Set-Apartness and Separation

  • (November 5, 2011)
    Yahuweh’s view of set-apartness for His remnant in our day
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  • (June 23, 2009)
    Hoe Yahuwah Afgesonderdheid sien in Sy Oorblyfsel
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  • (December 18, 2011)
    A Study on Separation and Set-Apartness
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  • (January 2, 2011)
    The great danger of mixing Yahuweh’s Truth with the deceptions and lies of man-made religion
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  • (January 5, 2009)
    What are the requirements to join this elite group?
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  • (October 29, 2010)
    The veil of eternity is lifting, and Yahuweh is preparing His set-apart pure ones in the “secret place of the Most High”
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  • (November 27, 2009)
    A plea to let go of this world and prepare for the coming Kingdom, plus wisdom from Yedidah’s personal experiences
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  • (November 27, 2009)
    ‘n Pleidooi om jouself van hierdie wêreld los te maak vir die Koninkryk wat kom; en wysheid van Yedidah se eie persoonlike ervaringe
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  • (June 1, 2005)
    The dangers of not hearing from Yahuweh
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  • (December 18, 2011)
    Details For Our Day That Speak of the Bride of Messiah
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  • (December 5, 2009)
    The miraculous changes taking place to separate the people of Yahuweh from the people of Lucifer
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  • (January 11, 2010)
    Isaiah 6:8-13—Who is this stump?
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  • (January 20, 2010)
    He is preparing a remnant to return to the Garden of Eden once again, blameless as Adam and Eve before their sin
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  • (December 18, 2011)
    An important study on the wisdom of fearing Elohim
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  • (March 16, 2008)
    Scriptural understanding of our eternal rewards
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  • (January 30, 2013)
    Unless you pass this test, you will never eat of the tree of life
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  • (April 7, 2013)
    Be ye set-apart as I am set-apart says Yahuweh! His judgments are RIGHT and straight! This article goes in-depth into the Amos 7 plumb-line. It's high time we align ourselves back to the good Torah of Yahuweh!
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  • (April 7, 2013)
    We are seeing a repeat of Ezekiel 8:1-11:23, as the Spirit of Yahuweh is withdrawing to allow mankind to reap what they sow, but His Presence remains with His set-apart ones
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  • (April 7, 2013)
    Ons is besig om ‘n herhaling te sien van Esegiël 8:1 – 11:23 te sien. Die Gees van Yahuwah onttrek om toe te laat dat die mensdom maai wat hulle gesaai het; maar Sy teenwoordigheid bly by Sy afgesonderdes
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  • (January 31, 2014)
    Do you understand your calling as a soldier of Yahushua Messiah?
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  • (May 2, 2014)
    A very serious message from Yahuweh for this time-period before judgment falls
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  • (May 2, 2014)
    Wenn wir Dinge auf unsere Weise tun statt Gott zu gehorchen
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  • (December 8, 2012)
    Loving this world system makes a person an enemy of Elohim
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  • (December 11, 2013)
    Exposing the pagan roots of Christmas and other pagan holidays
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  • (December 23, 2015)
    An urgent time-dated warning from Yahuweh to His children
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  • (December 23, 2015)
    Eine dringende terminierte Warnung von YHWH an Seine Kinder
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  • (February 26, 2016)
    The power of our weapons and our loyalty to the Kingdom of Light
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  • (May 6, 2016)
    Every child of Yahuwah, "the sheep of His pasture," must pass under the Shepherd's rod for counting and separation
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  • (May 6, 2016)
    Elke kind van Yahuwah, "die skape van Sy weiveld," moet onder die Herderstaf deur stap om getel en afgesonder te word
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  • (May 6, 2016)
    Jedes Kind von JaHuWaH, "Schaf Seiner Herde", muss zur Zählung und Trennung unter dem Hirtenstab durchgehen
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  • (May 12, 2016)
    The plans for bringing the world's people under the power of anti-messiah have now been put into active operation
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  • (September 16, 2016)
    What price has mankind paid to enjoy the world's conveniences?
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  • (October 28, 2016)
    Rescue your life! Learn how presumption will only lead to curses and destruction
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  • (April 17, 2017)
    Yahuwah has made His statement to His children, now we obey and prepare
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  • (May 10, 2017)
    We're fast entering the dark of night -Maintain your light!
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  • (May 10, 2017)
    Ons is vinnig besig om die donker nag in te gaan – maak seker jou lig skyn!
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  • (August 11, 2017)
    What are the mysterious pillars of earth set in place by Yahuwah for us?
