)This is indeed a very great adventure--following the clues Abba gives us as to His timing, so that we do not miss what He is doing! This Spring Equinox is on March 19th 2020. There has not been such an early Equinox since 1896. What message is Yahuwah giving? What message are the fallen angels giving, in this historic turning point of this 7-year cycle? The timing is indeed giving us a time-marker. Let us heed it and act with wisdom.# 57.0Downloaded: 577 times
- (April 9, 2020)In the midst of so much uncertainty, I share with you seven testimonies (dreams and experiences) of our brothers and sisters that will build your faith, and let you know that there are others who are preparing for victory along with you. We need each other so much more now for encouragement!# 58.0Downloaded: 444 times
- (April 26, 2020)As we shower our love and praises on our soon-coming King of Kings, Master of Masters, we crown Him with our adoration. Yahushua comes wearing many crowns, representative of His various positions of power and authority. May we be found faithful to Him!# 59.0Downloaded: 576 times
- (May 4, 2020)Yahushua the Suffering Servant came and did what was planned by He and His Father before the foundation of the world to redeem us. Then He returned to heaven. The apostle Yochanan/John saw Him as the coming Conquering King of Kings in all of His power and radiance, and told us about it. Yochanan, the Beloved of Yahushua, saw His Master in a whole new light, and it sent him to His knees. This is how we must see Him also now, and respond in like manner as Yochanan!# 60.0Downloaded: 442 times
- (June 14, 2020)This article is born out of Proverbs 25:2 - a call from Yahuwah to seek and find. In listening to the song "Take Me Into the Holy of Holies," Anita Fuentes sings Proverbs 25:2 as a part of the song. In listening to this song, Abba led me to take a deeper look at Proverbs 25:2 and what it means for His people today, as we seek to enter His throne room - into His Presence.# 61.0Downloaded: 457 times
- (July 14, 2020)This article is loaded with current events and things that are coming upon the earth that you probably won't hear reported on public news, in church, or in your congregation. Yet, for those full of faith, it all directs us to our "Blessed Hope" - our eternal joy in the Kingdom of Heaven. It directs us to seek Yahuwah and Yahushua with all our being so that we are not fearful, but hold tighter to the Master's hand.# 62.0Downloaded: 457 times
- (July 29, 2020)It is shocking when we find out the truth about all the lies, deceptions, illusions, and fantasies we've grown up with - those things that have led us down dangerously wrong paths. However, if we want to be free of all the false mental and emotional progrramming so that we are free to hear only from Yahuwah and Yahushua directly, then He will set us free. We will finally know who we really are because of the love of Yahuwah for us. Then, we can go forward, putting the past mistakes away forever and begin a new life. Do not be afraid of Truth!# 63.0Downloaded: 417 times
- (September 22, 2020)We are all packing for eternity. We are all going somewhere - now and forever. How we prepare and pack determines our future in eternity. I share with you my serious packing now, as I am up against a deadline to find a place to live and to move to within a short time. Abba is in urgent mode. Yet, I am having difficulty finding a place. I know He is in control. So, this is a prayer request for myself, and for my dear daughter-in-law, my helper, as well as a challenge to you as you pack for your destiny now and forever.# 64.0Downloaded: 450 times
- (October 21, 2020)This article carries important information for all of Yahuwah's true children. It narrows down the time-frame of Abba's plans, so that His children act quickly and precisely. Finalities are before us. Abba will not tamper with anyone's will, but He is making sure that we know that His warnings have a deadline, and then He has to step in and begin the Judgment necessary before Messiah comes with His wrath.# 65.0Downloaded: 478 times
- (November 14, 2020)Truly, seeking the Kingdom of heaven is "the great adventure" for all who embrace it. Truly, it is the #1 calling that we have, along with representing the King in the earth and leading others to the Kingdom. This is an uplifting look at what is not central, as it should be, in modern Christian or Messianic religion. The main theme of the teaching of Messiah was the Kingdom. He is King of a coming Kingdom - as He brings His Father's rule to a new heaven and a new earth.# 66.0Downloaded: 308 times
