
  • (September 15, 2018)
    Updated and Revised from January 8, 2012: This is a brief study, but it will take you throughout the Word. Yahuwah's timing is based on agricultural cycles--rain cycles, the cycles of planting and harvesting seasons, and cycles of Earth's rotation around the sun, and the moon's rotation around the Earth. His Creation is based on Eras, and the Ages within each Era. Learn how our Abba determines His timing of events to do with His Land and with His people.
    # 1.0
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  • (October 1, 2007)
    The foundational article for understanding the timing of Messiah’s return
    # 2.0
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  • (October 1, 2007)
    The beginning of the final complete 7-year cycle before Messiah returns
    # 3.0
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  • (March 14, 2008)
    My personal report on this most amazing events, which included the end of Ephraim’s 2, 730 punishment in the nations
    # 4.0
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  • (October 25, 2007)
    This exciting article gives the three levels of interpreting this prophecy, giving us general timing of Messiah’s return
    # 5.0
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  • (January 8, 2007)
    This is a serious warning to all who love this world more than they love Yahuweh and Yahushua
    # 6.0
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  • (February 19, 2009)
    The great penalty for being ashamed of Him and not confessing Him before men
    # 7.0
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  • (January 13, 2009)
    He warned us (Matthew 10:22) and now we’re hated for the Names of Yahuweh and Yahushua
    # 8.0
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  • (January 8, 2007)
    Your daily choices can make a difference for eternity
    # 9.0
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  • (January 1, 1998)
    A prophetic warning with great wisdom
    # 10.0
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  • (February 16, 2007)
    A study of the true end-time remnant
    # 11.0
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  • (December 4, 2011)
    A small remnant will do exploits in the face of the Beast, and come away unscathed during the latter days
    # 12.0
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  • (October 22, 2007)
    Characteristics of the groups that will remain
    # 13.0
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  • (February 14, 2007)
    Preparation for tribulation
    # 14.0
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  • (July 15, 2007)
    A shortened version of the Zadok II article on intercession and spiritual warfare in the garments of the High Priest--Scripture Declaration sheet & Tribes sheet attached
    # 15.0
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  • (June 22, 2010)
    Foundation Principles--Qualifications and Requirements
    # 16.0
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  • (July 5, 2010)
    Strategies and Cautions
    # 17.0
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  • (July 23, 2010)
    Putting It Into Practice
    # 18.0
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  • (February 12, 2012)
    Learning wisdom to gain His authority-backing and power
    # 19.0
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  • (February 7, 2012)
    A look at what pure evil really is and how we must face it and deal with it
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  • (May 5, 2012)
    For survival in the last days, knowing the nature of Yahuweh is of supreme importance
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  • (May 6, 2012)
    The benefits of having a personal relationship with the Master
    # 22.0
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  • (May 12, 2012)
    A powerful Word from the Father to stir us to action and to reveal the emptiness of life without His passion
    # 23.0
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  • (May 22, 2012)
    Preparing for the Third Day in the seventh millennium
    # 24.0
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  • (May 30, 2012)
    Being on time for His daily appointments with us is our only hope of surviving the days to come and receiving a reward for being a good servant
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  • (June 25, 2012)
    What has been done to American women to dehumanize and prostitute them without their knowing it
    # 26.0
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  • (February 26, 2013)
    Answers to a difficult question
    # 27.0
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  • (August 1, 2012)
    Distinguishing the judgment of Messiah and the judgment of Yahuweh, resurrection #1 and resurrection #2
    # 28.0
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  • (February 22, 2010)
    An exhortation to be bold in the power of Yahuweh’s might and go forward
    # 29.0
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  • (April 23, 2014)
    The heavens are telling us the timing of His return, the end of an era, and the end of an age
    # 30.0
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  • (February 26, 2015)
    A Scripture view of the true 144,000 remnant (Revelation 14:1-5)
    # 34.0
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  • (April 4, 2015)
    (Hebrews 11) His call to His people to leave the world system of “Egypt,” and prepare for the coming of Messiah in the “wilderness” with Him
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  • (December 9, 2016)
    Hidden evil never exposed before is surfacing to the light so that we might be wise in spiritual warfare
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  • (January 20, 2017)
    Learn how to do Scriptural spiritual warfare against the kingdom of darkness to bring freedom to yourself and others
    # 40.0
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  • (January 27, 2017)
    Knowing who you are in Messiah gives you bold faith like David before Goliath
    # 41.0
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  • (January 31, 2017)
    Practical methods for disrupting the plans of the kingdom of darkness that you can do every day
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  • (August 8, 2017)
    Connecting 1945 with today's shocking reality
    # 44.0
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  • (August 15, 2017)
    The message from Yahuwah to us is to prayerfully prepare
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  • (August 22, 2017)
    The Word speaks clearly of the last national world super power before the world unites in an international world government super power
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  • (December 5, 2017)
    A News Update that includes a list of very practical advice as to how to prepare for nuclear attack at a time when we really need to do it!