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  • (August 24, 2017)
    Satan promises us freedom then binds us in chains; Yahushua asks us to be His servants but offers us total and eternal freedom
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  • (September 15, 2017)
    The separation has begun and most of our enemies will come from within the house
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  • (September 20, 2017)
    This Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot we enter a new beginning with Abba - May we use it wisely
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  • (September 23, 2017)
    Those satisfied and comfortable with this world will never fathom what Yahuwah has prepared for those who love Him
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  • (January 15, 2018)
    As the Image and Likeness of Yahuwah in the earth, He has given us authority over all of the abilities of our enemies in the kingdom of darkness. We must rise up and fight the good fight of faith. The battle is Yahuwah's, and thus we are assured of victory!
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  • (January 27, 2018)
    Satan's number one weapon is to attack our thoughts in order to weaken us, so that we give in to his deceptions. Learn how to shield your mind, for we are in the day of battle!
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  • (March 30, 2018)
    Spiritual light and darkness cannot mix for they are at war with one another. Learn Elohim's simple but profound principles of light and darkness that govern the whole of our relationship with Father and Son, and our eternal destiny with Them.
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  • (September 3, 2018)
    This article begins a series of personal prophecies to His people, spoken from His heart, to help us evaluate where we stand with Him, and peacefully know what He wants us to do to align with His good will for our life.
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  • (September 7, 2018)
    This is a prophetic word to Yahuwah's set-apart ones--His restrainers who are holding back the full force of evil that seeks to take over the earth. He will soon pull back all of His restraining forces. What decisions do you need to make?
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  • (September 9, 2018)
    Every day we make choices that decide our future. This prophetic vision lays out in clear picture form the major choice we all must make to continue on the narrow path that leads to life. It is an amazingly clear vision presentation! Our eternity awaits our decisions now!
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  • (September 12, 2018)
    A true warning from Yahushua to those who have been redeemed by His blood. He is with us, letting us know how to prepare for soon-coming events that will lead to His return.
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  • (September 20, 2018)
    Learn what is being suppressed and suffocated by this world system, that which lies deep within your very being--the roots of your heritage that long to surface and set you free.
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  • (September 26, 2018)
    Abba must sift His people. He is a good Abba/Daddy. He loves us. But, like all good daddies, He must also discipline us as His children so that we mature righteously. For our future positions to be determined, He must also turn up the heat to purify the gold. Be encouraged! It is all because of our Abba's love!
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  • (October 3, 2018)
    The sifter pans for gold. The goldsmith heats the gold to 1,947 or 1,948 degrees Fahrenheit so that the dross rises to the surface to be skimmed off, leaving the pure 24 karat gold remaining. This process must be done in the lives of all of Yahuwah's people so that He might purify us and prepare us for the coming of Messiah Yahushua.
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  • (November 12, 2018)
    Powerful prophecies are aligning and coming forth from Yahuwah's prophetic watchmen, giving us insight into what is going on in the unseen world right now, so that we might battle our ancient enemies of the kingdom of darkness with wisdom in the power of His might.
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  • (December 24, 2018)
    The violent eruption of the world's most dangerous volcano, at this time in particular, carries a prophetic warning for us to be more set-apart, more separated from the world, as we see the Day approaching of Yahuwah's judgment and Messiah's return. Anak and his Anakim are rising once again, and the warning of Numbers 13 and 14 is before us once again also. We are in the time of the final separation of a remnant unto Abba Yahuwah and Messiah Yahushua.
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  • (January 18, 2019)
    The snake is not the focal point of this article, which has a corresponding podcast. The open arms of Yahuwah is the central focus. The revelation here can be life changing as I compare Numbers 6:23-27 with Psalm 91. The podcast contains more. The spiritual snake spirits slither in and take up residency with us oftentimes without our knowledge of them, but if we're cuddled in our Abba's arms, we have the power to overcome them, and they will not harm us.
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  • (January 18, 2019)
    Die slang is nie die fokus punt van hierdie artikel nie. Daar is ‘n potgooi wat saam met hom gelaai is. Die ope arms van Yahuwah is die fokus punt. Die openbaring hier kan lewensveranderend wees. Ek vergelyk Numerie 6:23-27 met Psalm 91. Die potgooi het meer inligting. Die geestelike slang geeste seil in ons lewens in en maak hulle tuis sonder dat ons altyd bewus is van hulle, maar as ons in on Abba se arms vasgehou is, het ons die krag om hulle te oorwin en hulle kan ons geen leed aandoen nie.