- (December 3, 2020)Our mind retains our memories for good or bad, for uplifting or tearing down. Just when we think we've forgotten a suffering in this life, it resurfaces in our mind and negative emotions follow. But, in eternity, all memory of what has harmed us in any way will be removed. We won't remember the world of the past that is now controlled by the kingdom of darkness. Our eternity will be greater than anything we could ever ask or think.# 67.0Downloaded: 333 times
- (June 11, 2021)Here I begin with podcasting the Book of Genesis. This podcast/written Transcript is but an introduction to be carried on in the next podcast and expanded in Genesis 2 and 3. But, many ideas are introduced here. In the podcasting on Genesis 1, I open up many questions for you to ponder, ask Abba about, and seek answers about from what He shows you in the Word. Genesis 1-12 is the foundation for the rest of the Word. As we near the time of "alien disclosure," forced on us by globalists seeking to return us to the "Golden Age," we need to see the plot of the evil ones after Genesis 1:1, and how Yahushua overcame it.# 68.0Downloaded: 289 times
- (June 27, 2021)Continuing on with podcasting The Book of Genesis. In chapter 2, I review and add more, as we study the creation of Adam and Eve, and their simple instruction to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden. The ultimate test of man: Will he obey Yahuwah or doubt Him and choose the way of deception? This test goes on daily with every human being on earth old enough to choose. Eternal death or eternal life? Yahuwah's will, or fallen nature's will?# 69.0Downloaded: 204 times
- (June 27, 2021)The sin of Adam and Eve, Yahushua's salvation, and the judgment on their sin that was passed on to the entire human race is described in Genesis 3. The saddest question in the Bible is asked in this chapter. However, the focal point of the whole Plan from eternity before Genesis 1:1 to forever in Revelation 22 is also found in this chapter. "Where sin did abound, grace/"kavod" did much more abound," is the theme of this chapter.# 70.0Downloaded: 204 times
- (June 27, 2021)These two chapters don't seem too exciting with the genealogies listing all those hard names to pronounce, however these chapters contains very important information for us that bridge the gap from the punishment of humanity due to the sin of Adam and Eve, and to prepare the way for the events of Genesis 6. Genesis 6 being a foundational key chapter that gives understanding of the entire Bible and the entire reason why Messiah had to come and die for us, and rise again to assume His role of King of kings. We need every clue that Moses gives us to put the puzzle pieces together of our human history.# 71.0Downloaded: 247 times
- (July 1, 2021)If ever we're on a great adventure it's now, as the "days of Noah" are coming into their fulness on earth again. This transcript covers two podcasts back to back (CCXCIV and CCXCV) on Genesis 6:1-4. After nearly 40 years of studying the reality of these chapters and living through years of personal education in what life was like in those days, I give you as much information as possible in a short period of time, all of which has been confirmed over and over. It will bring reality into your preparing.# 72.0Downloaded: 265 times
- (July 6, 2021)Genesis contains so much foundational material that clarifies what is happening now, "...as it was in the days of Noah." Without this foundation, there is little to no understanding of why Yahuwah has to judge earth, and who that judgment is primarily targeting. Noah was given instructions as to how to prepare. Yahuwah is giving instructions to His people today as to how to prepare. Noah was obedient; will His people also be obedient today in this "second go-around?"# 73.0Downloaded: 246 times
- (July 10, 2021)This contains information you won't hear in any public arena. You must know as much as possible about your real and increasing enemies, but also know your authority and power - your "weapons of warfare that are not carnal, but might to the pulling down of strongholds." As Noah was obedient and prepared, so must we prepare for the judgment is indeed beginning to fall. Through Messiah we have been given all we need to overcome as victors. We must interact with Yahuwah and Yahushua more and more. This chapter contains some amazing insight into what is happening right now, and will happen in the not-far-away future.# 74.0Downloaded: 282 times