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  • (February 19, 2018)
    Bringing a genuine 400-year old prophecy up to date, so that we understand the prophecy's timing, and its message, and understand what we're seeing being fulfilled before our eyes
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  • (April 17, 2018)
    Plans for war are escalating. Russia is preparing its citizens. Israel prepares its citizens. America does not -- while sounds of a shofar are being heard in the skies over many nations.
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  • (April 28, 2018)
    Whether you live in America or not, this article will let you know the origin and reason for the colonizing of America, the goals of those who have prepared and guided it, and of those who now control it. This information will help you put what you're seeing in the world into proper perspective.
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  • (August 12, 2018)
    Welcome to Elul and to T'shuvah! The heavens have been faithfully giving us signs, to show us the timing of Elohim as per Genesis 1:14. Let us understand their prophetic significance and prepare ourselves accordingly.
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  • (November 20, 2018)
    This article presents two current-occurring extremes! Current news reporting on evil plots and violence Right Now on America’s southern border. However, I begin with the current urgent Plans of Yahuwah for His "Gathering and Uniting Project!"
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  • (December 4, 2018)
    There is a pattern within world violence that is subtle, but obvious to those that know its secret. As we watch the plans for world government going forward by the evil ones, we also see the plans and patterns of Yahuwah going forth for a world government of peace under the reign of His Son, Yahushua ha Machiach - HalleluYah!
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  • (December 7, 2018)
    Confirmation of prophetic Scriptural alignment with current events is coming in from many sources, even in the tracing of historic cycles in America that give us clues as to where we are in the timing of Elohim. Abba is sending us confirmation to strengthen our faith during the approaching time of the world's final turning.
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  • (January 1, 2019)
    What is our Abba doing to separate His set-apart children from the turbulent chaotic world, and to gather us into small groups so that we come together in love and support of one another, and learn from Him in a family atmosphere? As the "Fourth Turning" progresses, and the world gets darker and darker, Abba is drawing His family into places of security and belonging.
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  • (March 11, 2019)
    The prophesied deadly cup is for the wicked to drink from, not for the righteous who love and obey Abba Yahuwah and Messiah Yahushua. But, the righteous must know about this prophesied cup so as not to be deceived, and so that they will be wise to warn the lost. Daniel 12:3: "And those that are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those that lead many to righteousness like the stars for ever and ever."
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  • (July 29, 2019)
    This article-study leads you through Abba's doorway into His eternal joy. It is filled with Abba Yahuwah's Word for His set-apart children. It is filled with the light of Messiah's victory over Satan, paving the way for your entrance into His Kingdom. What Abba has given me to share with you in this article-study will remove fear, and give you bold confidence about your future.
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  • (September 14, 2019)
    Chag Sameach! Happy Sukkot! Messiah comes to tabernacle with us, to "pitch His tent" among us. This article reveals where we're at on our journey to the final Sukkot in the Kingdom. In it I share two powerful messages from Abba to His children. Yahushua Messiah is getting closer and closer to us as we get closer and closer to Him. As the powers of darkness gather, we gather also to praise Yahuwah and Yahushua! Enjoy the freedom to enjoy the Festival of our Joy, the Festival of Light!
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  • (September 19, 2019)
    We've watched a slow build up for war with Iran. We've watched the plans unfold under the deceptions of many "false flags." War with Iran has been planned for a very long time, Iran being the last nation to take down before establishing world government. What effect will it have on America in particular? This article shares serious insider reports, and exposes many things. I give you several links to hear the truth for yourself. Some secrets are also revealed. It is imperative that we prepare ourselves, for nothing will stop this run-away train before it crashes.
