Present Reality
- (May 11, 2014)This mini-book can be purchased on Amazon Kindle, but it is posted here also to give you a clear understanding of the demonic roots of the religion of Christianity, and of all religions of man# 1.0Downloaded: 3644 times
- (October 10, 2012)A list of common beliefs of Evangelical and Charismatic Christianity that are not in Scripture, or not defined by Scripture “Replacement Theology” – Exposing the truth behind the lying teaching that the church has replaced Israel
# 2.0Downloaded: 2365 times
- (November 28, 2004)Teaching on the truths of Rabbinical Judaism and the Mystic, Occult beliefs of Kabala# 3.0Downloaded: 1800 times
- (March 1, 2009)Critical information to save those who love truth# 4.0Downloaded: 1956 times
- (October 7, 2009)How Lucifer has used religion since the beginning to deceive Yahuweh's people into really worshipping him
# 5.0Downloaded: 1764 times
- (June 27, 2010)Those who live by the Scriptures are not monotheistic--learn the truth about Elohim
# 6.0Downloaded: 1898 times
- (June 27, 2010)Der Gegensatz von Religion und dem persönlichem Glauben an den Vater und den Sohn# 6.0Downloaded: 680 times
- (January 23, 2005)Replacement Theology (Teaching regarding the Church’s replacement of Israel with the Church--the foundation of deception in the religion of Christianity)# 7.0Downloaded: 1597 times
- (September 1, 2011)A clear and strong presentation of the eternal danger of denying the Deity of Yahushua, Son of Yahuweh# 8.0Downloaded: 1593 times
- (September 1, 2011)Ein Brief der Warnung# 8.0Downloaded: 559 times
- (January 23, 2006)The truth about the pre-tribulation rapture# 9.0Downloaded: 1874 times
- (December 6, 2013)How Scripture totally separates these three, so that you will listen only to the True Prophets and Watchmen that He has sent# 10.0Downloaded: 1720 times
- (October 8, 2007)In our world of chaos, deceit and lies, evil, and destruction, here is wisdom as to how you can avoid being caught up in the world’s illusions# 12.0Downloaded: 1640 times
- (May 18, 2008)How a universal moral code will be used to herd all mankind into a unified religion# 13.0Downloaded: 2434 times
- (April 4, 2008)Exposing the tricks behind what you are shown that make you react like your government programmers want you to react# 14.0Downloaded: 1563 times
- (August 10, 2007)Don’t be fooled by the wrong things and the wrong people# 15.0Downloaded: 1439 times
- (November 16, 2011)There are many lessons to learn from this loyal servant of Yahuweh that we must learn# 16.0Downloaded: 1561 times
- (August 20, 2012)A study on the spirit that rules America, symbolized by the Statue of Liberty. This is very important information that you must know no matter where you live in this world, for America is under judgment by Yahuwah and as you read this, you'll understand why.# 18.0Downloaded: 2226 times
- (September 11, 2012)The rise unmasking of the children of gray and the children of darkness and their attacks on the true children of Light# 19.0Downloaded: 1542 times
- (December 12, 2012)Destroying totally what keeps us in bondage, and from knowing our Elohim# 20.0Downloaded: 1489 times
- (January 13, 2008)You can know within two days when Messiah is coming# 22.0Downloaded: 1696 times
- (March 14, 2013)Exposing the new pope, elected March 13, 2013, for the deceive that he is# 23.0Downloaded: 1533 times
- (April 10, 2013)A thorough expose, with pictures, of the extent of Mary worship worldwide, and what it means to us# 24.0Downloaded: 1842 times
- (June 26, 2013)The Vatican’s plans for world takeover, from the Lateran to NOW# 25.0Downloaded: 1518 times
- (July 31, 2013)How the implementing of the “Sunday Laws” will lead to a world Inquisition, led by the Vatican, against anyone who does not bow to the authority of the pope# 26.0Downloaded: 1786 times
- (August 27, 2013)As “Queen of Heaven” she takes her place with all the ancient goddesses and their sun-god babies back to Nimrod, Semaramis, and Tammuz# 27.0Downloaded: 1485 times
- (February 8, 2014)I give my own testimony of how Yahuweh delivered me (Psalm 40:2-3)# 28.0Downloaded: 1415 times
- (February 11, 2014)Life without knowing Him, and living in His Presence, is a life of emptiness# 29.0Downloaded: 2270 times
- (February 25, 2014)A comparison of our day with the days of Noah# 30.0Downloaded: 1457 times
- (April 12, 2014)What are the conditions in the world, among the world’s people, and in Israel among His people?# 31.0Downloaded: 1772 times
- (June 20, 2014)Complete with pictures and news articles, this is my personal account of the pope’s visit to Jerusalem in May 2014, exposing secrets his visit contained# 32.0Downloaded: 2417 times
- (July 7, 2014)A report, including fascinating pictures, about my personal journey to the seven assemblies of Revelation 2 and 3, which ended in an extraordinary confirmation from Yahuweh at Laodicea that indeed the church age has been closed# 33.0Downloaded: 2754 times
- (April 21, 2024)I revised and replaced the 2014 article "Closing the Church Age in Laodicea 2001" #33 under the Mikvah of Present Reality with new pictures and explanation that explains more - the "church age" has passed away and we are moving to the "Kingdom age" of Messiah. This will bring you up to 2024 as Abba moves forward with the return of His Son. Posted article today April 21, 2024 gives more details under the Mikvah of Present Reality #348.0.# 33.0Downloaded: 163 times
- (July 18, 2014)How America is revealed in Scripture, and how its judgment is near# 34.0Downloaded: 1774 times
- (October 25, 2014)Halloween, Ichabod Crane, I Samuel 4:21-22, and how it relates to modern Israel# 35.0Downloaded: 1296 times
- (November 14, 2014)This article has been revised and updated September 7, 2019. The Day of Yahuwah draws near at the coming of Messiah Yahushua. Learn about this Day. The wrath of Yahuwah will be poured out on the unrighteous as Messiah descends. But, the righteous will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed to meet Him in the air. This is not a day of gloom and horror for those truly born again, those loving the appearing of our beautiful Savior. It is a day of great rejoicing.# 36.0Downloaded: 1744 times
- (November 25, 2014)A discussion on the length of anti-messiah’s rule – the incarnation of Satan – and the events surrounding it# 37.0Downloaded: 2446 times
- (December 25, 2014)A watchman’s plea to take sides and remain loyal to Yahuweh and Yahushua to the end# 38.0Downloaded: 1582 times
- (February 12, 2015)A classic on the pagan roots of this Christian theology. The truth may surprise you. This was originally written in 2015. It has been edited and, re-written March 20, 2022, with information to clarify the truth even more.
The Identity of both Father and Son, and Their rolls in our salvation, our lives now, and our eternal life, is vital to understand from the core Truth. Very thorough information from the whole of Scripture.# 40.0Downloaded: 1978 times
- (February 19, 2015)What does the word say about atonement for sins of ignorance and sins from willful rebellion? This Scripture study may shock you, but you must know what Messiah atoned for# 41.0Downloaded: 1500 times
- (March 12, 2015)A pictorial warning# 42.0Downloaded: 1139 times
- (March 26, 2015)Using my own personal testimony, I share how you can be free of Satan’s chains on your mind, emotions, body and spirit# 43.0Downloaded: 1406 times
- (August 6, 2015)Exposing dangerous teachings of Evangelical Christianity about the end times# 44.0Downloaded: 1546 times
- (September 4, 2015)What was past is now present# 48.0Downloaded: 2329 times
- (February 4, 2016)Creation is longing to return to its original purity# 51.0Downloaded: 1102 times
- (February 9, 2016)Increasing demonic activity bringing chaos in nations# 52.0Downloaded: 866 times
- (April 6, 2016)The day we crossed the threshold into the final fulfillment of prophecy# 56.0Downloaded: 1037 times
- (April 6, 2016)Der Tag überquerten wir die Schwelle in die endgültige Erfüllung der Prophezeiung# 57.0Downloaded: 476 times
- (April 24, 2016)The fast-paced race to unite the earth under one religious cause# 58.0Downloaded: 995 times
- (May 17, 2016)Tornadoes and other powerful forces on earth are descending upon us, but the Creators have not left you defenseless# 59.0Downloaded: 950 times
- (May 20, 2016)The drastic acceleration of earth's destruction is turning hearts to the Creator to come and stop it# 60.0Downloaded: 1390 times
- (May 24, 2016)With grief, our Creators are allowing the destruction of Their good and beautiful creation in order for Judgment to be accomplished and completed forever# 61.0Downloaded: 1123 times
- (July 1, 2016)A major foundational deception--a worldwide Genesis 3 event# 62.0Downloaded: 1455 times
- (August 26, 2016)Learn how what happened in Genesis 5-11 is earth's reality today# 63.0Downloaded: 1238 times
- (October 7, 2016)The enemy is showing his hand. Let us see clearly and act on the warning# 64.0Downloaded: 829 times
- (October 19, 2016)Like Halloween symbolizes, the reality of Chem.-Trails are designed for our death# 66.0Downloaded: 907 times
- (November 25, 2016)What you don't know can hurt you - find out the truth# 70.0Downloaded: 798 times
- (December 14, 2016)Up-to-date maneuvers of the enemy and where their strategy is leading us all# 73.0Downloaded: 750 times
- (January 9, 2017)No weather patterns on earth are natural --all are engineered for the purposes of the fallen angel enemies that seek to destroy the human race# 75.0Downloaded: 1026 times
- (February 13, 2017)A compilation of articles and pictures on the life of Hitler, the Nazis, and their return in today's world# 77.0Downloaded: 1644 times
- (February 17, 2017)Who is at the top controlling the world system and its 7.5 billion people?# 78.0Downloaded: 1200 times
- (February 20, 2017)World leaders and Ba'al take us back to Nimrod and his attempt to rule the world# 79.0Downloaded: 837 times
- (March 2, 2017)What has been hidden is surfacing brazenly into the light and growing in intensity# 80.0Downloaded: 556 times
- (March 5, 2017)The goal of evil ones is to present a destroyed earth and a destroyed humanity to Messiah when He comes# 81.0Downloaded: 434 times
- (March 8, 2017)It's worse than ever imagined and its surfacing for all to see. Are you prepared?# 82.0Downloaded: 551 times
- (March 10, 2017)The final goal of Globalism is greater than we've ever expected in spiritual and tangible reality# 83.0Downloaded: 460 times
- (March 21, 2017)Nature is reflecting what is happening in earth people# 84.0Downloaded: 509 times
- (March 26, 2017)Just another man-made scare tactic to unite the world around common fears and resulting manipulations# 85.0Downloaded: 424 times
- (April 20, 2017)The end time takeover by Satan and his fallen angels is evident as mankind accepts evil as normal# 87.0Downloaded: 627 times
- (September 8, 2017)No celebration on this anniversary! Our Celebration begins with Revelation 11:15-18# 92.0Downloaded: 758 times
- (November 7, 2017)What happened in 1917 in Russia laid a foundation for WWI, WWII, and what we are seeing today as we approach WWIII# 94.0Downloaded: 728 times
- (December 7, 2017)We are seeing more and more indications of evil use of technology to reach evil goals# 95.0Downloaded: 635 times
- (December 27, 2017)What is this heavy smokescreen attempting to hide?