- (July 14, 2021)Genesis 9 has so much information in it that I had to put it into two Transcripts for two podcasts: Podcasts CCXCVIII and CCXCIX. The Book of Genesis Chapter 9 Part I covers the exiting the ark, the three races that came from the three sons of Noah, and who Noah actually cursed and why. The importance of the lineage of Ham through Cush, and the defilement of the lineage of Ham through Canaan.# 75.0Downloaded: 227 times
- (July 14, 2021)This transcript of Podcast CCXCIX has some more surprising information as to who Noah cursed and why, Why did Ham's son receive the curse, and not Ham? I include excerpts from "Erasing the Rainbow"/Mikvah of the Heart of Elohim, in which I quote from the book Xenogenesis - telling what the rainbow was actually created by Yahuwah to do - its functionality. It was not just a covenant sign, but a frequency-blocking of portals to the fallen ones. Learn the fascinating complexity of what Yahuwah set in the sky to protect us, which is now being taken away.# 76.0Downloaded: 327 times
- (July 21, 2021)This is a study of your lineage at its earliest beginnings! It is a study of 70 names of people who settled into nations of the Middle East and parts of Asia, who eventually migrated all over the earth. Noah said that Japheth would be "enlarged" and dwell in the tents of Shem. We see that in this chapter. All goes back to Noah and his three sons, their wives, and their lineages. This is a very important chapter to understand human history, and these names in this "Table of Nations," are found in ancient records, and writings, and throughout the Hebrew Tenach ("Old Testament").# 77.0Downloaded: 209 times
- (July 27, 2021)This is from the heart of Yahuwah and Yahushua to you personally! He has shared His heart in this article, and given me revelation of His Word with more depth that is surprising to me. For example, how is the eternal plan for the salvation of mankind pictured in Genesis 1:1-3? We've entered a new dimension of His working with His remnant, because of the intensifying of the working of Satan and his fallen ones against His remnant. Are you preparing to enter the Kingdom in peace and victory?# 78.0Downloaded: 327 times
- (July 31, 2021)This podcast opens up a new adventure for sure - if you choose to call it "adventure." We are definitely entering "new." The future is adventure to those well seasoned in walking with Yahuwah and Yahushua., submitted, faithful, obedient, with interaction on a daily basis. For the majority of mankind, however, who do not know Yahuwah and Yahushua, the return of Nimrod to attempt his "tower" once again, may be too horrifying to want to live through. In the Transcript, especially in the Podcast under "Audio Teachings," I bring this chapter up to the reality of Nimrod's soon appearance and reign over earth's people. I give more inside information about where he is, and what is being done to get him ready for action. The world is being set-up once again just as it was in Genesis 11, to unify around the will of Nimrod, his specific plans against Yahuwah, Yahushua, the loyal angels to Them, and against us as believers and servants of Them.# 79.0Downloaded: 287 times
- (August 4, 2021)Exciting and challenging! This Transcript of Podcast CCCIII is directed to you specifically -- at a time of urgency. It is a message to you as we approach times of desperation. The faith of Abraham! What is it, and why is it necessary to have it within yourself, within your re-born spirit completely controlling of your soul (mind, emotions, and will) - ruling over your carnal flesh, lifting you up into Yahuwah's realm! Share the podcasts and articles. It is time for personal faith-building by Abba's children - more than at any other time in human history!# 80.0Downloaded: 219 times
- (August 16, 2021)The Transcript and Podcast of "The Book of Genesis Chapter 14" is ready for reading and listening.
This is an exciting chapter, where we see the nature of Abraham, learn how he was trained for years under Noah and Shem, and how he learned to hear from Yahuwah. His faith was grounded on a Rock, as Noah and Shem taught him that he could trust Yahuwah with his life. I also share some things not in the transcript to build your faith in spiritual warfare. The enemy is showing himself more and more to us, which gives us a chance to sharpen our spiritual weapons of warfare.