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  • (September 30, 2019)
    Today is Heshvan 1 (2019) by the Creator's way of reckoning time. In Heshvan, by the Creation calendar, Noah faced the imminent judgment of Yahuwah on a wicked world. He was prepared. He had obeyed Yahuwah to the finest detail, and the ark was ready. As he continued to obey, he and his family entered the ark. On Heshvan 17, Yahuwah loosed the waters under the earth and over the earth, but Noah and family were safe and secure because He obeyed Yahuwah. "As in the days of Noah, so also shall the coming of the Son of Adam be"
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  • (October 18, 2019)
    This short article contains very important time-dated and long-range information for Abba's remnant to know and use for prayer and action. This contains urgent prophetic warning from proven watchmen who hear from Abba. This draws together much of the current news that is drawing our world into chaos in preparation for a new world order. I report what affects our lives and the lives of all human beings. Please heed the warnings and act! Pass on the warnings to others!
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  • (November 29, 2019)
    This dream from 1993 clearly reveals what we must do to prepare for the coming of Messiah - and how we must get from where we are to where we want to be before He returns. It is a true word from Yahuwah to us, whom He loves, but it is a warning, too. Without allowing the processing that can only be done by the Spirit, required to purify us, we won't be ready to enter the Kingdom.
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  • (March 9, 2020)
    As we journey through life we pick up truth and falsehood, and we discard truth and falsehood, depending on our own reasoning or what sounds good from some respected person. However, we must know, and base our faith in, absolute Truth to get through the days ahead and enter the coming Kingdom. Absolute Truth is only obtained by learning from the Spirit of Yahuwah what His Word really says!
    # 64.0
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  • (June 28, 2020)
    Abba uses many means of lighting our path so that we see clearly. He uses many people of different backgrounds to confirm what He is saying. Here I share four dreams that are a true over view of events for the next six months and beyond. All the astute, Spirit-led, watchmen are reporting on these same things. They are hidden no more! Pastor Dana's four dreams only confirm what the Word says, what Yahuwah says to us personally, and what is in real-time-happening. Use this for prayer, for preparation, and for sharing the Good News of the salvation of the coming Messiah who died in our place to remove our sin, and rose again to give us eternal life! Night is coming … we who are of the light must shine brighter!
    # 65.0
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  • (July 20, 2020)
    This article contains inside-information that is just now coming out after 35 years of being kept hidden. What is coming in the months ahead from the heavens will soon be seen by earth's people. We're approaching the time when we will see Yahuwah's judgment on the earth - before Messiah returns with His wrath.
    # 66.0
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  • (August 14, 2020)
    The recent 5th dream of Pastor Dana, and the word from Yahuwah given to Pastor McQueen last night, come together with the flood of warnings that are being given by the watchmen who are hearing from Yahuwah about what is ahead of us. I give you the link to Pastor Dana's dream and notes from Pastor McQueen's video this morning. Our loving heavenly Father is trying desperately to warn us to prepare and get ready for what He has for us. Though apathy reigns in the majority of western Bible-believers, there is a rising remnant who is taking action.
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  • (August 19, 2020)
    This article is centered on breaking news today, August 19, 2020, but it all goes back into the past and forward into the future, as if we're on a pivot point. It carries with it the message of Yahuwah for His children using one prominent word above all "URGENT!"
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  • (September 14, 2020)
    The process of deceiving, if possible, the very elect/chosen believers in Messiah, believers in the Word, is moving faster and faster. I expose a big move of this deception that is now spreading like the wildfires in California, and moving like massive hurricanes into the Gulf of Mexico, one right after the other. I share confirmation from others. What appears to be so right in line with the Bible is being used to entice believers into the spider web of the kingdom of darkness. This is Part II to What About a Great Revival in the Last Days - Is It Scriptural? Yet, this goes on into greater detail from up-to-date happenings in Israel and perhaps the purpose behind their new lockdown.
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  • (September 14, 2020)
    This article is loaded with information to do with the fulfillment of end-time prophecy, and how it is being worked out in real-time. It also gives clues as to how deep we are into the "last days." The previous article posted this morning, "Red Alert," and this one, are as Part I and Part II. This one gives deeper understanding to what "Red Alert" really means. .
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  • (September 19, 2020)
    The number one sign of these last days is the enormous outpouring of deceptions. This article includes a dream I had in 2010 that exemplifies how easily the mind can be led to adore and worship the fallen ones, their prince Dragon/Satan, and his Beast-son. It is a warning to all of Yahuwah's children. The power of deception is great in the earth and increasing.