We must have the Spirit's discernment more than ever now!# 96.0Downloaded: 515 times
- (February 8, 2018)What is the real agenda behind the present deluge of dangerous respiratory viruses and fevers? How can you stay free of all of it and remain in health?# 97.0Downloaded: 563 times
- (February 22, 2018)The more you learn the wiser you will be, and the more equipped you will be to take protective action for yourself and your loved ones# 98.0Downloaded: 536 times
- (March 7, 2018)What you're not supposed to know has the goal of destroying all life as we know it on
Earth. Learn and be wise!# 99.0Downloaded: 836 times
- (May 15, 2018)The dangerous eruption of Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano has been in the news daily for days. Now all locations of volcanoes around the Ring of Fire have been put on alert because of the potential of other volcanos erupting. Seismic activity is happening also in the Atlantic, opening very serious potentials for tsunamis and the deaths of tens of thousands.# 100.0Downloaded: 472 times
- (May 17, 2018)The nature, ways, and thinking of Satan and the Bestial anti-messiah, is taking over the minds and emotions of the world's people in preparation for their arrival and takeover of earth, including the minds and emotions of a large portion of the people of Elohim. Our knowledge of this nature and how to deal with it is most important for keeping ourselves free from it, and keeping our loved ones free as well.# 101.0Downloaded: 516 times
- (May 21, 2018)This article builds on the foundation of "Narcissism - Part I: The Universal Curse." "Narcissism - Part II..." continues to expose the satanic-based characteristics of Narcissism in specific people groups and to situations we see covering the Earth right now. This article goes into detail as to how the fallen ones are preparing the world's people to receive the anti-messiah and his false prophet, to submit to them, and to obey them.# 102.0Downloaded: 543 times
- (June 6, 2018)You're not supposed to know this! However, in knowing this information you will be able to understand clearly what you are seeing and hearing, and thus will know what The Plan of the Globalists is, how it is working out, and where it is heading on its way to its final goal.# 103.0Downloaded: 711 times
- (June 15, 2018)The increase in high-tech surveillance against us is leading us quickly towards a world police state controlled by a supernatural Bestial ruler of a global Empire# 105.0Downloaded: 552 times
- (August 18, 2018)Information you must know! Exposing goals of the world ruling Elite that are being accomplished all around us, while Truth is being quickly silenced!# 106.0Downloaded: 607 times
- (August 23, 2018)Learn from what is happening in South Africa! Watch what is happening in America and other countries that is going down the same road! Know the agenda and the goals! Pray that Abba's people in South Africa will have the wisdom to know what to do, and do it under His supervision.# 107.0Downloaded: 895 times
- (August 25, 2018)What a historic week this has been for planet Earth! Truly creation is groaning! The birth pangs of Messiah are increasing and getting closer and closer together. As creation groans, so we also groan in spirit-pain, awaiting our deliverance at the coming of Messiah!# 108.0Downloaded: 426 times
- (October 8, 2018)America has turned a serious corner in her history that will lead to her downfall. Those evil ones who are taking over the nation for its destruction know who we are and Whose we are, whether we're in a religious file folder or not. Our time of testing has come. How we stand in faith and obedience to our Elohim will determine our eternal future.# 110.0Downloaded: 453 times
- (November 14, 2018)The Truth is exposed! The plans for Atzlan have not gone away! They have united with other plans that are working together for the destruction of America. Destruction will come from many once-hidden sources, but all of them are beginning to show themselves and uniting into one huge Force. We must be aware of individual plans so that we clearly see the coming together of the Big Plan - world government.# 114.0Downloaded: 621 times
- (December 12, 2018)There is notable acceleration of the Globalists' plans to bring about a new world order, a one world government. This week's United Nations Intergovernmental Conference to Adopt the Global Compact, signed by 164 nations, is a major step towards dissolving national borders. These are things to keep your eyes on and ears attuned to, for we are in a rapid acceleration in general that is aiding the rise of anti-messiah# 115.0Downloaded: 657 times
- (January 3, 2019)Many of you have heard of 5-G towers and internet capability-improved because of this new generation of technology. What is known as fact, yet not told via pubic news, is that this technology, using microwaves, is very dangerous to our mind, emotions, and body, even to producing tumors and cancer, harming the central nervous system, changing our DNA., etc., but is now militarized for use against individuals and crowds, beamed onto the skin by police and soldiers. Think microwave ovens.# 116.0Downloaded: 648 times
- (January 20, 2019)This article regarding the 46th anniversary of the legalizing of abortion in America, also notes the anniversary of America's promoting of abortions worldwide and the funding of them. America launched the Eugenics Movement in the early 1900s that led to the founding of Planned Parenthood, now worldwide. This article gives facts, but it also gives hope, and a message of redemption and salvation to women who have had abortions. Our Abba is merciful to the repentant who call on Him for redemption. Mothers can reunite with their once-forsaken children again. There is reconciliation in our loving Elohim.# 118.0Downloaded: 434 times
- (February 15, 2019)We are beginning to see the full nature of Satan, the nature of the coming anti-messiah, being manifested openly. Things that are being decided in America are beyond the capability of most people to handle, the depth of evil is so great. I address recent events that expand our understanding of the total depravity of mankind. Yet, it will increase and become the norm before Messiah comes. I go deep to explain the why of what we are seeing and hearing. At the same time, all of this shows us who we are as the beloved children of Elohim.# 119.0Downloaded: 786 times
- (March 14, 2019)Reality is hard to face so much of the time, but unless we face truthful facts as children of the Most High, and act on what we learn for the advancement of the Kingdom of Elohim, we are setting up ourselves for deception, and distancing ourselves from our eternal future in that wonderful Kingdom. My exposing of reality is for us to use the knowledge to act for the salvation of our own lives and for the lives of others.# 122.0Downloaded: 415 times
- (April 24, 2019)I've written on the subject of famine in several articles during the last 15 years. However 2019 is setting historic records of worldwide weather-related disasters that have destroyed trees, food crops, livestock, chickens, oceans and their sea-life, inland waterways, and also homes. Learn a little of how vast this destruction is, then couple it with all the other events occurring so quickly that fulfill the over 220 Scriptural prophecies of the end days before Messiah Yahushua returns.# 123.0Downloaded: 510 times
- (June 20, 2019)Here I present pictures, maps, and lots of facts from much research, including recent insider information, about a highly dangerous situation of present reality! This situation is so dangerous because of what it is purposely leading the world into, preparing for chaos that will usher in the new world order. Take these things to Abba in prayer, seek His direction for you and your family, and obey Him. Abba is very grieved at what is about to happen!# 126.0Downloaded: 591 times
- (June 24, 2019)The historical events in Daniel 5 are becoming history-making events right now as the plot thickens and the plans go forth to start a final history-ending war. Ancient Media-Persia took down the world's great super power, Babylon, in one night by the brilliant plan of King Darius. Today the plan is to use that same geographic area, called Iran, but this time the super power, end-time Babylon is America. America has nuclear weapons, and so does today's Media-Persia and its powerful allies. This scenario has the higher purpose of ushering in the new world order, fulfilling ancient plans for world rule by the "son of perdition."# 127.0Downloaded: 508 times
- (July 9, 2019)Much more has surfaced about the Ridgecrest earthquakes since July 4th and 5th. Things are surfacing that expose incredible evil hidden underground in desert areas of Southern California and Nevada. Over 7,000 aftershocks have happened since July 4th, with thousands more expected before the shaking stops. These quakes may be a result of direct targeting weapons, or military testing. Thousands of bees lay dead in the area. By using direct targeting weapons, the San Andreas could also be destabilized.# 129.0Downloaded: 509 times
- (August 8, 2019)This is an important update on the incredible destruction of Earth's life support systems, the dying of "green" things that sustain life on earth, the Arctic on fire, the Ionosphere and Magnetosphere damaged, the increase in earthquake and volcano eruptions, deep magma moving along fault lines, the massive deaths of ocean life, dangerous methane gas bubbling up from the sea floor, the pollution of all that sustains us - air, food, water - all are being destroyed purposely to terraform Earth and return us to Genesis 1:2 and Jeremiah 4:23-28. We are nearing the time of Isaiah 24!# 132.0Downloaded: 465 times
- (August 14, 2019)This is a quick prophetic update on compounding events that are moving the goals of the new world order closer to their final fulfillment. Today's two podcasts on I and II Thessalonians are for your encouragement, to strengthen your faith. Everything you are hearing and seeing is directed at the establishment of a one world government under a one world ruler. All the players are working together in unity with the fallen angels and their hybrid offspring to make Revelation 13 a reality.# 133.0Downloaded: 458 times
- (October 3, 2019)What role does Yemen play in the false flag set-up for war with Iran? How are the Houthi rebels being used to perpetuate the deception? Why did America start a war with Yemen in 2015? America's war and sanctions on Yemen have created a humanitarian holocaust - the main victims being children. Why were Yemenite Jewish children in Israel also sent to America, to be used in one of the most horrible experiments ever? Learn the Truth! Love Truth!# 136.0Downloaded: 593 times
- (November 11, 2019)Loaded with new breaking news of what is now in the works, and what's coming fast onto the earth, this brief article is loaded with information to strengthen you and encourage you in your preparations for present and eternal reality, so that you act with wisdom and peace.# 151.0Downloaded: 512 times
- (December 11, 2019)This is Part I in a series on the dangers of 5-G technology that is engulfing the earth with deadly radiation, along with many other forms of radiation that have been unleashed upon our planet. I give you many health risks to be aware of, as well as the goals of why this is happening to humanity by the will of a few. Why are doctors, scientists, and governments of nations seriously protesting it and warning against it? Isn't 5-G just a WiFi upgrade to give us faster internet service.? Actually, this is something never before unleashed upon humanity - learn why.
# 152.0Downloaded: 510 times
- (December 12, 2019)This is PART II of the series exposing the deadly goals of 5-G technology, and why scientists, doctors, major world governments, and newly formed groups, are protesting it world-over. This will give you the background history and build-up of the technology that is behind 5-G. 5-G is not just an extension of 2G, 3G, and 4G WiFi technology. This is new. It is connected to military and Globalist goals for planet depopulation and mind-control. Thus, its purpose is a lot more than helping your internet work faster!# 153.0Downloaded: 444 times
- (December 26, 2019)There is harsh present reality in the world system controlled by the fallen ones and man's lust for sin and power. Yet, there is a higher reality that is available to those who commit themselves to the Master Yahushua, and submit themselves to the empowerment of the Spirit of Yahuwah. This is Part III in a 7-Part series on the reality of earth being blanketed with deadly radiation that is affecting all life on earth. 5-G has little to nothing to do with faster internet service. It has to do with faster death. I review a recent interview of David Icke. Though Icke uses New Age philosophy, what he says is shockingly what the Word of Yahuwah also says.# 157.0Downloaded: 412 times
- (December 31, 2019)This is Part IV of a series about how radiation is blanketing the earth with its deadly waves, in so many ways. It's not just about 5-G, though that technology has been developing since 1896. This article will expand your understanding of the threat that all life on earth faces right now--how it is being used against us, against all creation, against earth itself, and how it will be used.# 158.0Downloaded: 396 times
- (December 31, 2019)Earth's temperatures are moving towards two extremes -- so hot that it is dangerous to life, and so cold that is dangerous to life. What is happening in Australia is not just a normal "heat wave." Deadly fires are covering much ground, and magma is moving under the ground to produce fires and extreme heat. Wildfires right now threaten major cities. Fires and drought have already destroyed great numbers of wildlife to the point of the extinction of some.# 159.0Downloaded: 387 times
- (January 2, 2020)2020 has begun like a canon shot, or a missile launch. Hold on tight to Abba Yahuwah and Messiah Yahushua! Isaiah 41:10 and 13! What is happening in Baghdad right now with the U.S. Embassy is directly tied into what is waiting to happen inside America. Soon Psalm 91:1 will be the only safe and secure option.# 160.0Downloaded: 392 times
- (January 3, 2020)The quick escalation from the Iranian and Hezbollah attack on the American Embassy in Baghdad only five days ago, has led to the U.S. carrying out a drone attack on the Baghdad Airport last night killing two of Iran's major generals, especially the Quds Special Force Leader Qussam Soleimani. America is bracing for retaliation, not just in the Middle East but on American soil.# 161.0Downloaded: 327 times
- (January 7, 2020)This article is loaded with news and hidden truth that you will not hear on public news. Americans face the results of centuries of planning for the up-coming events that will lead to a new world order. This is not about big bad Iran vs. saintly America and Israel. This is about the advancement of hidden plans, designed to bring about America's destruction as part of the ushering in of the new world order. Of course, this affects all nations on earth. The watchmen are crying for us to "Prepare." We prepare also the way for Yahushua's return.# 162.0Downloaded: 401 times
- (January 11, 2020)Radical, extreme, mysterious, historic, frightful, and strange, are just a few words used to describe what is numbing the scientific community, as well as students of end-time Bible prophecy, to do with what is coming onto the earth from the cosmos, as well as what is coming up from the core of the earth. These changes are accelerating rapidly and coming to light for us all, as warnings and signs, and exhortations.# 163.0Downloaded: 453 times
- (January 14, 2020)The Word tells us that at the coming of Messiah all the islands will sink. The earth is opening up wider and deeper. The seas and oceans are opening wider and deeper also. The earthquake destruction that is continuing in Puerto Rico, and fear from pending destruction in the Philippines right now, is highly traumatic to the people. But, soon many nations will experience the terror and trauma of the earth's rebellion against the evils of mankind and the prideful, arrogant, revolt of the fallen angels.# 164.0Downloaded: 319 times
- (January 23, 2020)We now have another worldwide panic-inducing threat, letting us know to prepare! Coronaviris is a fast-spreading deadly virus. China has put the epicenter city of Wuhan of 11 million people under quarantine and lock down. However, with Chinese New Year travel this weekend, January 25th-26th, the disease is spreading to other nations around the world. Learn how to not get the virus!# 166.0Downloaded: 447 times
- (January 25, 2020)New shocking information has finally been released, and the truth is starkly overwhelming. This update will let you know what is happening as of today--the incredible acceleration, the quarantines, people dropping dead in the streets, the number of deaths to date, and the countries it has spread to so far. I also give you more ways to NOT get the virus!# 167.0Downloaded: 453 times
- (January 28, 2020)This is a coronavirus update with amazing information that exposes the background of why this is happening, and why the W.H.O. and the world's news are so deceitful in hiding the truth. The truth is much bigger than expected. We're seeing Yahuwah's judgments, by using His enemies, fallen angels and fallen humans, to carry out His will. His final wrath is yet to come with Messiah's return.# 168.0Downloaded: 438 times
- (January 31, 2020)This is Part V of the series on the reality of 5-G as a highly dangerous bio-weapon and mind-control weapon, posing as a convenience for faster internet service. I report on the destruction of earth's life support systems by the H.A.A.R.P. facility in Alaska, its use by the military as a weapon, and its use for mind control. I give you many quotes from the classic book by Dr. Nick Begich and Dr. Jeanne Manning, Angeles Don't Play This HAARP. The recent connection between the coronavirus and 5-G in Wuhan is also very interesting.# 169.0Downloaded: 432 times
- (February 15, 2020)This article is an update of "Alert America..." posted on February 12th/Mikvah of Present Reality. I share new confirmation of what is planned, but hidden from the American people for now. I include encouragement as usual, for as children of the soon-coming Kingdom we must view our journey now with faith, peace, and joy in what lies ahead that is eternal.