# 81.0Downloaded: 222 times
- (August 21, 2021)This is an important transcript for you to print out so that you can follow along with the podcast, but also because of all the scriptures listed. These podcasts and transcripts are meant for you to do your own studies so that the Spirit of Yahuwah can teach you further (John 16). Please print out transcripts on the podcasts as a whole - Abba wants to speak to you personally!# 82.0Downloaded: 228 times
- (August 25, 2021)Genesis 17 opens so much that carries on through into eternity. It covers our salvation, our working out of our salvation, and what it means to be circumcised in heart for our entrance into the Kingdom. I cover much Scripture in this podcast, linking the faith of Abraham to all mankind and our eternal destiny in the Kingdom of Yahushua.# 83.0Downloaded: 206 times
- (August 28, 2021)Exciting podcast, bringing Genesis chapter 18 into 2021 and beyond. The secret to victorious break throughs exemplified in the lives of Abraham and Sarah - Knowing Yahushua face to face, personal relationship with Yahuwah and Yahushua on an every moment basis. Exciting!# 84.0Downloaded: 188 times
- (September 2, 2021)This transcript and corresponding podcast under "Audio Teachings" is for us today more than any other time since Genesis 19. The conditions then are our conditions now, so the urgency is fast becoming our urgency.# 85.0Downloaded: 224 times
- (September 9, 2021)This transcript and podcast of Genesis chapters 20-21 appeared to be simple - just a continuation of the story of Abraham, Sarah and Isaac. However, as I began going into the reality of the ancient culture of its time, and how it comes out in such victory in the Kingdom of Messiah on earth in the near future, it was overwhelming. I share with you what the two oldest children of Ishmael will do in the Kingdom, and Yahuwah's love for the children of Ishmael.# 86.0Downloaded: 200 times
- (September 16, 2021)This is truly an exciting chapter that lays a foundation of understanding the severe testing that we face now. Matthew 10:32-39 is made more clear - that our faith in Yahuwah and our loyalty to Him must exceed our love for family if we will be victorious. The faith of Abraham gained him great rewards and sure proof of the faithfulness of Shaddai, the Almighty One. This chapter reveals a kind of faith that is almost unheard of in the western world, but one which sustains millions under persecution right now. It is also a prophetic chapter regarding the salvation purchased for us by Yahushua Messiah.# 87.0Downloaded: 234 times
- (October 19, 2021)Do you have the Snoopy Syndrome? I hope so. To be free to blow with the wind (John 3:8), moving in total freedom, unencumbered with the wrappings of the dead, we are free to flow with the Spirit of Yahuwah and nothing is impossible for us as long as He's directing it all.# 88.0Downloaded: 346 times
- (November 17, 2021)Posting this transcript for you to follow along with the podcast, for it has on-the-ground pictures, maps, and satellite pictures to show you the area of Sela/Petra - the capital of Esau, and the meaning of the "wings of the great eagle" of Revelation 12:12-17. The restoration of Ya'cob and Esau set them both free. Magnificent story that includes things that facilitate the fulfillment of end-time prophecy in our day.# 90.0Downloaded: 231 times
- (November 19, 2021)This is an article for you, and me too. It contains encouragement for us and an update on the little cottage Abba is leading me to have built, to position me in a safe place with family for my work for Him before my final future assignments. I will have no debt because of paying as the building goes. Abba is moving all of His servants into position now for His final work that He has prepared us to do for the Kingdom - paving the way for the King's return. We must go forward and not look back. This is the last days' crossing of the "Red Sea" as we focus on entering the "Promised Land" for eternity.# 91.0Downloaded: 257 times
- (November 22, 2021)This teaching on Genesis chapters 34 and 35 opens up a window into 2021 and beyond. What was then is on the earth now. It is what we're seeing and experiencing. We applaud the stand of our set-apart Patriarchs to remain set-apart unto Yahuwah and not give in to the wiles and good-sounding deceit of the hybrid fallen ones. Today, as then, these fallen ones seek to remove all humanity from the earth. The test of Dinah and the stand of Ya'cob with Yahuwah gives us courage to press on and receive our Father's blessings for loyalty to Him and His laws of righteousness and justice.# 92.0Downloaded: 198 times
- (December 2, 2021)Use the transcripts to follow along with the Podcasts. I don't post all transcripts, but the notes on these two chapters are important. My concluding remarks are an edification for your faith to help you to see how important and special you are to Yahuwah.# 93.0Downloaded: 182 times
- (December 8, 2021)This transcript, and the podcast, contain a lot of information that open up the reasoning of ancient cultures. Please use the transcript to follow along with the podcast under "Audio Teachings." In it are Scripture references to help you understand even more. Some of the principles that were established back in the days of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and Jacob's sons, were incorporated into the Torah and explained further on. Pay close attention to the notes on page 5 of this transcript and the text itself.# 94.0Downloaded: 174 times