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  • (March 15, 2019)
    The message in this article has been on my heart for a long time. Yahuwah divides and He unites. Yahuwah allows Satan to divide for his unifying. The process of dividing and unifying is the main working that is going on by both the Kingdom of Light and the kingdom of darkness, with mankind being divided and unified according to each person's desire. The time is coming quickly when there will be a final division and a final uniting.
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  • (March 22, 2019)
    This is Part I of a two-part series, laying a solid foundation, distinguishing the difference between the original believers in the book of Acts and the religion of Christianity that began from 50 CE. I include many quotes from the early church fathers clearly stating that the Natsarim and the Christians were two entirely different groups. The original faith of the Apostles and their disciples, lived out by the Natsarim, also called followers of the Way, after Messiah's ascension, has returned in a remnant today. This return marks the nature and faith of the end time remnant that will go forth in the power and authority of the first century believers, yet with greater anointing because we are in the last days.
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  • (March 25, 2019)
    Building on Part I, in Part II by the same title, I go into many aspects of the end-time Natsarim remnant, brought forward/restored, and empowered greater than the first century remnant following Messiah's ascension. This remnant will be particularly anointed with the prophetic spirit and nature of Eliyahu/Elijah the prophet. Others will receive the anointing of Moshe/Moses the prophet. But, joined together with Eliyahu and Moshe, this remnant will go forth to carry the duel message from the heart of Elohim to the nations - salvation through Yahushua Messiah and judgment on the unrighteous. "Watchman, watchman what of the night? The watchman says `morning comes, but also the night.' " (Isaiah 21:11-12)
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  • (March 27, 2019)
    This is Part III of the Natsarim series. This article may contain some shocking information to some of you, but it exposes the spirit of the viper that goes back to the Nachash/Serpent of the Garden, continuing to this present day. The confrontation between the seed of the Serpent and the Seed of the woman is reaching its final climax. It began when Messiah died on the stake to pay for our sins. It intensified with His resurrection to the shock of the entire fallen kingdom of darkness. Now the final days confrontation is happening. Lines are being drawn, and the order of Elohim is to get on one side or the other has gone forth from heaven!
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  • (April 1, 2019)
    Included among the end-time Natsarim, who walk in first century anointing as in the book of Acts, will be a company after the anointing, authority, and empowerment of Eliyahu/Elijah and Moshe/Moses. This remnant-company, spoken of throughout the Word of Elohim, will go forth into all the world at the same time the two witnesses go forth in Jerusalem - the time of the anti-messiah/antichrist. This remnant within a remnant is surfacing, for we are near the time of the manifesting of the two witnesses and their "company" from all the tribes - the whole House of Yacob/Jacob. Prepare for the return of Messiah Yahushua!
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  • (April 2, 2019)
    Continuing on from "The Eliyahu Company Part I" with prophetic teachings, revelation knowledge, words from Abba, warnings, encouragement, and challenges--presenting a new level of spiritual understanding that we must walk in daily in order to reach His highest and best for us. The great end-time division is happening! Go to Abba and talk to Him about these things to do with your own future before Messiah Yahushua comes, and after He comes. Eternity is closer than most people realize.
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  • (April 7, 2019)
    Following on the heels of the previous article, "The Eliyahu Company Part II," this article contains a revelation that Abba Yahuwah gave me recently about the translation of the last days' "first fruits" remnant, and the resurrection of the dead at Messiah's coming. Translation without dying, or resurrection after death, both are unto eternal life, and both follow a transformation of the soul. In this transformation, the soul unites with the perfected re-born spirit, thus making one complete "spirit-man" within us. This uniting comes at "the end of our faith" (I Peter 1:9) as we prepare to enter eternity.
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  • (April 10, 2019)
    This sequel to "The Final Uniting of the Spirit and Soul Before the Translation, or Resurrection, of the Body" contains in-depth understanding about the sign, clearly noted by Satan and his army, that they just might be going to lose their battle against Yahuwah and Yahushua. Satan has noted that his time is short, thus he is insanely enraged--Revelation 12:12! Therefore, he and his fallen ones are increasing their war against humanity and all creation. He will soon bring his son to power - the antichrist/anti-messiah. To his total blown mind, he sees that his forces have already lost to a united, marked, and sealed, remnant-army of Yahuwah.
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  • (July 4, 2019)
    This revelation was given to me from Abba the early morning of June 3rd. This is how He sees the world divided up. There are two groups of the deceived and two groups of the undeceived. There is much information in this article, including the exposing of the reality of fallen angels and their offspring on earth, who have been, and are now, directing the course of human history, controlling earth, to prepare it for the coming of their Leader, Satan, the Dragon, and his "son," the anti-messiah/antichrist.