# 173.0Downloaded: 396 times
- (February 23, 2020)There have been many articles and news reports, as well as prophecies, about world famine since 2007. However, we have entered the time of Joel 1. Joel 1 gives Yahuwah's instructions to His children on how to deal with famine in our land. It aligns with Revelation 6:7-8.# 175.0Downloaded: 633 times
- (March 11, 2020)This is a very up-to-date report. The big expected announcement has come from the World Health Organization today, proclaiming the coronavirus to be a global Pandemic. I share with you the reality of Revelation 13 in what we're watch--the rising of the Beast system--and how it is being implemented already on a global scale. Moving right along: "Look up for your redemption draws near."# 178.0Downloaded: 460 times
- (March 19, 2020)Just when Revelation 8:6-9 aligns for fulfillment, earth has entered a debris field. Asteroids are coming close to earth. In two days a big asteroid will skim very close to earth's atmosphere. Abba is in control, and we praise Him for loving us and taking care of us!# 180.0Downloaded: 409 times
- (March 30, 2020)How is 5-G connected to the COVID-19 or Coronavirus? This confirmed evidence may surprise you, but we've been looking in the wrong direction for understand about it. What is really making people sick unto death in certain countries but not in a lot of other countries? Is it the virus or is it something else creating the virus in each individual body? I also pad this article with ways to stay healthy and at peace.# 182.0Downloaded: 646 times
- (April 1, 2020)This article is another numbing one, backed up by reality, reported openly, regarding President Trump's new Executive Order for the military. I include an article by Mike Adams. The events I've been warning about for a long time, urging people to prepare for, are now beginning. This article contains information you must know and share with others. This is not conspiracy-theory! This is a sobering call to seek Abba and prepare quickly.# 183.0Downloaded: 393 times
- (April 7, 2020)This article contains mind-boggling information that has surfaced recently that puts a whole new light on what is really behind COVID-19. Why at this time? Why are prophecies compacting so fast? I briefly give you new things that the globalists are bringing to light, to hide the real agenda, and to further their plans at the same time. Our world will never be the same again. Is America still a sovereign nation? So many questions! But, answers are surfacing too.# 184.0Downloaded: 507 times
- (April 10, 2020)This article information is numbing. I give you the most up-to-date information that I began to give on April 7th in the previous article posted under Present Reality (#184.0). Is President Trump still in power? Who is making the decisions for America now? Why did Steven ben Nun say on April 7th, "America is not the same nation you woke up to even a week ago?' Take it before Abba and let Him speak to you about it!# 185.0Downloaded: 478 times
- (April 15, 2020)This article is loaded with information from doctors and nurses and investigators that breaks through the confusion, and gives you clear information about what is really happening to the people of our world. Shocking! Yes! Yet, Truth destroys lies and deceptions so that we clearly know what to do, what to pray, and can get on with doing it.# 186.0Downloaded: 551 times
- (April 18, 2020)Though this is Part VII of the 5-G series, the article is mainly about the global surveillance system being put in place, and how each one of us will be affected by it. It takes 5-G for the system to work. The tracking of everyone on the planet will not be done by human beings, but by A.I. technology. New rules of conduct are coming soon. I also include an update on Comet Atlas, and the inbound Asteroid of April 29th, and the possibilities from the debris fields of both.# 188.0Downloaded: 451 times
- (April 22, 2020)This article connects dots between now and the plans of world government going into full effect. We know that 5-G technology is necessary for A.I. technology to proceed with the interfacing of humans with machines - the transhumanist goal. Will nanobot technology in the Covid-19 vaccine begin the process of this interfacing? It's very possible.# 190.0Downloaded: 424 times
- (April 27, 2020)Millions of healthy chickens, hundreds of thousands of hogs and cattle, are being euthanized in the United States by farmers who cannot get them to butcher or packing plants to process for selling.
This tragedy is blamed on sick workers with Covid-19. Do red flags go up in your mind?# 191.0Downloaded: 408 times
- (April 30, 2020)This article strengthens the precious article "Famine Enhanced...," and exposes why farmers are destroying healthy chickens, hogs, and cattle. Their façade-excuse has been torn down. It's not just animals, its crops and orchards full of ripe fruit that are ordered to be destroyed. The sale of seeds, and one's right to grow their own food, is being banned in many places. Learn more...# 192.0Downloaded: 420 times
- (May 5, 2020)This is truly Present Reality! We are looking in the face of so much fulfilled prophecy, and now fulfilling prophecy as Yahuwah compacts His 223 prophecies in His Word by layering them. In this article, I give you current news between today and May 12th and following, to do with inbound objects from the cosmos - or actually more severe inbound objects. The "signs in the heavens" are beginning.# 193.0Downloaded: 593 times
- (May 15, 2020)In studying Jeremiah 50-51 in 1992, Yahuwah spoke to me "This is America." He then gave me more scriptures that are prophetic of America, like Isaiah 10, 13, 47, and Revelation 18. He talked me through verse by verse and I began seeing America very clearly in over 30 clues inserted into these Scriptures. Now we see a three-part plan forming to bring the goal of these scriptures--the total annihilation of America. As we watch things move into place, the Spirit of Yahuwah wants to show us what is, and what is to come, so that we prepare.# 194.0Downloaded: 346 times
- (May 23, 2020)This article contains two recent articles that I hope you will use as a test of your perception and discernment. Do you see the amazing propaganda? Do you see the lies worded to look like truth, while purposely attacking truth? Do you see where these attacks are headed? Read slowly, note every word. Notice the continuously repeated words meant to mind-program. It is an amazing mini-study in Nazi-like propaganda tactics that are being used on the world's people..# 195.0Downloaded: 355 times
- (May 27, 2020)We will not throw out Leviticus 11! What the world is offering mankind is a chance to break the wise instructions of our Creators. Our set-apartness includes our total being -spirit, soul, and body - unto Yahuwah. Our Abba has provided what we need to stay healthy. Though I add humor and 7 pictures with it, this is a serious thing to prepare for as we watch present reality taking shape.# 196.0Downloaded: 461 times
- (June 7, 2020)Feeling OK today? At 12:30 AM EST, earth was hit with the third of five waves of cosmic energy, radiation, which was massive. The effects on earth will be felt and seen within a few days. In this article, I show you three Schumann's Resonance Charts, and refer back to the large wave of energy on April 5th 2020, beginning the week of Messiah's death and resurrection. We also had an asteroid whiz past earth yesterday, bigger than the empire state building. The signs Messiah told us to watch for in the sun, moon, and stars, and on earth, are increasing!# 197.0Downloaded: 304 times
- (June 10, 2020)Want the whole plan laid out in one short article? Well, here it is! Everything connects to what is shared here, taken from what is explained concisely and very well in a recent YouTube video. I took good notes. Even public news is leaking confirmation of what I wrote in yesterday's article "The Plan Exposed..." Truth is starting to overtake the lies, and that is scaring the evil wicked ones into more evil actions and deceitful propaganda. Stay on top of it!# 199.0Downloaded: 458 times
- (July 17, 2020)This is one article I did not want to write! But, Abba wants you to know what we are really being subjected to under the guise of stopping the spread of "the virus." I know everything that is presented here is true, for much of this aligns with my learning-journey, going back to 1966. I like getting to the roots of things so that we see the fruit for what it really is.# 200.0Downloaded: 465 times
- (August 8, 2020)Humanity, in general, has returned to the conditions of Genesis 6, when Noah and family were THE remnant of Yahuwah upon the earth. Noah and sons prepared, and the ark sailed just when the judgment fell. Their timing was perfect because Noah heard from Yahuwah and obeyed. We are the generation who is repeating "the days of Noah." Yes, the remnant is larger than one man, but its uniting is under the authority of Yahuwah alone. How rare is this remnant among such violence and chaos of today. The Garden will open once again.# 201.0Downloaded: 346 times
- (September 2, 2020)So much is surfacing that appears to be new, but is very old - planned out and applied decades ago, even a century ago. Things are being exposed that most people never considered possible. I share with you one major reality in this brief article. The dumbing down of the people of the world, so that they cannot handle truth and reality, is showing up in their willingness to believe and embrace lies.# 202.0Downloaded: 252 times
- (September 12, 2020)Hate, lawlessness, violence, insane evil, and mass psychological programming, is taking over the earth by the fallen ones. It is affecting all life on earth. In this article, I share a happening, told by the wife of a policeman, that occurred in a Walmart store in Oklahoma. It would have been shocking in 2019, but not now. The takeover of earth and the praise of lawlessness is paving the way for "the lawless one," to take his throne of world rule. Yet, His people are being encased in "peace that passes all understanding."# 203.0Downloaded: 285 times
- (September 28, 2020)Once again, I exhort you regarding the shortness of the hour to prepare, or suffer the serious consequences. There is much interconnecting news that is breaking forth that the world's news medias will not report. So you must astutely break out of their control box and learn the truth from watchmen who are not afraid to expose lies and deceptions. How can you prepare if you do not know what to prepare for? We are preparing for life and death situations.# 204.0Downloaded: 447 times
- (October 7, 2020)An alert to pay attention to! Humorous title but serious subject! Seismologists are very concerned about two areas of America, and about the splitting of the earth in many places. The earth is indeed splitting, cracking, pulling apart, and ejecting energy from within, which will affect the lives of millions of people. As the falling of space debris continues to increase, the earth itself is continuing with its pole shift.# 206.0Downloaded: 317 times
- (November 3, 2020)Abba began showing me this reality in 1992. Today it is near happening, as enemies of America are taking their positions exactly according to Scripture. This information is chilling, but very real. On this eve of the most historic presidential election in America's history, as the America we once knew is fading away, this is a call to fasting, prayer, and preparation as we see prophecy unfold before our eyes.# 207.0Downloaded: 358 times
- (November 26, 2020)This article presents four articles with shocking yet accurate statistics of the rapid fulfillment of II Thessalonians 2:3. Truly the great apostasy, falling away from faith, is intensifying to the point where the religions of Christianity and the Messianic/Hebrew Roots Movement are all but dead as far as over-all Scripture reality is concerned. Yet, out of the ashes is arising a strong enduring remnant, the children of the Kingdom of Light. As we see this falling away happening, we know that just on the heels of it is the coming of the Beast himself to rule the kingdom of darkness on earth - for a short time that is. "Come Yahushua Come!"# 208.0Downloaded: 315 times
- (December 1, 2020)This article is based on both Scriptural and prophetic revelation given by Yahuwah to hearing believers in His Word, through visions and dreams. The prophecies all give the same message because the source is the Spirit of Yahuwah. The timing is now. The events prophesied in Scripture are being fulfilled - not as future events, but something imminent. I lay a scriptural foundation and then share with you from my own compiling of prophecy and that of Michael Snyder in his book Lost Prophecies of the Future of America.# 209.0Downloaded: 412 times
- (December 4, 2020)This article will give you information to take to Yahuwah in prayer. It won't be long before the telling of truth, and the warning of Yahuwah's people, will be a punishable crime. Daniel 12:10: "...None of the wicked will understand, but the wise will understand." This article is written to the wise.# 210.0Downloaded: 395 times
- (December 9, 2020)Breaking News, furthering existing news of a dangerous build-up of America's enemies, brings the fulfilling of Jeremiah 50-51 and Revelation 18 even closer. Iran is on its way to Venezuela with an enormous fleet of tankers filled with oil to defy sanctions the U.S. has put on Venezuela. With China's threats in the South China Sea and off the U.S.. West Coast, plus Russia's positions off the East Coast, and Chinese military on the border of Canada and Mexico with the U.S., the Gulf Coast of America is now more vulnerable than ever before.# 211.0Downloaded: 299 times
- (December 10, 2020)A phenomenon, seen worldwide, has captured the attention of Yahuwah's watchmen. The appearance of monoliths/obelisks in various countries is increasing, even one in the sky was photographed. The article has 11 pictures of them. They are sending a message, for a massive world-wide deception is close at hand. I give details of what is planned.# 212.0Downloaded: 357 times
- (December 20, 2020)News is compacting - much is happening at the same time to fulfill the prophetic Word of Yahuwah. I confirm the shocking news reported in the last article, which is foundational for this one, and give you much more, quoting key watchmen. Discern well "the lateness of the hour."
