Eternal Salvation

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  • (November 29, 2011)
    The plan of salvation, including a personal testimony
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  • (November 29, 2011)
    Die Plan vir Verlossing, insluitend 'n persoonlike getuienis
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  • (March 10, 2010)
    How His love saves, redeems, and delivers us from all the works of the enemy
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  • (March 10, 2010)
    Hoe Sy liefde ons red, verlos, en ons van die werke van die vyand red.

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  • (December 18, 2011)
    Scriptures on our responsibility before Yahuweh
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  • (December 18, 2011)
    Skrifte aangaande ons verantwoordelikheid voor Yahuwah
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  • (June 4, 2008)
    We have a choice as to the yoke we have around our neck--the yoke slavery to the kingdom of darkness, or Yahushua’s yoke that is light and easy and leads to life
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  • (February 8, 2010)
    If you don’t get this right, you have nothing right
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  • (February 8, 2010)
    As jy nie hierdie reg het nie, het jy niks reg nie

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  • (May 16, 2011)
    Calling Yahuweh’s people to return to their first love--a personal testimony
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  • (May 16, 2011)
    ‘n Pleidooi aan die mense van Yahuwah om terug te keer na hulle eerste liefde – ‘n persoonlike getuienis
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  • (May 13, 2012)
    Revelation from the Master on my 61st anniversary of my new birth
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  • (November 12, 2013)
    What ends when Messiah returns? – Revelation 10:7
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  • (April 6, 2017)
    Solid evidence that Yahushua is the suffering servant of Isaiah 53--our Savior, Redeemer, and soon-coming King
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  • (April 23, 2017)
    The true new birth is the greatest miracle of all for it translates us out of slavery to Satan and his kingdom of darkness into the beautiful Kingdom of our Creators - Yahuwah and Yahushua
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  • (April 23, 2017)
    Die Ware Nuwe Geboorte is sekerlik die grootste wonderwerk wat daar is.  Die nuwe geboorte haal ons uit die slawe lewe aan Satan se koninkryk van die duisternis uit en plaas ons binne in die Koninkryk van ons dierbare Skeppers - Yahuwah en Yahushua.
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  • (September 1, 2017)
    Learn the truth about the real day of the birth of Israel's Messiah and the real day of the coming of the Magi to give Him gifts
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  • (October 2, 2017)
    How full of wonder and awe we should be to realize who we really are because They love us
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  • (November 11, 2017)
    The importance of the blood power, ours and His, cannot be under estimated!
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  • (November 11, 2017)
    Die belangrikheid van die bloed mag, ons s’n en Syne, kan nie onderskat word nie!
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  • (January 19, 2018)
    We have millions of victorious overcomers in heaven who are cheering us on as we run our race with faith and patience to obtain the prize of the high calling of Yahuwah in Messiah Yahushua
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  • (December 2, 2019)
    This edifying faith-building article is based on a very profound revelation Abba gave to Derek on Shabbat. While writing out his revelation to share with you, Abba gave me a revelation that is also profound, on the same Scriptures. These two insights by the Spirit are things I've never seen before. Abba takes what is surface-level to our mind and, by His Spirit, He infuses deep understanding to our re-born spirit that causes us to be amazed, and drawn closer to His heart.
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  • (January 20, 2020)
    A deeply profound revelation from the heart of Abba Yahuwah! Without passing the test of Gethsemane there can be no resurrection into eternal life. The test begins during a true new birth.
    Death must precede resurrection. The hardest death initially is living a life of saying "Not my will, but Yours be done." Inside the physical area of the Garden of Eden in East Jerusalem is the Garden of Gethsemane. Oh the joy and freedom of submission to the will of Yahuwah!
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  • (March 18, 2020)
    Knowing the deep, deep love of our Abba and our Savior for us gives us strength, faith, and boldness. It brings peace, joy, and love within our spirit, rest to our mind and emotions, and health to our body. The video and song recommended in this article has the ability to take you out of this dying and wicked world system and lift you into heavenly places.
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  • (November 24, 2020)
    Am I going backwards in teaching on such a religious concept as "grace." Isn't that Christian philosophy? No it is not philosophy, and it is not related to being "Christian." I am restoring its extreme importance, especially now, by going back to its original foundations and its understanding throughout the Word in its original languages. I define it so that it is no longer a vague concept but life itself. King David referred to it as "better than life."
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  • (May 8, 2021)