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  • (July 23, 2019)
    This is a transcript of "Podcast CXXIV: Prophetic Warning of Deception to Deceive the Very Elect-Chosen," under "Audio Teachings" on This article includes the complete prophecy warning given by Messiah to Stanley Frodsham in the 1960s. What he prophesied then, is happening full-blown worldwide now.
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  • (December 8, 2019)
    This short article contains a powerful word from Abba, given to me in a dream, for all of us who want to walk the narrow road through the narrow gate to the Kingdom of Light. He is calling us to setapartness and preparation. Our loving Abba wants the very best for us, so He is showing us the way to obtain the very best!
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  • (February 7, 2020)
    What a privilege we have to be allied with the world's greatest Revolutionary and be a part of His victory as He overcomes the world and all in it that is not part of His Kingdom. He is a King, coming to take His earthly throne. He wants us to share in His victory. When He died for us and rose from the dead, He started the greatest revolution the world has ever known. Quotes from Brother Andrew's book, Is Life So Dear, addresses what allegiance really means.
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  • (April 5, 2020)
    We are privileged to be set-apart to Yahuwah and Yahushua as children of the Kingdom of Light. The world is separating humanity under the global law of the kingdom of darkness. What is the psychology behind social distancing? How long have they been separating mankind into two groups--those that will comply with what they are told to do by a world government, and those who are citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven and obey only the will of Yahuwah?
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  • (April 14, 2020)
    The pressure, tribulation, will bring the division between who stands with Yahuwah and Yahushua and who does not. Those who stand will receive empowerment, boldness, faith, resolve, and much help from the Spirit of Yahuwah. We do not stand alone! He is unifying us with all who will stand firm, when all others fall. The transformation and uniting has begun!
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  • (April 20, 2020)
    The final plans for America are being set in motion. Many plans are going forth to bring about a dream that goes back to Nimrod and his tower. In the midst of it, Abba is giving words, dreams, visions, and revelation to His children. I include a word from Abba, and a dream from Abba, showing both sides of the coin - the plans of the dark kingdom for America and the world, and the plans of Abba Yahuwah for all of His children.
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  • (May 7, 2020)
    In this article I pour out my heart, but also the heart of Yahuwah and Yahushua. As the days get darker and more terrifying, the majority of His people are getting weaker in faith and more fearful. At the same time, a remnant of His people are getting stronger and more bold. This is a "let me share with you" article that contains a lot of wisdom from on High.
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  • (June 1, 2020)
    Today, Yahuwah's people take our first steps across the "summer bridge" on a journey to T'shuvah, our return to all that we were meant to be, in Elul, and to the three Fall Festivals picturing the coming of Messiah in the Hebrew month of Tishre. Our journey into the future began with Shavu'ot, May 31st, but so did the turning point into chaos for the world! We can't be left behind! We must cross the bridge to go on with Yahuwah and Yahushua, while the world goes on to unite with this fast-rising "Beast system."
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  • (June 3, 2020)
    This article builds on several articles recently posted about Shavu'ot and afterwards, as we cross the bridge into our future. This article contains another of the five visions of Bill Burns regarding "the third day," or the 3rd millennium since Messiah entitled "The Master's Library." This is very important - for you to be a participant in. The Spirit of Yahuwah, our Teacher, is preparing His remnant for their exploits in these days before Yahushua Messiah returns.
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  • (June 6, 2020)
    This article contains notes of a video shared this morning with our Prayer Center. The words shared in this video encapsulate everything I've been writing about regarding this Shavu'ot, and what's ahead because of it - what many watchmen are also saying. It will encourage you greatly! It presents to you what Abba wants to do with you and for you, so that you become all He meant for you to be when He chose you before the foundation of the world!
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  • (June 17, 2020)
    Two thousand years later, the true followers of the Nazarene, Messiah Yahushua, are back-- unifying and being trained by the Spirit for the last days' exploits. What did the first century "Natsarim" know that we must also know now? This article includes a wealth of summarized information about "back then" and its repeat now, as well as testimony to what they knew, from my own life and the lives of others. It will give you understanding of reality that you must know to keep from being deceived.
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  • (July 7, 2020)
    Yahuwah has the heart of a good Father, an Abba, a Daddy. He wants to shelter all of His people, and not let anything happen to any of them that is not good. But, He finds that only a tiny few will let Him be a good Daddy. They reject His pleas to humble themselves, and to let His Spirit align them to His nature, ways, and thinking, in submission and obedience as a faith-filled child in training for greatness. What causes Him to have to leave His children to the will of the enemy at times? This is a revelation He gave me July 1st. Learn from it!