# 214.0Downloaded: 286 times
- (December 26, 2020)The information in this article will tell you why, even with "tons" of proof of voter fraud, President Trump is having so much opposition from the courts, even the Supreme Court. Solid evidence is not even being looked at, yet rejected. This article contains a lot of recent news that is all tied together to promote the agenda of world government, and push it forward at a fast speed.# 215.0Downloaded: 259 times
- (December 30, 2020)This is a STUDY - a thorough study on a doctrine that has the potential of damning millions of believers because of its hidden deceit. We're going to see a massive falling away of former believers because things are not going to go as they had hoped. I give much Scripture and resource material for you to study. We must know why doctrines are right or wrong so that we walk the narrow path to the narrow gate, and do not get sidetracked onto the broad path that leads to destruction!# 216.0Downloaded: 459 times
- (January 5, 2021)The truth gets more like a 1940s Hollywood horror movie all the time. Learn what direction the vaccine is taking the world into. "Truth is stranger than fiction," so the quote goes; in this case, what we're watching unfold is stranger than anything known to human history, at least on this side of the Flood of Noah's day.# 218.0Downloaded: 464 times
- (January 6, 2021)A historic day! The beginning of the death of a once free nation with "liberty and justice for all."
What has begun will have an end. Yahuwah has thrown down the gauntlet, and drawn a line in the sand, and is dividing out a people for Himself - for eternal life in His Kingdom. It is hard to watch the process of takedown and takeover, but man has trusted in man and this is their reward. Let us press harder into the Presence of the soon-coming King.# 219.0Downloaded: 314 times
- (January 8, 2021)Current news is making the prophetic future come to life! What's been hidden in the darkness is rising to the light, and those who hide in the darkness are getting really, really scared. They're acting out their fears because their exposure is nigh, and they know it. Truth bringing justice is falling in the street, but not all of it!# 220.0Downloaded: 321 times
- (January 16, 2021)We've entered a very dark corridor where Truth is not allowed to shine its light because it is a danger to the dark kingdom's plans for earth's takeover. The next few days for America and the world will set a course that is under the control of Yahuwah, but will not be favorable to earth's inhabitants. Children of Light: Be in prayer, praise, proclamation, and preparation more than ever before. Isaiah 60:1-2 is the fast-approaching division.# 221.0Downloaded: 285 times
- (February 10, 2021)This was a hard article to write. I don't like finalities that grieve the heart of Elohim. Yet, what has been in the works for 400 years or more, is happening in America, and the world in general. This article has 14 key pictures that tell the story well of why Yahuwah must do what He must do. In it, we also clearly see the resting place that is outside of "the story."# 222.0Downloaded: 327 times
- (February 19, 2021)Here is an article with my testimony of being in the midst of the news of Texas this past week - so that you know that what I write about, I've experienced personally. The blessings and the challenges - blessed are those who prepared. How do you prepare for what the Spirit knows is coming? You hear Him in your re-born spirit, pick up on His urgency, and obey as fast as possible. Oh how obedience to Him has saved me from so much trouble! This type of literal warfare against all who defy the evil powers taking over earth will become the norm. Blessed are the wise who understand and act on His leading.# 223.0Downloaded: 264 times
- (March 1, 2021)This article contains very important information that you must know! Share it; prepare for it.
It is time for the warriors of faith to arise and join together under the control of the Spirit of Yahuwah in correct intercession and spiritual warfare, with wise action. Daniel 11:32 talks about a remnant on earth, at the time of a global government under a world ruler, who 1) know Their Elohim, 2) act on what the wisdom He gives, and 3) go forth in obedience to do exploits for His Kingdom.# 224.0Downloaded: 366 times
- (March 26, 2021)This is an update of news to be aware of, but also it helps us to realize more than ever that this world is not our home; we seek the eternal one coming (Hebrews 11). Truth has indeed fallen in the street and is being trampled under foot. Illusions, deceptions, lies, sorcery, witchcraft, slight-of-hand magic, mind-programming and manipulation are all being used to bring the world's people into submission to the king of the kingdom of darkness. Truth-lovers win, for they walk in the light of Elohim, and do not stumble like those who are falling away.# 225.0Downloaded: 267 times
- (April 5, 2021)This is a short but powerful news update, featuring several current events - primarily showing how the foundation for WWIII is being laid, and how part of the war has already begin over the Ukraine, pitting Russia against NATO and ultimately America. Turkey is now being activated also. I go into a sampling of other current news that is vital for us to know so that we might prepare. What did they find on that huge cargo ship jammed into the Suez Canal? Prophetic events are compacting, much happening at once, for our Father is shortening the days for our sake.# 226.0Downloaded: 339 times
- (April 10, 2021)Brace yourself for many severe weather changes. Scientists have finally admitted that we are in a "grand solar minimum" that may last 50 years. We are cooling off. Changes are happening in our sun, on earth, and in the cosmos in general. On earth, everything is changing, to take us back to the pre-Flood days and fallen angel/Nephilim rule. As the fallen ones seek to end humanity and all on earth, taking us back to Genesis 1:2, a remnant is rising representing the Kingdom of Heaven that is resisting the plans of the fallen ones, standing between them and the total destruction of the human race.# 227.0Downloaded: 274 times
- (April 18, 2021)This is an update with lots of new information to do with the imminent events leading to World War III. We know it is a preparatory move by globalist leaders before the world ruler takes the world stage. This is an update of the previous article "Imminent," posted April 5th. Isaiah, Jeremiah, and John the Apostle, prophesied this millennium ago, but it's now taking form in real time. Daniel also prophesied of the rising of the 7th Beast, as well as John, and other prophets of the Word - now here we are in the time of fulfillment. I give you inside information you'll never get on public news. Make positive decisions as Yahuwah leads you to prepare!# 228.0Downloaded: 275 times
- (May 5, 2021)The minds and emotions of human beings are being altered by technology, and by natural and spiritual forces moving in our earth that are beyond our ability to cope with. Learn so that you can discern properly and not misjudge, nor be in ignorance. The earth itself, the sun, the whole of creation, is revolting because of the sin of man, but even more because the portals/gates are all opening to the fallen ones and to Satan himself. The great planned deceptions for human kind are now in place to be openly revealed, and mankind is being prepared for it. Psalm 91!# 230.0Downloaded: 324 times
- (May 12, 2021)Reporting update on the cyber attack of America's chief fuel pipeline to 14 states, primarily of the east coast but affecting the entire nation with gas shortages, leading to gas rationing, thus leading to food shortages and food rationing, trucker shutdowns, plane shutdowns, and on and on. The set up for the downfall of America (Jeremiah 50-51, Revelation 18, etc.) is underway. "Babylon is fallen, is fallen..."# 231.0Downloaded: 278 times
- (May 14, 2021)Call to prayer! War inside Israel is drawing in other nations. Right now Israel is exploding with internal strife among its Jewish, Arab, and Palestinian citizens. Other nations are beginning to fight openly against Israel - like Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt. This has similarities to May 15, 1948, though modern Israel is a power not to be reckoned with in 2021. If Iran joins in, so will Russia, and if America comes to Israel's aid, America is in great danger. This article contains an up-to-date report of what is going on in Israel right now - May 15, 2021# 232.0Downloaded: 279 times
- (May 18, 2021)What is being added to our food supply now via our crops, and thus our processed foods too? It's like something out of a monster movie, like The Blob in the 1950s, except we eat it. What we never thought would ever be reality, is reality. I include some of a warning article by Mike Adams, which is most likely an update on what some of you already know. I go into detail about the why of it all, which is becoming more and more clear by the day. I add more information also in my letter to subscribers.# 233.0Downloaded: 349 times
- (June 14, 2021)This is the hot topic of today in June 2021. I give you an overview of what this means from two well-informed men--insiders on this topic. As you learn what the dark kingdom is preparing to do, you can prepare with wisdom to do what the Kingdom of Light is preparing to do!!!# 234.0Downloaded: 394 times
- (August 18, 2021)Like the recent article, sharing current news: "The Enormity of It Can Be Overwhelming..." this one is packed with recent history, news, and reality throughout. In order to pray correctly and specifically, we need truthful background on why something is happening. The truth is usually not as things appear. Why are all U.S. troops being pulled out of Afghanistan now, and why is the Taliban stronger
now than when we first came into Afghanistan to supposedly remove the Taliban?# 235.0Downloaded: 279 times
- (August 24, 2021)This article is loaded with inside information that few know they can have access to, so that you can pray with wisdom and knowledge, and prepare yourself and your family. Two awe-inspiring pictures and an important map are included. I take information from several at-the-top sources known for accuracy over many decades. You need to be one of Yahuwah's insiders, so that you do not fall prey to the "wiles" of tricky deceptions of the Devil and his special forces. Be bold, be strong, in the "power of His might."# 237.0Downloaded: 278 times
- (August 26, 2021)This article is loaded with important news that you must know - mind-boggling information that reveals truth that world rulers desperately don't want you to know! One shocking thing after another is exposed in these 7 pages. I share with you for prayer, spiritual warfare, and clarity in hearing what Yahuwah is saying to you. The letter with this article even tells more. Watch, pray, and act. Remember Daniel 11:32.# 238.0Downloaded: 305 times
- (August 29, 2021)What is Yahuwah's message to us in this enormous hurricane hitting the mouth of the Mississippi at New Orleans on the 16th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina making landfall in the exact same place. Yet, this is considered the strongest storm in 170 years due to the wind force, the tornadoes, the sea storm-surges, the necessity of evacuation, power outages, and other statistics. Let us go to Abba in prayer for His people there, and for those who will call out to Him to be "saved." Let us ask Abba His message to us in all of this, for His judgment is on America for sure right now.# 239.0Downloaded: 208 times
- (November 26, 2021)Keeping you informed on the fast-moving prophetic events that relate to you and your family's future. We must face reality and act with wisdom and purposed focus, not just for this life on earth, but for our future eternal life in the Kingdom of heaven.