- (December 11, 2021)This chapter should be an encouragement to you. It speaks to all of us today. By holding course in integrity, honor, self-respect, and loyalty to the plumb line of Yahuwah's standards, our Abba will bring us out of all prisons that have been meant for our destruction.# 95.0Downloaded: 181 times
- (December 22, 2021)This article will give you a peak into Satanism, into the highest levels of submission to Lucifer, to show you how far advanced it is in our world today. It contains information you may have never heard before, but I guarantee it is very real. The chief leaders of our world today are totally ensnared in the web of the prince of darkness - and are very eager to do all he requests as he gives orders to them. This is so openly displayed in various forms right now, as I reveal in this article.# 96.0Downloaded: 394 times
- (December 28, 2021)This transcript is posted for podcast CCCXXXIV on Genesis 42, so that you might have the notes from The Passion Translation and the Scripture references for your own study. This is about Joseph and his brothers' first meeting in Egypt but contains life-lessons for all of us. Will we submit to Yahuwah's plans for our lives, or go by our own reasoning like Joseph's brothers?# 97.0Downloaded: 205 times
- (December 29, 2021)Notes on this chapter, as with Genesis 42, are priceless, and deeply thought-provoking. In reading the Word slowly, asking the Spirit of Abba Yahuwah to show you deep meanings to apply to your own life, you will receive revelation knowledge in your spirit and soul which opens up more of the whole Word to you, maturing you, giving peace, giving insight, giving understanding, and building your faith.# 98.0Downloaded: 164 times
- (December 30, 2021)In this chapter we get a vivid picture of how Yahuwah tests us, His children, to see if we are maturing enough so that He can bless us. Joseph had to test his brothers to make sure they were mature enough to be united as one family in love and compassion in Egypt. He had to make sure that they were united in their love for their father, Jacob, and for Rachael's son Benjamin. Without maturity and unity under the mighty hand of our Master Yahuwah, we cannot enter the Kingdom of "His Dear Son." Yahuwah works in us by His Spirit so that we unite as Messiah prayed in John 17!# 99.0Downloaded: 174 times
- (January 2, 2022)Genesis chapter 45 is one of the most powerful chapters of the Bible. It gives an insight into how Yahuwah works in our lives to bring about His will to fulfill His life goals that will eventually bless us and also many people. It may seem like our prayers will never be answered, but in reality, every day He is working not just to answer our prayers, but the prayers of many whose lives will be changed because our lives are changed.# 100.0Downloaded: 182 times
- (January 8, 2022)What an exciting conclusion to such an exciting story! Abba's plans for our life go back to eternity past when He wrote our names in the Book of Life. He saw us as we grew in our mother's womb and set in motion certain things that would bring us ultimate blessing. Our moment-by-moment task is to submit to His leading, hear His voice and obey, like Jacob did, and thus end up with great honor and hope, even in the midst of great external turmoil.# 101.0Downloaded: 163 times
- (January 12, 2022)This is an exciting chapter that opens up so much to do with the future of Ephraim and Manasseh, the sons of Joseph. I go on to give you information from the articles "Are You a Gentile?" and "Who Are the Ten?" This chapter is about who you are and where you will be in Messiah's Kingdom on earth because of what Jacob did in Genesis chapter 48.# 102.0Downloaded: 176 times
- (January 19, 2022)The book of Genesis ends with victory and joy for all of us, for without such an ending, we would not be here to enjoy the salvation of Yahuwah through His Son, our Master, Yahushua Messiah. There is so much in Genesis that finds its fulfillment in Revelation Chapters 21 and 22. We see the names of the twelve sons of Ya'cob/Jacob written on the foundation stones of the New Jerusalem. We see the end of the Nachash and all who follow him, and the end of all those who remain faithful to Yahuwah and Yahushua.# 103.0Downloaded: 175 times
- (March 29, 2022)This is a pre-Passover special, but the message is good for any time of year. Just before the Red Sea parted, the panic, fear, terror and doubt were at their highest in the people. There seemed no way to escape - the sea before them and Pharaoh's army behind them. However, Moses knew the abilities of a Faithful Elohim, and so he acted with faith in those abilities. This is an encouraging article, because most all of Yahuwah's people now are beginning to realize the need for the sea to part.# 105.0Downloaded: 226 times
- (April 18, 2024)Unusual title, posted under The Great Adventure. But what I challenge you with in this fascinating look into reality is to jump into the great adventure that Yahuwah has for you as you find out who you really are and align to what you are. Your spirit has a counterpart in the bird kingdom. Who and what you are identifies your spirit as it aligns to the Spirit of the Creator of the hundreds of varieties of birds. I give a powerful revelation that He wants to give you, so you lose all fear.