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  • (August 23, 2020)
    Signs of the appearing of the "Beast" are surfacing as Revelation 13 is being fulfilled in part already.
    The Beast is a global governmental system - an economic, religious, and military system also. It's ruler is also identified as a Beast, representing all the great empires of earth and their rulers in defiance of Yahuwah's right to rule. Now we're seeing the worship begin, as the world's people fall in line with what they're being programmed to believe, and to do.
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  • (August 25, 2020)
    This article was birthed out of a prayer that Abba Yahuwah put into my spirit about three days ago. It is a powerful prayer that can block the work of the enemy as we apply it by actively living a life of praise, proclamation, and prayer. I include examples of things like alien abduction, and how simple child-like commands of faith can change circumstances and release the power of the enemy from us and from others. This article, as with so many others, is designed to set you free, and to empower you with the authority-backing of the Kingdom of Light.
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  • (September 4, 2020)
    I was surprised when Yahuwah asked me to share this dream with you. Yet, what He showed me in 2008 is definitely upon us now. It is a dream that carries a powerful message to all of Yahuwah's children. There is so little time left to get ready for the collapse of everything that has given us security and comfort, so that only what has been built by relationship with Yahuwah and Yahushua can continue on to eternity.
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  • (September 11, 2020)
    In this thorough article - giving Scripture and wisdom, and including two articles that confirm wisdom - I share with you what I believe to be a deception cloaked in the garment of one Bible verse, making human effort appear to be right. Yahuwah is separating out His "few" right now for His will to be done in these end-times. Making a verse of Scripture fit into what you think is right for tens of thousands of believers of all persuasions, is very dangerous. You decide after hearing the wisdom Yahushua has shown me through many years.
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  • (September 20, 2020)
    My articles contain a lot of news that public news won't tell you, along with corresponding Scripture, and some history behind it. I do a lot of warning about deceptions, exposing lies, and reporting on hidden coming disasters. I give you end-time prophecy from the Scriptures and personal prophecy from Yahuwah. However, the most important articles are about how to overcome and endure to the coming of Messiah, and what you must do to prepare. This is one of those articles. We all must stand before the coming Judge. Head knowledge won't impress Him. Only our nature, ways, and thinking that align to Him will impress Him and be rewarded.
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  • (October 16, 2020)
    Abba led me to this marvelous story in Jeremiah 38-40 to share its message with you. It is amazing how it parallels our time right now. We are in a similar situation. One humble Ethiopian servant of King Zedekiah became a hero in the eyes of Yahuwah, and He rewarded him personally. In these times of great danger, as it was then, may we attract the attention of Yahuwah and bring Him joy.
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  • (October 24, 2020)
    Heaviness, oppression, and discouragement, along with unstable emotions, are afflicting and covering, the children of Yahuwah like a blanket. Strong attacks by the fallen ones and their agents against the set-apart of Yahuwah and Yahushua are designed to weaken their faith and cause then to be paralyzed - unable to act on what He is telling them to do. These attacks on the mind, emotions, and body of His children, are becoming dangerous. How do we rise above what is happening to us?
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  • (November 27, 2020)
    I woke up this morning and began singing a chorus I used to sing in Sunday School. It represented so many worn out unbiblical concepts I learned as a child - shallow thinking designed to dull a childish mind with entertainment and comfort, - having little to no depth of faith to cause growth and maturity, boldness and obedience, in facing real "Goliaths." A whole generation was programmed into non-realistic religious fluff, and so weakened by doctrines of fallen man that few are prepared today to face the horrors coming to mankind and still remain loyal to Yahuwah and Yahushua.
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  • (December 13, 2020)
    Taking a logical look at who hates who and why, bringing us to logical conclusions to act on. This is a very important article. Man is being divided into two camps. The great plumb line of Yahuwah is dividing (Amos 7:7-8). Messiah said He did not come to bring peace to the earth, but a sword of division. I ask a lot of questions to get to a totally logical conclusion, so that the dividing line is very clear to all.
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  • (December 21, 2020)
    This article is borne out of a revelation that Yahuwah gave me this last week from Deuteronomy 29:22-26. Clear back in the time of Moses, the burning of grass symbolized judgment because His people turned to idolatry and forsook obedience to His Word. He promises destruction like Sodom and Gomorrah. We are in the time of the "dry tree," also the time of the burning of grass and all green things.
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  • (January 19, 2021)
    There is a lot of wisdom in this article that covers today, tomorrow, and forever. We are called to be set-apart unto Yahuwah, and "touch not the unclean thing" so that He receives us into His Kingdom. "My Kingdom is not of this world," Messiah said, therefore, as He said to Pilate, His disciples do not fight like the world fights. This article will expose the two extremely different types of extremism, and tell you who the greatest extremist of all really is.