# 240.0Downloaded: 309 times
- (December 1, 2021)So much has been hidden from people of all nations, as Lucifer-Satan, fallen angels, and Nephilim, prepare for the takeover of earth, and the end of humanity in the image and likeness of Yahuwah Now, the lid is coming off of the "hidden things," so that Yahuwah's people might prepare with wisdom. Yes, Lucifer is on earth and making demands of his earthly servants. The war is not just "on," but it is escalating into an extreme - the children or darkness vs. the children of Light. Most of the children of Light have been weakened by deceit and lies. What's been planned? What's ahead? I share with you some new things to watch for and stand against.# 241.0Downloaded: 295 times
- (December 4, 2021)This is another loaded article with information that lays a foundation and builds on it regarding everything we're seeing today in the rise of the new world order/the Beast kingdom. I take a lot of it from Dr. Stanley Monteith's classic book Brotherhood of Darkness, regarding what President Truman initiated to link America with China, and the truth behind the United Nations. Fascinating! Knowing the truth about the progression of evil helps us identify the evil more quickly.# 242.0Downloaded: 359 times
- (December 6, 2021)This is a continuation of exposing what has happened during the 70 years allotted to America as the world's superpower, before the judgment of Yahuwah. This is Part II of foundational information that few know - a continuation of "The Foundation and the Building of Nimrod's Final Tower." This article explains a lot of what has happened to our once great nation, which was purposely hidden from all of us. I quote from a book that was banned for a long time because of its straight-forward exposing of truth.# 243.0Downloaded: 317 times
- (December 9, 2021)This is the third in the series on the United Nations. In this article I give you the U.N.'s 17 Principals that seriously affect your lives and the lives of your family. When these Principals become international law, you must be prepared, or your mind won't be able to handle what is happening. These three articles give you enough solid evidence to motivate you to prepare in all ways for the days ahead. Since 1945 we have been submitted to a world government - learn the truth!# 244.0Downloaded: 315 times
- (December 10, 2021)Update on the Ukraine-Russia situation and how it is affecting the United States Navy in the Black Sea, and how it will affect the world as many nations gather together, taking sides, as well as NATO.
Is this important for you to take out 11:38 minutes of your time to watch this most amazing military video and report from Israeli sources, and read a short 4-page article? Actually, it is more important than you realize! I don't report on dead-end situations. This one is wide open.# 245.0Downloaded: 239 times
- (December 12, 2021)This is the 4th article exposing the one world government and its source of world control. This one is especially important as a door has been opened for the Beast rule, a call for the ancient Jaguar god to return to give his loyal servants a 1,000-year reign on earth. The fallen ones can only counterfeit. But, in their counterfeit, the sacrifice of billions of humans is being carried out.# 246.0Downloaded: 256 times
- (December 14, 2021)This contains information that is happening as of December 14th - which can only be built on. It is not going away, nor will things get better. It is a door-opener for our future. It is what has been planned out in present reality. Being kept up with it helps you know how to pray, how to plan, and how to act.# 247.0Downloaded: 259 times
- (December 15, 2021)Latest red-alert news: As war plans come together and accelerate, we're at a point of no return. Multiple wars are soon to break out on various continents with the biggest technological weapons' players involved. It's not a game of good against evil, it's as it is with the fallen angel wars - evil against evil. We're at a critical turning point. The Beast is ready to come to power, and he needs lots of human sacrifices to give him Satan's power to reign.# 248.0Downloaded: 257 times
- (December 18, 2021)This is a current update to let you know just how close we are to the precipice before us, especially for those in America - sharing unfolding events of the last days before Messiah Yahushua returns.# 249.0Downloaded: 266 times
- (December 27, 2021)This is a shocking report, numbing, but a wake-up call for sure. How far along on this path to the Kingdom are we? However, folks, this is for real. The exhumed one from 2003 is among us with his fallen angel companions, and giving orders to the world's top rulers, as we see presented by Prince Charles. It includes a very profound dream by brother Daniel Holdings for all to take note of. There is much in this short article to explain the "lateness of the hour."# 250.0Downloaded: 328 times
- (January 10, 2022)Yes, we're about to see everything change rapidly, jumping 100 years into the future in technology. The core of our humanity will be attacked by electromagnetic waves with radiation. So much information in this brief article, giving you foundational materials with information you must know. Much of what is coming will affect your mind and emotions and your body's health. World-wide activation of 5-G coupled with A.I., will change everything quickly. Yes, the Beast is on earth, being supplied with all he needs for his coming reign.# 252.0Downloaded: 268 times
- (January 13, 2022)Long title! Loads of important information that ties a lot of loose ends together. Much to know - for knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. There must be background study, and the presence of Yahuwah's Spirit within, to bring together so many pieces of the end-time puzzle so that we understand where we are in Abba's timing. Knowing things few do, understanding in advance, gives us the advantage of more choices, so that we move out under Abba's leading before the bars are closed on a world-wide prison.# 253.0Downloaded: 343 times
- (January 20, 2022)This is a critically important article that ties so many things together. It includes quotes from top insider Intel authorities and explains things few know even exist. I refer to resource material so that you can get the background for much of it. It's all in the Word, yet only received by those who look for the coming of Messiah.# 254.0Downloaded: 341 times
- (January 25, 2022)In this article is more detail and understanding of our current situation at our doorstep, to help you know what to prepare for. As things accelerate, we must not waste time with lies and deceptions. All truth aligns to the Word of Yahuwah. Applying it must be done by His Spirit within us, so that He can insert His peace. By knowledge, understanding, and wisdom from Truth given to us by our heavenly Father, we can go to Him to find out the details and make sound decisions for our good. I don't want anyone under illusions because they don't know the truth.# 255.0Downloaded: 261 times
- (January 27, 2022)This very important article contains much information that few will ever know because of the trickery that is going on to deceive and point the blame on the wrong nation. Learn the real reason for all of this - the secret deals, the ulterior motives, the framing of Russia for something they did not plan. The light shines on Truth-lovers. While the world looks at Russia, the real evil is being pulled off by smiling deceivers - intent on starting WWIII. Read and understand, get wisdom, go to Yahuwah who gives peace about Truth.# 256.0Downloaded: 279 times
- (February 9, 2022)This is a thorough update- making the truth easy to understand regarding all the complexities thrown at us by public news - erasing the lies, getting it straight, so that as things develop you will know what it is really behind all of it truthfully, and know better how to pray. The blame game must not be played from human reasoning! Learn the truth and assess matters as Yahuwah sees things!# 257.0Downloaded: 269 times
- (February 10, 2022)This is information that you must have to make adjustments in your life - to save your life. It seems that if the enemy can't slither in by one crack in the wall, he'll find another one. This is sneaky ... serpent-like for sure, for things are being done to harm us that we can't even fathom. So, Abba led me to learn the extent of what is being done to our food supply so that it "changes us" without us knowing it. I've learned a lot about Nutrition since 1982 and put my knowledge into action. But now, more action is needed - by us all.# 258.0Downloaded: 312 times
- (February 20, 2022)This brief article contains two articles, a map, and a picture. It asks some important questions. It presents a need for decisions. Reality takes root with peace when we love Truth and receive it as the Spirit of Yahuwah reveals it to us. He always confirms it and directs us by it. He never leaves us alone to depend on our own reasoning - IF we have submitted our reasoning to Him and only obey His clear directives. Amazing how some leaders can be so loving and protecting of their people, while others are actually trying to destroy their people.# 259.0Downloaded: 321 times
- (February 24, 2022)To understand clearly in simplified terminology the complex happenings with Russia, Ukraine, NATO, the U.S. and the three regions who have voted to join Russia, this article covers it all up to date. It will give you truth that you sure will not hear on any public news reports. It is also a call to prayer to stand with truth and stop listening to lies of the enemy that confuse people's minds. Let us get truth as the Spirit of Yahuwah gives it to our spirit - so we, therefore, know it is true.# 260.0Downloaded: 389 times
- (March 16, 2022)This is a most important article, for it deals with the subtilties of global mind control to unite all under the authority of a single ruler, known in scripture as the 8th Beast, ruler of world empires through the ages, the restored Nimrod. This is what the "Global Reset" is all about, gathering mankind into a united mind that submits totally to Lucifer/Satan as god. This article contains things to be aware of and share with others, for what the world is now vilifying is what Yahuwah is now backing. We must not go against Yahuwah's will to align to Satan's will.# 261.0Downloaded: 281 times
- (March 19, 2022)Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy is happening right before our eyes now as details are certainly surfacing. Our privilege is to rest in the peace of our loving heavenly Father and our soon-coming Messiah, for we know that They are in 100% total control of it all. Therefore, our safest place to be is resting in their loving control over us.# 262.0Downloaded: 311 times
- (April 7, 2022)This update follows foundation-laying articles, truth upon truth that you won't hear on any public news. The fulfillment of chapters like Jeremiah 50-51, Isaiah 13, and Revelation 18 are being detailed now. I give you only what is known and confirmed by Yahuwah's Spirit from the highest and most reliable sources of information. There is a lot condensed in these 5 pages! Truth is confirmed by the Spirit of Truth to those who know the Spirit of Truth Himself. Much to go to Yahuwah about to learn from Him and act on wisdom!# 263.0Downloaded: 277 times
- (April 11, 2022)Why is this important for you to know? Why should you pray that the biolabs are utterly destroyed? Should not all underground and top ground like-facilities be destroyed? Standing for righteousness we enter into truth that is withheld from most all people on earth. Few love truth ... and few love the One who said: "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life." Yahuwah and Yahushua bring life? Lucifer and lies bring death.# 264.0Downloaded: 231 times
- (April 18, 2022)This is an article that carries a lot of weight of understanding between what governments are doing and what is happening to the citizens of nations who do not want war. This is very dear to my heart having lived for short times, several times, in both China and Russia. The people are like all people - they want peace. They want to enjoy life. The people of the nations must not be mixed in as a whole with what governments do to carry out the plans of Lucifer and his "Beast" son. The events of last week clearly demonstrate this division we must make.# 265.0Downloaded: 236 times
- (May 5, 2022)This information is SUPER IMPORTANT that you know, and that you act on wisely after conferring with Abba Yahuwah and getting His peace and His joy. I give you insider information that very few know. This is hard-core reality as we get closer and closer to the switch-over, the "Great Reset," into a fully operational "Beast System" of world interconnection in financial ability. You sure don't want to be left not being ready, because when it comes down, it will be one of those "sudden" surprises.# 266.0Downloaded: 330 times
- (May 16, 2022)Up-to-date News the lying public news media will not tell you, with inside understanding from truthful reporting, and from the Word. These things are indicators to us of Abba's timing, so that we might move with Him in
unity, with understanding and wisdom. The message is clear: "Lift up your heads, your Redemption draws near."# 267.0Downloaded: 272 times
- (May 21, 2022)This article builds on the previously posted article under the Mikvah of Present Reality - a current news update - with more shocking news of what is happening that few are aware of. Yet, all of this has been confirmed. I won't give you speculation or opinions! This goes into the supernatural realm that is manifesting openly on earth.# 268.0Downloaded: 295 times
- (May 28, 2022)This is the fourth in a series of news articles to bring you up to current knowledge of what has been planned for you and your family. This is taken from the May 26th broadcast of Pastor Paul Begley interviewing "Mike from around the world." The top-level information that "Mike" gives is a warning call to all of us in the world today. Please make sure that you read these four news articles as one single unit. There is so much to report, but I am giving you inside information so that you might take it to Abba and prepare as He leads you.# 270.0Downloaded: 249 times
- (June 7, 2022)Much news in this update that is important for you to know to keep up with the acceleration of events to do with your life and destiny. Throw out the religious eschatology charts, they're worthless. Get into the Word and let the Spirit teach and lead you into His knowledge. Let Yahuwah teach you His nature, ways, and thinking. As you get it straight from Him, the things of man's reasoning will become foreign to you. As born-again believers we have the privilege of learning straight from our heavenly Father so that we are never deceived.# 271.0Downloaded: 238 times
- (June 9, 2022)A news update containing information that you must know about in order to pray correctly, prepare correctly, and free yourself of all unnecessary entanglements as you prepare for the intense time just ahead. It is reality that won't go away for it has been planned for 151 years. It is in Scripture in great detail. It is no secret, but to actually see His Word coming into reality is stunning to say the least.# 272.0Downloaded: 324 times
- (June 15, 2022)This is a fully loaded updated news alert with information, warnings, and details, even about what didn't happen today that was planned. I give you much reference material, and insight into the division that is happening, and the unifying that is happening. Of course, this builds on lots of previous information, as things are on-going. But new things are arising too. Today is a turning point, a door has opened into the future, and we all are going through it.# 273.0Downloaded: 261 times
- (June 23, 2022)A lot of facts, statistics, and information that is important for you to know in a short space.