    # 71.0
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  • (September 25, 2020)
    It's all coming down to the finish-line, and few are at the starting gate, let alone in the race. This is a very challenging article. I wrote from my heart, and from the heart of Yahuwah as always. There is no more time to make a decision about going forward, we must be prepared to even qualify to begin running. We must cross the Red Sea before the waters close down. (Exodus 14:13-15) "Tell the children of Israel to go forward." Keep eternity in your focus.
    # 72.0
    Downloaded: 372 times

  • (November 4, 2020)
    Couple this post-election day article and the one posted yesterday, "New York City, New York State..." together, for they will show you the "why" of what is to come from Yahuwah especially with America as the "final Babylon," chosen to bring about the goals of Nimrod for his tower. Yahuwah will stop those plans to fulfill His plans. However, I give you a couple of questions to ask yourself, like - "is it now time for Yahuwah to intervene for the final divisions needed to bring about His goal - to send His Son with His wrath and establish His Kingdom to rule over the earth?
    # 73.0
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  • (November 4, 2020)
    November 3, 2020 was Heshvan 17 - Genesis 7 - day the ark sailed so long ago. Yet, Messiah called our day "as it was in the days of Noah." What significance is it that this November 3rd was Heshvan 17 - a day reminiscent of judgment released on the wicked, while Noah and family, because they obeyed Yahuwah and prepared, were spared the judgment? I believe there is definitely a message from Yahuwah to do with this timing.
    # 74.0
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  • (December 6, 2020)
    This is one of my most important articles. It shares the last message that Yahushua shared with us as He carried the pole on which He would be nailed at His place of death. This message is for us now - for we are in the time of the "dry tree." It is both sobering and encouraging. I report on the danger that is increasing, to do with the lack of drinkable water on the earth. I also report on the unusual explosion of fire in the last few days in Southern California. The final judgment of Yahuwah is by fire.
    # 75.0
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  • (February 13, 2021)
    There is so much news seeping up through the floorboards that public news wants kept underground, that I simply touch on lots of things in this brief article. I give you source-material to check things out for yourself. We must not lag behind in knowledge of what is happening. and now being set up for the near future. At the same time, we don't dwell on it, but let it take us into the Presence of Yahuwah to learn from Him, allowing Him to direct us into the path for us to take despite "their plans."
    # 76.0
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  • (February 28, 2021)
    This is a faith-building, edifying, encouraging article for the children of Elohim! When we see the rising of evil like we are seeing it now, it is for one purpose - judgment by Yahuwah and victory for His children. Look at what you see and hear from His vantage point, and snuggle up closer to Him under His tallit. The story of Purim is coming alive in our world today. Haman's plans failed. So will the plans for the fallen ones. Yahuwah is Shaddai, Elyon! Run with the winner!
    # 77.0
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  • (May 17, 2021)
    This in-depth article is a truth-filled mind-blower, but it sure tells us where we are on Yahuwah's calendar! Many quotes, exciting information, shocking statements, 5 pictures, information for the "insiders" in Yahuwah's truth-network. It reads like an exciting movie script, but it is no movie - it is fact. Learn, go to the Word, go to Yahuwah, and use this knowledge to adjust what needs to be adjusted in your life, for we must "redeem the time, for the days are evil." Wow is this exciting information!
    # 78.0
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  • (September 4, 2021)
    I've held back this information but share it now with you to act on, and also to send you to prayer for His peace and wisdom, understanding, and His plan of action for you. I am no date-setter, but I do pass on what has been planned and will happen soon at some point. Act as in Daniel 11:32 because you Know Him!
    # 79.0
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  • (September 12, 2021)
    This is a sequel of the "Urgent Report..." posted a few days ago. This is loaded with things you won't hear on public news! This goes into the background, too, of what you're seeing - and gives you information about the timing of the cycle of Yahuwah that we have entered. Much for you to know, much for you to take to Yahuwah in prayer, and to study in the Word. Please look up the Scriptures, for all of Scripture interlocks to give one specific message. He wants us all to know what He is doing!
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  • (September 14, 2021)
    This is a compiling of news that has history going back years. It is what Yahuwah has shown others that is now present reality, yet few know about it. It is very numbing and chilling that what we felt in our spirit, but did not see openly, is now open and in our face. So, I give you loads of news and explain things we must understand to be able to hang onto the truth in deluge of lies.