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  • (January 31, 2021)
    This is a second recent study of set-apartness unto Yahuwah and Yahushua, inspired two weeks ago by a teaching on the set-apartness of Yochanan/John the baptizer at my Prayer Center fellowship. It is amazing how much Scripture speaks of Yochanan, how much history we actually have of him, and how influential he was in preparing the way for our salvation. In this study I share more of my life-stories - this time in relation to Yochanan, my spiritual mentor in the calling Yahuwah has given to me. This is a sequel to "This is the Year to Take Off the Veil."
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  • (February 4, 2021)
    This is the third in the series of set-apartness, and powerfully related to right now in 2021 for the children of Yahuwah and Yahushua. I open up Numbers 13 and 14 in new light of revelation as it pertains to right now in our world before His children cross over into the Kingdom of Messiah and beyond - to the ultimate "Promised Land." We are being tested for what we will face soon, and yes, the Anakim have returned.
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  • (March 10, 2021)
    I have held off writing about this until Yahuwah gave me absolute peace - the "peace that passes all understanding." He led me to His answer to this article's question. I present what He showed me. I have been doing extensive research into the science of the vaccines from the words of the vaccine creators, as well as from reports by learned watchmen. I also share what is happening in Israel as they prepare for the Beast's reign. No speculation here! No, opinions or "conspiracy theories." I just present facts. I give you much to pray about. Many families are being torn apart over this issue. I did not go into details of technology, but perhaps in another article I will do that.
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  • (March 17, 2021)
    This is an Update, a Part II, of the March 10th article by the same name, with new information, giving deeper understanding of what is being forced on humanity and why. I share more of what our DNA really is, with the "fingerprints" of Yahuwah all over it! I confirm more, building on the article "Is the Covid Vaccine the Mark of the Beast?" under the Mikvah of Set-Apartness. What is this experiment really designed to do to the human race? The Truth is a terrifying reality; we must not be ignorant.
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  • (March 19, 2021)
    This was given to me by Yahuwah to share with you tonight. Messiah spoke this in relation to what we celebrate in Passover, Unleavened Bead, and First Fruits. It's parallels for us are obvious, as we follow our Master. As always, ponder what He says and apply it to your life for your instruction and your freedom.
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  • (June 12, 2021)
    This is a short but powerful study to help you to evaluate where you stand in this eternal battle, and how close you are to overcoming all, enduring to the end, and conquering all to stand before the Son of man victorious. This is a message from Yahuwah to you! Abba gave me this study last night, and I knew I had to get it to you this Shabbat.
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  • (October 12, 2021)
    This is a very important article for self-examination. The fallen ones are so subtle, so wily in their manipulation of the mind, that many of Yahuwah's children are falling for the principles of Satanism, using the Word to get what we want - a type of witchcraft. I can expose this, having seen it from the inside and outside. This deception of the Nachash wants to take us back to the Garden in our sin, so that we live forever in our sin - in damnation. I expose what the evil ones want hidden.
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  • (December 24, 2021)
    If there was ever a massive world-uniting rejection of truth in human history, it is right now. This study in the Word clearly points out the illusions propagated by the prophets of hell, past and present. The lies go back to the Nachash in the Garden of Eden, believed by man and acted upon, with the same results as we see today. I'm sure so many of you will relate to this article, and the cartoon that heads it - showing today's mentality to the preaching of the forerunners of Messiah.
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  • (December 29, 2021)
    This is an article to bring understanding as to what is happening to humanity as a whole - the nature of human beings is changing rapidly, sadly among those we love, and perhaps ourselves. In understanding what is happening, at least we can do something about ourselves, and have wisdom to pray for others. His children are having to deal with changing natures turned opposite of what dear ones were before. This great division will continue to get worse. Is this a message from Yahuwah to us, so that we press on in faith with more resolve to be loyal to Him?
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  • (January 30, 2022)
    This article will make things more clear - clarifying what is happening to human beings around you and throughout the world, and help you understand why human nature is changing. It's got three pictures that each tell what we're seeing in symbolic form. We must understand what is happening to dehumanize humans, ourselves included, so that we can rise up out of the deluge and enter into the sustaining and empowering Presence of Yahuwah and Yahushua where we see things clearly. He wants us to look down on what the enemy is doing, not drown in it.
