The Covenant

  • (October 20, 2007)
    The Father’s unchanging faithfulness in Creation and in His Word—What Word is the Word talking about?
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  • (April 1, 2009)
    A documented explanation of the real Hebrew Names and titles of our Elohim, and the roots of the pagan names and titles used in the Church
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  • (March 11, 2014)
    What one major sign identifies us with Yahuweh?
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  • (March 11, 2014)
    Wat is dit wat ons afsonder aan die Elohiem (God) van die Skrifte? Wat is die éen groot teken van identifiseering met Hom en Sy ewige Verbond?
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  • (March 1, 2005)
    An in-depth study on the eternal Covenant sign of Shabbat
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  • (January 1, 2004)
    A personal revelation regarding the Sabbath
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  • (April 18, 2005)
    Learn how the seven Festivals of Leviticus 23 reveal the outline of salvation through Messiah Yahushua
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  • (September 12, 2024)
    This is an updated article from 2005, that is corrected to update the truths I've found since then during my years of education in the Word with Yahuwah as my Teacher. The information under the Festival of Yom Kippur has been totally corrected.
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  • (August 23, 2011)
    The time of preparation before the Fall Feasts
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  • (December 18, 2011)
    Hopeful mourning or humble thanksgiving? -- A study on this important Festival regarding our Messiah
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  • (October 1, 2008)
    A study on this important Festival regarding the 1,000-year reign of Messiah on earth
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  • (December 15, 2014)
    The ancient account of Hanukkah found in the book of Esther holds amazing clues for understanding what is happening in our day
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  • (October 31, 2013)
    The only way to know Yahuweh personally is to live by, and trust in, His Word as a lifestyle
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  • (October 31, 2013)
    Die enigste manier wat ons Yahuwah persoonlik kan leer ken is om volgens Sy Woord te leef, daarin te vertrou, en as ‘n leefstyl te aanskou.
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  • (January 17, 2014)
    The shofar is blown at the sighting of the new moon each month but also on the Festivals of Passover, Yom Teruah, and Sukkot. marking Yahuweh's timing of strategic events for His people
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  • (January 24, 2013)
    A passionate plea to enter the safety of the Torah
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  • (August 26, 2014)
    One of my most important articles for Christians and Messianics about the real Torah-guarding Messiah and His disciples
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  • (August 26, 2014)
    Die Apostel Sha’ul (Paulus) het nooit bedoel om weg te doen met die Torah nie... Sha’ul het bloot die Torah op Sy regte plek gesit!
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  • (September 3, 2014)
    The message of repentance carries with it two powerful attributes. It is a message of turning away (forsaking sin) and a message of turning towards Elohim in preparing for His coming. If there is nothing to prepare for, what ground does repentance have to stand on? What is the hope of eternal life, without the means to attain it? To stand righteously before the Judge, blameless in His sight, is not a one time confession of guilt, but a lifetime of daily submitting and interacting with the One who has the power to shield us from the wrath of His Father. No one knew this more than Yochanan (John) the Immerser.
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  • (February 6, 2017)
    The message of Purim is a warning for us today
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  • (April 7, 2017)
    Exposing the Deceit of Pagan Easter
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  • (April 14, 2017)
    Salvation and eternal resurrection are the primary themes of the Word and our Blessed Hope
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  • (October 13, 2017)
    A joyful Festival, a joyful day, a joyful article, a joyful encouragement about what is to come for those that love Yahuwah and Yahushua
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  • (December 11, 2017)
    Messiah's message to the Jews in Jerusalem at Hanukkah proclaims our eternal victory through His eternal Victory! He opened the way for us to walk in His authority in this life and to trample down the abilities of Satan and his forces.
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  • (December 17, 2017)
    Listen also to the podcasting of this, Podcast XXXV Part I and Part II, under Audio Teachings.
    This article, and the more personally-directed podcasts, present a deeper and more profound look at Hanukkah, as we face similar events before the coming of Messiah
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  • (September 22, 2018)
    Solomon dedicated the Temple during Sukkot. The details of this dedication reveal the plans of Yahuwah for our life with Him--His salvation, and His dwelling within us now and forever! His "speaking place" is within us!
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  • (November 9, 2018)
    What is our sign of identification with Elohim as Creators - with Yahuwah and with Yahushua?