All of the information I am sharing is leading earth's people into the fulness of great tribulation - which is Abba's judgment - yet accelerating His plans for the setting a part of His true children. Noah was a type of the remnant of today who hear Him, obey, prepare, and are quick to enter into His place of safety, spiritually and naturally. Lots of information is confirmed here to help you understand what you are seeing. The Podcast yesterday, "Beyond This Dimension Through Your Own Portal" is very important in helping you to understand what you're seeing in real time.# 274.0Downloaded: 253 times
- (June 24, 2022)This is BIG Breaking News! 4-8 weeks until ? What is happening with Diesel fuel? You must know! Warning! Do not be quick to accept the overthrow of Roe vs Wade as Abba's perfect will? He will use it for His good, we are sure of that. However, dark forces have planned for this to happen. The Supreme Court follows Lucifer's instructions. Learn the truth! Learn why you must see beneath all that man does, so that now, more than ever you see the plans of the rising Beast as well.# 275.0Downloaded: 268 times
- (June 26, 2022)A brief, but loaded, update! The chaos has begun, as the government knew in ordering the Supreme Court to overthrow Roe vs. Wade. All world governments are under orders from the fallen angel world under Lucifer. You probably have seen through the surface facade. Abba's agenda is higher than what is apparent. We must learn what He sees, from Him.
I give updates on lots of news that you will only hear from the seasoned watchmen, who have been giving you the truth for over 50 years from the highest of sources, as well as spiritual knowing from our heavenly Abba.# 276.0Downloaded: 256 times
- (June 28, 2022)This article is loaded with information you must add to the articles I've been writing lately, exposing the works of the enemy, and challenging Yahuwah's people to take their rightful authority from Him and use it to His honor and esteem. We're coming down to a lot of inescapable reality that we must face and use to go forward into Yahuwah's Kingdom.# 277.0Downloaded: 316 times
- (July 6, 2022)Power-packed with information you are not supposed to know. But you must know it to understand all that is going on to back it up. Everything is linked to the globalist agenda, led behind the scenes by Lucifer himself, fallen angels, Nephilim, and now aliens. I go into the purpose of the historic revving up of CERN to open more gateways in the cosmos, the alien agenda, the programming of human being to receive aliens as our parents, and the very real injecting of humans with fallen angel DNA along with controlling technology into the bloodstream.# 278.0Downloaded: 319 times
- (July 12, 2022)This is an important article to understand the game-playing, the deceptions, the goals of the deceptions, and what is really being done to program the American people into believing lies. Foolishness borne of ignorance abounds! When you love truth because you love "the Way, the Truth, and the Life," you see through the counterfeits of the enemy, and thus can prepare for reality and avoid the consequences of deception.# 279.0Downloaded: 321 times
- (October 5, 2022)Just another event in the build-up for planned WWIII? No, not just another event! Learn the full scope of what's going on to escalate WWIII into present reality, for the provoking of the bear of Daniel 7 will result in an amazing fulfillment soon. This article covers a lot of territory. The letter sent to subscribers with it gives you much to think about. Out of therapy, learning to walk again, but running in the Spirit with new spiritual energy. There is much information here beyond the Nord Stream event - things you really need to put into Biblical prospective because it is fitting exactly into Biblical prospective!# 288.0Downloaded: 284 times
- (October 11, 2022)Cutting through the lies, deceptions, and mind-programming, to give you pure truth of what is happening in the Ukraine and surround nations as Russia is being tipped over the brink. How long can the real superpower of war and resources hold back when the lies about it continue to provoke war, to provoke it to attack? So much truth is apparent for those who see through the lies. Much to learn to apply to our own lives - to protect ourselves from falsehood so that our choices are the right ones. Let us love the Light and walk in it.# 289.0Downloaded: 271 times
- (November 2, 2022)This event planned for November 13th has a direct occult linkage and is put on a highly significant date. The occult meaning of the numbers of that date, as well as it being the 17th of Heshvan 2022, is very high significant. What does an international interfaith group of leaders have to with Elijah, and taking 10 Commandment to the top of Mount Sinai to override the 10 Commandments of Yahuwah? Fascinating information!!! Nothing Lucifer does is without meaning that is aimed at vilifying Yahuwah.# 290.0Downloaded: 246 times
- (November 7, 2022)This is a correction of the location of the Mt. Sinai the Elijah Interfaith Institute wants to climb on November 13th - not the real one - but the traditional fake one. I include new information and explain the location of the real Mount Sinai, in Arabia - the Mt. Sinai of Exodus 19-20.# 292.0Downloaded: 209 times
- (November 8, 2022)This article takes a close look at all the Scripture to do with the person of Noah, and how today is just like his time before Yahuwah passed judgment on humanity as a whole, separating out His children from those who were not HIs. Read this article. Read Genesis 6-9. Prepare for Heshvan 17, the day Noah's ark sailed, November 13, 2022 by the Creator's calendar. It is a turning point day for all mankind.# 293.0Downloaded: 248 times
- (November 27, 2022)The information in this article shows the nearness of all prophetic events compacting, as we move quickly towards the public world-appearing of both the Beast/antichrist and the two witnesses of Revelation 11. Along with all prophetic signs now in play, these two major ones being reported puts us greatly forward towards the coming of Messiah.# 295.0Downloaded: 314 times
- (December 6, 2022)Just another update! Never! It is a time-indicator. It is a call to prayer and action. It is very important for you to know and understand the truth behind the deluge of deceptions and lies.
The plans and goal are nearing maximum intensity before all breaks loose.# 296.0Downloaded: 260 times
- (December 9, 2022)Two new things recently show how the world is being mind-programmed and prepared to receive and believe the deceptions of the Beast Kingdom. Things planned and prepared are now being brought out into the light, yet few learn the truth because truth is not their focus. Their comfort, ease, mental goals, prosperity-money, possessions, popularity, particular sin, etc., are their focus.# 297.0Downloaded: 305 times
- (January 2, 2023)A short but concentrated article about what has become of mankind as we start into the deep darkness that is before us. Please first read Ezekiel 2 before reading my comments. Mankind is changing as the influence of Lucifer and all the fallen ones are aligning behind one central control. We must be radically opposite and radically align to the nature, ways, and thinking of Yahuwah and Yahushua in preparation for a regime change!# 298.0Downloaded: 266 times
- (January 10, 2023)This article compacts much information in a short space. It also informs you of plans of the globalists that leads to their takeover via the U.N.'s W.H.O. The compacting of prophecy into a short period of time for fulfillment is what happened "in the days of Noah." Our Faher judges, not because He wants to, but because He has to. Events are coming at the same time to such a degree now that every day something comes to light that has been planned for a long time. Learn all you can, and act with wisdom led by Yahuwah.# 299.0Downloaded: 262 times
- (January 14, 2023)This article contains loads of information that you won't hear from public news! Neither will anything public for this world show you the depth of it, which is only found in the Word of Yahuwah. Lots revealed here! Your loving Truth is of paramount importance so that you are not caught up in the worldwide deceptions that are increasing - preparing the world's people for destruction.# 300.0Downloaded: 303 times
- (January 16, 2023)January 16-20: The World Economic Forum meets in Davos, Switzerland. Is this important to you? It should be. It's important for every living person, cow, chicken, tree, grass-blade, etc. etc. on earth. This "forum" is planning your future as you stay on earth that is, and it is not a future that you would want.! Read carefully, watch the suggested videos, learn from Yahuwah -all that I am reporting to you is in the Bible, you know!# 301.0Downloaded: 245 times
- (January 17, 2023)What is the focus of discussion at this annual meeting in Davos designed to bring the world's people into unity around a deceptive fearful created agenda? Reporting also on an mysterious development has taken place in Davos! What is going on so big that even mainstream news is reporting it?# 302.0Downloaded: 252 times
- (January 18, 2023)In this article, I examine what is true and what is not, as well as what is hidden and what is not. In my letter sent to subscribers regarding this article, I ask why are the biggest players of the WEF avoiding Davos this year. I believe I have the answer.
If you have not subscribed to the website, please do so under "Contact" on the main page of the website. My letters often give important information that are not in articles for you to consider.# 303.0Downloaded: 285 times
- (January 24, 2023)While we don't look to scientists to tell us where we are on Yahuwah's prophetic clock, the "Doomsday Clock" report for today, given each year by scientists since 1947, has brought the clock's hands the closest to midnight than ever before. Are they fear mongering? No, in fact, they are quite realistic. We need to take this to Abba in prayer. It's very realistic.# 304.0Downloaded: 239 times
- (January 30, 2023)Prophetic events are compacting and coming down faster and faster. This is an update on things that are dangerous to all life on earth - especially now, all life in America. It will help no one to remain ignorant, in deception, in delusion, or in a fantasy frame of mind. Truth sets us free. Deception and lack of truth keeps us bound and able to do nothing to help ourselves. We must not presume that we know the full nature, ways, and thinking of Elohim! We must press in to know Him, to know His Son, as They are.# 305.0Downloaded: 257 times
- (February 7, 2023)This article contains information that you are not supposed to know! The Truth is something you are not supposed to know! Putting the details together, especially what is planned by Israel and the U.S., amplifying what is planned for the U.S. by the U.S., Lucifer and friends, all ends up with Revelation 13 and the arrival of the final attempt of the fallen ones to fulfill the dreaded reason for Nimrod's tower in Genesis 11.# 306.0Downloaded: 312 times
- (February 9, 2023)This earthquake happening where it did, and the magnitude of it, opens prophetic Scripture that we must be aware of and take before Yahuwah for His input. This article is like a diving board into an ocean of prophetic activity. Are we that far along? Yes ... we are. The Word tells us a lot about the Euphrates in our day, and what's about to leap out of it. It isn't human.# 307.0Downloaded: 309 times
- (February 24, 2023)Very important information for you to be aware of, not just for you, but for your children and grandchildren. This technology is about taking over the minds of people so that they can be programmed to accept the leading of fallen angels and demons. It is pictured as so good, of course. But, the enemy is moving in to create hybrids and erase the world of humanity.# 308.0Downloaded: 247 times
- (February 25, 2023)This is important information for all of you to know, as what happened in Palestine, Ohio, with the release of all those deadly toxins into our air, spreading fast by winds and rain, is something that will take decades to rid the soil of, the water systems, the air. Already, it is killing farm animals, crops, and fish, as well as people. Learn the truth! It is a precursor to the results of the brutal provoking of WWIII.# 309.0Downloaded: 240 times
- (February 26, 2023)So much of what we're seeing in disasters is not natural, but man geoengineered. Like the disaster reported yesterday in Ohio, this one is also not from "mother nature" for sure. Things are being planned, using very high technology whose source is fallen angels, which is given to fallen man. They've run out of body bags in New Zealand. This article will help you intelligently touch base with those in New Zealand and see from their eyes what is really going on, so you can pray with wisdom as Abba leads.# 310.0Downloaded: 270 times
- (April 7, 2023)This is definitely "Present Reality!" We must make needed changes, even drastic changes, if need be, in what we eat, drink, what we put on our body, what we breathe, where we live, and how submitted we are to hearing Elohim's instructions in the simplest matters. Yahuwah wants us to remain human, - healthy in body, mind, emotions, will, and spirit. We are going to have to work harder at this than ever before just to survive.# 311.0Downloaded: 257 times
- (April 21, 2023)This is a loaded news update and challenge to you and me. What is coming down is huge, and we must be aware of so that we don't make mistakes in believing lies and following deceptions. Messiah said that the Truth will set you free. Love truth and pursue it from His mouth!# 312.0Downloaded: 256 times
- (April 25, 2023)The enemy is increasing intensity across board. This contains more information for your knowledge, whatever action is needed, and for prayer. I understand the fears of parents who have precious family members overseas. Plans for them by the U.S. military are not good. There is much information here for you who have children of various ages, as well as for yourself. The U.S. military is taking more steps towards fulfilling the will of Lucifer. But, then, the western nations especially are especially uniting around his will.# 313.0Downloaded: 261 times
- (May 30, 2023)You may not be aware of this, but then you may be aware of this - but not presented in terms of blunt truth. This sounds like it can't be true, but it is. Everything in the Word regarding the return of Yahushua Messiah is now in the works and increasing in intensity, so that the taking down and out of America is nearing its reality. though planned for a very long time. It's all been planned for a long time!# 314.0Downloaded: 274 times
- (June 8, 2023)This is happening all over the world in June, but especially in America, and Israel. June is the month for "pride parades." Do you know the ancient origin of these parades? It is amazing how intricate the information is that brings it from thousands of years ago up to 2023 today. Who is behind this - who is leading it in the realm of the fallen ones? I suppose you can guess its origin.# 315.0Downloaded: 249 times
- (June 11, 2023)This is June - a month set aside for the advancement of all that is against the Word of Yahuwah, against the nature, ways, and thinking of Yahuwah. Join me in my podcasts of the book of Jeremiah, and learn why He has to judge the world, and particularly His people- why then, why now?