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  • (April 1, 2022)
    This article, which contains testimonies and instructions for showing your faith, is to strengthen your resolve to align to Yahuwah's mandates for relationship with Him and for entrance into His Kingdom with rewards. Simple instructions yet profound. Each time we meet His requirements, He is faithful to bring His perfect will to pass in your life. He is fine-tuning even more now, as He seeks a remnant-people that He can see through to victory in all ways. We're at an either-or time more than ever before. He lays down the rules.
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  • (October 9, 2022)
    We are in a time that we must pull it all together - spirit, soul, and body - to complete set-apartness unto Yahuwah and Yahushua, walking with Them as Adam once did in the Garden of Eden. Oh the peace. His mind totally in tune with Elohim. Sin brough an end to the peace. Yahuwah is restoring us to what we once had with Him. This article is written from my own journey as a fiery natured human being. I had to learn how to take on Elohim's nature, ways, and thinking to find continued peace and joy. I don't rule my life anymore.
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  • (June 4, 2022)
    This is a "third day" update, once again sharing Bill Burns' vision of entering the "third day" - from Messiah, and the seventh day from Adam and Eve. I felt strongly to bring this before you, and me, and look at it from a 2022 prospective. How much more important this is now than when I first referred to it in 2018. I am going back to what He began showing me in 2016, 2017, 2018 forward, and finding amazing prophetic words that are now being fulfilled. So much acceleration and compacting of events is happening!
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  • (October 28, 2022)
    What exciting information - to understand what is really going on, the plans of the evil ones and Yahuwah's plans. Our loving heavenly Father does not want us ignorant, but wise and prepared to carry through His plans for you. When you realize what we're really up against, and you see it in the Word, it makes things clear so that we remain in peace, joy, love, knowing that our Elohim reigns!
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  • (December 1, 2022)
    This article reveals how current events of our day globally all point to one entity in control of all - Lucifer. He is soon to empower the Beast, but he is working now through humans to unite world leaders who will be his servants. How subtly he works! So much so that few know he is behind all events leading to global takeover by the kingdom of darkness. As with the Nachash/Serpent in the Garden of Eden, he is a master of deceit, using double-tongued words to make promises that he will twist towards his own direction to destroy.
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  • (December 5, 2022)
    This is an exciting article from an exciting chapter in the Bible, one we know, but perhaps have not put two and two together regarding its importance for us. It is about the subject of "set-apartness," which is greatly misunderstood by religious people. It is the basic nature of Yahuwah that He expects out of us. In flowing with His working within us, we arrive at a state of being that few know exists -with a freedom few know exists!
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  • (February 5, 2023)
    Here I give you, in article form, my notes from my teaching yesterday at our Prayer Center. The reaction was very exciting. These are things that people wanted to know about - like who is the Bride of Messiah? Is everyone who is saved the Bride? What does the Word say about a really true new birth? What are the requirements for entering the Kingdom, and what keeps a "believer" out? Lots of questions answered in this teaching! Take it slow and "study to show yourself approved before Yahuwah/God - a workman who needs not to be ashamed."
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  • (February 19, 2023)
    This is an article written while I was in the nursing home therapy facility after surgery on my left knee and leg at the end of July 2022. It is a result of a vision and word I received from Abba about why this terrible set back even happened. He has an eternal purpose to everything He allows in our life - to bring us closer in preparation to enter His eternal Kingdom. Abba has indeed taken me deeper in understanding of the seriousness of our preparation, for Messiah's return is very soon. I share what I wrote in August 2022, for your own self-inspection.
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  • (May 23, 2023)
    In our journey towards the Kingdom, we must do all we can to free our self from the strongholds of man and his control over us to our harm. This is a thorough presentation for you to consider because it was written under the unction Yahuwah impressed on me. It is definitely something you must take to Elohim in prayer so that your spirit takes on a new peace, a new joy, and a new determination to be free.
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  • (July 9, 2023)
    There is a lot more to being set-apart than we ever imagined! Now we must do all we can to protect our spirit, soul, and body. Who is the largest harvester of human DNA on the planet, and why are they doing this? This article gives lots of needed information but also a plea to be very careful that you do not fall for what appears good or is called "harmless." The plots to completely destroy all humanity and all of creation in general is well in operation. Don't fall for deceptions!
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  • (July 26, 2023)
    This article builds on many others over the last 20-years, yet it is very up-to-date in its urgency.
    Our mind must come under the authority of Yahuwah in all things, for the mind is the most vulnerable part of us that is constantly under attack. We are at a critical point, and our right to enter the Kingdom of Yahushua must be guarded.
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  • (October 14, 2023)
    This brief study, which began last night from a study my son was doing on the warrior-bride, has burned in my spirit, even more deeply, for I've written on this subject several times before. Here is what Yahushua has shown me, revealing the depths of His heart.