    Worship is getting deeper and more intense. Here, along with my testimony of May 5th, I share a most powerful presentation of an old hymn from 1707, performed on a mountain top by college students with a full orchestra, grand piano, and 5 singers in Hawaii. The Spirit is exploding forth like a powerful fountain within us as we listen and participate in worship - bringing to us what has been stolen from us by modern religion. Be blessed! Yahushua is calling out to His Bride. His Bride is crying out "Bo Yahushua Bo!" - "come Yahushua come!"
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  • (May 13, 2021)
    It gives me great joy to share with you the faithfulness of Yahuwah to me, whom He saved many times from myself. Today, May 13, 2021, is the 70th anniversary of my new birth in 1951. I was gloriously saved then, but through the years I've come to know His saving mercy and kindness, forgiveness and restoration, until finally He won out and set my feet solidly on "the Rock of my salvation," and establishing my steps in His path. My testimony is Psalm 40:1-3!
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  • (August 8, 2021)
    This is an article to build your faith, raise your joy, peace, and expectation of your forever with Father and Son in Their Kingdom. It's really all good! It's Father's heart for you! It's what Messiah died and rose again to give to you! Isn't it worth everything you are and have now to go forward to "possess" what He has for you - all of it, at it's best? This teaching will help you see how compact everything is in what Yahuwah does, where He does it, and how it relates to His love for us.
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  • (February 3, 2022)
    Strange title, but the article gives you an invitation to be free like never before. Abba's ways are not our ways, He said. When we learn to think like He does, His reasoning makes complete sense. At sunset, we enter a new day, by His reasoning. Night precedes day. By man's reasoning, a new day begins at dawn - i..e. day precedes night. Adjusting our thinking to His, we are freed from man's reasoning and rise high into a new relationship with our heavenly Father and our Savior.
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  • (February 17, 2022)
    This article contains a part of my personal testimony I've never written or podcasted. It is my most personal testimony of how Abba, who IS LOVE, never changed towards me even though I deserved to be in hell. I wrote this because Abba said to me a few days ago that He wanted me to write this. He said there were people who read my articles and listen to my podcasts who need to hear what He did for me, and what He can do for them to set them free from the guilt and shame of their past. This is meant not for curiosity, but for those who will submit to transformation by Yahuwah's love, so they will be free of the shackles put on them by the dark kingdom.
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  • (September 18, 2022)
    What lessons have I learned through this physical disaster? Many, many, many lessons! I want to encourage you, and strengthen you, for we're all passing through testing and learning lessons we must learn to go forward with the Master into eternal life! Learning to trust in a new way, a higher way - I want to share these things with you.
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  • (September 23, 2022)
    This is a sequel to the article "Accelerate." It goes into deeper depth of the ways of Abba Yahuwah in His dealings with us personally, so that our eternal salvation continues through the set-apart process unto eternal transformation. We are moving towards His Kingdom as His child, so we must know what He is like and become like Him - "like Father, like son." It comes out of deep searching to know Him that I am going through more than ever before with the trial I find myself in. It is knowledge of the heart of Elohim that we must embrace to go forward with He and His Son.
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  • (September 27, 2022)
    This is the third in a serious sharing with you more depth of what I am learning by going through things I never thought would happen to me. He has used this time to reveal more of His nature, ways, and thinking - more of Himself as Abba/Daddy. Iyob/Job had to learn the depth of what He's after, eternal value, of how He deals with us. Yahuwah is after so much more for us than we can imagine. With all of HIs power, why doesn't He get us out of our messes, our pain, our suffering? He's after something much higher than temporary relief.
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  • (April 9, 2023)
    HalleluYah for First Fruits - the day we celebrate the resurrection of our Master Yahushua Messiah, our soon-coming King. This is a brief testimonial of what He began today with me, what He began 20 years ago, and what He began near 2,000 years ago for us. Take courage and be filled with faith, peace, and joy. Our Savior Reigns! His return is not far away
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  • (June 24, 2023)
    The key to going forward towards the Kingdom of heaven, on earth and forever, is knowing the love of Yahuwah and Yahushua personally, living in it, basking in it, responding to it, trusting in it. It is the key for healing of the mind, emotions, and body. I learned a lot last night at the Prayer Center meeting - being prayed for by a young man from South Africa, who gave me the key to unlock what the enemy used much of my life to hold me captive. I knew what he said, and have walked in it, but he amplified the key and my spirit picked up on it with joy!
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  • (November 28, 2023)
    This is a transcript of Podcast CDLXVI: The Curse of Wrong Thinking, podcasted today. It is a warning to those who seek to enter the Kingdom of Yahuwah and Yahushua, ending with current news of what is a threat right now to be acted on immediately. It is one of my strongest podcasts that will set you free to go forward towards eternity now if acted on.
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