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  • (September 22, 2021)
    This is a current update on articles I wrote, like "Jeremiah 25" on July 18, 2014. I've been following the progression of Yahuwah's timing since 1985 at least, especially since 2007. He moves by His own 7 day, and 7 year, cycles which are unbroken from Creation. Now Abba's main watchmen are confirming all that Yahuwah has shown me, for they, too, have been on a journey of learning for decades. All becomes very clear when the whole of the Bible is taken as literal reality, and the Spirit of Yahuwah confirms that reality.
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  • (October 13, 2021)
    I am amazed at the statements of so many watchmen, so many truth-reporters even in secular realms, all using the same expressions to share their amazement, their wonder, their mind-boggling shut downs. What's going on is all in the Word, but Christianity never laid it out this way. Man's thinking by taking a few verses here and there have bypassed the basics of Yahuwah's reckoning of time - like His 7 day cycles, 7-year cycles, 49 year cycles, which began at Creation of time (Genesis 1). None of their charts work anymore though most still cling to them. Get on track with Yahuwah and ride it out with Him - you'll be eternally grateful!
    # 83.0
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  • (October 17, 2021)
    This is an alert! Be aware of it! Prepare if you are in harm's way. We're all moving into harm's way - so we all must prepare, but the possibility of the Cumbre Viejo volcano on La Palma Island in the Canary Islands sending a landslide into the sea, causing a mega - massive tsunami that would hit the whole east coast of the U.S. is a real possibility - growing more so by the day. I share 2 short videos for you to watch and include key information from the videos. "My people perish for lack of knowledge," Abba said. I don't want anyone to perish because I don't warn them. So, be warned!
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  • (October 28, 2021)
    To be true to my calling and my Master, and to you, I must warn. This is very serious. Pray, yes, but put what you know to do into action. IF this collapsing volcano and land sliding continues on into the sea, a tsunami is expected to cross the Atlantic and hit the east coast of North America from Nova Scotia, Canada, down to Brazil, South America, going inland up to 200 miles. Just know that there is great danger ahead if the volcano continues its course and fulfills its potential. I include a video link to watch that will fill you in on today's events on La Palma.
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  • (October 31, 2021)
    This is an up-to-date report on the volcano that threatens Nova Scotia, Canada, down to Brazil ...especifically the entire east coast of America. I've been doing a lot of personal warnings to family and close friends. We must warn; we must encourage preparation, for love warns others of danger. Yahuwah is sounding His love through HIs watchmen. Much is happening. I cover other things also in this article that you must know. It is crucially time to physically prepare as well as prepare spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. Time to lift up our voices in prayer!
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  • (April 10, 2022)
    This article was nothing I planned: Abba gave it to me to share with you - a consolidation of many articles and years of intercession trips from U.S. coast to coast, to the Gulf, and to Alaska, as well as extensive teaching on this subject across the U.S. This article will bring you up to right now, to what I taught and did intercession over actually coming to pass - not in a distant future, but sooner than thought possible. If your lifestyle has not been obeying Yahuwah as He has tried to guide your steps, and your mind-set, and your relationship with Him, then I strongly suggest that you change things immediately so to align with Him. Use this Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits season, to align in all ways with the Savior and soon-coming King.
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  • (October 10, 2022)
    We're at a critical place in our world this week, and we need to take positive action to ensure our survival in whatever happens in the financial world. Things are changing by the day. This is a warning, a wake-up call, and information that you may or may not know so that you are not deceived by the lies pouring out via public propaganda news. The world is being brought into a unity that is not John 17 for sure - it is a world government Luciferic unity. Don't get caught up in it.
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  • (February 14, 2023)
    Most important that you personalize this for yourself. I share part of my journey in this article, but open it up for all of His children to apply it to their own life. Without His discipline and training no one can enter the Kingdom.
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  • (June 25, 2023)
    This article is a list of current events from two top-level watchmen-reporters just in the last three days. It is amazing how much is happening that few know about. So, I thought I'd just share the bottom-line information from two broadcasts that will lead you to the Word and to the locations of these watchmen-reporters, if you are led by the Spirit to do so. The more we know, indicating the nearness of fulfilment, the more wisdom we have as to how to prepare!
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  • (October 2, 2023)
    A now-testimony of Abba's perfect timing - emergency surgery that He wanted done now.
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  • (October 6, 2023)
    This is an article that fills you in on what has been done, what is planned to happen, and what will happen. It will affect most all of you in some way. Lucifer is making his moves, and, as we learn more, his moves ID him along with the fallen angel's plans for the human race - especially all true believers in Yahushua/Yeshua/Jesus - and all who DNA-trace back to the House of Israel-Ephraim, and the House of Judah - the 13 tribes of Ya'cob/Jacob. It's part of the depopulation agenda.