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  • (October 17, 2023)
    This encapsulates what Abba has been teaching me in a most-wonderful, picturesque way, through all the surgeries since July 1922. What is He after in our nature that would draw Him to help us? On what level of freedom does He want us to live continually? How do we react to the "crows" of life that like to ride on us and peck us? One simple thing makes all the difference, and the eagle has already found it to be true as a lifestyle. Beautiful revelation!
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  • (October 22, 2023)
    I'm writing to the "forward march" people who understand what Yahuwah is doing - separating, educating, assigning, strengthening, preparing, empowering, preparing for the final Judgment before Messiah returns. You can be a part of it. There are certain things He's looking for in His servants, His people who obey Him. In this article, I give you an overview of how He prepares His remnants, to do His will on earth in the darkest of the tribulation. How to have overcoming victory is what He is teaching me. The battles rages, and we must be on top of it all.
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  • (November 25, 2023)
    Podcast CDLXV: The Mark For the Prize of the High Calling is posted under "Audio Teachings." The Transcript of "The Mark for the Prize of the High Calling" is posted under the Mikvah of Set-Apartness. Please carefully look up the Scriptures in the Transcript and study for yourself what I taught in today's Podcast under that title from the whole Word - sharing the nature, ways, and thinking of Yahuwah and Yahushua who await the marriage supper of the Lamb with great desire to include you.
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  • (June 7, 2024)
    This article is filled with current news that you must know to understand what is ahead and prepare for it. It also announces that we're entering the month of Tammuz - night of July 7, 2024. Be aware that all prophetic events are beginning to be mixed together and poured out, as we press forward to cross the Jordan on our journey to the Promised Land. (Joshua 1, 5-7)
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  • (June 13, 2024)
    This transcript is of Pastor Benjamin Faircloth teaching on II Timothy 4. It is a powerful teaching on preparedness for spiritual warfare. It is the first of a series of 4 podcast transcripts. These are my notes from Podcast DXVI under "Audio Teachings."
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  • (June 13, 2024)
    This is the second of four transcripts on the topic of "Combat Ready" - preparing to stand strong in "the power of His Might." Challenging and exciting! As we hear these warriors of the Kingdom, it inspires us to "press onward toward the prize of the high calling in Messiah Yahushua." Philippians 3:10
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  • (June 13, 2024)
    This is the third transcript of the series of four. This is particularly important - Jamie Walden speaks from his experience in the Marines and applies what he learned to spiritual warfare. Powerful revelations and admonitions and challenges - the removing of all carnal nature, to submit to the Master Warriors of heaven and earth - Our heavenly Father and His Son, our Savior.
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  • (June 13, 2024)
    This is a powerful interview in Podcast DXIX of Steve Quayle with a young pastor from Miami, Jonathan Rosa. Pastor Rosa to the messages of Pastor Faircloth, Jamie Walden, and Steve Quayle. The 4 podcasts unite to bring a unified message to all born-again believers in Messiah Yahushua/Jesus.
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  • (June 28, 2024)
    This "article" also serves as a transcript of Podcast DXXI: "Faith For the Final Days - Real Faith." It contains notes I took from Pastor Benjamin Faircloth's powerful teaching from Hebrews 11:1-7 on June 26, 2024. This teaching contains life-changing information that will go deep into your spirit. Applying it will change your life. The Podcast is under "Audio Teachings" on the main page.
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  • (July 16, 2024)
    This teaching which I amplify and explain in more detail is foundational for the times in which we live - an exhortation for all born-again believers in Messiah! It serves as a transcript for much of Podcast DXXVI.
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  • (July 19, 2024)
    This article starts with a link to a message Pastor McQueen gave at the Prayer Center, July 13, 2024, entitled "The Holy Seed Is The Stump." It is a profound message of the endurance ability inside of us who are truly born again. Nothing can stop us from remaining at peace, strong in faith, for within us is the seed of Yahushua's salvation that cannot die.
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  • (November 11, 2024)
    This is a transcript of Podcast DLIII: The Hidden Ones. This is a very important teaching for anyone who has been prepared and readied to go forth in obedience to Yahuwah in these last days - remnant children of Yahuwah and Yahushua. It gives information on the two witnesses, and prophecy that includes you. The Bible talks of the hidden ones of our day.
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  • (December 9, 2024)
    This is a very needed article to share with all of you who love our Savior and are preparing to enter the Kingdom of Elohim for eternity. Our alignment with Yahuwah and Yahushua and Their Word, and their requirements, is of utmost importance. Now is a time of final preparations in all ways, especially in our relationship with Them.
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