    Why does Yahuwah emphasize that this sign is especially important for us to remember and observe at this time before Messiah's return? How important is it in the Covenant of Yahuwah for our right standing in His Kingdom?
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  • (December 1, 2018)
    Our Yahuwah is the Almighty, the Most High! He is the Elohim of breakthroughs and miracles! "He has done great thing; praise His set-apart Name!" Relinquishing our will to His, tapping into His victory by our faith and proclamations, we are set free from all the plans of the enemy, as we praise and exalt Him who is Supreme over all!
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  • (September 2, 2019)
    Chag Sameach! We have entered the time of the three Fall Festivals once again. These picture the time of the coming of Messiah and His "tabernacling" with us in His Kingdom on earth. In this study, you will see the incredible importance of the ten days between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur. What did Messiah mean in Revelation 2:10 when He said that those in Smyrna would have tribulation ten days?
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  • (September 8, 2019)
    At sunset September 9, 2019 through sunset September 10, 2019, we come before Yahuwah and Yahushua in submission and repentance, depending on the blood of the Lamb of Elohim for our salvation, knowing that on a Yom Kippur in the near future the chance to repent will end forever. Learn why Messiah comes on Yom Kippur with the wrath of Yahuwah to separate between the righteous who are resurrected to eternal life and the unrepentant damned who go into Hell.
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  • (January 9, 2020)
    The Spirit of Yahuwah is actively unifying the faith of those who have trusted Yahushua/Yeshua/
    Jesus for their eternal salvation with faith in observing the Covenant Torah - the teachings and instructions - of our loving heavenly Father . This is a beautiful and peaceful move of the Spirit in these last days before the King of the Kingdom comes to rule and reign over earth.
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  • (January 17, 2020)
    This is an exciting Word Study from the Hebrew language that opens up to us a beautiful and precious revelation regarding the relationship between Abba Yahuwah and His only begotten Son, Yahushua Messiah in bringing us salvation, deliverance, and victory in our lives--now, and forever.
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  • (January 22, 2020)
    This is a sequel to the powerful study "Yahuwah's Right Hand and Right Arm is Yahushua." This article takes you on an adventure, revealing the final battle plans between light and darkness (Revelation 19). The long-standing hidden hand gesture of the Illuminati tells of their plans for the now-hidden antichrist. Yahuwah's hidden right hand in His bosom is Yahushua! (Psalm 74:10-12; John 1:18) His right hand is soon to be revealed! This includes notes from an interview with David Icke, exposing the counterfeit from 1666 to present day that now rules the earth.
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  • (January 26, 2020)
    This is Part III in the series about Yahushua, the right hand and the right arm of His Father Yahuwah.
    In this article we see Him enthroned at the right hand of Yahuwah, but also sitting on the throne of King David in Jerusalem, as rightful King of Kings and Master of Masters over the earth.
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  • (May 21, 2020)
    This article is a sequel to "This Extraordinary Upcoming Shavu'ot." It is also an invitation to use the 10 days we begin today--May 21st, to Shavu'ot, May 31st--to press into the Presence of Yahuwah and learn what He has for you, as we cross the summer bridge of 2020. We are indeed crossing a bridge after Shavu'ot into our eternal future. Learn what this season really means for you. Listen to the podcasts of the Book of Acts - our manual in faith, authority, and power to overcome all and be ready to rise in the resurrection of the righteous.
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  • (May 24, 2020)
    The 7th point of a 7-part intercession assignment from Yahuwah began with my crossing the Sinai Peninsula to the Great Pyramid of Giza 10 years ago today, May 24, 2010. The 7 points took me across 4 continents to 6 countries. One message rises to reach us where we are today: The message of the crossing of the Sinai Peninsula and the Red Sea to Mount Sinai in Arabia under Moses , following the Passover exit from Egypt. The people were led by Yahuwah's cloud and fire through the wilderness for 40 years. This directly links us to Pentecost/Shavu'ot, where His cloud/Spirit and His fire now can be in us who are born again by faith in the Passover Lamb of Yahuwah. Now the cloud and fire can enter into us to make us bold and strong like Joshua and Caleb in these final days, and able to obey the good Torah of Yahuwah.