Let us rise to what we were created to be!# 106.0Downloaded: 168 times
- (May 21, 2024)This is a powerful article to strengthen your faith and resolve to go forward, giving your all to Your heavenly Father and His soon-coming Son. Joy and peace to those walking with Them in the fiery furnace.# 107.0Downloaded: 138 times
- (July 4, 2024)This is an article, but also a transcript for Podcasts DXXII and DXXIII. This covers very important chapters in the books of Daniel and Revelation that have to do with RIGHT NOW! All teaches wisdom to know where we are and where we are headed IF we submit ourselves to the real Elohim (Father and Son) of the Bible/the Word of Elohim. What was then, is now in its finality. We are in a pagan world, as was Daniel. His excellent spirit not only saw him through but put him in a place of high responsibility before God and man.# 108.0Downloaded: 148 times
- (July 6, 2024)This article serves as a transcript for Podcast DXXIV by the same title. It contains notes on a powerful teaching that is indeed a "great adventure" in knowing the real Father and Son of the Bible as personal loved Friends. Yahuwah, our heavenly Father, wants us to know Him as He is, so that we fit in with His good plans for our eternity.# 109.0Downloaded: 170 times
- (October 20, 2024)This is a challenging and most important article - one that encourages you to take the right path to the heavenly eternal Kingdom. I lay out clearly that the right path that must control your mind - for survival now, for peace now, and for eternal peace and joy. I share a l lot of wisdom and practicality I've learned in my own life's journey to encourage you, plus pointed Scripture.# 110.0Downloaded: 127 times
- (December 13, 2024)This is a very timely article as we face famine, and destruction in many ways. Abba gave me this teaching for you this last week until way after midnight. It is so practical, yet few know the principles necessary to obtain this kind of natural provision for us in these turbulent times. Learn and put faith into practice - it will bring you joy and peace.# 111.0Downloaded: 140 times
- (December 23, 2024)This article contains so much information and clarifies what is a mystery to most people. Abba does not want us guessing about anything He is doing, or He is allowing, or what He plans to do. He wants to take us into His confidence and keep up posted on what that He is doing, so that we are part of what He is doing - in us and for us and through us.# 112.0Downloaded: 133 times
- (December 26, 2024)The fulfillment of Bible prophecy is always a great adventure because it allows us to tap into the mind and purposes of Yahuwah Himself. He wants us to know what He is doing, so that we take part in what He is doing, aligning with His perfect will for us in it all. We, of all people, can know why things are happening, and be a part of the end result He has for us - eternal life.# 113.0Downloaded: 149 times
- (March 12, 2025)There may be some hidden things in you that Elohim sees - things you need to know about yourself.
Gideon went from very fearful and hiding out to leading the 300 against the mighty army of Midian.
In this day and age, He is calling to many whom He has foreknown to rise up and be who they really are under His power and authority.# 114.0Downloaded: 80 times