America has blatantly aligned with the mind of Lucifer and the fallen angels who side with him.# 316.0Downloaded: 237 times
- (June 12, 2023)This will give you a better look at what is happening to make sure WWIII happens as soon as possible. It is an all-out uniting of evil. Yet, as with Nebuchadnezzar and his army, Yahuwah used he and his army to bring His judgment on His people. Yahuwah called Nebuchadnezzar "My Servant." Taking sides with Yahuwah we find truth that continues to unfold and clarify reality to us who love truth.# 317.0Downloaded: 225 times
- (June 19, 2023)This is a copy of A.A. Allen's Vision in 1954 telling in detail of the invasion and destruction of America. It follows specific Scripture, especially Jeremiah 25. Please listen to the podcasts on the book of Jeremiah, as it is unfolding in 2023 in America very quickly. The podcast today of his vision is Podcast CDXXV. No matter where you are in the world, this is applicable to your nation also, for the whole world is under the judgment of Yahuwah.# 318.0Downloaded: 244 times
- (April 21, 2024)This is a short article to introduce you to the revised article "The Closing of the Church Age in Laodicea 2001," which is #33 under the Mikvah of Present Reality. This is #318.00. I give you an update with new information but direct you to slowly read the 2014 article with all the pictures. I include 3 pictures I took in Laodicea in 2001. Our Abba speaks to us in 40 different ways, each with an example of each one in the Bible. He wants to speak to us and show us what is to come. He wants to be the loving Father that He is to us.# 318.0Downloaded: 188 times
- (July 5, 2023)This is a time-dated report but the emergency conditions remain - the plot will be pulled off whether today or tomorrow or later on. Here I give you truth that you won't find anywhere in the news media that is sold out to furthering the plans of Lucifer and drawing all mankind into death and damnation. Read over this and stay away from the lies of public news, man's opinions, and the deceptions of fallen angels. Learn by studying the Word and seeking Yahuwah and Yahushua to lerarn what Truth really is and how to discern it.# 319.0Downloaded: 219 times
- (July 7, 2023)This is an update on the current happenings in Ukraine, with Russia, with NATO, with the U.K., with the U.S. The over-the-edge of the cliff planned for July 5th is not over yet - the plans go forward, as the lies go forward, and those that believe lies get deeper into hostility against those Yahuwah has chosen and stands with. Knowing the mind of Yahuwah clearly, and His wisdom, is paramount for not getting emotional and mentally empowered by believing lies.# 320.0Downloaded: 221 times
- (July 19, 2023)When Messiah said "I come quickly" He meant that once the process started during the judgment of His Father, Lucifer began taking over the earth, and the Beast system and entity began to rise into focus, we should "look up, for our redemption draws near." Once things begin, they accelerate rapidly, and His coming finalizes the judgment, the "day of Yahuwah," the wrath of Elohim.# 321.0Downloaded: 255 times
- (July 30, 2023)The reposting of an older article that has now become present reality as the ancient altar of Pergamum is aligned to Jeremiah 50-51, Isaiah 13 and 47, Revelation 17-18. Known as a center of Babylon before it moved to Rome, Pergamum was a center of Satan worship. That center has now moved into the final Babylon, America. What was said of Pergamum is fast aligning to the U.S. and all of the western former-Christian world.# 322.0Downloaded: 231 times
- (August 10, 2023)Ten exposing pages of truth on August 10th. Messiah said "do not be deceived." Most so-called believers are deceived, backing what is not from Yahuwah. Listen to what the majority calls reality - things the world maligns, vilifies, and hates - and it will help everything that righteousness says fall into place so that you make righteous decisions and pray righteous prayers. So many lies, so much deception, but when you love truth you will find truth, which always aligns to Yahuwah's Word.# 323.0Downloaded: 216 times
- (August 15, 2023)Again for those who know the truth and see the lies, this is another example of 2018 fires in California - man-made, man-direct-targeted. Practicing so many different ways to kill, to destroy, to please the "prince of darkness." Lots of pictures. Referring you also to the 2018 pictures - the same result. Weather warfare is real, and it is deadly. Actually, there are nearly no natural weather patterns on planet earth anymore, and the main reason is fallen angel technology destroying Yahuwah's life.# 324.0Downloaded: 185 times
- (August 26, 2023)This article gives you important notes I took from a Paul Begley-"Mike from around the world" broadcast on Thursday August 24th. I hope to simply send you transcripts of my notes in the future on other interviews and podcasts that give up to the minute information that we must know to prepare ourselves in all ways. Elul is for spiritual and natural preparation. The US is being taken over and infiltrated with the worst of humans and fallen angel hybrids. That information is being prepared for you next time. Take over of America and the world is the basic theme.# 325.0Downloaded: 208 times
- (August 28, 2023)A most important article for you to get into your spirit and pray, share, talk to Abba about and act!! This will reach your spirit because I share with you Abba's Spirit.# 326.0Downloaded: 223 times
- (September 8, 2023)This article contains excerpts from 10 different articles with up-to-the-moment news you must know. It is really coming down hard and fast, and all we can do is get closer to Yahuwah and Yahushua and give ourselves to Them without any holding back. This article is full of information that links together so that there is no doubt where we stand in this dying world system.# 327.0Downloaded: 187 times
- (September 10, 2023)This is a super-powerful article, like the previous one: "Horrors..." #326.0 under Present Reality.
In this article I simply share with you my notes taken from a Commission led by an ex-CIA man who exposes truth and calls for action to stop the evil. This information must get out, coupled with prayer and spiritual warfare. I've written several articles describing child trafficking out of Maui during the fires. This worldwide evil is greater than any decent person can fathom!# 328.0Downloaded: 150 times
- (September 11, 2023)This article has recent information that is important for all Americans to know regarding our military and its ability to protect the U.S. in time of war. This is not a re-hash of a lot of former information but contains quite a lot of new things from top-level sources I've not quoted before - recent sources. We have Yahuwah, a "Man of War," as Exodus 15 tells us. We have our Savior, Yahushua, also a Mighty One of War on our behalf. We have Ephesians 6:10-18, for us soldiers in Their army fully equipped for batte.# 329.0Downloaded: 187 times
- (September 20, 2023)This is a powerful article that contains two articles by those who know and understand what is really happening to bring about World War III. The Kings of the East mentioned in Revelation 16 are powerful leaders in our day of Russia, North Korea, and China. This report gives shocking details of the brilliantly united support between Russia and North Korea. Learn all you can so that you understand what the Scriptures say is going to cause the annihilation of America and other western nations before the Beast system totally takes over.# 330.0Downloaded: 220 times
- (October 13, 2023)This is vital information for you to have regarding Israel, the reason for it, what's really going on, and the desired goal of the globalist world government. Also, I include information from a good friend in north Israel about her hiding out with her family during bombings in the Tiberias area. It's all in the Word in detail, coming to pass now all at once in segments of Lucifer's plans.# 333.0Downloaded: 180 times
- (October 14, 2023)This is an important sequel to the article posted yesterday about enormous acceleration of events taking place that affect us all - and all life on earth in some way. Everything is quickly compacting as we enter a more intense time period worldwide - the plans having been made many decades ago that are now taking place. I give you information that is intended to spur you on to victory in the Kingdom of Yahushua Messiah!# 334.0Downloaded: 174 times
- (October 16, 2023)This is an update on things fast-moving between Israel, America, Russia, and the Islamic Nations. Much is being done to suck nations into war, with Israel as the center of it. The goal is the loss of multi-millions of lives, reverberating to the attack by Russia on America. Things intensify daily! The uniting of nations for war is increasing daily. This article contains vital information you must know.# 335.0Downloaded: 211 times
- (October 18, 2023)The subtitle of this is: "The saintly masks are coming off and underneath are the reptilians of hell drawing the whole world into war." The masks really are coming off, and the two nations who have been deemed "holy" for over 70 years are now exposing their real treachery and their relationship with Lucifer-Satan, going back into the distant past - back to Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon and now end-time Babylon/America-Amaruca.# 336.0Downloaded: 251 times
- (October 18, 2023)This is an important article with up-to-date information. What has come out of this intense deception is resulting in global rioting against Israel and the U.S. It is creating a vacuum that is sucking in many war-prone nations to bring about enough death and chaos to bring the Beast to power. The two articles posted today contain very important information that you must know to think correctly and thus pray correctly. We are inside Isaiah 5:20!# 337.0Downloaded: 201 times
- (October 20, 2023)Each article has been written to give you truth as the Word calls truth. I learned a lot also during my years of living in the Middle East, including 7 years in Israel. Yahuwah and Yahushua want you to know what is behind the veil that the nations are putting up to keep their plans from prying eyes, at least until they are brought into full action. We're going through a Gideon 300 test now. But, when this battle is finished, Messiah returns with the wrath of His Father to set things right and take His people in His Kingdom.# 338.0Downloaded: 205 times
- (October 21, 2023)This is an important article to do with timing. Yahushua told us that as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be just before Messiah returns. The book of Revelation backs that up and fine tunes His timing with things to watch for - which are happening right now. So the timing of Heshvan for all these war plans to come together to end humanity is not just coincidence. Yahuwah rules in the kingdom of mankind.# 339.0Downloaded: 184 times
- (October 23, 2023)This article contains an overview of pre-set plans now put into action which will bring the world into unity under one government, one leader. The drawing of the whole world together to unite is the purpose of all the slaughter of human beings, along with the planned annihilation of many nations, including the U.S. We're on a fast track to the end of humanity and life on earth in general. We're also on a fast track to the return of Yahushua Messiah - King of kings! Our Beloved Savior! We must be on the fast track to unite 100% with Yahuwah and Yahushua.# 340.0Downloaded: 229 times
- (October 26, 2023)This is a powerful article! It brings so much understanding of why Yahuwah has to judge - and why He has to finish what He has prophesied for this time. It puts a lot into prospective so that we see we have crossed the line of no return. Siding with Yahuwah now is very important for our eternal state of being. "Noah" means "comfort." Noah comforted Him. This is the month on Yahuwah's calendar when the Ark sailed. Let us comfort Yahuwah and Yahushua!# 341.0Downloaded: 225 times
- (November 13, 2023)This is a short but contains powerfully needed information and exhortation! The time is running out to "take care of business," spiritual business as well as natural business. Right now, both are merging. Wisdom directs critical action as we follow what Yahuwah tells us in our spirit. But we can't be slow to respond when His watchmen blow the trumpet to warn the people, which they are now doing in unity. "Night is coming when no man can work."# 342.0Downloaded: 274 times
- (January 1, 2024)What better topic for New Year's Eve. As CERN revved up this past week, they opened some very big portals. Pictures were taken, and flying objects clearly seen along with the openings themselves. I include pictures. The fallen ones are manifesting more and more openly as they prepared for Lucifer's attempted takeover.# 343.0Downloaded: 234 times
- (January 22, 2024)This short two-page "article" is in letter form, directed to you personally. Last night I had confirmation way above even what I have had for about ten years regarding America as end-time Babylon. 2024 marks 32 years of Yahuwah giving me this revelation in 1992. I give you a link to an interview that is a powerful concentrated dose of confirmation. You will not be sorry you listen to it, for it confirms all that Yahuwah has shown me, and should encourage you to prepare for entering the Kingdom with rewards.# 344.0Downloaded: 220 times
- (February 2, 2024)This is a serious pouring out of my heart to you for prayer and action as Yahuwah leads you. We're back in the 1st century CE - "Rachael weeping for her children." Please read, please seek Yahuwah with all your heart no matter what nation you live in. So much is coming down all at once, and we're overwhelmed. But, folks, we have a mighty Father and a mighty Savior!# 345.0Downloaded: 220 times
- (March 7, 2024)This update is right on time for you. The changes in Israel, exposing the government's real intents, confirming all that the Word says, and Yahuwah's watchmen have been proclaiming, are really happening. The mask is off, and the purpose of the leadership is going into effect to bring on the Revelation 13 "Beast" anti-messiah. Most of the citizens of Israel do not fully understand what is going on, but they are very concerned. We must pray for the protection of Yahuwah's people there!# 346.0Downloaded: 247 times