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  • (May 31, 2020)
    A special message for today, May 31, 2020, Shavu'ot, as we cross into "summer" in spiritual and in natural realms. We're stepping onto a spiritual bridge that takes us across to what lies ahead in the Fall Festivals. I include my prophetic dream, message from Abba from May 26th, which gives insight about the timing of what we are seeing and facing in present reality. I include insight from my son yesterday which ties the 3rd millennium to us who live in the 7th millennium.
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  • (July 15, 2020)
    This is a study which unveils a totally new view of the "antichrist" Beast sitting in a Jewish "third temple." Religion's man-made interpretations of end-time prophecy are being more and more exposed as being misleading and false--not aligned to the whole of Scripture. So many are waiting for things to happen that won't happen, as proof to them of Messiah's coming. Thus few are diligently preparing for the days ahead.
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  • (August 22, 2020)
    This article is also podcasted as Podcast CCXXXIV under "Audio Teachings." We welcome the gift of the Hebrew month of Elul, and treasure every day of it! Use it's precious time to prepare for the Festival days to come in the following month of Tishre, using Elul to prepare for the coming of Messiah Yahushua. Take time every day to seek Yahuwah and Yahushua in deep worship, in thanksgiving, submitting all you are and have to the Spirit of Yahuwah as you seek to be sheltered under His tallit and there find His love, your peace and joy, in His Presence.
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  • (November 11, 2020)
    A revelation from Abba Yahuwah to His children for edification, exhortation, and comfort. We need to be reminded that our Abba, through Yahushua Messiah, our Savior, and soon-coming King - the right hand of Yahuwah - promises to hold our right hand and shade us from what would destroy us.
    He shelters us by His Presence.
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  • (April 3, 2021)
    This brief article contains powerful proclamations to give us reason for extreme joy this First Fruits, Sunday April 4th. May the message of Yahushua's resurrection go deep into your spirit.
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  • (April 7, 2021)
    This article will give you insight into what has been planned, and what is being done, to literally erase the rainbow, and why. Most western believers grew up seeing children's Bible-story pictures of Noah and the ark, animals on deck, and a rainbow overhead. Rainbows are beautiful. But, they are much more than a sign to Noah! Scientifically, they have to do with blocking things coming in - so the plan is to erase them to help those things to come on through. Fascinating information!
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  • (April 24, 2022)
    Let us understand our great salvation that has delivered us "from darkness into His marvelous Light." First Fruits represents the crossing of the Red Sea and the death of Pharaoh and his army in our life. It represents the beginning of new life for us as an eternal being bound for the Kingdom of Light - the "Promised Land." Today begins a new embarking in our position as children of the Yahuwah and Yahushua. We go forward! In this article, I put out reality in its most basic and blunt terms - for freedom through what Messiah has done for us OR death in slavery, never to be free.
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  • (August 17, 2023)
    Hag Sameach! The New Moon was sighted tonight by 3 or more witnesses from Jerusalem, marking the beginning of the month of Elul. This month is a gift to us, the month for T'shuvah, the return to everything Elohim (Father and Son) wants us to be. in preparation for the Fall Festivals of Tishre. This is a letter that includes the details, plus places to look for articles about Elul under the Mikvah of the Covenant.
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  • (September 25, 2023)
    Wherever you live on earth, tonight at sunset begins the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur! This is a brief article with things for you to meditate on, study further, and pray over. I give you references for other articles to study also, for this is a huge topic, and our High Priest is coming soon to take His place as King of kings and Master of masters.
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  • (September 26, 2023)
    This is a transcript of a podcast spoken for Yom Kippur. However, the message is one of preparation for this day forward for all of Yahuwah's children. It is about the unifying of the people of Elohim before the return of Messiah to rule and reign in His Kingdom with His people. It is a message of separation to unite.
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  • (September 13, 2024)
    These outlined study notes by Derek are excellent for your personal studying on the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur. The more you learn, the more you understand the importance of entering into the 7 Festivals of Yahuwah, the plan of salvation, the order by seasons.
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  • (February 4, 2025)
    Purim 2025 begins at sunset February 12th and goes through February 13th to sunset. This is a very important message for us now. We are in a time similar to the time of Mordecai and Esther - a time of "Purim" for the world's humanity. Today's world leaders of those like Haman are now taking many forms to accomplish the extermination of the human race.
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