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  • (November 1, 2023)
    This is a powerful article that confronts us with the absolutes of how we must view life in the world around us. How do we line up with Yahuwah's plumb line? Are we crooked to it, or working to align more than ever to His requirements for straightness? We have a short time to make needed adjustments before we are left to our final decisions. Filled with powerful quotes - read carefully!
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  • (February 7, 2024)
    What has Yahuwah been sharing with His hearing children in dreams and visions for nearly 100 years to prepare His people for what is about to happen very soon? I share quite a few of their dreams and visions, clear back to 1929. Amazing that what they saw is exactly what we are facing now in detail. Yahuwah does not want us ignorant. He told Noah to prepare an ark. He is telling us to prepare our lives - for "as in the days of Noah," so is it now!
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  • (February 16, 2024)
    You are not supposed to know anything except the mundane essentials of life that keeps us going. No, anything else is dangerous to the world government, especially knowing the truth of what they are doing. They want everyone on board with their lies, so all can be controlled, obedient, and useful as long as needed. This is why certain things were introduced into America in 1945. This will perhaps tell you information that you need to know about yourself.
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  • (February 24, 2024)
    There is no way that this could be made up - except created by the Almighty Yahuwah - to send a message to His people as to where are in relation to the return of His Son, our Savior. Once again, the Prophet Jonah and Nineveh point the way to the conclusion. Everything is set up, and now Yahuwah and Yahushua speak specifically to those who know His Word and know Him.
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  • (March 15, 2024)
    This vision was given to me in 2008. Today the door inside the house, once locked from the inside, is now opening from the inside outward. We are now seeing some of what has been hidden that is now coming out to take control of earth openly. Podcast CDLXXXXV "Warning Signs Abound..." gives details of what is behind the door and what is now openly manifesting.
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  • (July 19, 2024)
    After going through several books I bought at Qumran over my times there, I finally can give you some solid information about the Essenes solar calendar and their saying that 2025 CE begins the end of the age of grace. I finally have the puzzle pieces needed to understand. The ending of the "age of grace" also aligns with the lunar calendar for 2025. I include pictures ...
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  • (September 30, 2024)
    As with the April 2024 eclipse, this phenomenon coming towards earth in a few days, carries a highly important message from Yahuwah to prepare for what is now on the earth and rising up to take over the earth. This "comet of the century" is aligned to be seen as we enter the Hebrew month of Heshvan, and into Heshvan - the month that the ark of Noah sailed - the month when judgment fell on earth with the wrath of Yahuwah.
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  • (October 15, 2024)
    This is a revelation given to me by Yahuwah yesterday. It brings much reality to where we are at this Heshvan and why Halloween is in the month of Heshvan. Today is Heshvan 10 by the Creator's calendar by the sighting the new moon, as in ancient times. Genesis 7 tells us about the timing of the sailing of the Ark and of the sealing of Noah and his family into the ark 7 days before the Flood began on Heshvan 17.
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  • (October 17, 2024)
    This is an article that can serve as a transcript for Podcast DXXXXVIII, now posted under "Audio Messages." However, so much more is in the podcast! This is the basic overview of information.
    This article will give you much to pray over and act on. The Podcast will be mentally and spiritually encouraging, as well as give you the information.
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  • (November 27, 2024)
    This is a very important alert for America. Much is in the works to come down on America, and worldwide, as the fallen ones prepare to enthrone the bestial ruler of earth under Lucifer. Yet all is not as it appears - Isaiah 5:20. Evil blames what they do on the righteous and the ignorant believe the lie. This article will help you clarify what is lie and what is truth. Seek Abba about it.
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  • (November 29, 2024)
    Keep up with the progress of fulfilled Scripture and pray much. Rejoice, for your redemption draws near!
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  • (December 10, 2024)
    This is an overview of the intensity of the so-called recalls due to disease scares. When you see the wording given, you realize something is wrong. No reason is specific. What is the goal of this? What date has been set to end the confiscations? Where has all the food gone? It is a type of game with people's minds to produce fear, and cover the real reason for confiscations, but its goals are much higher than that.
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  • (February 25, 2025)
    This highly important article comes from the heart of Elohim to those who love truth. It is a now or never calling to us. We cannot remain silent in the face of evil.
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    Downloaded: 88 times

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