- (April 4, 2024)Israelis fleeing! Iran about ready to attack Israel. Why? For what reason? - For Israel's breaking International Law for one thing by attacking Iran, for the starting of WWIII, yes, and for provoking destruction by Iran for many years, waiting for this move to aid the rise of world government.# 347.0Downloaded: 185 times
- (May 16, 2024)The information/present news in this article, taken from several major sources, has numbed the watchmen reporting, because of the finalities that are upon us. I conclude with notes on an important presentation by a watchman-pastor who is not afraid to tell his congregation the truth. It is comforting to know that "good shepherds" are still hearing from Yahuwah and sharing His heart with us. Truth has gone forth in its bitter finalities, now His children must act on it or ...# 348.0Downloaded: 194 times
- (May 17, 2024)This article is based on a recent article exposing true history regarding what the U.S. has tried to conceal since WWII. I've studied these things for years, so I know that what the article says, included what I say in this article, to be absolutely true. I do not give you speculation. We're watch the massive amounts of Biblical prophecy unfold before us. Details that have been hidden are now out in the open for those who love truth. Revelation 17:8-14! I discuss this - take it to Yahuwah in prayer.# 349.0Downloaded: 163 times
- (May 26, 2024)Things are, as they say, "coming down to the wire." Things are hastening, long-planned out, but now the goals of the fallen ones are in place, and their human lackeys are getting "antsy" to get on with the deaths of billions of humans. In the midst of this reporting, I share ways to not just stay afloat, but rise high, to learn truth for yourself, then act on it as you "look up, for your redemption draws nigh."# 350.0Downloaded: 201 times
- (June 5, 2024)Amazing to me that when Abba clearly showed me in a dream in June of 2007 is now coming to pass rapidly in 2024. We're seeing a pre-election precursor move of the globalists to prepare America for attack from within and then devastating finalities in an attack from without.# 351.0Downloaded: 143 times
- (June 9, 2024)This article is loaded with current news, truthful news, and also stresses our victory through our Savior, so we can remain in peace, joy, and expectancy of eternal good. So much is compacting so fast in so many arenas, it is hard to keep up with as we are entering a time of intensity not known before on earth. For His people, Yahuwah is turning up His intensity.# 352.0Downloaded: 153 times
- (June 14, 2024)What's going on now? Is intense! Learn about it, pray, and ask Abba what your assignment is in all of this. A "check mate" is going on.# 353.0Downloaded: 148 times
- (June 19, 2024)This is an overview and update of the acceleration and compacting of Scriptural end-time prophetic events leading us ever-closer to the return of Yahushua/Jesus Messiah. Yes, we are "in the days of Noah." False prophets abound but the Word of Yahuwah is very clear and so is present reality. These are important things you need to know to prepare yourself, your family, and your real friends.# 354.0Downloaded: 179 times
- (June 22, 2024)I got a lot of this information early last week and heard more as the week went on. I never wanted to hear such things, let alone share them, but share them I must! There are several things set in motion just before us. Everything is matching the details of prophetic Scripture. Ignorance of these realities reign among the general public. Yahuwah's watchmen are compelled to share His Truth with His children so that reality, with wisdom, might be given to His children who hear Him.# 355.0Downloaded: 194 times
- (June 27, 2024)This article is based on 6 articles of watchmen who share the most up-to-date realities that public news will never tell you - from the highest of Intel sources. By knowing these things, you can pray correctly, not be deceived by the cotton-candy doctrines of false prophets, and act to prepare yourself and others for the time of "going through" to eternal life. Victory does not come without a battle. Knowing the truth sets you way ahead of most everyone else's knowledge.# 356.0Downloaded: 171 times
- (June 29, 2024)This is a short article about the "year of the dragon," 2024. It is Chinese astrology, horoscope-related, yet it sends a clear message to the world. It is no coincidence that the rotating calendar of Chinese astrology puts 2024 as the year of the dragon. Many Emperors of China thought they were descendants of the dragon. Today, the fiery red dragon of Revelation 12 is in full operation.# 357.0Downloaded: 120 times
- (June 30, 2024)This is Part III of an exciting journey that brings a powerful message for now! It contains information that Yahuwah very recently revealed to me that ties 1968, 2001, and 2024 together. I've been overwhelmed with the uniting of so much detail to form a clear picture now that ties together prophetic Scripture and what we're actually seeing on a daily basis.# 358.0Downloaded: 155 times
- (August 1, 2024)We hear a lot of terms and titles, and most of the time they are a vague idea in our mind. But this article will clarify a lot with details of what is, and what is not. Who rules America? Not those we see on the surface! The information here will explain must of what has been purposely hidden from us.
Our task is to learn and apply and get stronger in faith, and in obedience to Yahuwah and Yahushua!# 359.0Downloaded: 254 times
- (August 13, 2024)The information in this article is vital to your understanding of where we are in relationship to Bible prophecy in real time, and our near future, as the push for global governance takes a leap forward. This information should bring you to prayer, more study of the Word, more pressing in to know the nature, ways, and thinking of Abba God, and action to prepare you and your family.# 360.0Downloaded: 219 times
- (August 14, 2024)This article contains very important information as the push for the reign of the Beast is increasing. The whole earth is being united under his power already. But, with A.I. uniting the world's people by the same world news to all people, the task of coming to power by the Beast will be easier - everyone brainwashed into the same beliefs. Those not believing as required will be removed of course.# 361.0Downloaded: 206 times
- (September 15, 2024)This article contains so much information to do with what is near us and how to prepare for it. No matter where you live on planet earth, this information calls for you to prepare as best you can, and to pray like never before. As harsh reality moves closer and closer, we must remain in the "secret place of the Most High"- unmoveable.# 362.0Downloaded: 151 times
- (September 17, 2024)This is an extremely important article - it is now-happening as I report it. Be ready, be prepared, most of all be in prayer for your family, your nation - especially the U.S., the U.K., and NATO nations.
Be led by the Spirit.# 363.0Downloaded: 195 times
- (September 24, 2024)This is the updated sequel to "U.N. Pact Summit of the Future September 22-23, 2024, #360.0 under the Mikvah of Present Reality. The "pact" was passed by the U.N. September 22nd. It lays down one world government goals and edicts for all human beings that will be on-going, continual, and ever-increasing in severity.# 364.0Downloaded: 140 times
- (October 1, 2024)Anger in the righteous because of the horrendous deceit of evil is rising greatly as the evil is now very open and blatant - yet few even know that evil and lies have taken over nations and the world as a whole. Ignorance of the truth is rampant! We are truly seeing Isaiah 5:20 - the evil is called good, and the good is called evil.# 365.0Downloaded: 106 times
- (October 2, 2024)I believe this is the most important information of its type I've ever written. It will explain so much to you. How did America from get from "Happy Days" to this point of evil that aligns to what the Beast will expect out of all people on earth? We've been set up for a long time, and now we see the horrible result. Learn! Apply! Get stronger in your relationship with Yahuwah and Yahushua! It's all coming down folks - and you need to know how and why!# 366.0Downloaded: 113 times
- (October 4, 2024)Things are getting more severe, more obvious, and more disastrous. Geo-engineered floods, massive destruction of Hurricane Helene, and more to follow. Military confiscating massive amounts of food from factories, and warehouses, i.e. food for high-ranking government officials who will be hiding out underground very soon. Watch the military operations over the U.S. Much is happening very quickly!# 367.0Downloaded: 129 times
- (October 10, 2024)This report is thorough, with pictures. It shares what is behind the scenes, what the purpose of the creation of this hurricane includes, and by whom. I like to give you as much of the whole picture of "present reality" as I have available to me, from facts and "thus says Yahuwah." So much is kept secret by public news sources, however, as a child of Yahuwah, you will see what is being hidden.# 368.0Downloaded: 111 times
- (October 11, 2024)This article carries a lot of information and directs you to a lot more information. I'm following all of this carefully as well as following the many varieties of wars that are uniting in the Middle East. I want you to know what is going on behind the scenes - what public news will not report. By knowing condensed truth-filled news, you can see it more clearly prophesied in the Bible.# 369.0Downloaded: 135 times
- (October 18, 2024)This is an important conclusion-article, Part II, to the original Part I, of "China's Cultural Revolution and Its Takeover of America, #366 Mikvah of Present Reality. The information in these two articles is vital for you to know, to protect yourself and your children from what subtilty has crept in to program the minds of the American people. We have been taken over by China in our government and from the mind-programming of the American people since the 1960s at least.# 370.0Downloaded: 99 times
- (October 24, 2024)This is a transcript of Jamie Walden's giving what Yahuwah has been giving him for 7-9 years. Yahuwah had Jamie keep silence about what he was shown in visions and dreams and told in words. Now, what he was shown is present-day reality inside America specifically, in the world in general.
It is time we heard hard reality of what I know for sure is very real and soon upon us. What Yahuwah showed Jamie, He wants you to know.# 371.0Downloaded: 156 times
- (November 5, 2024)This article is filled with so much important information for you to be aware of, along with references to other articles and podcasts to learn background information and present-day reality.
Please take these things seriously, for Yahuwah wants you whole, healthy, and prepared for your eternal life.# 372.0Downloaded: 180 times
- (November 18, 2024)This is a powerful addition to Podcast DLIV giving more information on the 2024 "selection" of now President Trump. Please read and take it all to prayer, because I share things you will not hear from the majority of Christians, Patriots, and Conservatives. This information is very important for you to know in the light of truthful reality - pray according to the leading of Yahuwah's Spirit!# 373.0Downloaded: 139 times
- (January 15, 2025)Here I quote from Tom Horn's book about 2025. I have studied and written about the real history of America and shared it with many in articles and audio messages. Now we have entered the time of the End of the once great superpower as the world prepares for one world government.# 376.0Downloaded: 128 times
- (January 19, 2025)Very important message for prayer and for knowing! So much could happen that would be devastating tomorrow at President Donald Trump's inauguration. So much planned and precautions made to protect him. I give inside information that relates to a very important promise that Trump has made that affects lots of lives, and even the whole nation.# 377.0Downloaded: 119 times
- (January 26, 2025)This article was written and posted in 2017 following President Trump's inauguration of his first term. I took it off because I thought perhaps I was wrong about a few things. Yet, Abba has confirmed to me these things now related to Revelation 6:3 and the loosing of the other three riders. Between then and now, the other horsemen of Revelation 6 have been loosed. I will keep you up with the loosing from 2025 on.# 378.0Downloaded: 101 times
- (January 27, 2025)This article gives much information also given in Podcast DLXVI January 25, 2025, but goes much further with more - all of it information you must know to keep from deception. It is not given for fear, but for wisdom! Wisdom for you to know and act on as you prepare yourself and those you love. Trust no human fully - your own reasoning either. Trust Yahuwah and Yahushua as They speak in Their Word directly into your eternal spirit!# 379.0Downloaded: 128 times
- (February 2, 2025)This information is for right now, more exposing of deception, more things to know and pray about, more things to be aware of as we go deeper and deeper into deception that is appearing all around us. The more truth you know the more you can see through the lies. Oh how the lies are abounding to bring fear!# 380.0Downloaded: 119 times
- (February 9, 2025)Every day we hear or read new news about new changes, with new challenges - interwoven with new deceptions and lies. With Yahuwah's Word as a foundation for our mind and spirit, He will help us discern truth from error so that we can live in peace of mind. This article gives more insight into upheaval as world government becomes more aggressive to take control. More truth is being exposed for us to note, to watch, and act on.# 381.0Downloaded: 127 times
- (March 9, 2025)This article contains valuable information and makes things very clear so that no one is deceived. It is based on a very important article that explains truth from falsehood. Messiah warned us against being deceived more than any other warning. Great deception is mounting by the day.# 382.0Downloaded: 79 times
- (March 19, 2025)Indeed, lots of information of fast-moving events! I was overwhelmed writing the article with the intensity of shocking events, as things move faster and faster and time appears to be speeding up.# 383.0Downloaded: 66 times